#can you tell i didnt have s ingle idea in my head today
hqmillioncorn · 9 months
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FFXIVWrite Day twenty: Hamper
“Enshroud?” Babycorn blinked. “Um…I was told to not let my Voidsent take over my body.” Many people had told her this. Not to mention that one of Babycorn’s biggest fears was losing control of herself. A fear that had already come true numerous times already. She had no plans in letting it happen again. “Oh no, no! I would never!” Raspberry assured her, “All I would do is let you borrow some of my energy and that would give you a boost.” She paused, “Or two.” Deciding that she would not wait to think about the ramifications of receiving Voidsent energy, Babycorn jumped into action. “Then what are we waiting for?! Let’s try it!” 
“Oooh…This is bad…” 
Babycorn poked the horns that had parted their way past her bright colored hair. Her hair color was a sharp contrast to the dark color of her new horns. “Why did they have to show up today?” 
Babycorn was going to be busy today! Today was the day that she was going to go out shopping with Hanabi and Lunya! They had been planning this for days now! She didn’t have time to hide under the bed, embarrassed about her newly sprouted horns. 
“I didn’t even use enshroud that much yesterday!” Babycorn paused and turned to the backpack sitting on her bed. “Hungstla? I wasn’t transformed that long yesterday was I?!” 
The purple backpack couldn’t actually answer her. It didn’t know how to talk. Not only that it was a little nervous to admit that Babycorn had actually spent almost half the day yesterday in her enshrouded form. 
Though to Babycorn it had felt more like five minutes because of the whole being hopped up on Voidsent energy thing. 
Hungstla used its small little arms that doubled as straps to give Babycorn a vague shrug.
“Awwwugh…” While that didn’t really help at all, Babycorn could never be mean to Hungstla. “Thanks Hungstla…” This was mostly her fault anyway. The person she was most mad at was herself for being so reckless with her enshroud form. 
“Or maybe I should be mad at Raspberry about it. She’s the one who didn’t tell me about these stupid side-effects!” Babycorn grabbed a soft pillow from a pile and threw it on the floor, she stomped on it not once, not twice, but a grand total of three times. 
Part of her wondered if she was getting too flustered about this.
But that part of her was quickly snuffed out by the other part of Babycorn that just knew that going outside in public looking like this was going to get her a bunch of unwanted attention from a bunch of strangers. 
Maybe they would even point and laugh at her. Then who knows what else.
Would her friends also…?
Babycorn shook her head. That had done it! 
There was no way she was going out like this!
Babycorn stormed over to her desk in a huff. She was glad she had invested in a small mirror to place in her room. She had initially bought it to see if she could practice applying make-up on her face just like some of her friends did but now it was working to check for any irregularities that appeared on her after some of her Reaper adventures. 
Panic began to rise in her chest when she noticed a few splotches of the color orange around her now yellow eyes. “...Don’t tell me…” Her enshrouded form had one blue eye and one orange eye for some reason. Maybe her Voidsent gave it to her? 
But Raspberry’s only eye was orange in color. Where had the other color come from then? 
It would have been absolutely great to ask Raspberry herself about this. Except for the very inconvenient fact that she had left a note earlier for Babycorn telling her that she would be out running errands for the day. 
“What kinda errands does a Voidsent need to run anyway?!” 
Babycorn had screamed the question to the heavens for anyone to answer if they so pleased. 
Hungstla looked around to see if anyone was going to answer. Most of the dolls and toys around the room were just as confused as it was. All Hungstla could offer was a comforting shoulder tap from all the way across the room with its strangely long arms. 
While Babycorn secretly wondered if Voidsent needed to go grocery shopping she decided to take a seat on one of Cherrypit’s little macaron seats he had once flooded their room with. As soon as she tried to sit down she realized she had sat down on something.
Not only that, she had also felt the pain of something sitting on her. 
“No…Don’t tell me…” 
Babycorn immediately stood up and ran around in a circle. She looked a lot like a dog that was trying to catch their own tail. Which was closer to the truth than Babycorn would have liked. 
