empiriical · 1 year
@c4rdsharp / starter call !
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there's no greater tell that berga's in a bad mood than when he comes stomping into the office below the coraggioso, utterly silent. he's unusually subdued, but anyone would be able to tell that he's fuming beneath the surface, even if the boisterous && loud voice that typically follows his presence is absent.
he sinks down onto a couch heavily, pressing the tips of his fingers together. pointedly, he doesn't meet luck's eyes.
he decides not to mention, for the moment, that he's just come back from breaking every bone in melvi's right hand, all with a grimace of a smile on his face.
"i don't like your boyfriend."
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closedcoffins · 1 year
@c4rdsharp / most written muses. ( #001 : "the rail tracer" --- claire stanfield. )
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Claire's ever-enthusiastic voice carries loudly through the small room, probably quite a bit louder than Luck would like. He's usually a little more conscious of that kind of thing, but it's honestly been a while since he's seen any of his brothers, so he's just a little more unrestrained than usual.
"Wow, you look so put-together!" he comments, making himself comfortable immediately in the empty office he probably shouldn't have been able to get himself into. "It's been a while, hasn't it? I miss you guys every day. Well, even though I can manage to phone you guys pretty often, it's a lot different than seeing you in person. It's one thing to hear your voice, but it's another thing to actually see you in front of me, you know?"
He laughs, carrying on at about a mile a minute---Claire had prepared a lot of things to say all at once, and when it came down to it, he'd been unable to organize them before saying them. "Hey, are you still a hugger? I guess I was always more of one than you, but if it's alright with you, I'd like to hug my second-favorite brother. After Keith, obviously, but who'd just straight-up hug Keith like that, right? Hahaha."
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zeveth · 1 year
@c4rdsharp | start !
out from the darkness pocketed between a series of tall shelves that stood behind a long, wooden counter flashed eyes, catlike, when the bell rang at the door.
"can i help you?" the voice was low. she stepped out into the pale light cutting down from the window above, strange, an impression tempting toward inhuman, long-eared, smiling politely, mid-30s, 40s at most. she might have been blind, but for the way she looked this apparent young man up and down.
"well, i didn't expect to see you here. you're one of the gandors, aren't you?"
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c4rdshark · 2 years
@c4rdsharp​ / continued.
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‘Nervous’ is a good way to put it. Firo actually can’t remember the last time a conversation with Luck had made him nervous. Even in 1936, it was probably worse for Luck than it was for him, what with the content of the conversation and all. He’d thought back then that Luck must have been nervous to say something and had just been glad he’d been someone Luck trusted enough to tell at all, but... It’s really different when you’re the one who’s got something to say, huh?
It’s not even like he thinks Luck would care, which is almost the worst part. Luck probably would just tell Firo he’s happy for him, but then it’d mean his worrying had been for nothing, and that’s honestly a little humiliating too.
“So, uh...” He taps his fingers restlessly, avoiding eye contact since he knows it’s gonna make things worse. “You know how I... Okay, no, that’s a pretty bad place to start. I’ve been thinkin’ about things lately.” He’s not normally the type to stumble this much, but he feels oddly embarrassed about saying something like this. Especially since... Well, it’s probably because it’s Luck that he’s so nervous to begin with. If it were Keith or Berga or even Claire, he might be able to get through this with a straight face.
“I think... I might be into guys too,” he admits, sheepish. “I mean, I’ve been thinkin’ about it for a couple years. And It’s---there’s just some things that made me realize that I’m not just into women, y’know? I just thought I should tell you, that’s all.”
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rhpsdys · 1 year
@c4rdsharp  ♪ ♪ ♪  plotted !
