#but. basically. gesturjing vaguely.
okay let's see. uhh.
- castiel townsend: the man, the myth, the original bastard himself. w.bg player (albeit unwillingly). has not taken proper care of himself in weeks at any one moment. has homosexual relations with both his his gamerunner and his prize, which makes situations interesting quite a bit of the time. frequently not nice about things, mostly through joking about them both inappropriately and shittily. if he even sits down and thinks about his actions for .3 of a second it's over for him.
pretty extensive facial scarring from sucking ass at trying to blow up 357a.
- cassidy ???: cowboy iteration of castiel. MAY be a fraud. nobodys quite sure if he has the same connection to castiel that most cowboy iterations have to the source of their iteration. but oh well. he's the only cowboy around, and that's good enough. very cocky, very self-assured. believes what he is doing is right and proper all of the time. should not have been let loose with a gun, probably.
no noted scarring, but then again, ive no clue what he looks like naked. haven't mapped that out yet. shh.
- cassius ???: flinchite castiel. refuses to reveal what job he does at the compound itself, but he acts as a very good right hand man sort of figure. actually quite cordial, and not just in a villainous kind of a way. very put together. (this is, as with all casses, ever, a complete and utter lie. just one he's perfected.) actually on pretty good terms with cassidy. minimal death threats exchanged between the two.
missing one eye, which he covers with an eyepatch. no other noted scarring. i think.
- cassandra (has not even considered a last name): ex-compound cas. technically still in the compound. has never left the compound, and isn't looking likely to. but. minimal experimenation going on. so there's that.
capable of seeing all events in history, apparently, though without much rhyme or reason to any of it. every prediction she makes is inevitable (though not always irreversible). also the only cas to use she/her.
seemingly very docile and obedient, but with a decided cunning streak she's perfected the art of hiding in public.
- casper bofa (allegedly): an outsider to this whole scheme. not on good terms with any other cas iteration, but has convinced castiel into doing his bidding more than once. convinced he's able to disrupt the flow of time and pick his own fate. got a lot of hubris that is probably (definitely) going to catch up with him, but oh well. constantly doing his best impression of a mad scientist-esque disney villain, for some reason.
the only iteration of castiel to share the 357a facial scarring- technically the only one who has experienced the future in which castiel goes ahead with it. which is technically a diversion from the normal timeline anyway.
- melanie "superwholock" lewis: w.bg player. somehow winning. internet streamer who liveblogged her challenges under the pretence of an elaborate arg, and is sososo scared all of the time at being found out. very emotionally intelligent, but cannot lie for toffee. fiercely loyal, and has a tendancy to be an asshole more often than not.
- mel "homestuck" lewis: ex-compound melanie and universal older sister figure. trying to catch up with the modern media kids seem to be enjoying these days, but doesn't wholly get it. tries to be a mediator, but has a habit of snapping at people occasionally, if tensions get too high.
- em "you are not calling me goncharov" no last name: flinchite melanie. technically? also punished melanie. somehow acing them both. very tired, very done with everyone. very, very good at fighting. runs a rather illegal pharmacy that depends off the flinchite funds to basically just give medication away for free. works as a hired gun- er, knife- on the side.
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