#c: elisa
sternevogn · 1 month
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just smth silly.
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pacificgrimsarc · 4 months
jody + elisa | @falscgcds
What's it called when it's love at first sight but you've seen them before?
Jody can't quite put a word to it, even though it's on the tip of his tongue. He sees her across the ballroom, and like in the movies, it's as if everything has gone dark and quiet and one spotlight suddenly turns on and starts shining at her. He never felt this way when he saw her in class or at the library or in the dining hall all those years ago... What's different now, he's not sure, but he sure as hell isn't going to find out from all the way over here.
He finds himself in front of her, not sure if he's wedging himself in a conversation or if he's found the right time where she's alone. Everything around them is pink and red and ruffly and heart-shaped because, of course it's the fucking Cosmopolitan magazine's annual Singles Soiree. It hearkens back to the last time they interacted, in a backward way; there was hardly anything romantic about the backseat of his old Corolla outside of some trashed frat house in Greektown.
"I never thought I'd see you here," he finally says. "But I can't say I'm unhappy."
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daringsunflowers · 1 year
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❛ why are you laughing? this is a very serious situation. ❜
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emmatriarchy · 2 months
for Ghost
X, the GRUMP
Barb Wire uwu
living her BEST (un)life
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"I appreciate X and Barb. I don't know how I could ever choose between them..."
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lostintra · 1 year
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He paused in the entryway of the living room with a ragged sigh. The first time this happened he had immediately turned tail and the second he simply spoke to her with his back to her. Then Hasan just began to try his best to go about his business whilst avoiding looking anywhere below the neck, but it was obvious this was simply behavior he would have to get used to and wondered if Elisa was doing it on purpose to try and get under his skin. So he decided to address the issue because thus far he had only kept from looking in order to maintain professionalism and her privacy, but she was the one putting herself on display without a care. "Do you really always have to clean with your breasts out like that? I guess it must not bother that I'm seeing them which is odd because I figured you would hate to allow me to know how you look naked in any way and you realize if anything were to happen like someone breaking in I'd have to cover you with my body, right? Thought I'd ought to remind you." He replied looking at her directly, exposure and all.
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Stranger Things: Tales From Hawkins #3 by Jody Houser and Sunando C. Cover by Marc Aspinall. Variant covers by (2) Keyla Valerio, (3) Liana Kangas and (4) Elisa Romboli. Out in August.
"Robin Buckley is always trying to mask her true self in the rural town of Hawkins as she coasts through days packed full of boring classes and band practice. That all changes when a love-struck Robin can't help but take on the role of director for a school project in an effort to get her crush Tammy's attention. She's determined to convey her deeper feelings through her script, even if she has no idea how it should end."
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Actually favorite dynamic is "we have a partner in common meaning that while we wouldn't normally interact we end up seeing so much of each other we kind of became friends by proxy. We're not going to fall for each other but we've bonded over both loving Character C, and we've probably ended up realizing we have more in common than we thought"
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miarenmert · 1 year
My favorite singers and quotes from their songs
I made a pages for Elisa C. Martin (Dark Moor, Fairyland, Dramaker, Hamka and other bands), Malinda Kathleen Reese (Google Translate Sings), Kælan Mikla and Flora (Kerion). Sorry for the handwriting.
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crisrf1986 · 2 years
Libros recomendados Premio Literario Amazon Storyteller 2022
Libros recomendados Premio Literario Amazon Storyteller 2022
¡Hola, holaaaaa! A principios de Mayo se inició el periodo de inscripción del PLAS 2022, en el que se han inscrito cientos de libros. Bueno, me he tomado la libertad de hacer una lista con los que más me llaman la atención y me atrevo a recomendar para que leáis. Todos los libros participantes en el Premio Literario de Amazon están disponibles en eBook, papel y GRATIS en Kindl Unlimited, por lo…
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guaxinimraccoon · 2 months
I started those in a sudden urge to test a different art style and they ended up becoming their new ref sheets! I posted one a long time ago, but it's old and I don't like the style very much. The only exception were Toby's colors and clothes, I still like them a lot
Anywayssss have names, ages, colors and me having an art style crisis for the third time this week
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[Btw Elisa's and Alex's ages and designs are according to the time they first met, nowadays they're 48 and 49 c:]
[And I decided to give Toby a scar on his left eyebrow bc why not]
[AND I gave Siri fluffy ears as a royalty mark, all royalty family members have fluffy ears bc I'm feeling like it]
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moonystoes · 4 months
Safe Dance - Elisa De Almeida x international!reader
summary: this pretty much explains it all lol.
