#castle 4x5 quote
castle-dominion · 11 months
c4x5 eye of the beholder
I'm so freaking excited it has been so long since I've been able to bingewatch & liveblog!
Heist film ok! Fellow's just playing with wires & having fun. Love the music.
Thank goodness for subtitles I like how her first thought is "excuse me" before she realizes he's dead
Castle is in the groove. Point for the adhd headcanon. I'm adhd I get to decide which characters have adhd & the answer is most of them. RC: Too late. He just went kersplat. Now…how can I help you? Hey A Doll's House was a... an interesting & tragic but beautiful play & I got to play the audio version while my brother was talking to his friend named stella. "Stella! Stella!"
MR: Fiasco? You married her. Well he has the occasional poker club, he played with The Team & capt montgomery a while back, he had a gotham city crew with the judge, the mayor, & montgomery, he has his writer's poker club...
Sometimes art is about emotional response not looking pretty. It is about intrigue, anger... Tho sometimes the real art is the essay the artist writes explaining it not the art itself.
Oh yeah beckett never told castle she was a model
RC: Somebody stole The Fist of Capitalism? Anyone check up the ass of socialism? ASDFHSKLJDFHAKLDSJFAKJSDFJKALSDFJ MY POOR MOTHER WAS NOT PAYING ATTENTION WHEN WE WATCHED IT SO I REPEATED IT FOR HER & SHE WAS CSO DISSAPPOINTED WITH ME BUT IT WAS SO FUNNY. ANYONE CHECK UP THE ASS OF SOCIALISM XD XD XD I'M LEGITIMATELY LAUGHING OUT LOUD & I HAVE HEARD IT BEFORE IT'S JUST SO GOOD. Some ppl are probably thinking "what's so funny? It was just a little comedic comment, nothing more" but I say f you it's funny to me. Wait what anticapitalist would make an art piece called the fist of capitalism worth 50mil & sell it to wealthy capitalists? You know what? I don't care, they can make money off of it then let them. They can spend the money buying land for their community garden.
If I remember correctly, why was she so shocked when she found him dead? Ryan is not wearing a tie but still has a green button up shirt & a brown double breasted coat what hehas undone except I think it is designed to LOOK double breasted but it is not since I can see both buttons on one side & it is not done up... I like how RYAN at least takes notes. Must have a good shorthand to be able to record it. of course he was worried someone would steal it bro maybe he WAS paranoid & his paranoia turned out to be right. I'm paranoid that doors will lock behind me (too much dnd) but sometimes I'm right so that paranoia pays off
How sharp are those spikes? I feel like it would take A Lot of force to get him impaled & it would be difficult to get him stuck on there that far back w/o you yourself getting impaled
I wanted to do vulnerability assessment at some point. Still, I wouldn't mind. That's one of the reasons I learned how to pick locks. BECKETT'S job is proof, so you should help HER find the proof. becks is so territorial, just let the gal help
it is not a lucky guess it was an educated hypothesis (that "mno" ryan said <3) [Gates pokes her head out of her office.] GATES Beckett! [Gates returns to her office.] RYAN Oh, great, what'd you do now? BECKETT (whisper) Shut up. So is this the next day or smth? bc castle went from red to blue, ryan went from green shirt no tie to thinly striped red/purple/grey (i can't tell) shirt WITH a tie this time. Becks is wearing a cute tie too today. Castle *spits drink in a mist* Ryan *looks up at it*
Girl he has expertise at writing, at getting into the mind of a killer.
Castle & ryan watching them but as soon as becks looks over just *quick get back to work* Girl shut the up she wants her finder's fee & she is helping!
Ryan *explaining the case* sericka (serena/rick) *googoo eyes* Ryan *uncomfy* Exceot she took the flash drive didn't she? why doesn't she give it to them if she's trying to help? She's right, too hot. Espt: *yo info!* *stops when seeing a pretty lady* Castle: "she's with us" Espt: *uncomfy* ok. Anyhow. *to beckett* [info]
SK, being just a little bit smug & a-hole-like: Now that we have some direction, I can get us some leads. KB: Great. Let’s go. SK: You can’t come. KB: I’m sorry, you might have misunderstood the word “consultant”. This is my case. SK: The people there won’t talk to cops. But they’ll talk to me. RC: *starts following* KB: Where are you going? RC: Uh…I’m not a cop either… He's right transript: "Ryan makes an "ooh, dangerous territory" look."
Finn: Busy with what? Jason Bateman over here? RC: Hey, that got me out of a speeding ticket once. Castle u don't know NOT to tell that!
