#canon characters always make me nervous bc people can feel very strongly about them you know? and i worry maybe i can’t capture their voice
it’s stuff like this post and this post that makes me want to write k.yojuro bc he’s just!! such a good egg and brings my little heart so much joy when i think about him :’ )) but i dunno we’ll see! it’s just a thought bc we’ve had some very lovely kyo portrayals and it maybe shouldn’t matter? but i’m not sure if i’d have anything to add that hasn’t been explored before.
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themountainsays · 4 years
It's clear Anna and Elsa have loved each other since ALWAYS, because they grew up together (partially), and I've seen a lot of fics develop their romantic relationship from that point, their feelings evolving towards that direction.
But i wonder, if they didn't know each other, what would they find attractive about the other? What would first attract them to each other? What would make them love each other? Because non-familial love is always conditional (as all healthy non-familial love is), so there must be a reason for them to love each other. Shared experience and the gradual development of a bond is a great answer but I'm thinking more about the particular personality traits, for lack of a better word, that make them want to spend time together or even like each other at all.
I can very easily see why someone would be attracted to Anna because ngl she's pretty much my type. Funny, energetic, idealistic, a heart full of love and kindness and courage. Not afraid to get dirty or engage in risky physically activity. I think what I admire the most about her was her willingness to do the right thing, no matter how painful. Watching her try to destroy her own home simply because it was the correct thing to do sent chills down my spine because thats exactly what I admire in a comrade. Someone willing to sacrifice individual happiness for the good of the community.
(Oof getting pretty lefty latina on main let's go back to frozen)
But for Elsa? I mean, most of her character development revolves around her powers and the trauma related to them. It's reached a point where it's impossible to tell where the powers end and Elsa begins. I do think this is intentional and it's not a bad writing decision, even I personally would rather explore who she is as a person and a human being in a way that doesn't revolve entirely around her powers and trauma.
I remember making a post about it? You can read it here and it's basically about how Elsa deserves better than becoming a norse godess: she deserves to he a normal woman among normal people. It makes more sense in the post go read it
So that's what i'm gonna try to do! As you can see no structure no essay only unorganized thoughts posted in tumbrl dot com for everyone to disagree with
I mean from canon we Uuuh well this is going to sound like a no brainer but Elsa is a very careful person. With other people not with herself lmao but you can see in every scene with how much care she treats others. This is usually physical care, because she was raised to believe emotions didn't matter and physical safety was the most important thing, and this is why she repeately ends up hurting people's feelings, all in an attempt to keep then physically safe (rejecting Anna at the party TWICE, both events clearly hurting both. Sending Anna away on the canoe (NOT A KAYAK), which again is painful for both sisters). But if you look at the bigger picture you can observe there's much more than that. From the beginning she spoils her little sister and takes care of her as kids, and through Frozen Fever she cranks up the spoiling to eleven, because she actually loves to see Anna happy. It's very painful for Elsa to reject her. You can see it at the party and during the canoe scene. Actually she loves to see EVERYONE happy. At the end of Frozen i, during OFA and at the beginning of frozen ii she spends time with her people literally making toys for children like fucking Santa Claus, creating an ice skating rink in her own backyard and organizing a fest for everyone to eat for fucking free (two fests, actually. maybe three? Can't remember) i mean what kind of queen does this?? She's way too nice. Even when people are trying to kill her her first reaction is to beg them to stay away so she won't hurt them. She makes it clear she's hiding in the mountains not because she's scared of being hurt (WHICH IS WHAT GRAND PABBIE PREDICTED WOULD HAPPEN). She's hiding because she doesn't want to cause harm. She's trying to fucking protect the people who want to kill her. In frozen ii her first reaction to seeing the tiny dragon is trapped is to offer him a hand and play with him because she's just that nice. She later cuddles a baby reindeer. Oh and in FF she's being mom friend on main by mothering kristoff and olaf as well. Remember she bought him a new sledge and invented a whole new job for him when she could do it herself with her magic? Now she's wiping the paint from his face. You know, like a mom. She even does it in thay gross mom way, licking her thumb and smearing the saliva all over ew ew my mom did that every time i got food on my face its gross. I wonder how kristoff didn't get a cold too that shit's contagious. Anyways, conclussion: while i think her desire to protect people was exacerbated by her trauma, i do think she always had it on her. She likes making people happy. She makes fucking toys for children is she a queen or a toy factory. She likes to spoil everyone around her. And I think this is partially because she wants people to like her. You can see how much it hurts her when people think badly of her ("you only know how to shut people out"). Later, seeing her people scared of her is what makes her run away. Hans telling her not to be the monster everyone thinks she is is what stops her and snaps her back into reality. No one likes to be disliked, but I think Elsa is particularly sensitive to this. And you can see her at her happiest in two different situations:
When she's being loved and cherished by her people (with Anna by her side)
And when she's free and in the wild.
