flipperdee · 2 years
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Two cute boys from my webcomic Dont mind my insta tag in the photo lollll i post crossplatform
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sanchezconway70 · 11 months
From Zero to Hero: Progression and Achievements on Minecraft Survival Servers
Minecraft survival servers offer a unique and rewarding gameplay experience that allows players to start from scratch and progress through various stages of development. Whether you're a solo player or part of a community, the journey from a humble beginning to becoming a powerful figure on a survival server is an adventure filled with challenges, achievements, and personal growth. In this article, we will explore the progression and achievements that can be accomplished on Minecraft survival servers, showcasing the path from zero to hero. Starting from Scratch: Every journey on a survival server begins with humble beginnings. You spawn into a vast and untamed world, armed with only your wits and the bare essentials. Your first goal is to gather basic resources such as wood, stone, and food. Building a shelter to protect yourself from hostile creatures is essential, providing a safe haven to plan your next steps. Resource Gathering and Crafting: Once you have established a base, it's time to focus on resource gathering and crafting. Explore the surrounding terrain to mine valuable ores like iron and coal, which will allow you to create better tools and equipment. Crafting items such as weapons, armor, and tools not only increases your chances of survival but also enables you to tackle more challenging tasks and environments. Expanding and Building: With a solid foundation and essential resources in hand, you can start expanding your base and building more elaborate structures. Create farms to grow crops and breed animals, establish storage systems to organize your resources, and design aesthetically pleasing buildings that showcase your creativity. The possibilities are endless, and as you progress, your base will transform from a simple shelter to a thriving and functional hub. Exploration and Adventure: Survival servers often feature vast and diverse worlds, ripe for exploration and adventure. Venture out beyond the safety of your base and embark on expeditions to uncharted territories. Discover hidden dungeons, mineshafts, and temples that hold valuable loot and rare treasures. Brave treacherous landscapes, battle hostile mobs, and uncover the secrets of the world around you. Community Interaction and Cooperation: Survival servers are often populated by a vibrant community of players. Interacting and cooperating with fellow players can greatly enhance your survival experience. Collaborate on large-scale building projects, establish trading networks, or form alliances to tackle challenging tasks together. The camaraderie and friendships forged in these communal endeavors create a sense of belonging and make the journey even more rewarding. Technical Advancements: As you progress further in the survival server, you may find yourself delving into more technical aspects of the game. Redstone contraptions, automation systems, and complex farms become part of your repertoire. Mastering these technical advancements allows you to optimize resource gathering, create efficient mob farms, and automate various processes, making your gameplay more streamlined and efficient. Conquering Challenges and Bosses: Survival servers often feature challenging tasks and formidable bosses that test your skills and determination. Whether it's defeating the Ender Dragon in the End dimension or facing the Wither in the Nether, these epic encounters provide a sense of accomplishment and mark significant milestones in your progression. Overcoming these challenges requires careful planning, resource management, and strategic gameplay. Establishing Dominance and Influence: As you accumulate wealth, power, and reputation on the survival server, you can establish your dominance and influence. Become a prominent figure within the community, create impressive builds that inspire awe in others, or even establish your own town or faction. Your achievements and progression become a testament to your dedication and skill, earning the respect and admiration of fellow players. The journey from zero to hero on a Minecraft survival server is an exhilarating experience filled with challenges, achievements, and personal growth. Starting from scratch, gathering resources, expanding your base, exploring the SURVIVAL SERVERS
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hendrixroed96 · 11 months
Surviving the Unknown: Embarking on a Journey in Minecraft's Survival Servers
Minecraft, a game beloved for its creative possibilities, also offers a challenging and immersive survival experience. In survival mode, players are thrust into a vast and unpredictable world, where they must gather resources, build shelters, and fend off dangerous creatures. While playing in single-player survival mode can be exciting, the real adventure lies in joining a survival server—a community of players tackling the challenges of survival together. In this article, we'll explore the thrill and rewards of embarking on a journey in Minecraft's survival servers. The Power of Community: One of the greatest advantages of playing on a survival server is the sense of community it fosters. You'll join a group of like-minded players who share your enthusiasm for survival gameplay. Whether you choose to collaborate with others on massive construction projects or venture out on solo expeditions, the community aspect adds depth and companionship to your journey. You'll find players trading resources, sharing knowledge, and helping each other overcome obstacles, creating a vibrant and supportive environment. Collaborative Projects: Survival servers provide the opportunity to engage in large-scale collaborative projects that would