#butai joker game
ratiocchi · 6 years
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Tazaki and Kaminaga’s offshots have been published
[ Okutani Chihiro & Saikawa Koji ]
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mashigiwho · 6 years
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Joker Game | Random bromides 2/3
Suzuki Shogo as Miyoshi
Scanned by @mashigiwho
Please do not repost
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tima520 · 7 years
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Our stage Sakuma is so gorgeous 
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mauve--art · 7 years
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more stuff from jgstage xD (i will probably keep drawing stuff from jgstage because i can’t get over it x’D)
this actually happened during the curtain call.. i can’t.. it’s too cute
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queengurako · 7 years
About Joker Game
So we watched Joker Game stageplay with @kazama-hime and it was cool.
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I mean : nice staging (srly the poker’s scene was awesome), the utilisation of anime’s OST give me nostalgia and chills (one day I will watch it again), the actors were good, Sakuma was more present contrary to the anime. They also try to give us a story with everyone on a same mission. I just cringe...many times...about some historical interpretations or references but don’t pay attention, it’s my historian side 😁
The only thing which makes me sad it’s that everyone (even the cast of the stageplay) seems to forget the existence of the movie. 
YES ! Dear fandom and fans of Joker Game in Anime or Butai...There was a Joker Game movie.
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With the gorgeous Kamenashi Kazuya in Jiro Kato (the actual main character of the licence)(in fact the first time I saw Sakuma I thought he would have the same plot as Jiro Kato. yes I am a little bit disappointed to not see Sakuma so much during the anime/out)
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The marvellous Takasugi Iseya Yusuke in Lieutenant-colonel Yuuki (I blame him to make me so faaaaan of Yuuki  😍)(HE IS SO HANDSOME, SASSY AND ELEGANT I CAN’T !)
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And the lovely Fukuda Kyoko in Rin.
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You even find some characters of D Agency as Miyoshi, Odagiri, Kaminaga and Jitsui. They are quite different from the anime but you find a lot of similitudes to not be disoriented. It’s a nice adaptation with good actors, a lot of action and well executed ! I don’t know but I’ve got the feeling that everyone forgot this movie. And yes this is my favourite adaptation of the licence. I LOVE it so much than I’m just so desesperate to have a second movie  😭 😭 Just look at the trailer. agwah.
I REALLY love the anime Joker Game and I liked the Stage play...but please watch Joker Game 2015. I’m sure you will not regret it.
I give you the link to watch it :D 
ENG SUB : Here.
VOSTFR : Here.
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Stiltedtranslation’s Joker Game Stage Translations Masterpost
Quite the mouthful, isn’t it. This is the sideblog I created to house my translations, seeing as my main account is more of a multi-fandom place now.
I am contributing to the wonderful collaborative project that jgfiles and several others started to chip away at Joker Game Stage. Please do check it out here. Even if you can’t contribute, just spreading the word will help!
My Japanese is not the best (thus my username), so feel free to offer corrections or pop in to discuss wording. Please don’t feel as if you’re bothering me. I love, love, love discussing language and translation work.
Scene #, approx. time, desc.
Scene 13, 18 min. 40 sec., Sakuma’s friend tells him about Yuuki’s past [link]
Scene 14, 21 min., The Joker Game [one, two]
Scene 15, 34 min., Aftermath of Sakuma’s scolding [link]
Misc. Translations Tag
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kikaijimas · 7 years
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ka-zu-ya · 7 years
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舞台『ジョーカー・ゲーム』 ↳ Set A ✘ Set B
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mysticdragon3md3 · 3 years
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I really need to stop preordering figures of characters I barely know or don't know at all.  And now I should add to that list "characters I like but am not obsessed with".