JE: Serena was right. Falco’s a badass. Look how phat his Interpol file is. She just comes in out of nowhere interrupts them in the breakroom, which reminds me, I need to talk to my coworker about his legally required breaks. He needs to take them & clock out for that time. Grab a drink. Sit outside for a few. Yeah a good apartment is SO divorce worthy lol Becks he said any means necessary, Joy it does not necessarily mean theft
Why doesn't he have a lawyer? Ryan playing with his pen point for the adhd hc He knew falco was a person! How?
Ryan *walks all swaying* *sees sericka* *walks straight* Hayes was paranoid that it would be stolen & fenced, he was probably asking for the same reason sericka asked "the usual" Becks is so jeally. She told castle she's a one writer girl & isn't cheating on him by working with alex conrad but now rick is cheating on her with another sexy muse. it's the fbi agent again.
psychologist moments <3 Martha moments <3
Basically asking her permission. espt looks like he's wearing pyjamas. (long sleeve pyjama looking shirt with only a few buttons on the top & a lighter grey breast pocket.) & then ryan is wearing a nice v light grey dress shirt with a nice square patterned tie & darker grey coat.
Hostess: That’s right. She was in her 30s, but still really hot.
KR: No, no, thank you. (hangs up) Hey, just got off with the insurance company. Guess what Serena did before she worked for them? RC: Kindergarten teacher? JE: Art thief. KR: Alleged art thief. JE: Whatever. Vulnerability assessment bro! Check her hair gel tho! I like gates. *stink eye*
Ah yes, heist movie style. I like castle's square patterned coat
Where is ryan? Esposito talking feelings with beckett <3 She just readily admits she was a thief Indigenous rights! Heck yeah screw nazis screw the ss, steal back that painting babe! Return the mummy from the previous episode to the indigenous people it belongs to! Go to england & take back that totem pole for my wetsuweten cousins! Give kookum's blanket back to her grandbabies! I'm glad I was not eating cereal at that whip comment Tha'ts a giant hotel room WITH EXTRA WHIPPED CREAM-- Why does she have her phone out? Why does she have it on the table? what if she LEAVES it? oh those are some sexy tools. Oh at least becks got her phone & texted him back. You know what? Good on him. Now sneak away behind him quickly now hsakjhhsdjfh why did you say "hey" to her bro!?? Espt just there & castle has lipstick on his face now lol
KB: Yeah, well, you’re thinking with the wrong body part. He's thinking with his head, not his heart, the head of his dick eyoo! SHe's right, don't let him in on the investigation. Still, where is ryan? Castle don't make that gesture, that's how u get arrested for murder RC: I was only doing--! [The interrogation room door slams in his face.] RC: …what you asked! [Castle turns away from the door then turns back around and makes a strangling motion. He pulls down his suit coat as he enters Observation.] [Ryan and Esposito look at Castle.] RC: I thought I’d sit this one out. (bro they heard) [Esposito nods "Uh-huh." Ryan moves over some files for Castle to have a seat on the desk. I wish I could describe what they look like, the way ryan moves the files is so Something. Castle sits Right Beside ryan & it reminds me of that time castle was sitting on the desk & ryan pushed him half off in 3x1]
SK: And here I thought Rick was the only writer on your team. KR: Rick? You guys on a first name basis, now? JE: Well, he was making out with her in the hotel hallway. KR: *looks at rick shocked* RC: Beckett told me to stall her. JE: She also tell you to use tongue? KR: *shakes his head* Her eyes are really pretty. A nice dark blue. KR: Yeah, like, strangely calm. Maybe she didn’t do it. Either that, or she’s a psychopath. In which case, *hits castle gently* you sure can pick ‘em. Yeah SK is really hot tbh, & not just in a physical sense She's right: Because in my experience the police just get in the way. My job’s to recover the sculpture, not play nice.
Hotels are insane. *intense music* *Ryan, Esposito, and three S.W.A.T. members stand in the elevator with a hotel manager while ditty elevator music plays.* *intense music & breaking down doors*
I swear man didn't do it Oh nvm he def did. But I like him. How did he get the name falco btw? Who gave it to him? I love him. Hair gel is perfectly manly bro, the only women I know who use hair gel are punks. Then again punks often get called fags so idk. Oh he is falco. I really like him
*sees sexy lady* Whoa. Bad cop struck out, good cop gets a turn? they totally are thief flirting. See? Vulnerability assessment! You didn't catch her skin colour?
it CAN be paranoia
Castle you can OPEN it you don't need to Kick It Open! Yeah lol if it was her why did she flip when she found the body?
Oh nvm it's this lady
U missed the "t"
I like how serena actually thanks becks. I also like how castle flips that cup. Made them each a coffee <3 She doesn't steal things that belong to someone else aaaaaaah Well castle that's what u get for breaking their stuff! Date night! nice music! thank god I'm rich
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