be challenging to accomplish on your own. Working together, players can construct sprawling towns, fortresses, or even entire cities. These projects not only showcase the creativity and skill of the community but also provide a sense of accomplishment and camaraderie. Collaborative efforts can involve mining and gathering resources, designing and building structures, and even defending against enemy raids. The power of teamwork shines in survival servers, as players come together to create impressive landscapes and establish thriving communities. Economic Systems: Survival servers often incorporate economic systems, allowing players to trade resources and establish their own virtual marketplaces. Through bartering or currency systems, players can exchange goods and services, further enhancing the sense of realism and immersion. Economic systems promote specialization, as players take on roles such as miners, farmers, builders, or blacksmiths. This interdependence strengthens the community bonds and encourages players to engage in social and economic interactions. Dynamic Events: Survival servers often host dynamic events and challenges to keep players engaged and add excitement to the gameplay. These events could include server-wide quests, boss battles, treasure hunts, or even PvP tournaments. Survival Servers Participating in these events offers a break from the routine and provides an opportunity for players to test their skills and teamwork. Dynamic events create a lively and ever-evolving environment, ensuring that there's always something new and thrilling happening in the world of survival servers. Server Customization and Plugins: Many survival servers employ custom plugins and modifications to enhance gameplay and introduce new mechanics. These plugins can range from quality-of-life improvements to entirely new gameplay elements. They can add features such as custom mobs, unique biomes, additional crafting recipes, or even entirely new dimensions. Server administrators often curate a selection of plugins that align with the server's theme and provide a unique experience for players. Finding the Right Server: When embarking on a journey in a survival server, finding the right community is key. Explore server listings on platforms like Planet Minecraft, Minecraft Server List, or server forums to discover servers that align with your preferences. Consider factors such as server population, server rules, community guidelines, and gameplay style. Reading server descriptions, browsing user reviews, and engaging with the community through forums or Discord can provide insights into the server's atmosphere and help you make an informed decision. Survive and Thrive: Joining a survival server in Minecraft offers a thrilling and rewarding experience as you navigate the challenges of survival alongside a supportive community. Collaborate on massive projects, engage in economic systems, participate in dynamic events, and embrace the customized gameplay offered by these servers. Surviving the unknown becomes even more enjoyable when you embark on the journey with fellow adventurers. So, gather your tools, rally your friends, and dive into the immersive world of Minecraft's survival servers—your next great adventure awaits!
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koldharding11 · 11 months
The Road to Self-Sufficiency: Farming and Resource Management on Survival Servers
Survival Servers In the challenging world of Minecraft survival servers, self-sufficiency is a goal that many players strive to achieve. Surviving and thriving in this environment requires careful resource management and efficient farming practices. In this article, we will explore the road to self-sufficiency by delving into farming techniques and the effective management of resources on survival servers. Farming serves as a cornerstone of self-sufficiency in Minecraft survival servers. By cultivating crops and raising livestock, players can ensure a steady supply of food, resources, and even tradeable items. Here, we will discuss the two main aspects of farming: crop farming and animal husbandry. Crop farming involves growing various types of plants, such as wheat, carrots, potatoes, and beetroot. These crops provide essential sustenance for players and can also be used in breeding and trading. To start a successful crop farm, players must first gather seeds and find a suitable plot of land. They then plant the seeds, regularly tend to the crops by providing water and light, and harvest them when fully grown. Expanding crop farms to include automated mechanisms, such as water channels and redstone contraptions, can significantly enhance efficiency and productivity. Automated farms allow for continuous harvesting and replanting, reducing the time and effort required to maintain the crops. These systems can be as simple as a basic water flow mechanism or as complex as fully automated villager-based farms. Animal husbandry complements crop farming by providing renewable sources of food, materials, and trading items. Players can breed animals, including cows, pigs, chickens, and sheep, to create sustainable populations. By creating suitable enclosures and providing food like wheat or seeds, players can encourage animals to breed, ensuring a constant supply of meat, leather, eggs, and wool. Efficient resource management is crucial on survival servers, as players must balance their consumption and production to avoid resource scarcity. Here are some strategies for effective resource management: - Resource Gathering: Players must venture into the wilderness to gather essential resources like wood, stone, and ores. Efficient mining techniques, such as branch mining or strip mining, can maximize resource yield and minimize the time spent underground. Players should also consider utilizing Fortune enchantments on tools to increase resource yields when mining ores like coal, iron, or diamonds. - Storage and