Because then wonFes announcements come for characters I love, who I never expected would get Nendoroids, I regret spending money on those characters I only have a passing affinity for.  Like, I preordered Nendo Bayonetta this past October, and now I constantly think about how that money should've gone towards Nendo Kairi, Nendo Aqua, or preordering P5S.  I think of the money I wasted on Nendo Bayo...and Nendo 2B (when I haven't even played Nier Automata yet---I don't know how I've manage to stay away from spoilers so far!), the 2 butai version Touken Ranbu Nendoroids, Nendo Saber Musashi, Nendo Kiso, all my KanColle Nendoroids (besides Kongo), etc.  That's money I should have saved for the seated Nendo Hinata and Kageyama versions, Nendo Axel, Nendo Roxas, Nendo 9S, Hetalia world Stars version Nendo UK, etc.  Instead, I'm probably now not going to get any of those.  Plus, I'm going to be hurting when I get Nendo Dizzy and that new version of Nendo Nishinoya Yu.  I mean, I could photoshoot fun jokes with Nendo Bayonetta as Nendo Joker's mom but was that really worth completely cutting out budget consideration for Nendo Roxas and Axel?  And now Kairi and Aqua are on my chopping block...;_;  This is crazy.  
Maybe I shouldn't even preorder Persona 5 Strikers.  I mean, I could get the story from let's plays.  But it's a musou game, and hack'n'slash can be so relaxing and easy to pick up anytime.  I could really enjoy playing it.  Much more than even P5; I typically dislike turn-based.  I only put up with P5's turn-based combat because P5 was so stylish and I loved the characters.  In fact, hack'n'slash is my preferred type of gameplay, next to 2D fighters.  I even play action-RPGs as if they were hack'n'slash. (I didn't switch out my Keyblade or keychains on KH1 until The End of the world. lol)  
Lately I keep thinking about how I can't just sell off the Nendoroids I regret buying, because I threw away all their packaging.  I kept the boxes, collapsed in a storage box.  But the plastic blister packaging...I let other people convince me to toss it.  And honestly, I thought---I KNEW I needed to overcome my hoarding problem and I KNOW that I'm too shy, anxious, and lazy to go through any kind of selling process, so I HAVE ALWAYS ended up just keeping everything I already have.  I KNEW I would never sell even the Nendoroids I didn't completely love.  And honestly, everything eventually comes in handy!  So why do I still feel bad for spending money on them?  I would have felt worse for not.  I always feel worse for not buying something than for buying something.  Because everything always eventually comes in handy.  And it's not like they're characters I hate.  Kiso, Shoukaku, Onodera, Yuri, Victor,...I like their characters, even if I'm not completely obsessed to justify $50 on each of them.  And I don't absolutely regret even characters I barely know, like Kuuro, Akaashi, Chuuya, Ushio, Izetta, Annelotte, etc..  And Nendos I have of characters I don't even know, like Iowa,  Kurisu, Seishiro, Sora/Shiro, Tina, Kuroyukihime, Aoba Naruko, etc....It's not like I hate them.  They're still Nendoroids, and Nendoroids are still cute.  Additionally, they're parts are still modular and very useful.  Like, I would have considered selling my Kurisu Makise and Yuri Katsuki Nendos, if it wasn't for the fact that their faceplates and wardrobes have proven SO good for other characters in my collection that I prefer to do photoshoots of. And let's face it:  I AM too anxious to sell figures.  I'm too anxious to do online transactions and back when I did swap meets, I got harassed so much that I'm just turned off from ever doing them again.  
I guess the only thing I can do is make more money to cover my upcoming preorders and try really hard not to order characters I barely know from now on.  ...Even though I've been saying that last half for years now.  x_______x;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  
Now I have to consider adopting a policy of passing up preordering figures of characters I do know and like, if they are not my absolute obsessions.  Like, Aqa and Kairi.  I know them; I like them.  Hell, Aqua used to be one of my favorite cosplays!  But now I have to consider that maybe I don't love them enough to the heights of obsession, enough to buy their Nendoroids.  ...All because I wasted money on figures like Bayonetta instead.  
Ugh.  Am I back to my mental starting point?  Did I circle back?  Am I just thinking in circles?  Is this just being anxious?  
