#canan divergent from the very last few minutes of the show
gemgirl28 · 1 year
ATLA prompt, post-canon: Lu Ten lives, Iroh and the Gaang only find out when he walks into the Jasmine Dragon.
Hello dear!! 💜Thank you for the prompt!!
OoooO I've seen a few headcanons about this before, let's see if I can do them justice.
Toph and her brilliant "vision" sensed him first.
"There's someone at the door," she said. "He's been standing there long enough to have read the sign saying the shop is closed."
"Maybe he can't read," Aang suggested. Sokka nodded in agreement.
"I'll go tell him," Katara said, rising from her spot and setting aside her teacup.
"I'll go with you," Zuko quickly said. At Sokka's raised brow, he tacked on "You know, in case the guy is dangerous."
"You know I can take care of myself," Katara said with a teasing smile.
"Yeah and we all know you just want to be alone with Katara because you - mmmfff!" Zuko clapped his hand over Toph's mouth and whispered something in her ear. When she nodded, Zuko pulled his hand away and followed Katara out of the private room where they were celebrating the end of the war, leaving behind a silent but smirking Toph.
"I wonder why this guy is hanging around," Katara mused, heading downstairs to the main portion of the Jasmine Dragon.
"Probably someone who got turned around and is lost. Look, Katara..." Zuko trailed off, trying to find the right words for what he wanted to say.
She hummed in acknowledgment as she reached the front door, unlocking it and pushing it open.
"I'm sorry but the Jasmine Dragon is closed today, but you can come back tomorrow for some of Iroh's amazing tea!" Katara said to the loitering man, who Zuko saw had his hood up, casting his face in a shadow.
"If it's alright, I'd like to speak with Iroh." He pulled down his hood, and Zuko gasped.
The man's attention snapped to him. "Zuko?"
Katara's hands flew to her mouth. "Are you...?"
"Forgive me," he said, bringing his fists together and slowly bowing. "I am Lu Ten, son of Iroh."
"They said you were dead," Zuko said. Katara's eyes flickered between them for a tense moment.
"I'll go get Iroh," she whispered, though they heard her clearly. She turned and sprinted back into the shop.
"I would prefer to tell my story only once, cousin, but it was no longer safe for me to be alive," Lu Ten said.
Zuko swallowed thickly, counting the moments till Iroh returned. "So you... faked your own death?"
"With a little assistance, yes. And I've been hiding since."
"Who helped you?" Zuko asked. Lu Ten grinned.
"When you return to the Fire Nation, she'll be waiting for you." Lu Ten stepped forward and clapped Zuko on the shoulder. "I'm sure you'll be very excited to see your mother again."
Zuko's jaw dropped open. Try as he might, he couldn't form words, but any sound would have been lost to the sob that came from the rear of the shop.
"Son?! My son!"
"Hello, Father."
Send me a prompt and a pairing!
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