rosaliewolfheart · 6 months
Soft, sweet, and highly trainable. Cats are the number two most common pet in the United States. I bet you thought I was describing dogs, cats are also some of the most misunderstood common pets that humans keep. They are hard to motivate but once you find what does(be it toys affection or food) then you’ll find your feline friend is just as smart if not smarter than Lassie, and don’t get me wrong they are limited in what can be taught to them but basic obedience and minor agility(on command) is very doable. 
Cats self-domesticated about 10,000 years ago, in the Middle East around the fertile crescent area. Felius Familiaris still carries most of the same traits as their wild ancestors like long tails used for balance when running and jumping, keen night vision, and sleek limber bodies that move silently on padded paws. Cat’s pupils a verticle to allow for light to enter their eyes without blinding them, and at night they have reflective tissue in the back of their eyes. The pinna’s(the outer part of the ear) job is to capture sound waves and funnel them down the ear canal to the middle ear. Cats’ pinnae are mobile, and they can turn and move them independently. Their ears help them display a range of emotions from calm and relaxed to scared and stressed, based on minute movement and the angle at which they carry their ears you can usually gauge how they are feeling. Their ears paired with the position of their tail, the way they’re walking(or lack thereof), and any vocalizations they might be making. This is why it is very important to get to know your cat and ALL of their normal behavior patterns, if your cat likes to be up high try providing lots of cat trees if your cat prefers to be on the ground make sure lots of beds and tunnels are available to them is very important for their mental wellbeing. Many cats display aggression because their needs are not being met, cats are creatures of habit so it’s vital to have a routine and stick to it. If you set up a routine and then you are not consistent with it your cat will end up very stressed out and potentially lash out. Some tools that could help create that schedule are things like auto feeders and independent play toys, and offering very specific toys in specific circumstances, like if you have to work on your computer for extended hours at a time providing your cat with a puzzle toy will keep them occupied and allow them to mentally exhaust themselves while you work and once you’re done you pick up the puzzle so it retains it’s value.
Another note there: toys that are always accessible are less valuable than toys that only come out at certain times, even if your cat can’t reach it but can still see it it will lose value.
Cats are wonderful cuddly companions that are amazing family pets, but unlike dogs they’ll only put as much work into you as they’re getting from you which is where the misconception that cats are aloof creatures comes from.
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