Or did I decide something useful?  Like skipping KH3 Nendo Kairi, to hold out hope for  KH2 Nendo Kairi.  I prefer her KH2 outfit and I've always preferred long hair.  Maybe I should just skip KH3 Nendo Kairi.  But what if I finally get around to playing that KH3 copy on my shelf, I fall in love with that version of Kairi, and I regret not getting KH3 Nendo Kairi?!?  o~O?!?!??????????!  
Ugh...Just anxious circles...  
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lady-mug · 4 years
Hi! Sorry to bother you, but I don't suppose you or anyone else could help point me in the direction of the Joker Game II butai?
Hi there friend! Since you said anyone else I’m assuming that means I can post this publicly, forgive me if I’m wrong. I’m afraid I’m not sure where to find this one, would anyone know? :D
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paranoid-rhythm · 7 years
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甘利 | 結城中佐
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ratiocchi · 6 years
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舞台『ジョーカー・ゲームⅡ』 木戸邑弥 インタビュー
I think this stage could expand the genre of 2.5 dimension.
A new stage of Joker Game, which got the audience excited last year, has been decided. This time, the stage will be set in Double Joker-hen which is very popular in the original work. Jitsui’s actor, Kido Yuya, will continue as the key person in this stage.
Kido: In the previous stage, I had this feeling, “The original work is really fun. If this was to be a stage, I’m sure it will be fun too.” The casts and staff—everyone was confident and looking forward to the stage. Everyone talked about how they want to do it again. Now that those hopes have come true, I’m really happy.
Fans of the original work also cheered in delight. It was said that the secret behind these fans' delight came from the very cool vibe that’s only found in the stage.
Kido: The spotlight of the previous stage—of course—is the opening. The moment all of D Kikan’s spies assembled, it was really cool that we as the actors shivered in excitement as well. The theme song was also the same as the anime, and from that alone, the audience’s hearts were captured in one blow. This time too, I’m sure the stage will bring out the same cool vibes.
D Kikan, an organization consisting of resourceful spies who have passed the super human selection test. The previous stage got the audience excited with the poker scene as the key scene.
Kido: Clapping hands and tapping the table, following the rhythm. Nishida (Daisuke) -san the director said that it is something we should try by ourselves, so we (the actors) created the idea (to clap hands and tap the table along the rhythm). But when we tried it, it was harder than we've expected (lol). If there’s even one mistake, everything will be a mess. I’m sure the same nervous feeling will appear in the next stage.
This is the second time you act as Jitsui. Your attachment for this character is special.
Kido: Among the cool D Kikan members, Jitsui is a cute character, yet he can act like a guy or a girl. He’s able to bring out each of his personality really well and doesn’t put his hands in his pocket. He’s also an actor who likes to make up various schemes out of trivial things. Although Jitsui is cute, there is a side of him which are ruthless and malicious. Maybe I resemble him a bit (lol)
Among entertaining scenes in the stage, you can also have a taste of action, deep battle scenes, shade of adulthood(?).
Kido: The charm is to enjoy the excitement of the stage. I think that this work could expand the genre of 2.5 dimension, so this time too, I will fight with great spirit.
Original link: (x)
Note: This is my first time translating an article. My English and Japanese are still bad so I’m sorry if there are a few mistakes here and there. Thank you for reading~
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mashigiwho · 7 years
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Quality content from Joker Game DVD/BD release event. Pyon〜
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leenaevilin · 6 years
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[Announcement] 舞台 ジョーカー・ゲーム II (butai joker game II)
you can watch it @ videopass (I’m not familiar with this side so I can’t exactly tell you about the prices and how/if you can become a member outside japan)
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mauve--art · 7 years
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Kaminaga Question!
more stuff from backstage xD
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sweetmaririn · 6 years
End of the year 2.5D Butai/Musical Asks!