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the day had started so well. the commute into manhattan had only taken half an hour, the audience at the coraggioso was just the right size, && today was an band show ; filling in on bass, you could hide in the back behind the towering instrument, && generally avoid the attention of the patrons.
when the set ended && the crowd dispersed, you'd lingered onstage, taking your time packing up. typically you leave the bass here, spared the hassle of taking it on the subway, so all that was left was storing it away in the closet && retrieving your violin.
that's when it'd happened. the sound of gunfire followed almost immediately by the appearance of a dozen or so strangers, far outnumbering the people left in the jazz hall — a handful of waitstaff && two of the gandors: berga's wife kalia, who had stuck around to give you a hand, && luck, supervising business upstairs tonight.
you'd acted instinctively, giving little thought to the consequences of your actions as you wrenched the violin from its case && raised it to your shoulder, plucking a single string that sent a soundwave so strong rippling through the room it might as well have been a blast of air, throwing six of the advancing gunmen back && away from yourself && kalia. another slash of your bow raised an invisible wall around the stage.
even when backup arrived from downstairs, there was no mistaking your contribution to the defenses, even going so far as to cast a levitation spell that tossed a few chairs at the fleeing gunmen, tripping them up as they clamored for the door.
&& in short, that's how, once the dust has settled, you find yourself sitting at a table stained with a fresh blood splatter, across from luck gandor.
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you look down at the violin, which is resting on the table between you, then up at him.
"i'm guessing you won't believe me if i tell you i'm just that good a musician?"
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gamelost · 1 year
📂 📂 📂 !
send “📂“ for a random yet completely useless headcanon I have
he's seen every barbie movie, princess & the pauper is both his favorite movie and his favorite computer game. rapunzel was also good
he also LOVED the bratz games. forever diamondz is his favorite.
he listens to music a lot, in a lot of different variations, and he's got a pretty good speaker system specifically for Good Music
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deathleadsarc · 1 year
@c4rdsharp | s.c
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―    🜛    ―    baskers  snifflings  bring  about  such  distractions,  especially  when  her  commands  are  called  into  question.  He  had  not  heeded  her  call,  and  thus,  was  well  on  his  way  to  earn  her  ire    (    disobedience  was  not  tolerated,  no  matter  the  level  of  adoration  she'd  held  for  him  )  however,  in  a  surprising  turn  of  events    ―    it  was  something  that  garnered  her  attention  immediately.  
A  person.
A  person  that  basker  could  not  tear  his  eyes  from.  Now  praising  both  her  fortune  and  her  son,  she  set  her  hand  upon  baskers'  fluffed  up  head,  just  between  the  large  ears  that  faced  so  confidently  forward.  Smiling  politely  and  she  greeted  the  stranger.
        "  So  sorry,  he  did  not  frighten  you,  did  he?  "
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zorkaya-moved · 2 years
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Years have passed since Zarina last stepped onto the soil of Yokohama, this port city didn’t change as much as she expected it to change in the last couple of years. How long ago did this maiden in white descended here? Even before the infamous Dragon Head Conflict, even before the previous boss of Port Mafia have gone full insane. What a fun time it was to hear about, the people she stationed here under her own rule have partially died and only some remained alive, still reporting from the inside of Port Mafia and the shadows of Yokohama. 
Under the name of Anna Akhmatova - the hitman and the hunter, a beast of Russia - she would travel the streets of this small yet big city, a paradox in its own way. She loved this city, it always had something fun happening here and she indulged in each story like it was the five star meal presented to her, the one who was chained by the contract between her and the ‘limitation’. As of now, she is dressed in another white dress with a small purse over her shoulder with a golden chain while her hair braided in a thick yet loose braid over her shoulder with a golden leaf crown. She is the embodiment of ethereal beauty, her white dress won’t be tainted by the droplets of blood and dirt - she is the beast of winter, the one who had never let her target escape. This color - this pristine white - was a symbolism of divinity combined with white, the opposite of what Port Mafia wore in colors. 
She was known as the gem collector, as a woman of charms, as blank state that could become whatever one wished for her to become. A maiden of purity, a maiden of temptation, a maiden of destruction. No information about her past, no information about her [truth] and no information about her birthright. Akin to snow, the mystery covered her entire being aside from the spoils of war: the swift disposition of orders, the quick and clean finish, the ability to lead when she was told to do so. Many would think of her as nothing but a tool, so be it. It was better than for fools to be prepared for any of her moves, she had freedom in having the world think she’s a tool in the hands of Russian underworld... and now Port Mafia. The beast in chains gifted to Yokohama in order to catch Dostoevsky, but how safe it was to give the beast to another organization? Only time will tell. 