Warning: Sexual assault, old man being a creep, mentions of alcohol, not well written, slowww burn like it's pissing me off too im sorry, elisa being our protective queen.
a/n: i'm bringing this up again, i just started writing, especially fics as long as this (the last one -and the first- had only 500 words). So feedback and help is needed!! also sorry i got a little bored and wrote too many useless things lol.
w/c: 5.218k
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You knew you needed to celebrate your high GPA after graduating from your bachelor degree at some point. But you've been putting it off, feeling like it's too much effort and energy for your introverted self. It's no secret French people are distant towards foreigners, it's been something known worldwide (which is ironic since a big part of their population are people of color coming from different countries from Africa and Asia). But you ignored all the toxic things you heard about France when you unexpectedly got a scholarship into the University of Paris.
Now, four years later, you are still alone. You have made friends in some projects, but right when the project is over, your friendship ends as well. Your mom has messaged you a long paragraph on how proud she is of you, but the loneliness is still wearing you down. You knew you probably looked silly walking down the street, wearing a short V-neck dress with high heels obviously to party, but there is a permanent frown on your face.
When you looked up from your phone, you didn't even need to look for the club. You can feel the music vibrate the ground and there is a huge line at the entrance. You turned off your phone and waited in line, wanting to just drink all day and celebrate by then. You checked on your friend (an international student like you) who promised that she'll be here, but your message was left on delivered for 2 hours. 
After 15 minutes of scrolling through your Instagram and 3 missed calls to Liz, it was your turn to show the security your ID. His dark eye bags showed you that he was too exhausted to care, so he took less than a second to glance at your card before returning it to you, and opening the door for you in a frustrated way.
You walked in awkwardly, couples grinding and dancing around you, you felt disgusted - and secretly jealous. The club was dark and had red LED lights, it was filled with large posters of icons and models from the 70s, and of course the playboy magazines of women wearing lingerie. It looked good enough for you to settle down on the bar stool and immediately order a light drink. 
While you were sitting there to decide whether you should dance or wait for Liz (you were honestly frustrated at her for ditching you with no explanation), the bartender passed a large drink towards you. You glanced at him with a confused look, “oh sorry, I didn't order this.”
“Yeah I know, it's the man there.” He pointed to the table on your left, to an older man with thin white hair. Your jaw dropped when you looked at him, realizing that he caught you staring.
“Umm… that old man?” You tried your hardest to whisper over the thudding music, trying not to let the creep that is sitting just 2 meters away from you hear what you said. The bartender nodded and walked away to the other side of the bar, making you sigh in annoyance that he didn't bother to even help you out. You slowly pushed the light pink drink away from you, it smelled strong which showed his true intentions, getting you drunk.
You pulled out your phone and texted Liz a quick message, “Liz a man is being weird where are you ☹️☹️?” You scrolled through your gallery to pretend you are doing something and distract yourself from the man on your left, until you are tapped on the shoulder. You froze, quickly turning off your phone as you took a deep breath, pretending that you didn't feel it.
“May I know why you didn't accept the drink, it was really expensive.” you flinched when you felt his breath hit your neck, no way this is happening today. Where the fuck is Liz? You turned around slowly, trying to act calm and collected, “sorry, I didn't want to drink today, I'm just here for someone.”
“I don't see anyone here,” he mockingly glanced around the bar to see the ‘person’ you were waiting for. “I saw you drink just a few minutes ago.”
