#can you tell I'm slighty obsessed with something else right for now
Reading One Piece pt 194: Duel on Banaro Island
Chapter 441
- New Volume! It’s Volume 46! We got Brook on the cover ^_^ (are those zombies in the background)
- We got a list of characters! It’s Blackbeard crew, Straw Hat crew, lone Ace and an obligatory Shanks. Usopp and Franky are finally listed as Straw Hats :D
- Fpos/cs: oh, that space pirate tried to murder Enel too. I’m unproportionally glad about that. But it didn’t work, with Enel changing into lighting and stuff
- Duel time
- Ace doesn’t look impressed with Blackbeard’s new powers
- “Darkness?” “Yes, Commander Ace!” ah, I see, no more Mister Polite Guy, time for disrespect
- Oh right, they’re in the middle of the town. Everyone’s running away, even Blackbeard’s crew
- Dammit, Supernatural is ruining my live once again. Blackbeard is unleashing his powers but all that it reminds me of is that black glorp that Empty made to take Castiel after his love confession to Dean, weird slurpy noises included. I make it so uncool, goddammit, and I can’t stop
- (Ace is still unimpressed. I would suggest you run, boy)
- Ok, Darkness and stuff, scary, but what does it do
- “My Darkness is Gravitation! It’s a force that sucks everything in! Not even light can escape.” HOLY FUCK
- “It’s not coming towards me” you see Ace, Blackbeard wants to change a little of geography before fight with you. Say bye to the town
- “Black Hole!” Haha (nervously)
- “Liberation!” Haha (histerically)
- (actually I feel like Blackbeard is underusing that power. Why the heck am I feeling that, he destroyed a town in 10 seconds)
- Ace is unimpressed and on fire this time
- “If you have a logia type, it should’ve been easy for you to dodge this kind of attack” huh. That’s true
- “I told you! This darkness sucks everything in. Absolutely everything. Bullets, blades, punches, fire, even thunder!!!” ok
- “Unlike other logia types, I cannot fend off an attack and my body sucks in “pain” more that anything else!!!” this… is a big flaw. How good is your dodging game, Blackbeard. Also, what a material for potential angst. I don’t know how this thing can be manufactured into angst fic but I feel its power in my bones
- He’s doing something!
- “Gravitation!” OH FUCK HE GOT ACE
- Ace got punched!
- (no, really, how will Luffy defeat him without his powers cause I assume they will be off during their fight)
- (I just remembered haki exists. I just hope I remember correctly that Luffy can use it)
- Blackbeard is doing the same trick with Gravitation as before. But this time Ace is prepared
- “A FLAME SPEAR!?” good one, Ace
- And now they’re fighting
- We’re cutting to the crew marveling over Ace’s general awesomeness and to townies wondering if they will need to evacuate the whole island now
- !!!! Ace is on his knees!
- Blackbeard asked him to be his nakama again!
- Ace told him to stuff it :D
- Oooooooooo final attacks!
- Ace made a Genki Dama :D
- “Zehahaha! Flaming light or darkness! Only one will win!” please let there be light
“…I will make Whitebeard the King” …epic
- Well??? Who won???
- Oh damnit. It’s the end of the chapter. All we get is Ace’s hat and narration
“Grand Line Duel at Barano Island… The battle between those two pirates was later described as the “trigger” of a very big incident coming in the future.”
rOP 193  rOP 195
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Can you do a piece about the route where Amisia figures out the PC's blood color and is suddenly inspired? I'm curious about what would happen in the long term.
Ever since you had somehow more or less (un)luckily weaseled your way into Amisia’s hive, you have regularly had to “help” the blueblood out in her artistic ambitions. If this would have been what Earth considered part of such, it wouldn’t have been much else of a Problem.
However, in your case, it meant largely helping Amisia make her paints, aka helping to murder some kids you had never met before. At some Point, you had decided to try and numb yourself to the horrid fates of the troll deliveries your friend received. Trolls had a fucking weird way of handling friendship, you thought, but you dared not to call into question whatever Alien conventions you might offend. Like hell you’d risk the more or less safe place you had right now.
You had lost track of all the days and nights that had passed since you had set foot into Amisia’s home. She did not allow you to leave the hive without her by your side, and considering the crazy shit that you had endured outside all by yourself or with these other weirdos, you hadn’t much to object on the matter. Frankly, if you ignored all the strange oddities about Amisia, and trolls as a whole for that matter, you didn’t have such a horrid life. Sure, you often wound up hurting yourself in the massive hivehold the highblood held, but the medicalizer was never not ready to tend to your injuries.
You were currently busy on the Sofa polishing your small friend’s huge axe. carefully having placed the sharp side away from you, just in case. Not the faintest interest in feeling the blade cut through your thin hide once again, sprawling everything in red. Whilst she had been no less fascinated and kinda obsessed with your bloodcolor, Amisia had started to become sort of huffy and strict the more often she saw how clumsy you were and as a result ended up with stupid scratches and cuts that you could do well without. She loved pointing out what a waste of rescources the spilled blood posed in her eyes, which in turn made you furrow your eyebrows at her.You often used calm moments like this to reminisce about your life, how you ended up here, and what you’d do in the future. As your towel wiped across the shimmering, blue surface of the axe for the third time by now, you had come to the conclusion, that you’d never find home again.