Organization: Creating a well-organized storage system is essential for efficient resource management. Sorting items into different chests or containers based on their category can make locating and accessing resources more convenient. Labeling chests and using signs or item frames can further streamline the organization process. - Renewable Resources: Prioritizing the use of renewable resources whenever possible is crucial for long-term sustainability. Renewable resources, such as farming crops and breeding animals, ensure a continuous supply without depleting finite resources. For example, using bone meal to grow trees instead of chopping down entire forests helps maintain a sustainable source of wood. - Trading and Villager Interaction: Establishing trade networks with villagers can greatly expand resource options. Villagers offer various items and resources in exchange for emeralds, allowing players to acquire rare or hard-to-find materials. Building trading halls or creating designated trading areas can facilitate efficient interactions with villagers. - Redstone Automation: Utilizing redstone mechanisms and automation can streamline resource management processes. Redstone contraptions, such as automatic smelters, item sorters, and item transportation systems, can save time and effort by automating resource processing and organization. By combining effective farming techniques with efficient resource management strategies, players can progress towards self-sufficiency on Minecraft survival servers. The ability to produce food, materials, and tradeable items empowers players to explore and build without being reliant on external sources. Ultimately, achieving self-sufficiency not only provides a sense of accomplishment but also frees players to focus on further exploration, building grand structures, and embarking on new adventures within the vast world of Minecraft.
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vinsonkaae33 · 11 months
Mastering the Wild: Survival Tips and Tricks for Minecraft Servers
Minecraft is a game that challenges players to survive and thrive in a world filled with endless possibilities. Whether you're exploring a vast wilderness or building your dream home, surviving in Minecraft can be a thrilling and sometimes challenging experience. In this article, we will provide you with essential tips and tricks to help you master the wild and excel in survival on Minecraft servers. - Start with the Basics: Gathering Resources The first step in surviving Minecraft is gathering essential resources. As soon as you spawn, start by punching trees to collect wood. Use the wood to craft basic tools like a wooden pickaxe, shovel, and axe. With these tools, you can gather more resources such as stone, coal, and food. Establishing a strong foundation of resources will set you up for success in the long run. - Establish a Shelter: Protection from the Elements Building a shelter is vital for survival. It provides protection from hostile mobs and keeps you safe from the elements. In the early stages, a simple dirt or wooden shelter will suffice, but as you progress, consider constructing a more elaborate and secure base. Use materials like stone, cobblestone, or even bricks for added durability. - Secure a Food Source: Sustaining Your Hunger Hunger is a constant threat in Minecraft. To maintain your hunger bar, you'll need a reliable food source. Start by hunting animals like pigs, cows, or chickens for meat. Farming is also a sustainable option. Plant crops like wheat, carrots, or potatoes and breed animals for a steady supply of food. Exploring the world for natural food sources, such as berries or mushrooms, can also help in a pinch. - Expanding Your Horizons: Exploration and Adventure While survival is important, don't forget to explore the world around you. Minecraft servers often offer vast landscapes, rich with hidden treasures and valuable resources. Take the time to venture into caves, ravines, and dungeons to gather ores, minerals, and rare items. Be prepared for encounters with hostile mobs, and bring torches, weapons, and armor to defend yourself. - Crafting and Enchanting: Enhancing Your Abilities Crafting and enchanting are crucial for enhancing your abilities in Minecraft. Use crafting tables to create advanced tools, weapons, and armor. Explore different crafting recipes to unlock powerful items and equipment. Enchanting tables allow you to imbue your gear with magical properties, making you more resilient and deadly in combat. Experiment with enchantments to find the ones that best suit your playstyle. - Community Collaboration: Joining Forces Bwbf.net Surviving in Minecraft is not just about individual efforts. Collaborating with other players can significantly enhance your chances of survival. Join forces with friends or fellow players on the server to share resources, build larger structures, and tackle more challenging tasks together. A strong community can provide support, trade opportunities, and create a sense of camaraderie in your survival journey. - Redstone Mastery: Automation and Efficiency Redstone, a unique resource in Minecraft, allows you to create intricate contraptions and automate tasks. Mastering redstone can significantly improve your survival experience. Use redstone circuits to automate farming, create traps for mobs, or build elaborate mechanisms for resource collection. Embrace the complexities of redstone and unleash your creativity to streamline and optimize your survival strategies. - Keep Learning and Experimenting: Adaptability is Key Minecraft is a game that offers endless possibilities. Stay curious, keep learning, and experiment with different techniques and strategies. Stay up to date with new updates, mechanics, and server-specific features that may enhance your survival experience. Minecraft's ever-evolving nature allows for continuous growth and discovery, so embrace the spirit of experimentation and adaptability.