You closed your eyes for a second and took a deep breath. You glanced at his striking blue eyes and felt your hands starting to shake, you looked away back to the drink he ordered for you and grasped it, taking a small sip just to taste what it is. You knew you were fucked, Liz isn't here and she's probably not going to come, the bartender couldn't give a shit, and this man won't leave you alone. Why was he at a bar on a Wednesday night? Doesn't he have some office job to do tomorrow or is he too old that he's retired now.
The drink tasted sour and tangy, but had a strawberry flavor. The burning of your throat made you cough and your eyes shutting close, it was definitely alcoholic, very alcoholic. You rested the drink on the table and faked-smiled and awkwardly nodded, but your smile disappeared when his hand clutched your arm and pulled you forward, “why don't you dance with me, huh? Wearing this dress for nothing must be a shame.” 
You panicked and took a quick scan of your surroundings to see who could help. On the bar table to your left, there were other older men, possibly friends of the weirdo that's now bruising your arm. On the large leather sofas that were placed on the other corner, there was a couple?...a throple? A man was sitting comfortably on it as he crossed his legs on the mini table in front of him, two girls were sprawled over him, one playing with his hair and the other playing with his shirt while she chugs from a beer can…yeah they will be too busy to help.
You took a quick turn to the VIP entrance, seeing a short girl with a Gucci bag waiting to be let in… rich spoiled people are too busy to look around. You swore you never cared about religion until then, when the man tugged you to his chest, your eyes slowly closing as you were holding your tears praying to God to let you out of this misery.
You felt his hands being placed on your hips, as he forcefully tugged your back towards his groin. He pushed you to the crowded area so people can't see your discomfort in your face. 
But before he does more than this, a large hand tugged you away from the man, making the man behind you exhale loudly. “Anna! I'm sorry for making you wait, hey let's go…umm do you know him?” you've never heard such a soft yet deep voice like this. Before you even had the chance to look at who grabbed you, her right arm tugged you into her chest, trying to hide you from the stranger. “No, I don't.” You whispered, afraid of making the situation even bigger.
“Seriously? you were waiting for this…” His angry voice and arm pointing at the both of you made you anxiously stare at him. He looked at the woman hugging you up and down with disgust before muttering a ‘nevermind’ and stomping off.
You shakingly held tightly into her, staring at the spot the man was at. “Are you okay?” She let out a soft whisper from above your head. You were shaken at the whole encounter, blocking off what she said until you felt soft taps on your shoulder, making you look up at her.
This was the first opportunity you had to actually see who saved you from this, and she was gorgeous. She had sunglasses placed on the collar of her dress shirt with two of the buttons opened. Why was she even wearing a dress shirt at a club? When you looked up to her face (because she's 5 '9 and the first thing you saw was her tan skin), her hair was short, swooped to the side. Her cheekbones were sharp and her eyes were furrowed worriedly. You quickly separated from her and took two steps away.
“Hey, it's okay.” She took a step forward, opening her hands around her face to show you she doesn't want to hurt you, “are you waiting for someone?”
You looked away from her eyes, the smell of alcohol and sweat is making it difficult for you to think straight -literally. You looked at your phone, finding a new notification, “oh thank God she responded!” You relaxed, until you pressed on it.
“Hey baby!! It's your favorite uncle 😉, just saw your post about graduating. Congratulations! I miss you so much. Maybe one day we can all reunite when you graduate your masters 💪keep working hard!”
You inhaled deeply, turning off your phone and throwing it in your mini purse. You looked at the woman, she looked at you with raised brows waiting for an explanation for your reaction. You rested your hand on your forehead and frustratedly groaned out, “no she fucking ignored my messages.”
Her face turned sour as she looked behind you, probably to the place where the old men were sitting, giving you the chance to look at her face once again. You blushed at her clenched sharp jaw, slight pink cheeks, and the soft lips. When you looked back at her eyes, she was already looking at you.
You internally wanted to kill yourself for looking at her lips, because she definitely caught that. You looked away to her arms, doing everything in your power to not look at her face again. But then you realized glancing at her arms will make the situation even worse. Her arms were athletic and the sleeves were tight around her biceps. How is she this hot?
