starter for @hxnkbrxmson Location: Any bar?
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It had been a long day and Levi had been looking forward to May for awhile. He had taken some time off work and needed a break, so he decided to get something to drink. It was a open secret to those that really knew Levi that he was an acholic but always was able to control himself. He had walked into the bar and walked up when he saw the other sitting. He smiled taking a seat as he ordered himself something. "I don't believe we have met before," he spoke in a charming voice and a charming smile on his face.
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wesxkennedy · 1 year
People: @hxnkbrxmson Location: Wonderwell
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Wesley was really trying, the doctor was feeling a bit better today and was excited, it was hard for him not to be especially when his son was excited and happy has well. Wesley always loved science and always tried to do science experiments with Ollie twice a month, just like his grandfather did with him and that man help light his love and interest in science and plus it was a plus that his brother Eric was a doctor. The smiled as Eric carried Ollie on his shoulders as they looked through some of the interactive experiments.
"Excuse me do you happen to know the time? Don't have a phone on me. What to know when the next presentation is happening," he asked as he walked up to the other with a kind smile.
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aj-writess-blog · 5 years
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tag drop for henry ‘hank’ booth
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likeadiamondfrost · 8 years
Popped Stitches: Hank || Emma
After her urgent text to Henry, Emma had laid down on the bed per his instructions. God, it felt like fire. She almost could say this felt like being torn apart but she didn’t. It was a different sensation. Concentrated instead of all over. Henry had been there checking on her when she’d woken up in the medbay, much to her relief. It wasnt that she didnt trust the staff, maybe not fully anyway, but more so as a familiar face as opposed to a stranger taking care of her unlike last time. 
With a hand over her eyes, Emma winced, until she heard the door open. “On the bed…” shed called. Well her shirt was ruined that was for sure, “I was just bending to pick the bag up.” she laughed though it was laced with a bit of pain, looking at him from uder her hand.
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rijournalism · 10 years
New Years Eve Assignment; Hank
New Year’s Eve.  I’m sitting with Ava at the Douglas household. That household that contains Wyatt and Aaron, and also Aaron’s sister. But the men are gone, they went on vacation or something. As much as I want to be there with Ava, I also want to be out in Ibiza with Fathima and a few of my other friends. Fathima the most though. There’s something about her that I just can’t shake off. She’s like some new drug that I’ve become addicted to. She’s so sweet, and angelic. She makes me feel good, like nothing in this world can stop me from anything. I can’t stop thinking about her and when I try to stop thinking about her, I go insane. And when I’m near her or just talking to her, my world stops and everything I say or do is for her. And her smile, god her smile, it makes me melt every time I see it and it makes my heart skip a beat. I can’t take sitting at the Douglas’s household anymore, so I explain what’s going on, that I need to go to this party, I need to go and see this girl that I can’t stop talking about and take off.
I catch the first flight out, I can’t hear anything, so I have to keep my eye on the boarding screen. Thirty minutes after I get to the airport, my flight is boarding. I hope on, going to first class, because who travels by coach anymore? I sit anxiously waiting on the flight to start going, to get to Ibiza so that I can find Fathima. It takes a while, but I’m finally there. I’m going to the address that was given when this trip was first planned and brought to everyone’s attention. When I get there, I can feel the vibrations of music under my feet, people everywhere, and that’s when I start looking for her. I push through the crowds of people, checking out everyone just to see if it’s her. And there she is. The moonlight shining on her face, making her look like an angel sent down to torture me with her perfection. I push my way through people and finally get to her. I hear people counting down in the background. Yes, I hear them. I can finally hear again and that’s when I take her face in my hands and press my lips against hers. At that moment fireworks are being shot and lighting up the sky. It’s perfect. Everything is just perfect and I’ve never been happier with anything. But in that moment, I’m there with Fathima, I’m there with the one person that I know that I like way more than I should. And by the end of the night, we’re together. We stop the friends with benefits deal and are just together and happy.
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wesxkennedy · 2 years
Location: The park People: @hxnkbrxmson
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  “Excuse me is this yours?” The male asked as he held a paper in his hand. It had been a bit of a complicated day, Wesley had some time to spare before he picked Ollie up from daycare. The male had a lot on his mind and he thought that a walk through the park would help him clear his mind and would be helpful. As he walked he noticed a few papers flew his way, grabbing them he looked around and noticed someone sitting unsure it belonged to them. 
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