#calm down y'all this ain't a love triangle look at her face
antipolin · 1 month
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Crying because Lady D does NOT want this man anywhere near her and he's just popping up nonstop. 😂
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nescaveckwriter · 3 months
Stethoscopes and Triangles - Chapter Four ❤️
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A/N: Urghhh 😱 y'all this is just sad, for Amy, frustrating for Sam and heartbreaking for us! But I hope y'all enjoy this, 💕 and oh yeah guess who we meet in this, yep, that amazing green eyed man😋 so sit back and enjoy. 💕
Warnings: 18+ Only! Some language, angst, heartbreak, cheating, punching, mentions of blood, anything else I missed let me know💕
Characters: Sam Winchester, Amy Summers, Ruby Jones, Paul Summers, Ada Brown, Dean Winchester.
Cover: Created by me. Also images from Pinterest and Canva.
Words:2552 😅
Chapter Four 🤩
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Rolling over, searching for the large man, opening her eyes slightly, "Sam?" Glaring at the alarm clock 2 in the morning, removing the covers and slipping on her slippers, her eyes still puffy, from the sleep. Walking in too the living room with its open plan kitchen, she finds him slumped over in the chair, still wearing yesterday's clothes, his head resting on his right arm, his hair hanging over his handsome face. Lightly touching his shoulder, her voice calming and sweet, "babe, my love, wake up, go get some proper sleep in our bed please"
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He arouses a little, lifting his head with difficulty showing the stiffness in his neck, "Amy? What time is it?"
"It's 2 in the morning, come get up" she tugs at his arm, and he just follows her, too tired to fight with her, letting her know, that he's not nearly done reading and going through the paperwork. He just stumbles on the bed, work clothes and all, spayed out, on the bed, his voice croaky from the sleep. "I love you Amy" a sweet smile lining across her lips, "you too babe" The light snores coming from him, let's her know, he's fast asleep, and she ain't getting a inch of help to remove his working clothes. Slowly removing his tie, while placing a soft kiss, on his cheek, "sweet dreams babe" She whispers, removing his shoes, and socks, covering him up with the blanket. As she curls up next too him, thinking about how he looked after her, these last few weeks, her fingers lingering across the now healed scar on her neck. But she worries about him, its almost as if his carrying around this burden but she can't quite figure out what it is, and its been coming for some time now, he works so much, and the hours are getting longer, or maybe she's just imagining things, because usually she's at work also working long hours, maybe she just never noticed it before. With those thoughts running around in her mind, she falls asleep. 
She gets woken up by the shift on the bed, glancing at his side, he runs his hand over his face, her voice sweet "morning babe" he's head cocks to her side, he sounds tired "morning sweetie" he gets up walking towards the bathroom, "I'm going to take a shower and get ready to head into the office" sitting half upright now, "enjoy your shower love, what do you want for breakfast?"
He doesn't even look her way, he just walks in, closing the door behind him, and letting her know, that he'll get something on the way, no need for any trouble. Finding it a little odd, but kind off writing it off due to the fact that he's tired, she gets up, to make some coffee. As she waits for the coffee machine, Sam's phone vibrates on the table. She strides closer, thinking maybe its important or the battery is about to die.
 It's a message from a Ruby Jones, : Hey Sam☺️ just want to know for when I should book that little place for the two off...
She just glares at the phone, she can't read what the message said further his phone is locked, but she can't help but too think that's why he's been acting so distant, so different, his having an affair, cheating on her? Her hands are shaking, her chest feels like it going to explode, "how... Why... Is he really cheating?" She mumbles underneath her breath. The tears burning behind her eyes, she places his phone down, her eyes get caught on his suit jacket that's draped over the kitchen chair, she looks a little closer there's a makeup smudge on his collar, she picks it up to take a closer look, then the smell of another women's perfume hits her nostrils, her lower lip trembling as emotions of anger and sadness swirl around in her chest, swallowing down the tears, as she throws the jacket over the chair, pouring some coffee in her cup. Hearing Sam walking towards the kitchen, barely looking at her he throws in the files in his suitcase, taking his phone and walks towards the door, he turns around, "Have a good first day at work Amy, I need to head into work, love you" and heads right back out of there apartment door. She's left standing there shock on her face, knowing that she's right, that man she loves so dearly is cheating on her.
