#cage (off fangame)
cat-play-room · 8 months
Cage Concept Art.
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nenoco · 1 year
🐰🎍ॱ॰*❅HAPPY NEW YEAR❅*॰ॱ🎍🐰
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mayudog · 4 months
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f-leef · 1 year
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yosukanosubako · 6 months
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catonamatchbox · 1 year
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Starting off with some sillies we got all the guys we know! Combo from past ena and from the trailer. The appearance of Phindoll and Hourglass Dog (and volley and Merci in the other sticker sheets) made me think they’ll be having a return in dream bbq but I’m not sure. I originally thought they were only here because they didn’t have any stickers of them, but they do. So I’m not sure! Ok next!!!
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One new silly spotted here! Everyone else we know. The little pink guy in the bottom left is new!! They seem to be a bug collector. They’re holding a net and a cricket cage!
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Now from what I’ve gathered it’s actually not uncommon for people in Japan to keep bugs as pets!! So this little guy hunting for some doesn’t seem out of bounds. Their hat or hair or whatever also makes me think of a crickets face! And obviously they have many eyes like some bugs. And they do have a very Japanese aesthetic, with their outfit.
Next I wanna talk about Merci! Now I originally thought, that with this new outfit, she’d be making a return in dream bbq but sadly I don’t think this is the case. The outfit she’s wearing is actually from a drawing by Chobi, the person who voices her!
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So I think this is simply just a callback, and sadly not a new appearance in the game. But we never know!!
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Ok last sticker sheet! This one features loads of new characters! There’s an gun with an anime girls head which is super duper funny. The one on the bottom left looks like an animal crossing villager they’re so adorable 🥺🥺 and then next to them is another silly guy BUUUTT
I Wanna focus on this guy down here!! Now I’m not 100% certain but their look very similiar to a critter that appeared in the dream bbq teaser trailer game announcement from a year ago. They both seem to have very similiar body structures, big heads and open mouths. Also, in the trailer, since we’re seeing it from head on you can note it’s lack of front or back arms or whatever, just like the guy in the sheet! Only two legs, and that seems to match up pretty well with the trailer critter. There are some differences however. The one in the sticker sheet has a black head, whilst the one in the trailer has a tan head. I think this is one of two reasons
A. The game announcement trailer was made a while ago and things change during the development of games! Not everything we see in the trailer made from a year ago is gonna be the same as it is in the game
Or B. This is a species of critter in the game, and these are two different variants
I personally think A. Is the more logical reason but I would not be opposed to seeing multiple of this silly guy!!!
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noodletime · 2 months
Good eve, I heard game. So I bring forth the following inquiries:
- This a fangame or personal concept?
- What's it about? Story, characters, world building- let's hear/see it! (No upper word limit)
- What genre of game ya thinking?
- Any direct/indirect inspirations?
First off, its a personal concept, though it IS inspired off of Undertale, SPM/Super Paper Mario, and (later on in my life) Omori!
Its about a kid named Kun (short for Kunsago) who gets a severe head injury after getting hit by a car and falling into a coma. In that coma she dreams up about living as a new person, in a new life, in a new world! Her goals are to find her parent and get back home!
This here is what she looks like! (By the way, if you want full body drawings of these characters then please don't be afraid to ask!)
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Kun is a girl, She/Her. And about 9-13 years old! (I say 9-13 because she doesn't want/like to specify her real age to others.) She often comes off as stubborn and a bit grown up, but sometimes she can be quiet and content.
Then, we go off onto her friends! (About 3 in total.)
Firstly theres Tiel, He/They. A creepy yet outgoing jester who has been locked up in a cage by one of the 3 kings. (Who I wont tell about yet until I get on to the lore yet!) Fun fact: I based most of him off of a cockatiel,,
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Then theres King Yunu/Yunu, He/Him. One of the youngest of the 3 kings who is more kinder than the other ones. Fun Fact: Now THIS character is based off a Lake Junin Frog!
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And finnally, Sanctus, They/Them! A nervous, shy ghost residing in one of the abandoned towns in the dream world who used to work with Tiel.
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Now, for the worldbuilding!
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Red Marks - Capital citys.
Lightest shade of grey - 2nd Lowest Meters High. (0-100m)
Lesser Lightest - 1st Lowest Meters High. (100-300m)
Medium Darkest - 2nd Highest Meters High. (300-500m)
Darkest - 1st Highest Meters High. (500-1000m)
Blue Marks - The rivers and lakes!