“You can stay with me, my friends are here.” She softly grasped your hand, pulling you away from the crowded dance floor. “It's fine, I'll just go home.”
“No, come on! It's a secluded area, no one will bother us.” She encouraged you, her hand still in yours. You looked down at your heels, you felt like shit. This whole time at the bar was for you and Liz to celebrate your day and you end up being a charity case for a hot woman. You don't even know why you chose the club, you hated partying anyways. You bit into your lip, one single line going through your head:
I deserve to celebrate my achievements no matter with who. I'm the one who worked hard for this, I need this.
“Okay just… Please don't do this because you feel bad for what happened.” her eyes softened, intertwining your fingers with hers and whispering a soft ‘never’. You felt embarrassed as she was dragging you around the bar to the place her friends are staying at, you didn't want to see anyone’s face so you just looked down at your intertwined hands and hoped you won't collide with anyone. Your hand looked small compared to her large ones as she held into you, feeling her rough skin tightly around yours.
When you realized she stopped, you looked up to where she took you. “Oh no… I'm not going there,” You frowned at her, “VIP? I heard it's expensive here.” You felt guilty that she might spend money on a spot for you, but you were curious on how she makes enough money to be here.
“Don't worry, my work has paid for the night here, I didn’t spend a euro on me or anyone.” She smiled at you, finding it cute how you were worried about her money. She let go of your hand and opened the door slowly, signaling her hand to follow her.
You stood still for a few seconds, feeling exhausted and tired. And unfortunately, you felt gross. You looked down at your dress, remembering what the old man said. It was your favorite, it may not look fancy but you've loved it and waited for a moment to wear it, now you can't even glance at it without feeling down. You glanced at the woman, she had already taken a few steps until she realized you weren't following her, “Do you want to go home? I can order you an Uber?”
This was your chance to actually get to know someone, you've been alone all this time in Paris and Liz was an American student. The woman in front of you seemed like the first French woman that actually tried to befriend you, and she's attractive. Her face softened as she took a few steps towards you again, understanding your silence. “My name is Elisa, what's yours?”
“Y/n.” You didn't know what to do after this so you reached out your hand to handshake her, internally cringing from how awkward you are…no wonder why your love life is as low as your mood today. She giggled and grasped your hand, shaking it aggressively. You looked at her with a confused face and she just winked quickly, “so… y/n why are you here at the club on a Wednesday night?”
“I just graduated so I wanted to celebrate.” You were staring at your held hands, feeling awkward when looking at anyone's eyes, especially élisa's. But when you felt her hand immediately let go of yours and wipe it off with her dress pants, you looked at her face slightly hurt. Her eyes are slightly widened, which made you realize why she let go of your hand, “bachelor degree in physical therapy.”
“Ohh! That's so nice. You know at my job we need a lot of physiotherapists, I like them.” Her body physically relaxed, making you laugh at her panic. The poor woman thought you were some high school student, but you didn't blame her, you never made it clear when you spoke about it.
“Cool… what do you work as?” You asked, a smile appearing in your face. You didn't realize that by a small comment, Elise made your feelings better just as she planned. She let out an open smile when she noticed yours, feeling proud of herself for making you feel better.
Your smile wiped off your face, “no please I don't like doing this game just say it.”
She laughed, “I'll give you a hint, I wear number 5.”
It took a moment for you to answer because you froze when you heard her laugh, making a stupid grin plaster into your face, “...football?” You dragged the word as you questioned, worried it might be wrong. She nodded with a proud smile.
“Wow, that's so cool I do watch football!... not the women, I don't know where to watch…sorry.”
She laughed, stepping closer and resting her left arm around your shoulder, encouraging you to walk through the dark maroon hallway with her. “It's okay, we're used to it.”
When you looked up from this angle, your attraction worsened. Her side profile was perfect. It took a moment for you to recover from it, “ehm…some girls in my class wanted to be football physios so they could work with Szoboszlai.” You muttered, obviously not knowing what to say. You didn't know if you should wrap your right hand around her waist or just keep it awkwardly limping between the both of you.
