containatrocity · 2 months
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Speak in Diatonics, Model vision; Diabolic- I'm religion better locked in a box.
Cyan's at least a little more used to these sorts of get-togethers than most, the artsy, over the top vibes of LA parties made over to the... best of the abilities, of the people of Huntsville. It's an asymetrical suit adorned with broken, sanded chips of glass, circuitboards and mirrors and face painting engaging in the suggestion of something biomechanical on his jaw and neck that carry the weight of his outfit for the ball. He's not likely to stay long, if he and Sissy can manage to get home before dark- Still troubled and putting on a brave face these days, he'd much rather make a brief appearance- and then his escape to the safety of home.
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chicagcextras · 1 year
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Disclaimer - all chq tasks are optional. they can be done in any order at any time. you are not required to participate.
Moodboards are a classic for a reason. They can be as simple or elegant as you’d like. They can be on a variety of topics. Typically, moodboards are a series of 3x3 squares, each with a different photo or gif to represent whichever theme your board encompasses. For this task you can make any style you’d like, be it old school tumblr with 9 gifs, including your muse, gifs with text, and the like. You can make some sort of grand aesthetic graphic. You can take the old cork board sitting in your garage and paint it before pinning photos to it and finishing it off with ribbon. 
Whatever avenue you’d like to take, we encourage you to dive into your muses and create some moodboards. There is no limit on how many you make, or the themes. Positive traits, negative traits, dreams, style, personality, family, friends, whatever calls to you!
please tag all tasks with c.task and tag @chicagcextras to make sure it gets reblogged. feel free to share it in the discord under #tasks
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craylet · 7 years
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containatrocity · 5 months
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J Daniel Atlas - Now you See Me
Wrench - Watchdogs 2
Dick Greyson - Batman
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containatrocity · 7 months
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When you meet the man whose life you stole With weathered wings and broken bones A flight for the fallen flies the crow You can't save yourself...
Cyan Canne: Eric Draven, The Crow
To be completely fair he probably should have been clearer. attending the festival with Genesis Boone, Cyan's costume based on the Crow has been made into a pun unintentionally-
As Sissy thought he said "A Crow" instead. Wanting to avoid making her feel bad for mishearing him- and recognizing that she's adorable in the bird costume anyway- He's simply accepted that they're both crows in some capacity.
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containatrocity · 11 months
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oh and my love // Did I mistake you for a sign from God? // Or are you really here to cut me off? // Or maybe just to turn me on.
Cyan Canne: Kitsune Spiritcaller
-Mask from img 1, and a set of 'tails' styled after the whisps on the mask clipped to the back of his costume, with dark shadow/kohl inside the eyeholes to hide his skintone. -Top, belts and jacket from img 2 -Leather pants and belt set/books/straps from img 3
He really hadn't planned to dress up, but under pressure from Sissy and well aware that making his pregnant girlfriend sad was maybe not the best way to engage with the faire, Cyan scrounged together parts and pieces from high fashion left over from his time in LA to make something resembling a fox-trickster costume- the mask something he already owned as well, strangely enough. Spending much of the event with Sissy, Val, and G, he's got nothing to vend, and will be simply enjoying his weekend without sweating his ass off in his usual garb.
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containatrocity · 1 year
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Seems your heart is locked up And I still get the combination wrong Or are you simply waiting to save your love for someone I am not? Too many swallowed keys Will make you bleed internally someday, oh, oh Maybe you believe that in the end You will be better off that way.
Attending largely because he didn't want to be left out, and because he's convinced himself that he should at least try and make more than 3 friends in a town he's been trapped in since 2021, Silas Canne looks overwhelmingly out of place, dressed for a silicon valley party with odd layers and sleek black and silver, he'll likely be awkwardly discussing the decor with his partner, Lincoln Abernathy and quietly stealing glances around the venue because he can swear somebody's staring at him- surely it's a coincidence when he and Sissy Boone lock gazes for a fleeting moment. His hair pins, holding up a twisted bun of thick brown hair and accenting framing bangs and braids look handmade, and seem to fit a touch more with Huntsville than the rest of him.
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containatrocity · 1 year
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Breathe, cold, another bad dream Got mud on my face but I can't get clean Feel, hope, but I rip at the seams If I can't get you away from me Taking showers every hour and I choke on steam Writing on the mirrors and the space between So tall, it broke the fourth wall Guess our fairy tale had a few plot holes.
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containatrocity · 1 year
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You can be all I got, what's the difference? You and me and a lot of bad decisions.
