#by the time this is up i'll already be recuperating from surgery
rottmnt-residuum · 9 months
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Part 1 of Arc II (Part 27)
welcome back everyone! :)
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storyofmychoices · 3 years
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Postoperative Care (an Olivia Hadley Story)
[Bryce Lahela x Olivia Hadley Masterlist] [All things Olivia Hadley]
[Future] Pairing: Bryce Lahela x Olivia Hadley (F!OC) Other Characters: Felicity Merriman, Cameron Hadley Book: Open Heart: Prequel Rating: General, comfort/care Word Count: <450 Prompts: @choicesaugustchallenge : creamsicle ; @openheartfanfics : about the past
Synopsis: Olivia treats a patient who's had a tonsillectomy.
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"How are you feeling?" Olivia questioned, holding a stethoscope to Felicity's chest. "Everything sounds good."
She stifled her cough and cleared her throat as she went back to consoling her patient. "It's okay, Lissy. I know your throat hurts, but it'll feel better soon. Promise! I think this will help." Her smile widened as she held out a bright orange creamsicle. "Remember, I told you the best part of a tonsil—umm—tonsillectomy is all the ice cream!" Her happiness faded, her voice cracking into a loud cough.
"Livy—" Mrs. Hadley sat beside her daughter, sliding her warm palm affectionately over her back. "Come here."
Olivia wiped the back of her hand over her eyes as she curled into her mom. "It hurts, mommy."
"I know, baby. Maybe you and Felicity can share the ice pop?" She gestured to the creamsicle that Olivia had offered to her American Girl doll. "I remember hearing a really smart doctor say that the best part of a tonsillectomy is all the ice cream."
Olivia slipped the orange pop in her mouth, the cooling sensation it offered starting to take the edge off. Her breathing eased and her eyes closed as a tear slipped silently down her cheek.
"Better?" Mrs. Hadley wiped her daughter's cheek as she nodded in reply. "You've been so brave, my sweet girl. I'm so proud of you. Do you know that?"
"Reawwy?" The word was muffled as Olivia tried talking with the frozen treat still in her mouth.
"Of course! What other five-year-old can say tonsillectomy, huh?" Her attention shifted to Felicity, who was tucked safely into bed with Olivia's favorite storybook and a water bottle next to her. Olivia's medical playset was open, and various tools had been set out. She shook her head in adoration of her daughter. "You're going to be an amazing doctor one day. I just know it."
Olivia's eyes brightened, her lips curling up at her mother's words.
"Do you know how I know?" She lowered her voice as if it were a secret.
Olivia shook her head, listening intently as she continued enjoying her creamsicle.
Mrs. Hadley brushed her daughter's deep red hair back behind her shoulders. "I know it, because you already are one. I'm sure Felicity would agree that Doctor Olivia Hadley is just the best there is. Her sunshine personality and heart of gold will help save the world one patient at a time."
Olivia threw her arms around her mom, hugging her close.
Mrs. Hadley pressed a kiss on the crown of her daughter's head, tenderly stroking her hair as Olivia rested in her lap, recuperating from her first major surgery.
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I don't know if I'll write Kid!Olivia again, but I hope you enjoyed this little drabble.
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sirro85-blog · 5 years
Humans are Space Orcs
Part 5
Kneeling on the floor of the shuttle beside Kovac's body Wolf ripped open the medical kit and pulled out the TPAK needles and looked at the laminate instructions. He couldn't hear Panther over the screaming in his own head. Grabbing the first of the needles he unscrewed the cap and pressed his fingers into Kovac's chest, counting ribs, pointing his finger at the appropriate site he put the needle against the skin and pushed, it punctured the skin and drove into the muscle, once it was secure he drew the needle out and made it safe, nothing happened he checked the instructions again. Tissue embolus, snatching up the syringe he drew air into it and connected it to the needle. He depressed the plunger and when he detached the syringe he was rewarded with a prolonged hiss of air. He repeated it on the other side of the ribcage.
Knickers who had been trying to ventilate Kovac looked up with relief as Kovac drew a shallow breath. He drew two shuddering breaths and his breathing again started getting shallower.
Becca stared at the shuttle as it landed, behind her susserations passed through the unit as the whisper repeated themselves. "Kovac is dead?" "Kovac is dead!" Kovac can't be dead" "Kovac isn't dead!" "Kovac is dead" "Kovac..." "The Major..." her hands shook and she fought the urge to vomit. Her mouth was dry, her eyes burned, she had a metallic taste in her mouth and the tip of her nose seemed to tingle.
