#can't believe my humanistic ass studied languages to be freed from science and i STILL have to study it. god hates me
koumeowkami · 10 months
Wait, what's so bad about linguistics ? I thought it was the fun little language science?
fun... oh my god... you poor fools /j
i think you don't know how bad linguistics can get until you study it. maybe if you're a science fanatic and already have a scientific mindset you might enjoy it, but since i'm not like that at all it's simply hell for me. too many definitions, too many little things to remember, not to mention all the sounds you have to memorize and the ways they're written. it's actually kinda boring, too.
everyone studying languages usually struggles a lot with linguistics and it's pretty much one of the hardest exams here (i'll be starting my third year at uni in october and i still have to do the linguistics exam. you study it in the first year). i also had to study ENGLISH linguistics which was worse cause i had to remember all of that in another language... it wasn't pretty
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