Alright, I know this is really late since I finally got the chance to do this so let’s get it on to it~ 
Truth; I didn’t expect to be tagged along but I was. I have to say that I’m very happy that I got tagged. 
I was tagged by the lovely @allyyyyy0619
Once again, thank you for tagging me. My way of describing might be an odd way to describe a stage/musical/person and etc because in all honesty I actually don’t know what to say or how to describe it. And please, pardon my bad English!
Now let’s get to the questiosn! 
1. Firstly, how did you manage to find out about 2.5D butai/musical? Which butai/musical was your first and your impression of it?
I’m not sure which was exactly my first but it’s a Musical, it could be either Kuromyu (Musical 2) or Tenimyu. It’s either this two and my impression on both are somewhat the same? As it was something new for me because everyone is acting on stage, with wigs and full makeup on which I first find it quite funny but then I got used to it since it’s also fascinating. Hmm to say when it happened, I think it’s safer for me to say it was all in 2012, I was 14 at that time and only started using the internet fully. But it was a wild, fun ride for me. I like how I started from there to here.
2. Who was your first favourite 2.5D actor/actress? Why?
Hmm it should be Mizuta Kouki because of Tenimyu. I don’t remember how I got attracted to this guy but it was a love at a first sight. I find him very cool, especially when I saw his Kenya! It was awesome.. 
3. Top 3 (or more) favourite butai of the year?
1. Hyper Projection Engeki Haikyuu -Shousha to Haisha-
Since I’m also a fan of Haikyuu itself, I just love it when it comes to Seijoh since they are my favourite school after Karasuno. As this stage is the one when Karasuno lost to Seijoh during Interhigh, I get to see the touching scenes being acted out, putting me in tears. Of all thing is the music, I really like the orchestra theme going on, it gives you the bumps every single time and everything sounds so epic that it is as if there’s a strong wind swiping you along the way.  
2. Stage play Touken Ranbu -Akatsuki no Dokuganryu-
Hmmm what do I say for this one? Maybe because there’s Kasen Kanesada and Ookurikara. Kasen is my starter so I’m happy to see him on stage, besides Wada Takuma-san did an excellent job portraying him. I could stop fangirling over how elegant Kasen is? Besides that, it’s Tsurumaru. I totally love ‘Dark Tsurumaru’ , I was so shocked and that what a huge surprise for me. I’d always wonder how would a “ Dark version of Tsurumaru looked like” never thought it would really happen. Plot wise, everything is well written and well done. As usual Tousute has good music as well. 
3.  Joker Game
Okay this is quite unusual for me because I didn’t even watch the anime or read the manga to know the story but I definitely enjoyed the stage. It was very entertaining, everyone was so cool and despite it’s dark story, I actually really like it. The whole story isn’t my cup of tea but I watched it for Yamamoto Ikkei and didn’t thought it was be amazing.  
4. Top 3 (or more) least favourite butai of the year?
I don’t think I have one that I can list? Even if there’s some that didn’t fully caught my attention. . . . . . or maybe I didn’t watch much enough to actually have a least favourite. 
5. Top 3 (or more) favourite musical of the year?
1. Musical Touken Ranbu -Mihotose no Komoriuta- 
As usual, Touken Ranbu will win over everything. Anyways, for Mihotose’s storyline, I cried. I watched the musical and cried a lot. The acting was tip top, especially when I saw Yokota Ryugi’s real tears coming out, I couldn’t stop crying. Ishikirimaru’s suffering kills me, Nikkari’s observant kills me, Sengo’s uhhh self kills me, Tonbokiri kills me, Monoyoshi’s suffering kills me.. And the most would be because of Ookurikara, in this musical, we were shown the the softer side of him like when he said “that’s why I didn’t want to become friends” and how he actually cares. I love it.
2. Musical Star-Myu
I actually don’t have anything much to say about this musical since I can’t call myself much of a fan but I do like it and got hooked with the songs, and since I like Otori. (blame Suwabe Junichi for all of this) And since Kiyama Haruki did a good job as Otori.. 