She glanced at you and laughed, “and you? Is that what you wanted?”. You looked away, deciding to focus on the dark walnut wood corridor in front of you instead of her eyes. “I don't really like men.”
“Ha! Me too.” Her left arm tapped your shoulder to the beat of the music. Elisa was glad that you weren't into men; she felt like it's finally her time where she can get attention from a woman that isn't a fangirl. She pulled you inside a room, filled with people singing and jumping around.
You felt sick all over again, not knowing Elisa had this many friends. You remembered her speaking about her work paying for this, are all of these people her teammates? The room was built almost like a sunken living room, the leather couches were placed into the ground around the walls with stairs in the side, and two small tables placed in two opposite corners that were filled with drinks and purses. Elisa felt your body turn rigid, she leaned in close to your ear and whispered gently, “They're all nice, I promise.” You turned to look at her, you didn't understand why but you felt at ease around her, maybe because of what she did earlier, but you took a deep breath and calmed down.
She pointed at an empty seat next to a blonde woman, “hey Jackie, this is y/n, she's a physiotherapy graduate.” Jackie turned to look at you and elisa, she smiled brightly and raised her hand to signal you to sit with her. You let out a tight-lipped smile and approached the table to sit. You noticed Jackie looking at your attire and glancing at Elisa with a confused look, but before she said a thing, Elisa interrupted her by saying she needed to go to the bathroom.
Well shit, now you have to do this alone. You stared at Elisa as she was walking out, secretly checking her out and also praying that she’ll come back soon. “Umm… do you work here?”
You turned to look at Jackie, “oh, no. I'm just here to party.”
“Ohh…I thought you were one of the dancers offered here.” She looked at her whiskey and took a sip, clearly not seeing the shock in your face.
You froze as you gave her a confused glance, “oh. You thought I was a stripper?” You glanced down at your dress… It's a short dress, yes, but a dancer? You had no disrespect for them, just felt a little confused. Does Elisa call dancers for a lap dance? Is this where she went to?
“Oh not your dress! It's just that Elisa never spoke about bringing someone here so I assumed. Also, you're really pretty.” She gave you a wink with her compliment.
You gave her a soft smile with a shy ‘thanks’. “Elisa isn't really into those things, that’s why I was kind of confused.” She nudged your arm when you glanced at the exit again, realizing that you were waiting for Elisa. After hearing what Jackie said, you relaxed into your seat and looked at your surroundings.
Everyone seemed drunk except one, her thick black hair was tied in a high ponytail, too engrossed with her phone to really notice anyone. The other players were dancing, some were singing loudly to some song by Aya, an icon in french music from what you noticed in the past four years living here. “May I ask how you know elisa?” Jackie asked.
“Oh we just met here so…” you shrugged, you didn't feel like telling anyone what actually happened. Jackie nodded, taking her purse into her lap and pulling things out, trying to find something in it. After a while of scrolling on tiktok and looking at the girls partying, Elisa came back in, immediately settling down next to you. You looked at her with a smile, glad that she's back, but your smile was wiped off when you saw her frustrated and sweaty state. When she noticed the worry in your eyes she leaned in closer to you, “Do you like this club?”
You were caught off guard from this question and nodded slowly, “good because I want you to come back here,” You were confused, obviously you'll never come here. It doesn't matter how nice and fancy this place is, after that weirdo, you'll never step foot here. “I kicked him out, he's banned from coming here again.”
“Wa- wait what?” You gasped, looking at the door she came back from, expecting to see him standing there. But he wasn't, and even from the small glass window on the door, you can see that his spot is now empty, as well as his friends’.
“I want you to feel safe celebrating your achievements, I know today has probably been shit.” You bit your lip, turning to look at Jackie playing with her now found camera. You couldn't look at Elisa's eyes or else you would cry. You felt her hand softly caress your shoulder, bringing your body closer to hers. “Thank you, I mean… I don't even know what else to say.”