Still left standing there, too shocked too move a muscle, the door flung open, Sam's voice bring her out of her haze, "forgot my car keys" she glares at him, confusion prominent between his eyebrows, "did I do something wrong"
Walking closer towards him, her voice breaking, tears streaming down her face "Am I not enough"
"What are you talking about Amy?"
"If you don't love me anymore give it too me straight, you don't go behind my damn back, and get another woman"
Surprised Sam looks at her like she's crazy "What the hell Amy? What is the matter with you?"
Her jaw clenches, "the Ruby chick with her messages, the make up and perfume on your clothes, you barely look at me, you work later than normal, wanna tell me I'm crazy, please go ahead"
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Starting to get irritated with her accusing him of something so far from the truth, he turns towards the door, giving her one last glance as he shouts "if you think I'm capable of doing something so damn outrageous, I don't even know what I'm doing in this relationship anymore, goodbye Amy" walking out and smashing the door closed behind him.
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Sliding down the kitchen cabinet, sobbing frantically, shaking her head, never in her entire life would she had thought that Sam would cheat, that Sam would be just like her father. She was always so determined to not end up like her poor mother, scattered and broken through a damn affair, but yet here she is.
 As Sam speeds to work, his thoughts can't help but to race to the sight his just seen, the look of betrayal of sadness of anger on her delicate face, her ocean blue eyes, was filled with despair, making them appear darker than they are. "Dammit" he cusses underneath his breath.
Shaking his head, if only she knew the reason he can't look her in the eyes, the reason his been working such long hours, its not because he's a cheat, no! He's building a case, a case where it looks like Paul Summers her father is involved in.  Recalling the witness that came forth, a older lady in her late forties, scared too death, she was bawling her eyes out so he pulled her into a hug, it can't be easy losing your only child. He recalls the message Amy was talking about, unlocking his phone reading the message, Hey Sam☺️ just want to know for when I should book that little place for the two off you. 
He asked Ruby too book a special place for Amy's birthday coming up, he wanted too treat her, knowing he has been distant. But all that has gone too hell now. Thinking he should probably call her, and try too explain, but knowing her, he needs too let her cool down first, he knows the impact her father's cheating had on her, she was so reluctant, going out with him in the first place, and now she thinks that he loves another woman. "There's only one woman for me dammit" he cusses to himself, as he pulled into the parking.
Walking through the hospital doors, first time in a couple of weeks, she felt so happy too be able to go too work this morning, doing what she loves, and now... now she feels, weak, sad and broken. Walking straight to the ER. she just wants too forget about everything and drown herself in her patients problems, she's caught off guard, by the 'Welcome Back' banner hanging, a few balloons, and some nurses and doctors, welcoming her with smiles, and nods. Ada comes too give her a welcome back hug, as her best friend's arms snakes around her, she can feel the tears damming behind her eyes, she squints in order, to hide them, too push them back.
"Sweetie, I'm so glad your back, and okay, you gave me a good scare, there for a minute"
Amy forces a giggle "Thank you, Ada, and everyone, for everything, but I'm back now, let's get too work okay, we've got lives to save."
Knowing her best friend, better than she knows herself, she agrees with Amy, and gives everyone orders, where to go, which patients to see, and what to do. She won't pry, but she knows, that something aren't right, she'll just wait till she comes and talks too her.
It was a slow day, nothing too serious, just the usual GSW'S and minor injuries. But it was mid shift that, the ER. had multiple injured people entering through the doors, a Navy helicopter full off injured seals, with severe injuries, is about to land.