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lyondunlap57 · 1 year
Survive and Thrive: Exploring the Top Minecraft Survival Servers for Progression
Minecraft's Survival mode is a thrilling adventure that challenges players to gather resources, build shelters, and survive in a dynamic and unpredictable world. While the base game provides an excellent survival experience, Minecraft Survival servers take it to the next level by offering unique features, enhanced gameplay mechanics, and a vibrant community. In this article, we delve into the top Minecraft Survival servers that provide an immersive and progressive experience, allowing players to survive, thrive, and embark on remarkable journeys. Unleashing Custom Gameplay Mechanics Top Minecraft Survival servers often introduce custom gameplay mechanics that enhance the survival experience. These mechanics can include unique resource generation, specialized crafting recipes, modified mob behavior, and challenging environmental factors. By adding these custom elements, servers create a fresh and engaging gameplay experience that encourages exploration, strategic thinking, and adaptability. Dynamic and Thriving Economies Survival servers with a robust economy system offer players a chance to engage in a virtual marketplace where they can trade resources, buy and sell items, and build thriving communities. These servers often feature in-game currencies, player-run shops, and specialized trade systems that add depth and realism to the survival experience. A dynamic economy fosters a sense of progression, allowing players to accumulate wealth, acquire rare items, and build impressive structures. Community Interaction and Cooperation Survival servers provide a platform for players to interact and collaborate with others, fostering a sense of community and camaraderie. Whether through shared projects, cooperative building, or joint survival challenges, players can join forces, share resources, and support each other's endeavors. These collaborative interactions create a vibrant and social atmosphere that adds an extra layer of enjoyment to the survival experience. Enriching Quests and Challenges Top Minecraft Survival servers often introduce quests and challenges that go beyond the core gameplay. These quests can involve exploring hidden locations, completing tasks, defeating powerful bosses, or solving intricate puzzles. By incorporating these additional objectives, servers provide players with a sense of purpose, progression, and achievement. Quests and challenges add depth to the survival experience and keep players engaged in continuous exploration and discovery. Resource-Rich and Beautiful Worlds Survival servers known for their progression often boast resource-rich worlds that inspire players to explore and gather valuable materials. These servers may feature custom-generated landscapes, unique biomes, or rich underground structures. Resource availability and variety are carefully balanced to encourage exploration and provide players with diverse opportunities for gathering materials, crafting advanced tools, and building impressive structures. Supportive and Active Server Communities The success of top Minecraft Survival servers lies in their supportive and active server communities. These communities thrive on a sense of collaboration, respect, and mutual growth. They often have dedicated staff members who ensure a fair and enjoyable experience for all players, while also organizing community events, competitions, and regular updates to keep the gameplay fresh and engaging. Top Minecraft Survival servers offer an immersive and progressive experience for players seeking a challenging survival journey. With custom gameplay mechanics, dynamic economies, community interaction, enriching quests, resource-rich worlds, and supportive server communities, these servers provide an environment where players can survive, thrive, and embark on remarkable adventures. Whether you're a seasoned survivor or new to the survival genre, exploring the top Minecraft Survival servers for progression will undoubtedly provide hours of enjoyment and a chance to truly survive and thrive in the Minecraft world. BWBF
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graveskirk44 · 1 year
Minecraft's Latest Snapshot Updates Chat Reports for a Safe and Non-violent Building
Minecraft is a game to be shared with friends. Bwbf Sometimes, you'll be working together to create something amazing or else you'll be using mods to make Elden Ring and other times, you'll look into online servers to discover what else the internet offers. If you are playing online with other players there are times when things can get messy, and this appears to be what the latest Minecraft snapshot is trying to address.
The Minecraft snapshot 22W24A has been released. It's moving towards 1.19.1 with some bugs fixed, two new features as well as a few bug fixes. Chat reporting is the main feature. This lets you report abusive messages that are being sent in game chat. It's worth noting that the blog states that "any reports made during the testing phase may not be taken into consideration," but the ability to kick out toxic players is a crucial element of any online game which is why this could be an important move.