She gave you a gentle smile and turned to look at her teammates singing karaoke now. “No problem, now do you want to sing and dance with them? Or just sit here?”
“I'll just sit here, you can have fun with them.”
She looked back at you, deciding to lean back into the coach and find a comfortable position. “I play for Paris Saint Germain.”
“What! No way…I feel like shit for not watching you play.” You gasped, psg is the biggest team in France. And that's probably because they are loaded with money and can afford the top players, but you wondered how powerful the women's team is.
She laughed, quickly shaking her head, “don't feel that way! I just wanted to tell you. We just got qualified for the quarterfinals of the champions league that's why they're all drunk and shit.” She tilted her head towards a player dancing on the table. You bit your lip trying not to laugh at the poor woman, but when you heard Elisa's cackle, you let out a little laugh.
“Quarterfinals to the champions league… that's great! That's so cool, honestly, you should go and dance with them!” You pushed her towards the women, but she didn't even budge. She winked at you when she saw you try to move her and held your arm down, “Are you actually trying to push me or are you playing around?”
You knew she was joking, she can tell your struggling face when you tried to push her. You glanced at the way she grabbed your forearm, feeling the blush coming around your cheeks. Her muscles tensed beneath her fitted black shirt, elisa has been trying to subtly send you hints without panicking too much. But she knew she needed to do something even more, so she let her hand slowly go from your forearm to your hand, intertwining your fingers with hers. A shy smile broke out in both of your faces, looking up to see her already smiling at you. “Okay…maybe I do want to dance a little.”
You bite your lip and give her a soft nod, indicating that you wanted to dance with her. She grinned brightly and stood up from the couch, delicately pulling you with her. You felt content for the first time, you're finally going to dance and party like how you wanted before you came here in the first place. Elisa pulled you into her body, looking at your eyes to see if you're okay with her wrapping her arms around your waist. You felt speechless so you just nodded and dragged your hands from her forearms all the way to her shoulders, blushing at the feeling of her rough muscles.
Because you were busy trying to mask your flustered state, you didn't notice the panic Elisa was in. Her tightly wrapped hands were shaking and it seemed like she couldn't even glance at your face for three seconds without finding something else to look at. The girls had stopped singing karaoke now, the speaker playing some french afrobeats. “I forgot to tell you, I'm shit at dancing. I was planning on getting too drunk to care.” You admitted with a laugh, elisa tightened her hands around your waist, making your chest flush with hers. “Oh wait until you see me dance.” 
“You do realize this song isn’t for slow dancing?” You loved the feeling of her body against yours, but the idea of slow dancing to afrobeats in front of people is confusing you. “Shhh don’t ruin the moment now.” she joked, turning her head around the room, she looked back at you and said, “They’re all too drunk to care.”
You looked around the room, and fortunately she was right. The girls were all dancing, separated into multiple groups and only focusing on them. Even the sober one had stood up and was dancing with the rest. You rested your head on her shoulder, feeling like it doesn’t matter at this point what happens between you. Elisa will probably forget about you, and date an instagram model like every football player does -well… that’s what the male players do at least.
“You tired?” her velvety voice soothed you as she leaned her head on yours. You closed your eyes and hummed in response, not feeling like moving your body. You tried to excuse the exhaustion as the sickness from the old man, but throughout the semester, you have been sleeping 4 hours and only working and studying. And today has been the day you can finally rest.
Elisa moved her hands from your waist to wrap them around your shoulders instead. As much as she was worried about the possible rejection from you, she felt great about you being okay with her physical touches and wanted to enjoy the chance. She can feel your beating heart from the thin dress you’re wearing against her sternum. Elisa’s long fingers were playing with the hem of the dress from your neck, her body slowly rocking as if she’s putting a baby to sleep.
“Thank you,” You whispered, opening your eyes just to see her jaw. “For today. I may not seem happy, but I am really grateful for this, I’m happy.”
“Do you want to go home?”
You stayed silent for a few seconds, before letting out a short breathy laugh, “Is it obvious I don’t like to party?” You didn’t want to offend her, especially after what she did.