The doors to the shuttle opened, Wolf stepped out, a bound and gagged Flet chained to him and Panther. Gray, Ocampo Hemming and Richards stepped out. Then came a stretcher, beside it was Petra pale and tired looking. On the other side was Knickers who was staring at the Major's face till she stepped aside to let Dana and Staff King assess him. Then she looked up till she found Becca's face in the crowd.
"Massive left sided pneumothorax with resultant lower right atelectasis, hypovolaemic, query 2 minute episode of apnoea, sats 97 on 15 litres" Petra rattled off as Frank ran alongside the trolley.
Becca could still hear Petra talking as the doors swung shut on the med-bay. Wolf appeared at her side and gently steered her away from the crowd of soldiers into the side room. She managed two more strides before her knees gave way. Wolf guided her into a chair as she opened her mouth to scream and no sound came out. Trembling violently she felt Wolf's arms wrap tightly around her.
How long she they stayed like that Becca didn't know, but eventually she looked up to see Sergeant Panther, Captains Dorman, and Gillespie sitting in the room, standing leaning against the wall were Sergeants Fluke and Webb. Becca realised she was squeezing Wolf's arm with both hands, her nails had dug deep enough to draw blood from his wrist. Her fingers ached as she unclenched them. Wordlessly Panther poured her a glass of rum and passed it across, Becca downed it in one.
The door opened and a sombre looking Dana walked in, she looked at Wolf and then Dorman before crossing to stand infront of Becca.
"He's stable, we've repaired his lung but during the surgery...His heart stopped, he was down for nearly a minute. We'll have to run some tests when, if he wakes up."
Becca nodded numbly and tried to speak, she cleared her throat and tried again. "Thank you Dana, where's Frank?"
"Draining his last bottle of Courvoisier XO, I don't think he liked the part where the Major died." Dana's tone sounded angry.
"The problem with being the sort of man that earns love and loyalty like Kovac is people get upset when you die on them." Dorman said calmly, "I keep telling him he should try being unlikable like me."
"Does that mean I'm in command as senior officer?" Asked Gillespie, he winked at Becca and then Panther, "I think I'll reinstate prima nocta."
"Alright but Panther would break you little man," Becca said with a half-smile.
The officers began to talk and laugh, Dorman sent out the sergeants to talk to the men.
"She blames herself," Wolf said looking after Panther, "he was shielding her when he took the bolt."
Two days later Staff Sergeant King was glaring at the Major as he blew into a tube, "until I discharge you I am your commanding officer, I am emperor, king, high priestess and the Lord thy God, you can charm me all you want you mangy Scotch git, you are recuperating properly and doing your exercises."
"I'd tell you to get your oral fixation examined Frank but if blowing on this tube ten times a day will make you happy I'll do it. I will not be waiting over a month to heal naturally, now give me the AHMs so I can get on with my plan or I'll convince Angie to sneak me some, you know she'll do it too, and she'll take Petra down with her."
"If you have any kidney function left when this is all over I'll be amazed. Once this is resolved, I want you to come in for physio and a full medical check up."
"Once this is done I'll even let you check my prostate," Kovac grinned again.
The following morning Kovac laid in his bed while his officers sat around the room, Kovac asked about the prisoner.
"She seems willing to listen to us, I think she believes we can be manipulated." Dorman answered.
"I get the impression she is a little startled by the effectiveness of our raid and her capture. Our success has her worried."
"A huge success if you discount the Major's little problems," said Becca with a sneer.
"Everyone makes a fuss, i got injured. Hardly a fault of the mission, overall it was a complete success." Kovac replied.
"A complete success!? You fucking died!"
"Everybody makes a fuss," Kovac responded drawing a laugh from the others, Becca scowled.
Humans have a strange tendency to react to situations at a seemingly disproportionate level, small splits to their skin or a small shock can leave them "literally dying" an example of hyperbole. Kovac needing to be resuscitated on the operating table meant he said the injuries he had sustained, weren't ones he would reccomend.
The only thing bigger than a human's flair for the dramatic is a human's ability to down play something.
Kovac entered the room where the hostage was held, she eyed him as he crossed the room and as he sat in a chair she spoke.
"Major Radovan Kovac, formerly of the United Nations Galactic Defence Force then of the Galactic Council Defence Force and now leader of the human mercenary unit known as the Dark Horses, born Glasgow, Scotland in the year..."
"Impressive, you're Lorastayil claimant to the position of heir to the throne of the Flet Imperium, current prisoner to Major Kovac and judging by the speed of your heart, terrified of me no matter how calm you pretend to be," Kovac interrupted.