Your eyes moved up to look at the empty canvases. Well, not as empty as they used to be. There were red squiggles everywhere now, only rarely actually depicting a recognizable shape. You directed all your attention at the cute drawings in order to ignore the light burning you felt in your eyes when you realized that your dumb face wanted to tear up.
No no
, you thought,
it’s no use to feel blue
, bluer than her you couldn’t be.Your Hand lifted to quickly rub your eyes and move the axe to lay beside you on the messy sofa as you heard light footsteps approaching quickly from the entrance. “Oh, gross, you’re crying?” Amisia’s voice rings in your ears despite her not having been that loud at all. In General, she tended to be on the less loud side, which you appreciated.The troll was carrying a paperbag in her hands, both dainty hands clutching the dark, somewhat wettened paper softly when she stood there in the doorframe. “Yes, what of it?” you almost snapped, but instead restrained yourself in order to sound no less confident than before. Not that you had ever been actually confident here before, like, ever. But this was a great moment to start!Amisia’s messy eyebrow rose sceptically and she frowned, scrunching her nose up ever so slighty. “Well, nothing! I’m just asking! Is a troll not allowed to ask her friend why they’re crying These nights? Jeez.” Oh, she was doing the Thing again. The huffy Thing. You loved it when she did it usually, but sometimes it could be seriously annoying, since it usually also meant that she switched into stubborn mode.You played with your own fingers in your lap. She eyed your hands. Then she came a few steps closer, not letting her gaze wander off of your hands. “No, no, you can.” you began, somewhat hesitantly. “I just sort of… didn’t think you wanted to know.”“Usually I wouldn’t. Considering your disgusting mutant self I should rid myself of you, but you’re a precious thing with brilliant Color!” she said. “What? Oh yeah, red. Right.” you muttered, rubbing your neck. “Well, tell me! Maybe I have something good for you to reward your efforts.”God, she still thought you’re her pet now, didn’t she? You sighed with a tad frustration, kindly ignoring the insults as always.“I remembered that I will never get home.” you say and rest your face in your hands for a Moment. “Back when I was still there I never regarded it with much sympathy. I’ve always wanted to go to space because I wanted to get away from my family. We were… really estranged.” Amisia nodded, not looking like she was actually listening, but then again, she always seemed like she was thinking of god-knows-what and yet attentive to her surroundings. So you just suspended your disbelief and continued. Meanwhile, the troll was rummaging in her paperbag.“You probably don’t even know what a family is.” “Nope, I don’t. But go on!”“Well, my Family was pretty much just my parents - uh, lususes I guess? And that’s it. They never actually harmed me but I never felt like what I did was enough for them. But… now that I know I will never see them again, I sort of still miss them. Weird, huh?”When you looked up you found the artistic troll sit beside you on the Couch, chewing something. You had no idea what she was eating there, but it had legs. most foods had. You had numbed yourself to the fact. Just nod and chew. That’s what you did each meal. Amisia looked up from the crumbs in her claws and stared you straight in the eyes. You felt pretty weird about it. Time to look elsewhere!Your look trailed to the canvases again. “You’re pretty weird in general, but that’s probably just you being the alien you are.” Amisia said. “I have no idea what a family is, but you know, you’re my friend, and this hive is now where you live too. It’s still mine! As if everything in here, don’t misunderstand me.” God, how hastily she felt the need to clarify that. You had never had any Intention to claim anything in her hive as yours. You felt like that would be ungrateful and in bad taste. “That can maybe not make up for the loss of your own home, but like, maybe you won’t feel as bad about it someday anymore. I for one, am pretty glad you appeared here.” Weird that she smiled. You looked at her with utter surprise, but pleasantly so. “No one else has the Color you provide me with!”Oh. Of course it would be this.“I like your crimson so much! It’s gotten me out of the stump of not being able to actually art. I like it so much, I bought These fucking oblong meatproducts because they’re vaguely more like your red than the others!” Amisia reached into her somewhat trashed paperbag, pulling out what looked like a legged hotdog.  At this point, the limbs on the food didn’t faze you the slightest anymore.What was even more interesting was the fact that she said she bought them purely because their red reminded her of yours. That was actually Kind of sweet.You smiled.She took a Moment when she saw your smile, then reached the oblong meatproduct to you. “But they still aren’t nearly as pretty as your disgusting, shameful blood. Even gross Things can be pretty, ahah…” The highblood appeared surprised at herself and scratched herself behind her ear somewhat embarassed. “Take it already before I eat it myself!!!” she then bursted out, visible frustration taking over her face like a swat shield protecting it’s wielder. You grasped the hotdog and the blueblood looked at you expectantly, moving her feet up and down. “Well? It may be a bit less warm than before. Some weirdo wasted my time trying to talk me into sharing with him.” You… had sort of a vague idea who that could have been. You didn’t mention that to her, however, and took a bite of the foot.Oh, it tasted amazing! Much better than anticipated, actually. The meat tasted nothing like anything you had on Earth, but was tender and practically melted on your tongue. You sighed, so very content.“Ch!” You looked at your friend. She was having that very weird smile on her face, like the first night you had met. Fascinated and pleased. “What?” You said.“Nothing!! Just glad you’re not crying anymore!”You surpressed an affectionate chuckle, instead choosing to smile toothily at her after you swallowed, and with great happiness, you found the highblood smile back at her, with rosey cheeks (or well, the blueblooded equivalent).
How nice to know she actually cared enough to comfort you.
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