Which leads me to my second point: Elsa is a horse girl
Ok but apart from being a horse girl you can see she... really enjoys being outside, and being free, and exploring the unknown. I'm thinking about LIG, SY and in part yeah ITU. She seems to actually enjoy physical activity like running and probably also hiking? Being away from society seems to be very stimulating for her which, first of all same. If i could live in a glacier i would i completely understand her choice because that's every girl's dream: live in the ice AND study history all day. What else could you possibly want? This is actually when she's at her highest energy. Being introverted doesn't mean you have low energy it doesn't mean jack shit which is why I think I can safely say Elsa is a kinda high energy person actually. Particularly when she's happy (hello??? Frozen Fever??), and what seems to bring the most excitement to her is to be outdoors and in nature. You know like a horse girl. She sings and dances and she's a huge dork who likes to play in the snow and ride horses and sleep on moving sledges and cuddle smelly baby reindeer and climb mountains. It does take her a bit to come out of her shell tho. You can see how stiff she is during the charades scene. But by the end of Frozen i she's dancing with her sister in the ice, surrounded by the entire kingdom.
Shes highly sensitive too. Like I mean this is a no brainer. And her lack of emotional intelligence doesn't help. But if you focus more on how strongly she feels and less on how little control she has over her emotions in frozen i at least you can appreciate how kind her heart is. Did i mention she makes toys for random kids like santa claus? But seriously, she doesn't have a mean spirited bone in her body. Apart from making Anna dance with the duke of weaselton (Oooh mischevious little shit). She's ALWAYS feeling things and VERY STRONGLY. ALL THE TIME. Its like she doesn't have a neutral mode. She's either crying of happiness and dancing like a hippie or having a mental breakdown. I can only imagine she experiences love, wonder, tenderness, care, excitement, indignation, surprise, grief... all so intensely. Her view of the world must be through a filter of constant emotion. When everything elicits such a strong reaction in her heart, she must experience the world in a very special way.
She's also an architecture nerd. She made a whole ice castle by herself in like a minute. Which means she's also a math nerd. She likes geography and physics. This is canon. She built a castle by herself.
She also giggles when awkward or nervous or maybe embarassed (but not scared) (sources, FF, that scene when kai startles her and she freezes her own hands).
Now i'm thinking about about a very famous architect visiting Arendelle and the mighty legendary ice queen giggling like a little girl and fiddling with her hands as she's organizing the welcome and making sure everything is PERFECT because she's going to meet someone she admires. See? Can you picture that scene? Yeah that has more personality than some of her scenes in f2
Oh right and she's also a hardcore perfectionist. She has high standards for herself and she gets frustrated and dissapointed if she can't meet them. Observe how she doesn't hold anyone but herself to these standards. Just look at the first scene in FF, how much pressure she puts in herself to make the PERFECT CAKE DECORATION but she's more accepting of Kristoff and Olaf's imperfections.