Chat reporting is available in the social interactions screen. You will need to report chat messages individually and choose the appropriate category. This will keep the system from being misused. You can't create a generic report on a player. You have to specify what they did. The blog says that your report will be scrutinized by a moderation team. There's no way to know what will constitute a genuine and useful report however, it's worth learning the details.
The other major change is that you can now duplicate the amazing Minecraft allay. This can be done by giving them an amethyst shard, however duplicates have an 2.5-minute cooling time. This will help ease the stress around how many mobs of allay there are. Plus, cute things can only be good news, right?
In less official news, we're hugely fond of this Mario Kart mod for Minecraft. It brings the karts you enjoy in Minecraft, but it also includes cool water features.
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waddellavila57 · 1 year
Cross-Platform Play Comes To Minecraft Dungeons
Imagine that you're invited to a gathering with your friend. You're asked "What platform do you play games on?" as soon as the door opens. In a state of confusion, you say it because your mother taught you how to be courteous guests. You're then separated from your friend and are forced to go to two different parties! What should you do next? Bwbf
Dear reader, this is not the world's most heavily branded choose-your-own-adventure novel. It's a real issue for those of us who want to play Minecraft Dungeons with our friends on various platforms. It was a problem, but it is no longer! Download the cross-platform play update today to play with your friends on any console or platform. Play the game with your friends on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation, Xbox, and Windows! Finally, a celebration where everyone isn't in awkward positions while watching others play.
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lyonpoe78 · 1 year
Minecraft and Microsoft: what Now?
Minecraft and Microsoft: What now? By Mark Ward Technology correspondent, BBC News
You can play Minecraft-maker Mojang to see why Microsoft bought it.
The single-player version revolves around one person who survives in harsh conditions with their imagination. Their very survival depends on their building a home and fighting monsters with only tools and weapons they can make by hand.
If computer games were subject to the same scrutiny as novels are to novels, it's easy to see this as an analogy for the life of Markus "Notch" Persson, the game's creator. In the past, he has spoken about his childhood and how he was "relatively poor" and his capacity to make his own entertainment, as well as whether he'll have to get over the same "demonsthat afflicted his father.
Notch's success in the harsh world was due to his family friends, his family, and the popularity of the products he created with his hands. But that success has also led to different challenges. These are more difficult to overcome.
The changes were evident at Minecon in 2012, where it was now impossible for Notch to walk more than one or two feet before being grabbed by a fan who was eager to shake his hand, slap him on the back, take a photo or get him to sign their foam sword.
People control
He was never satisfied with his transition from a simple programmer who was responsible for his own code to an entrepreneur of an international movement. His sincere explanation of why he is leaving Mojang"it's about my sanity," he said "it's about my mental health" - reaffirms the importance of sanity.
He's aware that Minecraft is about managing an entire community, not just creating and maintaining an application code base.
Microsoft may face a challenge here.
It has a long history of managing large-scale computer infrastructures that serve millions of customers. This is evident with Xbox Live and other cloud services. This will be crucial when it begins running the behind-the-scenes systems that keep Minecraft running.
But Microsoft is likely to alienate this community if it doesn't realize how personal the game is not only for Notch, but for many of the people who play it. It's where they get to meet their friends and make new ones and where they exhibit themselves, where they show off their technical and creative skills, where they find themselves.
I've seen it with my kids, who play it in different ways. One is a big fan of modified versions that involve arena battles or capture-the-flag-type competitions. Another person spends hours creating intricate homes that are built around swooping minecart tracks. He often constructs treehouses that cover entire forests. They also regularly go adventuring with their pals in search of treasure, while avoiding creepers and battling zombies, spiders and Skeletons.
They, and millions like them, are able to do this because of the openness and freedom of Minecraft. The game's flexibility allows them to alter it to suit their mood. Bwbf This is possible because it allows players access to an amount of control Microsoft has not allowed in its business software. This is the reason Microsoft has not been able to satisfy the millions of Minecraft players. The players don't want Microsoft to limit their freedom to design and alter the game to suit their needs. They feel a feeling of ownership over the games they make.
Microsoft will have to do an extremely difficult jobdue to the importance of this community.
It will have to fight the two main enemies of online gamers - downtime (aka delay) and lag. It is possible that any issue that arises with the game's performance in the near future will be blamed on Microsoft - whether it is the company's fault or not.
Making more drastic modifications to the operation of the game, such as restricting the ways that people can modify it and charging them for items that are currently free , or imposing restrictions on how they can tell the world about what they've done, could be handled poorly and make a large portion of that community against Microsoft.