It seemed that the proof of her [chained] self was enough to send her to another syndicate working with Port Mafia. A smaller family with its own territory. She knew of their struggles, the Gandor family wasn’t that hard to let slip by after all the hardships it went through, especially with such a young capo. A fun story, it was indeed a fun story she wanted to witness with her own eyes. What kind of young man would lead this script? What kind of performance should she give to become a part of this spectacle? After all, tonight she is here to investigate and to learn, to meet and to become acquainted so the future won’t cause troubles in her job... along with her side jobs. 
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His face isn’t hard to find. The photo and the description were enough for her golden gaze to find the one who was supposed to act as her ‘supervisor’ ([leash holder, prison guard]). Mori must’ve spoken about how he must not let the silver-haired woman out of his sight until she proves to be a truly trustworthy and valuable tool as she was told to be. Anna (Zarina) waves her hand at the man, approaching right away in a more hurried manner as if she was nervous to be late. 
“Thank you for making your time for me, Mr. Gandor. Anna Akhmatova at your service,” she offers him a polite bow, her smile charming and friendly as she continues. “I believe Boss told you that I am to follow you today for work, yes? I was told to give you one of these.” Without hesitation, she took out a black metallic ring. Her [chain], her [limitation], her [leash]. “I’m sure you will not need it, but this is a security measure created specifically to hold me obedient. Boss holds all others. It works well, you can test it but it only allows two commands a day.” She spoke so calmly, the dehumanization from the Russian underworld seemed to make her accept this so easily to the one who looks at her from the side without knowing the truth of the inside. 
The silver-haired maiden remains soft and mellow, her friendly smile is beautiful and so is her outfit, but how she speaks the words she does.
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boundlss · 1 year
@c4rdsharp / general starter call ( louis james moriarty ).
"It would seem we have business in the same area, then."
Louis isn't generally the person who deals with this kind of thing, but he'd worked hard to make sure his brothers understood his steadfast desire to contribute to the family in a meaningful way, so an unexpected development isn't going to throw too much of a wrench in things. In any case, the Moriartys are on friendly terms with the Gandors.
( Louis knows as much about the other group as he does most things---that is to say, he understands from a rational level every fact possible to dig up, and has a view of them based on that logical gathering of facts. Luck Gandor is the youngest brother of three, and Louis strives not to allow presumption based on that commonality. )
"I'm surprised. If it was something ordinary, it would have been dealt with by lower subordinates." He's not William, so there's no polite smile or attempt at seeming more affable than he wants to be. He just speaks plainly. "You wouldn't happen to have also had a recent issue with that group who's trying to set down roots in the area, would you? They've been enough of a nuisance to us that sending others didn't work."
What a bother. For my brother's sake, I'll deal with them myself.
That's what Louis is thinking, but he knows he should play the diplomat for as long as he can. It's only... well, if they'd absolutely wanted a diplomat and nothing more no matter how bad things got, it's likely Louis would have been told not to go.
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empiriical · 1 year
@c4rdsharp / starter call.
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"i gotta hand it to you, luck gandor," ladd says, getting up from his table && joining the youngest gandor capo at his spot near the door, where he's been casting a sharp-eyed gaze over the room. "this is a good business you've got going here." his toe taps against the floor rhythmically, though it's hard to say if it's to the music, or due to his own hyperactivity. "this place really swings. those're your in-laws up there, right?" he gestures grandly to the stage. "great stuff. say, thanks for the invite, i'm glad i stuck around."
in reality, it was less of an invitation, && more that ladd decided to loiter at the coraggioso following a meeting earlier that afternoon, && no one had thought to suggest he head home instead. now that he's a few drinks in, he's feeling chatty...er than usual.
"do you dance?" the question is asked more as an invitation than out of pure curiosity, && he sticks out his right hand to accompany it. the crowd's thinned enough that there's adequate room to move, && less watchful eyes — not that that means much for ladd, who loves an audience, or luck, who he suspects wouldn't be caught dead dancing in front of his own patrons. nonetheless, the hand remains extended anyway, one eyebrow raised expectantly.