Kinda delving into headcanon territory but remember that comic with Anna separating all the blue M&Ms bc she knows those are Elsa's favorite so she can eat them all in front of her as revenge for shutting her out, and Elsa is having a philosophical breakdown at 8 in her room and Anna angrily eating all the blue M&Ms snaps her back into reality? Yep that's her. Elsa thinks too much. But she gets stuck in her ideas and doesn't end up doing anything unless she's pushed to it. Compare to Anna, who might be less thoughtful but more active, coming up with plans and solutions on the spot (not all of which are good but at least they're SOMETHING) while Elsa philosophizes too much and ends up doing nothing. But the scene that made me think of this was when, after her parents tell her the story of the magic forest, Anna goes "that was EPIC" while Elsa looks down and very quietly she asks what happened to the forest and Ahtohallan yep that's bc she thinks too much and also she's an enneagram 6
Speaking of which if i had to type i think her tritype would be... 6w7, 1w2, 5w4? In that order. Yep she's a 6w7 like Rapunzel. I thought about typying her as a 6w5 but i think her 5 wing comes out the most when she's repressing herself and hiding and concealing and not feeling and all that shit. When she's free and happy she's acting much more like a 7. Whoever said Anna is a 6 and Elsa is a 4 can get out of my blog bc Anna is clearly a 2. Probably. I think. No 6 would throw a snowball at marshmallow. I do think it's somewhere in her tritype considering frozen ii tho. Too much enneagram bullshit. To the conclussion:
Conclussion: these are some of the reasons why someone (including Anna) could fall in love with Elsa. In the movie Anna loves Elsa bc she's her sister but if her love was conditional, like most healthy love is, i think these could be the reasons why she would love her, platonically or romantically. Basically she's too nice, was probably be the kindest and most sensitive queen ever, and she's a nerd, and she's a horse girl, and she giggles when nervous (v important). And also she's a perfectionist.
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(1/2) Hello there! I'm thinking of writing a fem!sparrow/salazar fic. It's mostly focused on their past, and I'm gonna be changing a few things on jack's backstory. (The identity of his mother is one thing. They haven't even given us a name so I'm thinking of making his mother Portuguese just for a nice scene involving a game of cards (bisca; brisca in spanish). Because I like doing cute scenes between two characters and then hurting them, haha)
(2/2) Anyway, do you have any tips for writing Salazar? I really want to get him right. Your Salazar is so great, I'm in awe. So, kind of nervous I'll write him too OOC. And do you know anyone who would like to be a beta reader? I'm kind of new to the POTC fandom and don't know many people here, unfortunately. :/
;;thanks for reaching out to me, first of all! I really appreciate and am flattered that you enjoy my depiction of him. There are also a lot of other great Salazar blogs out there that bring interesting facets to the character as well, I think they’d be more than worth checking out (yall know who you are, holla if you’re a Salazar. I’d list folks myself but I don’t want to leave anyone out if there’s a multiple I’m not aware of!). With that said, Salazar has a lot of room for development as a character. There’s still A LOT canon never told us about him (and maybe never will, who knows), but there’s definitely enough there to go off of as is. Another important aspect of the character is considering how his ‘living’ self contrasts with his ‘dead/cursed’ self, if indeed you plan to factor in both halves. I’ll get to that in a moment. 
Leaving the rest under a cut bc I get a bit long-winded here.  
Some basic characteristics I think can be gleaned from the film about this character (his living side): he clings strongly to his morals (which he believes are unquestionably just), things are very black/white, cut/dried for him (pirates are shot on sight, no room for ambiguity here), he believes himself to be at the forefront of an effort that will improve the world for the better. I approach him with that sort of self-righteousness in mind, it’s the essence of who he is. Ultimately though, I feel he’s working for the common good, sees himself as a servant to his country and to every innocent person whose lives have been destroyed by pirates. 
Now, as for his cursed self. I’ve always approached these two sides as almost two different muses; to me, it’s a very Jekyll and Hyde situation. The worst, darkest qualities of Salazar come out and begin to rule him when he’s cursed- his anger, his bloodlust, his need for revenge, that complete lack of discrimination when he attacks ships (if they’re in his way, they’re getting crunched). The things that made him human and (imo) a good person at heart get pushed and drowned out, like any sense of mercy, empathy, etc. HOWEVER, in this cursed era I like to toy with how much of either side of him is in control. I like to find reasons for his humanity to peek back through, just a little. It makes for an interesting plot device and character. 
Keep in mind, these are just my tactics and preferences for writing the character. There’s not really any such thing as ‘OOC’ so long as you can justify to your reader why a character is acting a certain way. Inevitably he’s going to develop in your writing beyond what canon gave us and you shouldn’t be afraid of that. Let him grow like a flower in a garden, he’ll show you who he wants to be. 
As for beta reading I’d be happy to help you out, time allowing. I edited tons of papers throughout college and student-teaching so JUST LEMME KNOW. I’d love to talk more about this through private correspondence, maybe we can exchange emails or something. Jsyk you can also find my fanfic under the penname lahijadelmar on AO3
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