This would be a huge mistake considering that a lot of its players are children who will grow up to become the gamers of the future. It is likely that Microsoft is hoping to impress them with how it handles Minecraft. If it does it wrong, it could become one of the monsters that people are eager to tackle.
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silverpetterson81 · 1 year
Who is Logdotzip?
Who Is Logdotzip? Let's find out everything we can about Him
Logdotzip is an American social media personality, is Logdotzip. Logdotzip is mostly an YouTube content creator known for his Minecraft gaming videos online. He also introduces himself as a Minecraft content creator and game producer. Logdotzip was born on the 6th of November 1991, and is now 29 years old. Logdotzip has an older sister. His net worth is estimated to be in the region of $3.1 million dollars.
Logdotzip is a social media celebrity from the United States. bwbf.net Logdotzip is most well-known for its Minecraft gaming videos online on YouTube. He also describes himself as a game producer and Minecraft content creator.
Logdotzip's Age? What is the net worth of Logdotzip? Logdotzip's girlfriend? The logdotzip's height isn't known. Logdotzip's career path Logdotzip's Age?
Logdotzip is 29 years old and was born on the 6th of November 1991. Tyler Christopher Pappas is his real name, and he's from Lakewood, California. He is currently in Austin.
Logdotzip's younger brother is Logdotzip. His sister has been featured a few times on his Instagram. He hasn't disclosed her identity , nor any other details about his parents or other family members.
Logdotzip also resided in Los Angeles' Staff Crafted residence even though he was not part of the Team Crafted team. Logdotzip has also not given any information about his educational background.
What is Logdotzip's net worth?
As of November 2020 his net worth was estimated to be about $3.1 million dollars.
Logdotzip's girlfriend?
Logdotzip does not wish to divulge any information regarding his previous or current relationships and his relationship status.
At this point in his career, he might be more concerned about growing his business rather than having romantic relationships.
The height of Logdotzip's log is not known.
Logdotzip's body measurements, such as his weight, height and chest-waist hip measurements, are not available.
Logdotzip is a dark brown-haired lady with hazel eyes.
Logdotzip's career path
Logdotzip, a well-known social media user is well-known. On YouTube and on social media his name is more well-known as "Logdotzip."
He is also a Minecraft gamer who records and broadcasts Minecraft mini-games he plays on the internet with his followers. Logdotzip boasts more than 3.9 million subscribers.
Logdotzip's channel was originally intended to be a RuneScape channel prior to his joining YouTube. It was 2006 at the time. Logdotzip was previously blocked from YouTube due to spam-related charges.
However, this was not the case as the channel returned following a three-day absence.
Logdotzip also plays Minecraft mini-games using SkyDoesMinecraft. SkyDoesMinecraft's Adam Dahlberg is a YouTube sensation, video editor, vocalist, and filmmaker.
Logdotzip continues to create Minecraft material, such as Minecraft Command Block Creations, Maps, Updates, and more. Logdotzip launched a second channel dubbed "dot zip" in July 2017 , which contained a variety of gaming and vlog material.
Logdotzip's career began in Laguna Niguel, California. He created Logdotzip, which is a gaming channel that has an array of viewers.
Logdotzip's content is free of profanity and sexually explicit material. Parents can feel at ease watching the videos with their children.
His earlier videos (from between 5-6 years in the past) featured a lot more cursing and are available to watch on the channel.
Logdotzip wanted to join an online Yu-Gi-Oh forum when he was around 10 or 11 years old, and the forum owner's username was "LordObelisk."
The name was inspired by the card "Obelisk The Tormentor" from Yu-Gi-Oh! In the show and the card game, the Obelisk was one of three "God Cards."
Logdotzip believed that LordObelisk's moniker so fantastic that he changed his username to LordofGods and used it for a long.
He instantly understood that no one could tell he was referring to Yu-Gi-Oh. So he shortened LordofGods to LoG to avoid offending anyone.
Finally it became a normal practice to add ".zip" at the end of the forum display names. As a result, his name was changed to LoG.zip which is now also known as "Logdotzip." Logdotzip described the origins of his Gamertag in an interview with Tube Filter.
"Logdotzip," his first channel, is dedicated to Minecraft videos.
