#by  the way I'm just referring to Malik and Yami Marik when I say  they
assayart · 2 years
So I was on my walk and was thinking about how Yami Malik was suppressed around Odion/Rishid and was kinda just "ok but what if that was intentional, like Rishid caused that intentionality and was keeping secrets. What if things went deeper? Also since this is dealing with the Ishtar's and their Manga canon is not so nice, tw for abuse and death
This post is not intended explain away any of Yami Malik's actions!!! It's just a what-if scenario to add more depth!!!
Yu-Gi-Oh itself has tons of plotholes, so I'm not going to really be too upset if this has plotholes. There are ways to fix it up I'm sure. I just want to share my What If scenario. This can be edited a million different ways. If you want to take it or borrow from it, be my guest!
So basically my thought process is:
>Yami Marik spawns from Marik's fear/trauma, but Rishid added the hatred part/may of unintentionally caused the hatred
>Marik and Yami Marik were initially close, Rishid thought Yami Marik was something of an imaginary friend
>When Marik starts to get worse or talks about how he wants the pain and stuff to stop to Yami Marik, Yami Marik promises to make it go away the only way he really knows how, by killing their father (at that time he does see himself as part of the family, Marik thought of him as a sort of twin.)
> He kills their father and is happy because he thinks he did a good job and ended *his brother's* pain
>Rishid does not react well to this, something Yami Marik doesn't realize at first. He even goes in to hug Rishid and happily explains what he did, referring to him as his brother too
>Rishid, now out of shock, is furious. He's not really thinking straight. He calls Yami Marik a demon and a bunch of other things that basically mean evil. He tells him he's not his brother and shouldn't exist at all and Yami Marik, now very confused and scared, (remember he's still a child) is backed into the corner
>Rishid, who canonly did almost intentionally kill Marik, is not in a mindset where he's seeing a child, he see's a murderous demon possessing his brother. He beats him, very badly, he nearly strangles him to death until he either remembers its still Marik's body or his sister/someone pulls him off of Yami Marik and says something along the lines of "You can't kill *it*, you'll kill Marik!" Being called an it is incredibly dehumanizing and hurts
>Yami Marik is hurt and bawling his eyes out. He doesn't understand why he's being punished for trying to help. He thought he did a good thing.
>Rishid locks him away in the darkest corner of Marik's mind. It's basically a horribly small, dark room in the floor with nothing inside.
>Yami Marik is terrified and begging and saying he's sorry and trying to explain himself. Rishid isn't listening, he's too pissed. He thinks Yami Marik is nothing more than a demon and that his cries to be let out are nothing more than a trick to tug on his heartstrings
>He seals away all Marik's good memories of Yami Marik, leaving him with the impression that he really is just his evil half.
>There's maybe one time in between then and when Yami Marik breaks free where Rishid checks on him. By now he's realized he reacted poorly and knows that if Yami Marik is still there he fucked up and needs to undo the damage
>By this point Yami Marik has already internalized all the pain and fear as a coping mechanism, rather than release him and undo the trauma, Rishid at the time thinks Yami Marik is past saving and keeps him locked up
>By the time Yami Marik is released, he's come to believe that Marik intentionally left him there/abandoned him. He's come to believe everyone is the enemy
>When Yami Marik dies, Marik is still unaware of any of his sealed memories or the bond they'd previously had. Rishid doesn't spill the secret, the guilt is crushing and he doesn't want Marik to share in that burden. He also can't risk the chance of Marik hating him
>I feel that Rishid did grow into a gentle giant, but made some bad mistakes along the way. In this scenario this would be one of them and I imagine he'd regret it forever basically.
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liveblog: yugioh! s211-220
the dark magician (<3) should never be messed with
yugi doesn't know the true potential of dark magician? um okay
hell yeah a shadow realm duel
dark magician!! <3
oh hell yeah twirl your staff!!
but this was a good opening move from yami
evil!dark magician vs dark magician <3
wow all these face down cards
in another setting it'd be hot seeing the dark magician stretched out on a stable but not when there's a guillotine above him
but yes saved by magical hats!
haha this is funny
"he'd help me win back catherine with the help of his millennium rod!"
thi sis a kids show
marik is a man of honor - this coming from an illusionist
once again, kaiba is actually brilliant
"you will never command their respect with kindness or trust"
that's not what machiavelli would say
evil!dark magician doesn't look too hot being referred to as a pawn
"well you're partially right but mostly misinformed"
thank you for this necessary scene of introduction
shes so cute :3
wow catherine was a doll who would've thought
time for a shower then we shall continue!
some strange kid asks to see your dueling disk and you fucking give it to him joey is dumb
and it's like a fucking 10yo
oh wow how surprising this 10yo was doing something on weevil's bidding
yeah fuck weevil
i, too, would be weirded out if some fake ass mime decided to randomly move after having NOT moved in 3hrs
if you had power wouldn't we know about it?
no yugi you wouldn't because yami didn't even know his own name
"i duel with respect, and honor"
comical exchange
okay so this is the duel with slifer the sky dragon
and yes this slime monster becomes a problem if i remember correctly
i've thought about getting gray lipstick but i wouldn't have much to wear it with
though i do have this nice grayish brown that i like to wear on occasion because it's warm-toned and goes well with a lot of the stuff i wear
oh yeah revival jam! THIS was the annoying monster
joey is gonna challenge kaiba to a duel, fool
what's hysterical is kaiba having mokuba carry his heavy ass suitcase full of cards
haha joey got saved because of slifer being played
dark magician girl <3
it's over 9000!!!!
kaiba being supportive and giving yugi advice haha
14000 ATK points - obscene
hahahahahaha we love loops
kaiba: duel me right now! yami: my friends are in danger
slifer ended up having some stupid obscene ATK point total by the end , like it had to have been over 40k, if not 50k, by the time malik's puppet ran out of cards
marik has come to domino city! onhis cool motorcycle
kaiba'a only helping yugi find his friends just so he can then duel for slifer
priorities are important
joey vs tsunami
i have a video up on the difference between amber and ambergris (perfume scents) because i'm trying a new perfume and fuck me it's way too floral
which is just funny because the description says it's a blend of white ambers and musks
i like amber and musks but this scent is so fucking cloying ugh and it must be because of the white amber and not the regular amber
as inspiring as the pep talk joey is giving to tsunmi is, this erfume is killing me
i thought i could just sit in it and let it keep drying down but ugh fuck me i just smelled it and just gagged oh no
tsunami lost but he learned that his father's courage is always with him and he doesn't need his card to be inspired
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