6. Top 3 (or more) least favourite musical of the year?
I really do think I haven’t watch much so nothing to be listed.
7. Top 3 (or more) favourite actors/actress of the year?
1. Arisawa Shoutarou 
2. Mikata Ryosuke 
3. Ota Motohiro / Someya Toshiyuki
8. Top 3 (or more) rookie actors/rising actors whom you’ve high hopes for in the future?
1. Arisawa Shoutarou 
As we all can see, Shoutarou’s popularity is rising day by day now, from just an ensemble to an actual main character, that itself is a huge achievement and it doesn’t even take him that long to achieve that. I couldn’t be more proud of him, all I know is that he deserves all the love. And since Shoutarou is quite new, I want everyone to see Shoutarou’s true talent and he’ll prove the world that he is more than just “a rookie actor”. Shoutarou still has more years ahead but I know he’ll improve in no time, he already proved that to us from K Stage to now. And as I predicted, he’ll be in the new Toumyu next spring! I’m totally looking forward to that.
2. Kohatsu Allen
Allen has been around for a while now just like Shoutarou, and slowly I can see that he’s getting more better jobs now. But I still want to see even more for him. I was so happy when it was announced that he’ll be playing as “Shu” in Diabolik Lovers stage. Allen will totally be able to catch everyone’s attention once they see how he is on stage.
3. Shiraishi Judai 
I don’t know if Judai is considered popular or not but I know everyone really likes his Mattsun. I can’t say much since I haven’t seen other than his acting in Engeki Haikyuu or which stage was it with the one him being the villain(?) He was so cool in that stage, so I can say that he’s a great actor. Sooner or later, he’ll get something bigger that everyone can agree with me. I really do have my high hopes for him.
9. Top 3 (or more) favourite butai/musical related drama/movie of the year?
1. Yowamushi Pedal 
well since I love the manga, anime and the stage, of course I will love the drama as well especially when most of the actors in the drama were also in the previous stages. I get to see Pedal without seeing everyone running on stage, in a fixed position cameras I meant and with actual bikes. Pedal takes lots of stamina and energy so I admire all the actors that could bring us Pedal to live.
10. Top 3 (or more) actors/actress that you think have the best singing voice?
I’m bad at describing how beautiful someone’s voice may be so I’ll just rank it with a weird way of describing it?
1. Mikata Ryosuke
Ever since I’ve known him, I still think he’s the best of them all. I like it whenever he sings. I don’t know, his singing is just all dreamy for me. I love it. Mikatii;s singing isn’t the strong-windy type but he’s like the boyish type too. Easy for me to describe it, his vocals are like the when you went for a jog in the morning, the sun rise as you breathe in the fresh air. Or his vocals is like as if he’s pinning you to the wall. 
2. Ota Motohiro
Mokkun’s voice is the medium kind of strong. Most of the time I’ll hear him having to wave his voice and he did it perfectly. Mokkun’s voice is the kind that will melt your voice. It’s as if whenever he sings, he is trying to lure you into his honey trap and you’ll forever be captivated by him. Woooo goose bumps.
3. Yazaki Hiroshi 
I’m not even a fan of him but I really like it when he sings. This is due to Hakumyu where I’m exposed to his acting&singing. He has a very melodic voice and a gentle kind but strong voice? It’s like when you’re walking in a garden filled with roses. 
4. Spi
Spi’s vocals are the strongest and powerful but yet he could go softer when he has or wants to, depends on which song he’s singing. So Spi’s vocals are like the strong wind that will blow you away while you’re having your cup of tea during tea time, along with the table & chairs. His voice is that strong. 
