#c:/starblobs/ask/trinket ^-^ anon
emojistargloww · 2 years
^-^ you said to send in neos, i dont have a request but i'm an alter in a DID sys and i wanted to share my neos daze/dazes/dazeself clink/clinks/clinkself coin/coins/coinself bell/belle/bells/bellself chi/chir/chirs/chirself cele/celes/celeself mi/mir/mirs/mirself if you'd like i can go find the other neos our sys alters use ^-^
screw you im doing all of these lmao /pos /aff /p
(context for those who arent this anon, they sent another ask with about 30 pronoun sets. enjOY >:>>>>)
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emojistargloww · 2 years
neo dump! (from the daze/dazeself anon)
hir/hir/hirs/hirself dri/drip/drips/dripself fae/faer/faers/faerself xe/xem/xeir/xeirself dit/dits/ditself spook/spooks/spookself cryp/cryps/crypself clown/clowns/clownself beep/beeps/beepself honk/honks/honkself hop/hops/hopself boo/boos/booself bzz/bzzself sun/suns/sunself wy/wyr/wyrs/wyrself hy/hys/hyrs/hyrself cringe/cringes/cringeself UwU/UwUs/UwUself OwO/OwOs/OwOself vamp/vamps/vampself ze/zem/zeir/zeirself skx/skxs/skxself zae/zaer/zaers/zaerself xae/xaer/xaers/xaerself zy/zys/zyself zx/zxr/zxrs/zxself daze/dazes/dazeself clink/clinks/clinkself coin/coins/coinself bell/belle/bells/bellself chi/chir/chirs/chirself cele/celes/celeself mi/mir/mirs/mirself
(they added the following in another ask: disc/discs/discself synth/synths/synthself note/notes/noteself paw/paws/pawself)
i. can't do the majority of these but anybeing looking for neos here's 37 sets :D
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