On this kid-friendly Minecraft channel, we will find Minecraft Mods, Minecraft News, Minecraft Redstone, Minecraft Command Block Creations, Minecraft Robot Wars, Minecraft Roleplay Adventures, Minecraft Custom Mod Adventures, The How To Minecraft SMP and more! The channel was created by the creator on July 14, 2006.
dotZiP is the latest gaming channel on Logdotzip. It features amusing gaming videos skits, vlogs and skits, humorous moments, and more!
The channel was launched by Logdotzip PE on July 14, 2017. Logdotzip PE is a Minecraft Pocket Edition and a Minecraft Novice Girl YouTube channel made by Logdotzip.
Similar to that, on the same day that he released "dotZiP," Logdotzip also launched a Logdotzip product line in conjunction with Nice Posture Clothing. There is a possibility of finding #LogdotMerch.
He also created his second channel, "dotZiP," on July 14 in 2017. This was in honor of the 11th anniversary of his channel that was the first, "Logdotzip".
Logdotzip adheres to a routine or schedule when it is time to release new videos to his channels. Logdotzip releases new videos or pieces of content every day of the week.
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Minecraft On IMAC
Minecraft is definitely available for Mac! You can check this out when you visit the download page for the game and, under the "Desktop" section, select "Mac".
While there are some differences in the versions between the desktop version of Minecraft and the iPad version (which is called Minecraft Pocket Edition), the base game is identical. Bwbf Multiplayer is available in the desktop version.
Your grandson will have to create an account in Minecraft account for the desktop version (I am not certain of what the process is for Pocket Edition works or if you can use the same account details for both).
He would like to play the same multiplayer Minecraft game on the iMAC
According to this forum:
- Minecraft (the Java version) that runs in Windows 10 (or older versions of Windows or on Macs) is not "cross-platform". It is only compatible with PCs. - Win10 ("Minecraft Windows 10 Beta Edition") is "cross platform". It is compatible with Windows 10 smartphones, tablets and PCs. Win10 is compatible with PE. PE is compatible with Android and iOS tablets and smartphones.
Consoles, like the Java version, are distinct animals that can only be played with the consoles. Xbox (and PS4, Wii U), can't play any other editions due different sizes of the world, etc. (in fact Xbox 360's aren't able to play with Xbox Ones). As long as, and until, the (newer) consoles are able to play in infinite worlds, they aren't compatible with any of the other versions.
The multiplayer will be distinct (independent of the Pocket Edition). Pocket Edition players won't be permitted to play with Mac users . The multiplayer will be completely distinct.
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lynggaardhalberg18 · 1 year
How to Locate Minecraft Diamonds In 1.19
How to locate Minecraft diamonds in 1.19
Here's how long it will take to get the Minecraft diamond level in 1.19. Also, here's everything you can do in the popular crafting game.
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Gina Lees
Updated: Oct . 6, 20,22 10:36 ET
It is crucial to swiftly improve your weapons and armour by knowing how to locate diamonds in Minecraft 1.19. You'll need to dig deeper to locate the most precious materials in Minecraft 1.19 - especially with the latest world height changes of the Caves and Cliffs update. But it will be well worth it when you wear your most elegant war clothes.
Minecraft diamonds can be used to construct high-quality tools, weapons as well as armour and other things. They can also be used in creating an enchantment tablet which is needed to create Minecraft enchantments. You can also trade with villagers in Minecraft villages. In the 1.18 update, the level at which diamond can been found has been altered. Learn more about where diamonds can be found in Minecraft 1.19 and what you can make with this rare and valuable mineral.
Minecraft diamond level 1.19
Minecraft 1.18 updated, modified ore distribution. Diamonds previously could be found at any point below layer 16 and were equally likely on every layer. Diamonds are still spawning below layer 16, but they increase in frequency as you dig down towards the bedrock layer.
Although technically, Y-level is the best level to locate most diamonds, we recommend mining at HTML0-level -53 to locate Minecraft diamonds.
-53 is the most suitable level to think of for diamonds in Minecraft 1.19 because of the lava level that is at -54. Even though you'll still be able to be sucked into the fiery liquid at any levels underground lava lakes will develop at level 54. It is the best place to be secure and search for diamonds. You might end up in flames prior to receiving your well-earned reward. To quickly find diamonds, you can use the best Minecraft 1.19 seed to skip the digging process.
Minecraft diamond ore
You can mine Minecraft's diamond ore using an iron, diamond or netherite pickaxe. It will drop one diamond when mined. The diamond ore will not drop if you use a different tool. Be sure that you are properly prepared before you go to the mines. You should also try and enhance your diamond pickaxe with Fortune as early as possible, to increase the number of diamonds dropped from natural ore.