It was literal chaos, but Amy felt right at home, in fact it's when she felt most alive. Ada said she should check out the man, in trauma bay 2, and she went right in, expecting, no actually hoping it was something challenging. As she took some gloves, she witnessed a man, about mid thirties maybe early forties, something about him seemed familiar, but he sat on the hospital bed, cargo pants and a grey vest exposed his muscular arms, the open gash on his arm, blood seeping through and the right side of his face, there was an open deep wound, blood gushing from it. She walked closer, introducing herself. "I'm Dr. Summers, how are you feeling"
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He flinches, his green eyes piercing through hers, "I feel fine, can I go now"
Shocked by his answer "No! I need to check you out first"
His picture perfect jawline hardens, "then do it already dammit"
She just smiles and assures him, she'll do her best and she starts to stitch up the wound to his face and proceeds to the one on his arms, he doesn't say much, he's pretty restless, and every now and again  she need too tell him to sit still, as she finished with the stitching. He got up, towering over her, about too leave but he didn't get far as she kindly told him "Please sit down, we still need to run some tests" 
He looks at her, like she just spoke another language, as he spoke in a rough voice "No! I need to check on my brothers." 
Her eyebrows furrowed, as she got irritated by his demeanor, her voice stern "I said sit your ass down now, I'm not done with you" she steadily pushed him back towards the bed, careful not too hurt him, but stern enough to let him know, she's serious.
He just threw his hands in the air, letting her know, his sort off surrendering, thinking too himself, damn this doctor is hot, any other day, and he would've asked for her number, but not today, his too worried about his team.
"I'm going to order your labs, and see a few other patients, if I come back here and see your not here, I'll get security and let them handcuff you the bed, understood" she warns
He just smirks as he's amused by this woman, who's ordering  him around as if his her two year old, not happy he folds his arms, mouthing "yes mother".
She can't help but too smile a little at the stubbornness of her patient. She proceeds further too attend to some off the other patients.
Sam sits at his desk, going over all the evidence, his gather over these few weeks, his got a solid case, a slam dunk so too say, usually he'd be so happy, but not today, if he wins this case not only will a very bad, dangerous man be off the streets, but he might loose Amy in the process. He is going to make sure her father is behind bars, by the end of this week.  Lifelong if the jury votes in his favor. 
As he sips on the cold bitter brown liquid, he hears chatter outside his door, before he could get up, he's door flung open, hearing Ruby shout, "Sir you can't go in yet" the older man just walks through, his voice loud "He'll see me"
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Sam is shocked when he sees its Paul Summers, calmly he tells Ruby "You can go, thanks, close the door behind you"
She just nods and closes the door. The older man's voice angry, a warning tone "what do you think your doing Sam?"
Calmly getting up, striding closer to Amy's father "Good afternoon, Mr Summers, something I can help you with?"
"What do you think your doing, this is going to not only ruin me, but Amy, do you not cares what happens to her, by falsely accusing me"
Sam smirks, "Falsely, I don't think so, I have multiple evidence and witnesses, that can bring you down."
"Ha! We'll see about that, now won't we?" he has a devilish smile on his face. "I'm not the bad guy here, you are Samuel!"
Pointing his finger to door, "I think you better leave Paul" 
"What, like Amy is going too leave you" he provokes the young man.
"This isn't about Amy, this is about you, you are a Crime Boss, ordering your people to execute your demands , smuggling weapons, drugs and people over the border, even human trafficking, how can you, you have a daughter, how do you live with yourself."  
He laughs, "It's only business, and that money is what gave my daughter the ability to be a doctor, I am the reason she is who she is today"
Sam can't take this man's audacity anymore, he starts raising his voice "No! Paul, your not worthy off the name father, Amy, put herself through college, she worked hard to get where she is today, and the only thing she got from you, is a damn voice of you in her head, claiming she is still not enough.!"
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The man's jaw tightens and his fist clenches, without thinking it through, he throws a punch, towards Sam's face, grinning as he watches the blood dripping from his now broken nose. "Don't you ever tell me I weren't a good father" as he turns around to head towards the door, he watches Sam take the back of his hand, to wipe off the red , sticky liquid, off his upper lip. "By the way Sammy boy, I bet you my case will get thrown out" he walks out leaving Sam standing there balling his fist's as he wants to punch that stupid grin off the old man's face, knowing he can't it will jeopardize his case, he will just have to wait to get him in court. But the most important thing he can do now, is make sure the witnesses is save, because something tells him, that warning weren't just for show, no! he is planning something, something big!
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