min-yunki-agustd Β· 11 months
Writing Request!
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Thanks For the request! I conbinded two of your request so this will be part one.
TW: emeto, nausea, mentions of V****
Sickie: Taehyungie
Caretaker: Yoongi
Word Count:1k+
Part : One
It was late, Taehyung was in their bed, he'd decided to hop into bed early tonight. Something about dinner wasn't sitting right in his stomach. Maybe he'd eaten too much? yoongi hyung was feeding him a lo during dinner. He was resting on his side scrolling on Twitter when he felt the bed behind him dip. He heard a grown that he knew had to be yoongi. He turned off to see Yoongi hyung laying stiff in his bed playing on his phone. Tae assumes this is his way of spending time with him. Tae turns over and rests his head on his hyung. They stay like that for a while until Taehyung begins to complain to his hyung about his stomach. " do you think you might have had too much to eat ?" Yoongi asks the younger. " I'm not sure but it hurrrttts" tae whines. " come here?" yoongi invites him to scoot closer." taehyung flintches when Yoongies icy pale fingers make contact with his skin. " did I hurt you?" Yoongni asks somewhat concerned. " no" you hands are freezing" tae says pouting. " oh " yoongi says he takes his hand and balls them into a fist against his lips. He blows into them. attempting to warm his hands. He tries again to take a tummy. being as gentle as possible. he gently glides his long boney fingers across the younger's belly. For a while, tae hyung felt nice. The longer they lay on taehyungs bed the more uncomfortable he begins to feel. his hyung notices. " have you tried using the bathroom?" yoongi asks. ' no" tae says pouting again. " go try Tae-tae" Taheyung slowly rises from the bed. He quickly puts a hand on his middle. Gravity swishes his stomach around. nausea hit him like a bus as soon as he started moving his stomach felt like a ton of bricks in a washing machine. huddled over he shimmed to the bathroom. As soon as he sees the toilet he gags and he has to race to it. He retches loudly.
Yoongi sits up slightly confused and definitely concerned. yoongi calls out to tae. " Taehyungie? " Tae can't respond his mouth is full of sick and he's desperately trying not to make a mess. Taehyung retches hard in response to his hyung. He's instantly hit with dizziness and he squats down and aims for the toilet. Yoongi gets up and walks over to the bathroom. yoongi enters the bathroom to see taehyung shivering and shaking over the toilet. loud retches echo all around. Yoongi steps inside. He sits on the bathtub adjacent to the toilet. he rubs Taes back until the choking noises slow to a stop. once Taehyung's able to stop being sick he rests his body on his hyung. " want to go lay down?",yoongi asks. Taehyung lurches forward with a dry gag. Nothing came up. He rests back on his hyung. Yoongni was about to ask again but Taehyung shook his head yes. Yoongi rose from where he sat and gently helped tae off the floor. Taehyung felt weak, nauseous, dizzy, and cold. He shivered in his hyungs arms. once they were back to taehyungs bed yoongi checked his temperature. with the back of his palm. taehyung was boiling hot and shivering. He helped taehyung under the cover and left out of the room to get some meds and a thermometer. Taehyung groaned in pain due to the aching in his stomach. yoongi came back with two different types of medicnie and a thermometer. "this one is for your stomach and fever and this one is for nausea. Tahyung didn't care who did it he just wanted the pain to stop. The first medicine he was given was a pill he washed down with water the second was a little harder to get down. He gagged a bit, and yoongi instantly pulled out a trash can from thin air. Or maybe yoongi hand it the whole time taehyung didn't know. after gagging three times and looking as though the medicine would come back up he managed to get it down.
