#can i get a pog in chat for medical malpractice
sygol · 11 months
fucking the bitch in doggy and i get so into our session that i have to set the clipboard down on her ass while im finishing.. her psychiatric evaluation
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infinitycircuit · 3 years
Versace Zelus | meatcopter69 | 4.4
It's not the right time or place, but he can't help it. He physically can't help it. Lindsay pogs the moment Tomie goes for the jugular and he doesn't stop until Guy Cleansgoode begins a crusade of mental warfare against him for his Guyo-doxxing crimes. And even then? He's still grinning. Something about her furious tirade... it's snapped him out of his fugue. Once she's done he gives her a round of applause and a wolf whistle.
"Tomie Katsukawa!!!! You are the most valid motherfucker on this train!!!! We stan a legend. I'm going to get you into mainstream Hollywood after this even if I have to expend the last of my fragile dignity and considerable clout to do it."
"But!" "✨ Let's put Hollywood aside and focus on that clout thing, huh?✨"  
An insufferable smirk creeps across his face as he pulls his arm away from Akaji for the first time all trial, resting his elbows on the table to lean forward. Lindsay Tsai is, in every respect, not a dangerous person. He isn't. His ex was, if we're all reminiscing about our fucked up former girlfriends in the trial today, but he'd never really been able to come close to her incomprehensible levels of casual violence. (Not that he wanted to. That woman could have killed five people without breaking a sweat.) What he is, however, is a massive pain. God has let him live until now and he is about to make it the polycule's problem.
"Thanks for that condescending horseshit, Kishinami! Real big words for someone who posts cringe everywhere they go! I mean, you're sssssooooo right, bestie, except for one thing- Jinki isn't loveable unless you got botched under the knife and they replaced your heart with a septic tank. Did that happen to you? Is that the sad, tragic malpractice backstory you were hinting at on the golf course? Or at least part of it? Is that what your dead French ex did? Fs in the chat, lads!"
"...So what we've got here is two situations, right? The first is that we take da Jinki's story at face value and vote for him, despite all the contradictions. The second is that we go with what I'm thinking and he killed Magnolia while Kishinami killed Sato. And, I gotta tell you, I'm leaning towards suggesting we vote the latter. Why?"
He tucks his hands under his chin. Chinhands. What a shithead. 
"If we vote Jinki -> Sato and Sato -> Magnolia, and we're wrong, we get two mistrial punishments and these fuckheads are free to crawl back into Karasu's arms and gloat about it. We all get taken for a ride by God's Biggest Mistake and we have to live with that until the end of our days. But if we vote Jinki -> Magnolia and Kishinami -> Sato, and we're wrong and he was telling the truth (wild!), then we get the two mistrial punishments but at least Jinki isn't a total piece of shit."
"So that's that. And I'm fully down to try and sort the rest of this shitshow out ourselves between us relatively sane and non-psychotic human beings. But I'll just add this in as a meaty little treat for you to chew on, Jinki."
"If you're telling the truth, good on you! Wow! But if you're covering for Kishinami's involvement, consider this. Ume explicitly told me her family does crime scene fuckery. Kishinami has some type of medical malpractice we have explicit evidence of. Your life is already a shitshow and I can't ruin it more, but I can use all my money and clout to snitch to the cops the moment I get out of here. ✨ I'll ruin Ume's whole family. ✨ I'll ruin that circus you wanted to go marry her in. ✨ If they're corrupt, I'll just pay them more. ✨ I'll do a ✨ viral callout post ✨ on Kishinami and make sure they never work in medicine again. ✨ I'll make all of your lives a living hell.✨"
"So either tell us how your original story works with all the consistencies Kishinami pointed out, or give up and show us what's under your shirt." 
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He smiles, sweetly, and goes back to clinging to Akaji's arm.
"And don't even think that you can just get rid of me after this trial. Didn't you hear? Ume's sworn to protect meee. And she neeever breaks her promiseeeees. RIGHT?" 
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