Bonus: Unpopular Opinion (I think)
The person who I personally thinks has the best voice that could put me all over the world would be Arisawa Shoutarou. Maybe because I’m such a huge fan of him and I love him so much that I think that way. When I think about it, I really love his singing voice, his voice doesn’t sound so manly or strong. But people can improve. When Shoutarou sings, he sounded really boyish like when you’re having a moist chocolate cake. It’s sweet, concentrated and chocolatey. When I first heard him, I didn’t understand why I don’t see much people complimenting him? Like when I first heard him singing Heart to Heart in the Musicals, I could actually feel the song. Shoutarou’s voice is like he’s complimenting everyone. When he sings live or recording, both sounds excellent and I could tell straight away which voice belonged to him. It’s as if his voice has a personality on its own? I don’t know if this make sense but Shoutarou’s singing can make me teary too, it’s just too beautiful to me.. and I’ll say this, I got addicted to his voice. I really want to hear more, so I hope for Toumyu, next spring, he’ll get his solo. 
11. A (or more) butai/musical that you didn’t initially love, but has/have grown on you?
I’m not sure about this... hmm
12. Top 3 (or more) anime/manga/game that you would love to see being adapted into a butai/musical in the future?
1. Free! 
I’ve been wanting to see Free! to be adapt into a butai since who knows how long. Imagine how fun would it be....It would be a nice thing to see all characters, especially my favourite ones to be portrayed by an actor. I don’t expect it to come true any time soon. Let’s just hope it can happen but somehow I feel like it won’t happen because some would prefer for it to be left as it is.
13. Top 3 (or more) favourite fandom on the year?
I’ll be honest. I don’t really like fandom/s because sometimes fandom tend to ruin my mood and fun for something. However, most of the time, fandoms are fun especially when you see everyone goes crazy when productions dropped news onto them hahahahaha.
1. Toumyu / Tousute
This is obvious since I’m in TKRB hell so it would be obvious I’m in Toumyu hell too. I honestly don’t know how I got way too attached to Toumyu? maybe because of the Shinken Ranbu Sai that made me feel like Toumyu fandom is such a solid fandom. Like fans can keep expect new things and it’ll keep coming.. The production is alive and not a dead one. Like some you might not even know if there will be more musicals/stage ? Maybe that’s why I’m so attached because somehow I know it won’t end anytime soon and I can keep talking about it. And since most of the people I follow are in this fandom, it makes it hard not to love the fandom even though I’d never really get the chance to talk to anyone.....in the fandom..or becoming mutuals...Anyways, It’s just really fun to see everyone’s reaction.
Tousute is different than Toumyu, it’s two different franchise but it’s still tkrb. Tousute gives more of the serious kind and it kills us with the amount of angst they give out, that sharp pain in the heart and I like that. So, I like how everyone has to suffer the pain too. But in truth I don’t have much to say because it’s the same for me since I like both franchises. 
※there are some fans that likes Tousute but doesn’t like Toumyu (or vice versa). So I guess there’s why there’s separated fandoms?
3. Enstars 
I’m not in this fandom as I don’t even play the game nor do I’m a fan of it but 70% of people around me do & really love the stage. And since I always see it on my timeline, somehow I became to like the fandom without actually being in it or becoming a fan. I guess I just enjoy seeing everyone goes crazy in here. Great fandom.
14. How long have you been in the 2.5D fandom?
I started late, as it was in 2012 when I joined so it’s been 5 years. 
15. Lastly, what is your overall opinion of the 2.5D fandom so far?
Back then, everything was free, whatever was uploaded will be shared by everyone just like that but it wasn’t really that easy to look for something and the community was much smaller so everyone sticks together however nowadays, there’s stricter & stricter rules and such so it makes it harder but it’s easier to look for something now. I guess all these happens when the fandom started having toxic fans, as usual toxic fans ruins everything so I can’t really blame anyone. But I do miss those days when I first joined, all the fans seems more mature and everyone was more understanding. It’s like everyone looks after one another. Now? it seems like it’s lacking of those. I’ll stop it right here as I don’t want to say too much. 
But I will say that I am glad that more and more people know about the existence of 2.5D, so there’s more people to talk about it. The fandom itself is fun, especially when everyone is having fun & fangirl/boy-ing together.
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