“I can call an uber for you, or I can drive you home if you don’t feel safe.” You almost wanted to cry at how thoughtful she is, but you knew you needed some alone time after all of this. Also, the thought of parting ways with Elisa and her completely forgetting about you is eating you alive.
“Thank you, but I’ll feel very guilty if I take you away from the party you should be celebrating.” You let go of the tight embrace you were in, looking at her eyes to let her know how much you meant it. She sighed and nodded with a small hidden frown in her face. Elisa felt like a child attached to a toy, she was worried to let you go and never find you again. Now that she kicked the assaulters out, she hoped you’d come to the club more often.
“Okay, I’ll walk you out.” She held your hand and walked you out of the VIP entrance. The smell of sweat and alcohol hit you in the face, the club is even busier now since it was around 10 at night. Elisa pulled you to her body, putting her arm around your shoulder protectively in case someone does a thing to you. Once you reached the closest exit, she pushed the heavy door and let you go out.
“Ehm… Can I have your phone number?” Elisa suddenly blurted, she wasn’t ready to say goodbye, so she said the lamest thing she thought, “Just to make sure you went home safe…you never know what can happen.”
When Elisa asked that question, your heart started beating faster, your worry about losing her is now out of your head, feeling glad that she wanted to contact you. But after her explanation, you sighed in disappointment, she’s probably not interested in you, she wants to know if you went home safe only.
“Yeah, okay.” You opened your hand, waiting for her to hand you her phone. She pulled out her phone from her front pocket, and passed it to you quickly. Her palms were sweaty from anxiousness, and she hoped her sweat wasn’t all over the phone. She knew she fucked up, she could’ve told you the truth but instead she acted like some sick teenager, and it made her even more annoyed with herself when she saw the excitement in your face disappear like fog. She wanted you to know she’s interested in you. You typed your phone number quickly, before giving it back to her with a tight smile.
“Bye-Bye,” You stepped back, still facing her. “Again, thank you for today.” You gave her a small wave, and then turned and walked your way back home. She was invading your thoughts, her face, her smile, her deep yet delicate voice, her body, and the fact that she’s a professional player that can get anyone she wants.
Once you reached home, you looked at your phone notifications, there were none. 0 from Liz, and 0 from Elisa. You cussed yourself, why would she even bother to text you? She is the hottest woman you’ve ever seen, you probably look like charity work next to her exes. You boiled water for instant noodles, feeling too low to even worry about making dinner. After eating the soggy cheap noodles, you turned on the bathtub faucet and added some oils to calm you down and distract you from Elisa. You contemplated on searching up her name and see what google says about her, but you forced yourself to not even look up a picture of her. She clearly doesn’t care about you, why would you care about her?
After the 30 minute depressing bath, you plopped into the bed, not bothering to put the blanket over you. You suddenly heard a notification ding from your phone. Closing your eyes tightly, you swore that if it's Liz you'll run to her house barefoot to yell at her. When you heard another ding, you opened your eyes slowly and reached out for your bedside table.
[Unknown number]
I'm sorry
I was acting like a kid around u I wanted to ask you out but I got too shy
Can I take you to dinner one day?
You bit into your lip harshly, trying so hard to suppress your blush. You thought about it for a second, you weren't mad because she couldn't ask you out in front of you. You couldn't do it either, and you were also flattered to the thought of her being too shy in front of you. It felt as though she was the confident one there. It didn't matter anyways, what mattered is that you wanted to be hers. And if this date is the first step, you'll take it.
Only if I can go and watch you play on the quarterfinals
[Elisa ⚽️]
Only with my jersey 😉
You turned off your phone and banged your head into the pillow, grabbing your phone again to send her a quick message.
Of course
I'm going to sleep rn
Good night 💞
[Elisa ⚽️]
Good night 😴
You turned off your phone and closed your eyes, immediately sleeping from the exhaustion of the day.
The dress looked perfect on you.
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gunnerfc · 2 months
Elisa De Almeida NSFW Alphabet (18+, minors DNI!)