"My heart rate?" Lorastayil asked.
"The clip on your nose is taking measurements for us," Kovac raised a hand to silence the Flet. "Listen Kitty, we had a plan, it was simple, we use you to get to the rest of the royals and then we take all four of you out, we slip away into the darkness and watch as the rest of the royals fall apart trying to claim the top spot on the rubble, it would work. Believe me, I know how to topple governments I've done it before and Wolf, he's done it even more than me.
You know Wolf, he's the one that makes your heart skip a beat every time he glares at you, he has that effect on people."
Lorastayil stayed silent but her eyes never left Kovac's face, "however," Kovac continued, "while I'm sure pulling our plan off correctly would have been an end to this I'm not sure we would have achieved it without some losses and I've already lost one soldier over this, I'm not prepared to have another die to keep me alive, ironically it took dying to formalize my thoughts on this."
"The Flet Imperium," began the Flet.
"Oh do be quiet, the "Imperium" is barely two systems across and the only reason you get to keep it is because nobody wants it, everytime you've gotten expansionist the GCDF has slapped you down with one hand. You're a rogue state and the royal family makes you an easy mark to the sort of units that Wolf and I used to run, if I didn't care about collateral damage I'd break your little civilisation to teach you a lesson."
The Flet glared at Kovac and the Major held her gaze, "I have a plan however, one that keeps you alive, keeps my soldiers alive and puts an end to this."
Struggling to contain her anger Lorastayil stayed quiet for a few seconds before asking, "and what is this clever plan?"
"You take me back to Venita all the way to your capitol Genetry, we walk into the Royal Palace and you give me over to the Queen as your prisoner, you earn your place as heir apparent and the royal family win public support, I'm executed and my men are left alone. Now my men won't be happy about this, but because I'll do this voluntarily it'll hopefully take the edge off enough that they don't seek revenge."
"You'd die willingly?" Lorastayil asked her tone doubtful.
"No, not willingly but I'll accept it, better me than one of my men, that's the trick of being in command, my duty is to them, my leadership is the service I give them." He gave a sigh, "do you accept?"
"I have a choice?"
"Of course, I could always torture you till you agree to my first plan and we break your civilisation, not much of a choice but a choice none the less."
Kovac couldn't have successfully moved Lorastayil onto a shuttle secretly without assistance from Wolf, it appeared that Wolf was fully informed of the plan because as Kovac boarded the Shuttle I witnessed the two pause, shake hands solemnly and then part with a nod. An interaction I had never seen between the two of them before.
Unlike the human home planet, the Flet planet of Venita had developed as almost entirely a rainforest, since industrialisation much of the planet's growth had been cut back but it still retained it's verdant appearance. Even the capitol city of Gentry had a lot of green spaces. And in the centre, shining in the sunlight was the Royal palace, it's direct translation to human would be "glass" although the building was built from quartz.
Kovac walked with his head held high, for all appearances enjoying the view of the rain wet building gleaming in the sunlight. Kovac looked out of place in the light, bright building, wearing dark military fatigues his booted feet rang loud as he walked down the hallway. Around him walked his guards, soft footed and silent, despite their height and mass being greater than the human's they seemed diminished by him, or perhaps that was only my perception.
They paused before the great door to the hall, Lorastayil suddenly intense as she stared at Kovac.
"Do you want to die human? You seem at great ease."
"No, no I don't, I wish this could have worked out another way." He looked around, "it's beautiful here," he remarked absently, "I don't want to die but none of us choose how we die, even those poor souls who take their own life do so as a symptom of a disease often as not, the only thing you get a choice over is how you face your death. I'll stand on my own two feet and look it in the eye thank you." He gestured to the door, "shall we?"
The Flet Imperium is a culture devoid of much of the trappings of power that other civilisations cultivate. Pomp and ceremony; grandiose displays of power and privilege are not seen in the Flet royal court. In brief order Lorastayil was welcomed back, Kovac introduced and sentenced to death.
Kovac grinned up at the Queen and with a sudden movement had darted past the two large Kitty's that were nominally his guards.
"You know, I have read something of your culture and your laws, something the humans have known for Millenia 'know your enemy' a concept not respected by your finer military minds." Kovac stopped several feet from the throne, his guards closed in but hesitated to restrain him.
"For example, I know that Flet instinct will always be to trust in your claws not your hand held weapons, which puts the two guarding me at a disadvantage, while they are still suppressing the urge to resort to claws, I can instinctively fight with anything, in my reach...ask me about a pineapple sometime." As if to illustrate this point Kovac moved.