He rests his head on his pillow. He slept for a while. In what he thought to be his dreams his stomach swirled and he threw up. it was only after he opened his eyes did he realize that he threw up half asleep. Yoongi was there cleaning up the sick off of his blanket-covered legs. yoongi handed him the trash can again and then ripped the blanket off the bed. Taehyung whined and complained. he was shivering. " I know I know, but I have to throw this in the washing machine. I'll come back with a new blanket. Taehyung stayed there on the bed cold achy and stuck puking into a bucket that was slowly filling up. When yoongi came back and taehyung finally stopped throwing up, yoongi threw another comforter over the sickly younger. 'yoongi asked if he wanted his stomach rubbed again and tae shook his head fast at the question. This time yoongi's hands were delightfully warm. Yoogni could tell the younger middle was slightly swollen and irritated. Yoongi must have pressed down too hard because taehyung groaned and pushed his hand off. " are you ok tae?" yoongi asked afraid he might have hurt the other. " yeah stomach just turning." he says. Taehyung slowly drifts off to sleep. Yoongi last back on the bed figuring he should try to catch some zzz's as well. Sleep when the baby sleeps people always say, he thinks to himself. Unfortunately, they didn't sleep for long before taehyung woke up with a lot of stomach pain. Yoongni had tae describe it and make sure his appendix wasn't rupturing. It was when Taheyung hiccupped and gagged when yoongi helped to taehyung and asked," Do you need the bathroom?" yoongi keeps calm. tae's only response is another hiccup. Yoongi asked again getting slightly worried. taehyung shook his head hand still clinging to his face. Taehyung was looking kinda green and dizzy now. Yoongi reached over again and grabbed the trash can for tae to use. Taehyung quickly releases his hand into it and retched hard. his entire body would roll with each retch making him feel even worse with the movement. He threw up for a very long time before being able to rest back on the bed. His entire body ached at that point. The bout of nausea finally lowered a bit and he was able to take another nap. Yoongi stayed at his side offering stomach and back rubs and letting him know he would be alright. This time yoongi couldn't really go back to sleep, he worried about what in the world taehyung eat to make him that sick. If it was the food would yoongi become just as sick? They had eaten the same foods yoongi was fed taehyung practically the entire dinner. yoongi put his worries aside and focused on taehyung. He checked his phone it was 5 o'clock in the morning he figured he'd check the laundry, rest here and then make tae some to eat before calling out of work when tae woke up.
Morning came, and the sun warm sun hitting taehyung's face woke him. he found yoongi at his side. " good morning sickly" yoongi says. "do you feel well enough to take a shower?" yg asked. Taeyhung shook his head. He was lying but he really wanted to brush the sick out of his mouth and tho clean off his sweaty body. " ok then I'll get you some breakfast cooking while you do that. " don't push yourself too hard take your time" yg says before rising off the bed and heading the for kitchen. taehyung does as he's told. He takes a minute to stare at the ceiling, waiting for his stomach to settle down before rising off the bed. He slowly makes his way to the bathroom. In the kitchen, yoongi cuts up carrots as chicken broth boils on the stovetop. He's somewhat delighted when he hears the shower turn on in the other room. Assuming tae made it to the bathtub safely. Once tae hyung finished taking a shower he turns off the water. He has to stop and steady himself for a moment when vertigo hits him randomly. He gathers himself, grabs a towel, and sits in front of the toilet. A strong wave of nausea hit him and figured he'd rather sit in front of the toilet than make a mess on the floor. He sits for a while waiting for something to happen. another ever comes and he slowly rises back to his feet. he sat there for so long that he had completely air-dried off minus his hair. He slowly waddles back to his room to find clean clothes for him. He puts them on and climbs back into bed weakly. Once he was settled he felt as tho he'd run a marathon. Yoongni comes into the room "Food ready would you like to eat it on the couch?" he asks. " sure" taehyung says keeping his responses short. " ok, I'll meet you there ' yg answers. Yoognni runs out of the room to the kitchen. Tae swings his legs off the bed and makes his way toward the kitchen. he's not even halfway across the room when he is struck with a surprise bout of nausea. he hits the floor throwing up on the tiles. Yoongi heard the crash and runs back int to Teahyung's room. As if it were perfect timing the producer yg was supposed to be working with today calls him up. He answers and explains his situation the conversation is short due to the producer being able to hear taehyung gagging and retching in the background. He told yg he completely understood and would inform their boss of the situation.
Once the phone call ended yg was able to give his full attention to take. he helped tae sit up and when he was done puking his soul up yoongi clean the younger off and cleaned up the floor. yoongi keep a closer eye on him from that point making sure he was alright to get around. taehyungs stomach settled enough to eat some of the soup yoongi had ready for him in the living room and they rested there for the rest of the day watching tv.
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