#can't wait to be proven wrong by s3 <3
ineffablecollision · 7 months
when do you think the husbands realized they were head over heels for eachtoher?
hey nonny!
thanks for getting me out of bed, i don't want to possibly type this out with my phone sdflkjsdfds
i think i need to dissect this into multiple parts, because them being head over heels for each other, as you put it, to me also implies they know one is attracted to the other as well, you know? and i feel like that might be different times for aziraphale and crowley.
aziraphale feels to me like he was smitten the first time he saw the Angel. he's a little romantic and would love the concept "love at first sight". who knows, maybe he told his writer friends about it and that's why it's such a common trope now :)
it would've taken a bit longer for crowley. especially after the fall he must've had trust issues up the wazoo. seeing aziraphale lie in the job job did impress him though, apart from him being able to tempt aziraphale with some ox rib... i think he must've at least caught a major interest in aziraphale then.
by 1606 i'm sure crowley has at least developed a proper crush on aziraphale. he inspires shakespeare, someone aziraphale is rooting for, with a line that is both directed at aziraphale and shakespeare goes on to use in a play, as well as helping him growing to success via miracle just for aziraphale's sake.
but when they both realized they fell for each other? i think it's hard to pinpoint. i personally feel like they're deep into their infatuation by the french revolution, with both of them being aware. the things we see afterwards were just more pivotal points to their totally-just-work-relationship. 1827 they go on a graveyard date!!
i'm also very much a 1941 truther and believe we will get more context in that regard. i think said context might be when they were like "fuck it, we're doing this"
super happy to hear other people's interpretations though! i know that opinions differ since we all interpret things differently. like fuck, some people might believe they're aroace through and through and the kiss was just for shock? who knows!
but yeah, that's my interpretation of things :)
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