He sprang to his left into the nearest guard knocking it off balance, he butted his forehead into the side of its jaw with enough force to cause rotation of the head, the Flet spilled it's weapon and stumbled back. Kovac snatched up the dropped power lance but knowing he lacked the appropriate number of limbs to fire the weapon didn't pause in his movement but instead threw it hard as he could at the second guard who was still fumbling with its own power lance. The Kitty stumbled back and Kovac followed up with a flying knee to it's sternum knocking it flat.
As suddenly as he had moved he was still again, Kovac spread his arms wide as more guards converged on him.
"You see when I say I know you, I know you, so when I say I demand trial by combat, I know you are obliged to meet my demand and decide my fate inside the 'ring' as it were."
The Queen watched Kovac and gave a silent yawn, the Flet equivalent of a smile. "You may think you know us Major, however the demand for trial by combat is only something I'm obliged to honour if you are a subject, and that little display was designed to provoke me, provoke my anger but not all Flet are slaves to their rage." She raised two arms and then with another silent yawn gestured at her guards, "kill him."
Kovac backed up quickly out of the semi-circle of approaching guards, Lorastayil was watching him as more guards entered. Kovac produced a small curved blade, seemingly from nowhere and looked at the Flet heir.
"You know I rather liked the idea of meeting death while standing, but what I think I've always known is I'm going to go out kicking and screaming and fighting all the way." He looked around at the guards who were raising their power lance and I saw his weight shift.
Shots rang out, not the muted pop of a power lance but the sharp crack of human rifles. Several of the Flet guards dropped to the ground, Kovac was already moving towards the nearest Flet when Captain Wolf led the assault on the rear of the guard unit. From my vantage point of multiple awarenesses I saw Captain Becca kneeling just inside the entrance to the hallway and taking aim at the Flet queen. Sergeant Panther flanked by Barbie and Buckets closed in on one of the heirs, rifle shots ringing out everywhere.
Kovac my have been wrong about the precise laws and customs of the Flet but he wasn't wrong about their instincts, caught by surprise many of the Kitty guards dropped their power lances, instinctively wanting to use their own claws when provoked. Those that held onto their weapons were still slow in responding with fire themselves.
Kovac had already attacked the two nearest Flet his karambit knife slashing open throats and major blood vessels as he burst through the circle.
Captain Dorman led his troop in through the side entrance and more shots echoed through the hall. Kovac grabbed Lorastayil and forced her against a wall, the larger being letting the smaller human manhandle her. Their frantic conversation lost to the gun battle.
Moments later the hall fell silent, as the last Flet fell, two humans were down but both were moving, Petra and Angie moved between them and Sergeant Webb organised a stretcher team. Captain Becca began shouting orders and Sergeant Panther led the soldiers of 2 Troop out of the great hall.
Wolf reached Kovac and looked down at the dead Lorastayil, "She declined my offer of peace," Kovac said with regret in his voice. Looking up at his captain Kovac gestured around, "I thought you understood my reasons for not doing something like this?"
Wolf pulled Kovac across the hall his men closing in around them, "Oh I did, but the idea that a man was willing to lay down his life for the protection of his soldiers, well I have this feeling that sort of man is the sort I'd like to keep alive."
In the distance explosions boomed out as Captain Gillespie's mortar unit laid down sporadic fire across the military barracks.
"Your men were in agreement when I told them what you planned, apart from Staff King, he says he's saved you enough recently and stayed behind."
They hurried onto the extraction ship and as Captain Dorman counted his men back on Kovac looked around at his soldiers, his expression unreadable.
Captain Becca approached him and the ship went silent as she reached him and then punched him in the face.
"You bastard! She screamed, I nearly lost you and the first thing you did in response was try and get yourself killed!?" She drew back her fist again but Wolf and Panther restrained her, men laughed and Kovac pinching his bleeding nose approached his officers.
The time for awkward thank yous was later, they were still in Flet space now.
"The Frell sent us pass codes they...happened to have," Dorman said to Kovac's unasked question. "Once we were inside their airspace they have almost no security."
"Major have we started another war? What will happen next?" Gillespie asked, loud enough for the soldiers to listen in.
"Maybe, but I don't think so, I think the political powers will enjoy the loss of a faction from their halls of power and I think that whoever finally claims the empty royal throne, they'll be slightly grateful to us for getting them there and if not...they'll think long and hard before they decide to fuck with the Dark Horses again."
The End.
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