#but yeah i wasnt in the mood for writing wizzer stuff rn so i spit some fire about life!! hope yall like it
cat-loving-elf · 2 months
"life, isn't it?"
the human body, the human mind
searching for a goal, a rare find
many had thought about lifes very nature
but no facts were set by any legislature
and so, we are free to ponder
and admire the world's wonder
is it truly the one and only goal?
the truth is as dim as coal
so one is able to find their own way
some don't see it, for others - bright as day
in one's opinion it's about happiness
others think it's all money, rest can be a mess
many think it's truly all about one's calmness
but it's up to you, no rules set, unlike chess
so don't be afraid to search for a rare find
a goal for your body and your mind
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