You can make use of a pickaxe with Silk Touch to force the block to fall when it is mined, if you are looking for the ore blocks for decorative purposes or to save money until you can get the Fortune enchantment. If you don't have an iron pickaxe, or a diamond pickaxe, then you can use an Minecraft blast furnace to melt the diamond ore. Bwbf
Find Minecraft diamonds
As well as diamond ores and, without having to go to middle-earth, there are rare loot chests around the globe that may have Minecraft diamonds within. Be sure to check any of the following chests for valuable items, including diamonds:
Shipwreck treasure chests, Stronghold altar chests, Village chests, Fortress chests, Jungle temple chests, Desert temple chests, Mineshaft chests, Treasure chests buried End city chests
Minecraft diamond sword and other crafting recipes
Here's a complete list of the items you can create using Minecraft diamonds:
- Block of diamond - Diamond axe - Diamond boots - Diamond chestplate - Diamond helmet - Diamond hoe Diamond leggings - Diamond pickaxe - Diamond shovel - Diamond sword Enchantment table - Firework star - Jukebox Netherite tools and armour
This is all you need to be aware of Minecraft diamonds. After you've gotten yourself set up and are ready to go, we highly recommend making Minecraft fireworks for some amazing entertainment - and a completely new way to travel. If you've damaged your favorite pair of diamond boots in the interim, you can also use a Minecraft anvil to repair diamond objects. A guide to Minecraft copper is also available.
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floodmahmoud35 · 1 year
Minecraft PS4 Fails Certification as August Creeps to a Close
It's looking unlikely Minecraft will be able to meet its August release date on PS4 after it failed Sony's certification tests. This means that it's back to the fixing board of 4J Studios, and the team will need to submit the game for certification before it is released.
4J has been working on fixing issues and squashing bugs throughout the month, and not just on the PS4 version, but in the coming Xbox One and Vita releases too. Bwbf We've reached out to the studio to confirm a delay, and whether it will affect just the PS4 version or other platforms too. The three ports are scheduled for release this month.
Sony found some issues we need to fix during their final test of #MinecraftPS4 :( We're fixing however, we'll need to go through the process over again.
- 4J Studios (@4JStudios), August 20 at night, 2014. When they launch, the Xbox One or PS4 versions of Mojang’s popular game will be available for $20 on digital storefronts. Players who have downloaded Xbox 360 and PS3 versions will be capable of upgrading to Xbox One and PS4 respectively at a cost of $5. The offer will be valid for at least one year after the release date. What's new in the new ports expect larger worlds and greater draw distance than in the previous console releases.
For the Vita version it's cross-buy compatible with PS3 which means that those who purchased Minecraft on the console will get the handheld version for free, and new buyers can play the game on both PS3 and Vita. Like the other ports, the price for grinding your pickaxe on Vita is $20.
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flipperdee · 2 years
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My Ocs Akin and Sygnal just buys being gay
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tinkerclaw · 5 months
Can't spend 4 hours on just one thing and not show it. And bonus picture of the solution to the ever annoying ceiling light casting shadow where I need to see.
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@hurricanenights - BWBF
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joelletwo · 7 months
sugi. collection.
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bwbf theyre having a childhood best friends romance here <3 i missed this which means
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I MISSED THAT THIS IS GINTOKI PUTTING HIMSELF *in* A RELATIONSHIP AGAIN. why does he do this. lol. these episodes really on top of the sealing takasugi's diseases in my mind seals that gintoki has chronic Shoulderer Of Burdens disease. guhh
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<33 i love um how to say....................... gin shouyou... found family flavor peers rather than parental? parental for sure but also. gintoki takes it upon himself to be parental right back lol (see: chronic disease) and they end up just being. buddies
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paper thin shouyou. gin standing in for him, again, willingly and also bc takasugi has mind diseases. exhibit 1,000 of takagin presumed the world's only peers which renders them able to and ONLY able to perpetrate unconscionable violence (they are doing this consciously and mutually and informed consentedly as therapy) (goes insane abt how cognizant they both are about kjsdf why theyre doing this. and they choose to do it still)
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(^ squinting reaching back in my memory for if this is a benizakura or a bansai callback thing. the thing he protects has not changed from back then. everything is everything else is takagin in gintama) just this whole segment. look at it.
v nothing to say abt these
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v something to say about this one
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he LOVES to be impaled
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daughter u look cool here
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