Now for the citys (Fun Fact: Each of them are based on types of circus acts/actors!):
Bottom - Birthplace of the 3 Kings. (Where Kun first arrives.)
Left - Cage of the Animals. (Where she meets Tiel.)
Right - Palace of the Magicians. (Where the two meet Yunu.)
Middle - Lake of the Contorionist's. (Where the 3 meet Sanctus.)
Top - Heart of the Ringmaster. (Quite literally! This is where all 4 of the characters meet the final boss.)
Now, heres all the main villians!
First, in the Cage of the Animals, here is the twins Night and Nought! Both They/Them. One is quieter and sorrowful while the other one is loud and energetic.
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Then next, in the Palace of the Magicians, we have the one and only Charon! He/It. He is a dapper fellow, although calm and polite, it has its moments where it can become very angry!
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Up next, in the Lake of Contortionists, we have Damien! He/Him. Quiet yet sassy and competitive, and partners with Charon. (not specifying wether its like a relationship or just friends, thats for you to decide... >:) )
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Now, you may have been expecting the final boss to apeer here, but i'll keep them a secret! You can still guess who/what they're gonna be tho!
Now for the genre, I was thinking of an RPG mixed with horror,,,
..And thats it! I'll bring up some more stuff if you want. But this was fun to make! Also your allowed to make fanart of it if you wish! Thx for the ask!!
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Finally got the first monster in =)
This is Caramel! He's a resident of Snowdin who takes the place of Sans and Papyrus.
Caramel is a bunny monster who has a...questionable...home life. He has a sibling, but she left for Waterfall due to the treatment from her mother. She's next in line.
Caramel's mother (Caraline) has been pressuring Caramel to do something with his life, so he's been making defenses against humans. Most of it includes dangerous puzzles that would cause death if failed. Some of it is just barricades and random cages and the like.
He's also a trans man! This is part of what causes the contention with him and his mother since, despite her being an atheist and having no real reason to dislike gay or trans individuals. He has almost no friends due to being homeschooled and, until two years ago, never being allowed to go out without his mom going with him.
Just because, I also gave him minor ADHD/ADD. Because of this, if I suddenly get really good at coding and make a fangame, I'd make it a reoccurring joke that he would constantly be forgetting basic things (forgetting a key part of a puzzle, forgetting the rules of another, getting lost with Frisk in the forest by forgetting the way back, etc) and just being so over-excited at Frisk's appearance (in the neutral/pacifist route) that he's basically just bouncing around the whole time.
And that's basically it! Also he has a feminine appearance since, due to his mom, he has to mask his masculinity a bit. The only reason he ended up with short hair is because he singed his hair while making a puzzle so his mom begrudgingly agreed to cut the burnt parts off.
I might sprite him, Chara, Tilui, and Frisk sometime soon but idk for sure. Might even do it before I make his sibling (Choline) but that's not a guarantee.
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山羊「それはおじじの、ひ み つ♡ じゃぞ」
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monochromeautumn · 4 years
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New Cage updates inspired me, and I made this simple fan art of my favorite Batter in Cage with a little personal design uwu
I plan to do it in several characters 
Character and story created originally by: Nyancoat @nenoco
Clothes design: Me
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cat-play-room · 8 months
過去/現在 バインドバッター(ラフユニフォーム、帽子off)
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nenoco · 1 year
⚠️!!WARNING!!⚠️ Unauthorized use of materials used in Cage Re:make is prohibited.
Some people are using materials from OFF fangame "Cage Re:make" without permission.
Please stop the unauthorized use of materials now.
If you use the material for icons or other purposes, please clearly indicate the creator of the material.
Also, the use of Cage Re:make materials as game materials is prohibited.
This information is also included in the READ ME, which is enclosed with the game.
OFF fangame "Cage Re:make"
Creator: Nyancort
警告:Cage Re:makeに使われている素材の無断利用を禁止します。
OFFファンゲームCage Re:makeの素材を無断で使用してる人がいます。
OFFファンゲーム「Cage Re:make」
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mayudog · 3 months
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f-leef · 2 years
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Long hair Pedalo
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onidrif · 4 years
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blerykey · 7 years
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Some night doodle sketch
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