A: Aftercare
She’ll help you take a shower or bath after sex and will whisper how good you took her in your ear as you catch your breath
B: Body Part (their favorite body part of themselves and their partner)
Elisa’s favorite body part is her hands, she loves how easy it is to make you cum with just her fingers
Her favorite body part of yours is your chest, she loves leaving hickies all over your chest and breasts
C: Cum (anything to do with cum)
She loves overstimulating you and telling you to wait until she tells you to cum but you’re too fucked to attempt to listen and always end up coming before she tells you to
D: Dirty Secret 
Elisa loves how loud you are and how it’s so easy for someone to overhear the two of you
E: Experience (Are they experienced? Do they know what they are doing?) 
Elisa is experienced and it shows
F: Favorite Position 
She loves when you ride her face
G: Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous?)
She’ll make a few teasing jokes here and there but she’s mostly serious
I: Intimacy (How intimate are they during the moment?)
Sex with Elisa is intimate most of the time but the intimacy is mostly after sex is over
J: Jack off (Masturbation HC) 
She loves when you send her videos of you getting yourself off and saves them to watch whenever you two are apart
K: Kink (One or more of their kinks) 
Daddy kink, she’ll fuck you harder every time you say it
L: Location (Favorite place to have sex)
Doesn’t have a favorite place, anywhere works for her
M: Motivation (What turns them on?) 
Hearing you call her ‘daddy’ always has her head spinning and she works harder to fuck you faster and harder
N: No (Something they wouldn't do)
She likes the thought of being overheard but she hates the idea of someone actually walking in on the two of you and catching you
O: Oral (Preference on giving or receiving)
Giving, she loves when you ride her face and she refuses to let you move away until she’s made you cum at least three times
P: Pace (Fast & Rough? Slow & Sensual?) 
Fast and rough
Q: Quickie (Thoughts on quickies) 
Loves them, they happen any chance they can
R: Risk (Are they open to experimenting) 
She’s open to some things as long as you are also open to the idea of trying something new
S: Stamina (How many rounds) 
You two go for many rounds that are a bit shorter
T: Toys 
Has a couple of different straps she uses plus a vibrator when she’s teasing you
U: Unfair (Do they like the tease)
She loves teasing you and doesn’t hold back at all
V: Volume (How loud are they? What sounds do they make) 
Elisa isn’t loud at all, you’re louder than her and it has led to you two being overheard on multiple occasions (not that either of you care)
W: Wild Card (Random HC)
The first time you called her ‘daddy’ was an accident but she made you cum so much after that and told you to say it again each time she fucks you
Y: Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
It’s on the higher side, she hates that you two can’t spend your time in the bedroom
Z: ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
Elisa falls asleep pretty quickly after a shower or bath
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mrsbsmooth · 6 months
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An updated list of the routes we have available on youtube
Complete / Incomplete
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No Date, broke up with Mason
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Bobby // Bobby #2
Kassam screenshots but not screenrecord
Lucas (slowburn) // Lucas #2
Bobby // Bobby #2
Gary // Gary #2
Henrik // Henrik #2
Lucas // Lucas #2
C H E L S E A ' S M U R D E R M Y S T E R Y
Bobby / Bobby #2
Gary / Gary 2
We don't have any others. I haven't listed them here as there are too many we're missing.
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AJ // AJ #2
Harry // Harry #2 // Harry #3
Tai // Tai #2
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daringsunflowers · 1 year
@wutheringdevotion liked for a Elisa starter.
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“it's almost two o'clock in the morning! what are you doing here?”
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emmatriarchy · 2 months
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@collectingmuses liked the Elisa starter call
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"John, I'm tired." Elisa holstered her gun and peered at her one-eyed companion. She rarely called him the first name he gave her - usually when they were being intimate. "You, me, some bed and breakfast outside town... what do you say?" she figured he would never invite her on a weekend getaway with how busy their life was with crime fighting. So she was being proactive.
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someguyiguess23 · 4 months
I realized I haven't drawn Elisa in a HOT minute, so here's some sketches of her to start the day! :]c
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