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closedcoffins · 1 year
@c4rdsharp / general starter call --- huey laforet ( witcher verse ).
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"You did well."
Huey's praise isn't the warm, loving praise of someone who actually feels anything for his students, but nevertheless, it's praise. He doesn't often lie about the accomplishments of others---the best way to reward good behavior is to be entirely fair and honest towards the people who have behaved well.
It's not as if Huey rules entirely through fear. If he did, there wouldn't be people like Chané, whose only fear was not accomplishing nearly enough. There's no threat of harsh punishment for failure, save for the ever-looming idea of being left behind.
Not that he'd leave someone like Luck behind, of course.
Reaching out, he ruffles Luck's hair in a motion that might have been affectionate had it come from someone who was capable of affection.
"Why don't you sit with me and observe your colleagues, now? I'd like to see if you can recognize their mistakes as easily as you recognized your own just now." After all, it'll be more convenient to have someone else do it; Huey isn't as attached to the students' proper witcher training as the witchers themselves are, and only oversees it out of a general necessity. "Since you've behaved so admirably, I'd like you to help me."
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zeveth · 1 year
@c4rdsharp | continued .
she tilts her head. the brush of an amused smile just fails to miss pulling at a corner of her mouth. humans.
"funny... 'abhorrent' seems a rather a strong and, forgive me, judgmental choice of words, does it not?" she replies coolly. "one could argue it's powerful enough, even, to beat out my 'admirable spirit,' almost as if you see me as some sort of a criminal, without, as you said, knowing anything of my background at all? i'm afraid i must remind you that i never said anything of the sort."
that didn't mean it wasn't true, on occasion, nor implied in each breath on the chance that she might make business. but she did her research. she knew when to dip in her toes and when to stay on land. she knew how to play her cards.
"perhaps it's you who is feeling a little haunted?" she breezes, "perhaps... you have a request. some task that needs doing, but not one you can complete yourself, one you might even be feeling a little guilty over? is that the case, hm? because i can assure you, i will not judge you on it." she grins, then, relishing the irony, flashing pointed teeth. "i require payment upfront."
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c4rdshark · 2 years
home - muse a pulls muse b closer until muse b’s face rests in the crook of muse a’s neck :3c
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Firo wants to protest that he doesn't need Luck to comfort him or anything. In general, he'd like to be the sort of person that doesn't need comforting at all---the type who's able to use his distress to fuel some kind of more helpful emotion, like the anger Luck and his brothers wield like way better knives than any of the ones Firo's trained with.
Instead, Firo's distress is just distress, plain and simple. It's never lead him to anything useful or productive, and that thought alone is enough to make him want to cry or something.
He doesn't, of course, but he comes pretty damn close when he feels the pressure of Luck's hand against the back of his neck, a firm tether that draws him closer until suddenly, even if he did cry, he doubts Luck would be able to see it.
It's a little silly, since Firo's the person who'd been the most excited about immortality. So it's weird that he's the one who's so caught-up over the fact that he's going to outlive a good chunk of the people he's made friends with recently, right? Even Claire's gonna die someday.
It'd been brought on by something a little like that. Jacuzzi Splot, of all people, playing a little too close to fire for anyone's comfort. He hears it's not the first time the guy's gotten himself roughed up like this. And he barely even knows Jacuzzi, but still... The fact that word had made its way back through other people must have meant it was pretty serious, and Firo knows he's been a little out of sorts about it all day.
Because it only starts with Jacuzzi. And then it's people he does know better. Like Claire. Like all of the staff at the casino he's gotten to know really well since taking it over. Like Edward Noah, who'd probably be frothing at the mouth if he ever found out how much Firo would miss his assholish presence around the Alveare if he were to die one day in a shootout or something.
Luck shifting positions slightly drags him back to reality. Back to the present, where none of those people have even aged significantly since Firo became immortal. He's grateful more than ever for Luck's presence at his side. Luck is maybe---no, he is---the one person in the world Firo really couldn't live without.