"I'm Silas Canne, though most everyone just calls me Cyan or Cy. I'm 27 years old, and I'm an entertainment broker and tech repairman here in Huntsville. My van broke down outside of town in 2021, and I've been here ever since, which means technically, I'm just visiting. The townspeople and the commune seem largely distrusting of me, which I suppose I can understand. I do not hunt, I do not gather, and in order to survive, I've learned to trade in hobbies and comfort- little reminders of a world larger than Huntsville, and the suffering it's wrought. My vice of choice was once heroin, though I'm a year clean, and it's found itself replaced with self destructive tendencies."
Name: Silas Neon "Cyan" Chiyoda
Aliases: Cy, Cyan, Neo, Day-Glo (A nickname given by an ex.), Tin Can, Robotboy (given by Duck Romero), Cyan Canne (Canne in itself is an alias- his last name is Chiyoda.)
Age: 27 (October 28th) [Scorpio]
Sexuality/Gender: Bisexual Cis Male [He/Him]
Personality: Silas can come off as a bit of a stick in the mud, difficulty understanding social cues and the way others communicate often makes him seem out of touch or alien, but after 26 years of being 'other' he's more than worked out how to better communicate- even if it means requesting elaboration more than once. Quick witted, sarcastic, and capable with technology more than people, Cy's draw to others is confusing for him, though he's well aware he's attractive, he doesn't think his personality is endearing enough to make anyone tolerate him in the long-term. While he's not opposed to a little drink, dancing, and self destruction tangled in the sheets alongside a stranger, he doesn't often bother getting to know people beyond a working or completely physical relationship, exceptions to this seemingly made for the people willing to take him in to live in their homes. He's not particularly trusted, and he accepts this fact- he's an outsider, after all, and his talents with technology and surveillance- having helped several people up their home security with a slapdashed collection of tech- makes his presence... troubling, for some.
Occupation: Entertainment Dealer and Technology Repair Man, His tendency to be a digital media hoarder when he lived outside of Huntsville has left him in possession of hundreds of large capacity drives with movies, games, tv, music, and books preserved on them, and he rents these out to the townspeople in exchange for their goods, services, and food- he also does general repair on the failing tech around town, though it's slapping a bandaid on a gaping wound, at this point for some of the systems, and he's started trying to set up replacements.
Affiliations: The town of Huntsville
Scent Profile: Something sharp, spicy, and expensive, Cyan's smelled like the same designer cologne since he arrived in Huntsville. There's notes of pomegranates and wine, orchids alongside the cedarwood and spice that clouds him. It's cut through now with the smell of sweat and electronic smoke, a biting, chemical scent that overpowers all else, sometimes.
Aesthetic: Digital interference, thousands of wires coiling and alive, tentacles of information sprawling from one central point and winding tight around their prey, holding hostages in the lines of code. A half finished bottle of hennesy and track marks hidden under dark tattoo ink, a history of violence marked in scars and bruises, but these wounds are old and healed. Who he was is who he isn't any longer. A new beginning surrounded by the ever-present threat of death.
Bitter ends to the nights- I'm along for the ride. Out of breath, out of time Everything has a price.
Upon his van's breakdown- and the subsequent briefing from the gruff old game warden about his continued survival in a town like Huntsville, Cy took the information... poorly. He'd insisted everyone in town was crazy- at least, until the ghosts turned up and nearly tore him to pieces. Made a believer only through threat of death, it's a reluctant presence that Cy holds in town, but one that's colored with pity for those around him. He was quick to set up his broker system, offering rentals to the people of town for drives and computers capable of reading the content held within so they could embrace the things they'd missed in nearly 10 years contained in the paradox.
He similarly works to repair and upgrade the things he can help with through salvaged parts and the things visitors tend to bring through to keep them as modern as he can manage, keeping phones running and stocked with media, ipods functional and intact, and distributing the repaired tablets, laptops and phones he'd had with him to those who needed them, upon his arrival. It's his own personal system he favors, a self-built PC set up in the house he stays in that makes up the largest part of his time, making maps, time tables, and surveillance sets for the people of Huntsville- his compulsion to know and understand making him ignore that which he has no answers for- the ghosts- and focus entirely on the human element, though this often leads to him saying things he shouldn't know about people directly to their faces.
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containatrocity · 1 year
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craylet · 9 years
sunrise fog by Gansukh
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craylet · 9 years
Mongolian Sakura (Буйлс): Amygdalus pedunculata Pall by Gansukh
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