To her horror, she now had a pink tail. With what looked like a heart at the end of it. “Uuwabwubaubauwbauw……”
She didn’t know what was worse, having a tail itself or that it reminded her of a fruit gummy and she wanted to bite down on it. Which she knew would probably hurt but the temptation was there all the same. “I can’t believe this…” 
Not only did she have horns and a weird color in her eyes but now she had a tail too?! 
There might as well have been a giant glowing sign above her saying something like ‘Stay away from the Monster’ It wasn’t like she was going to actually hurt anyone while shopping for shoes but experience had proved to her that she didn’t even need to look at someone wrong for them to chase after her with a knife or something.
‘You don’t have time to worry about that!’ Babycorn thought to herself. It was true she really didn’t!! 
Because at that moment, to Babycorn’s horror, there was a knock on the door. 
“Eep.” Babycorn moved to hide under her bed as quickly as she could. 
Though she was hiding, the knocking persisted. “Babycorn? Are you in there?” It was Hanabi’s voice, “We’re almost ready to head out! Are you still coming?” Hanabi knew that Babycorn wasn’t the biggest fan of shopping to begin with so it wasn’t surprising for her to change her mind at the last minute sometimes.
But this time she really wanted to go!!
“I-I’m coming!” Babycorn squeaked, “Just gimme a minute…!” 
“Take your time then! We’ll be waiting outside!” Babycorn could hear the smile in Hanabi’s voice. 
Babycorn didn’t want to keep her friends waiting for too long but she knew by now that it usually took an entire day for her horns to go away. Now that she had a tail and some weird other side effects-who knew how long it would take for those to go away too?!
Normally she could just wear a really tall hat or something to hide the horns but how was she going to hide the rest?! All this panicking was really starting to make her brain hurt. There must be something in her room that could help her…
Looking around the room Babycorn could only spot a few snacks that were thrown around the room. Mostly because she hadn’t eaten lunch yet and she was hungry, so that’s what her attention was being drawn to. “Maybe a cookie or two will help me think?” Babycorn stood up from under the bed and grabbed more than two cookies to stuff into her mouth. 
As she munched and crunched she kept looking around. The cookies weren’t doing much to help at first, until her eyes wandered onto her and Cherry’s laundry hamper. It was still full of unwashed clothes that Babycorn never remembered to wash. 
“That’s it!” Throwing just a few more cookies in her mouth, Babycorn ran over to the laundry hamper and turned it over, letting all the dirty clothes fall onto the floor. 
It was just the right size too! Just shorter than her by a few ilms. “Wait.” Babycorn turned the hamper in a circle, taking note that while it was the perfect size-it was missing a place for her eyes to peek through. 
So she did what any normal person would do and asked for her talking and probably demonic backpack to bite some holes through it. When Hungstla was done the laundry hamper was now equipped with two perfectly circular eye holes. Babycorn beamed, “Ooooh! It’s perfect Hungstla! Thank you!!” 
The backpack gave a little wiggle of happiness in response. 
“Okay! Let’s do this!” Babycorn tossed the laundry hamper in the air and stood still to let it land on her. It did land on her but on the wrong side, which just caused it to bump her on her head. “O-Ow!” She staggered for a bit but since it was just an empty hamper it wasn’t enough to knock her out. 
Babycorn picked up the hamper again after realizing it had landed just a bit behind her. “Okay. Uh, now let’s do this.” This time to avoid anymore bumps to the head Babycorn decided just to flip it over and put the hamper on. Now that she was wearing it (and could even see out of it!) Babycorn walked over to her small mirror to see if it was working.
To her delight it was covering most of her! Except for her eyes and her legs. “Hmmm…” Her eyes were still weird looking but maybe no one would notice? “I’ll just tell them I spilled orange juice in my eyes. Yeah! That’ll work!” Babycorn danced around in place. 
She was so sooooooooo smart!!
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