"Luck," he says, probably intending to say something a little heavier than what actually ends up coming out of his mouth, "hey, don't mention this kinda thing to Maiza or anyone, okay? He'd tear himself to pieces if he knew the whole 'living forever' thing was gettin' to me like this."
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prompts from the other blog. / accepting?
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stonedeafdogarch · 1 year
     he wasn’t affiliated with anyone , in the long run he thinks it’s better that way. The most that he had to deal with was an unhappy client. Most of his work was flawless , albeit a little sloppy , and he would always go too far. Like currently when he throws the piece of trash guy who he was tired to toss around a little bit , out of the alleyway. It was late so he didn’t have to worry about -- 
Emil catches eyes with the other , on hand has to ask -- 
            [  you with the cops?   ] 
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gamelost · 1 year
✿ ? :0
FRIENDSHIP.     childhood friends  /  work buddies or coworkers  /  family friends  /  friends with benefits  /  smoking buddies  /  adventure buddies  /  fake friends  /  recently friends  /  party buddies  /  friendship of need  /  dying friendship  /  circumstantial friendship  /  partners in crime  /  old friendship  /  [ your muse ] is the good influence  /  [ your muse ] is the bad influence  /  [ my muse ] is the good influence  /  [ my muse ] is the bad influence  /  opposites attract  /  ride or die  /  frenemies  /  roommates or flatmates  /  penpals  /  exes to friends  /  enemies to friends  /  other
ROMANCE.     childhood sweethearts  /  [ your muse is mines ] childhood crush  /  [ my muse is yours ] childhood crush  /  exes  /  exes to lovers  /  forbidden lovers  /  highschool sweethearts  /  secret relationship  /  opposites attract  /  long distance  /  unrequited [ from your muses side ]  /  unrequited [ from my muses side ]  /  unrequited [ from both sides ]  /  skinny love  /  friends to lovers  /  enemies to lovers  /  spurious relationship  /  power couple  /  newly entered  /  soulmates [ metaphorical ]  /  soulmates  [ literal ]  /  awkward  /  turning toxic  /  toxic love  /  cheating [ on your muse ]  /  cheating [ with your muse ]  /  other listen matt just thinks he’s hot
FAMILIAL.     siblings [ half ]  /  siblings [ step ]  /  [ my muse ] is an older sibling figure to your younger sibling figure  /  [ my muse ] is a younger sibling figure to your older sibling figure muse  /  [ my muse ] is a parental figure to yours  /  [ my muse ] is a child figure to your muse  /  guardian figure  /  legal guardian  /  adoptive child  /  foster child  /  [ your muse ] is taken under mines wing  /  [ my muse ] is taken under yours wing  /  other
ANTAGONISTIC.     dangerous to each other  /  dangerous to others  /  unpredictable  /  rivals  /  petty  /  developing into sexual or romantic tension  /  based off family matters  /  based of off circumstance  /  based of professional matters  /  based off misunderstanding or lies  /  conflict of ideology  /  betrayal  /  hero - villain dynamic  /  enemies  /  fight club  /  friends turned enemies  /  lovers turned enemies  /  exes turned enemies  /  other 
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zorkaya-moved · 2 years
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ABOUT: LUCK GANDOR. emerge from the business between two shadows.
He is a man of talent and loyalty to his family, he certainly is... a Snezhnayan. Hm? Oh, please, information from the Fatui is something I also have access to. My research benefits not only Akademiya’s Sages, but Fatui as well. I don’t have a specific side to be on. Actually, no, that man is a fox, but I would call him more of a jackal, but it’s just my opinion. When it comes to Mr. Gandor, I find him a worthy ally in terms of business. As I do not have a particular land to settle on and act as a connection between many merchants, I am willing to offer my services as both a scholar and a businesswoman. He has a good understanding of how the world and business works, what a shame he isn’t pushing his business from Snezhnaya. It makes me wonder how he works with the Hydro Archon’s rule over his head. Perhaps, I should ask him about the current internal affairs happening within Fontaine next time. I’m more interested in their political uncertainties and he is a person I’d like to hear an unbiased opinion from. 
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