#but yeah enjoy the sillers
pixelatedraindrops · 29 days
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Yuma Month: Day 4: Reflection
“Because you and I have the same face.”
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serekiri · 7 months
U should rate top 5 dr yuri pairings
hii freddy, hope you're doing okay. since you've asked nicely, here are my ratings on dr yuri pairings that ive picked at the top of my head. hope you enjoy ❤💕
well ill start with the first 5 if that's fine, this is very opinionated so sorry if it may seem biased, im just going off on what i remember from the dr series (god i need to revisit the games and the franchise as well iirc, since this is just thh first, sdr2 second, udg, dr3, and then v3 final, and then ill get around to consuming some supplementary materials in a bit so yeah.) sorry for the rambling now i should get to it!
1- celesgiri. my old favourite. its really just a crackship if im being honest as they barely interacted at all, but that makes it so fun afterall, plus their colour palettes both synchronise with each other really well. like lilac lavender purple/dark purple scheme colours synchronised with black and candy red together as well? really good. i really like their designs together, and i think that they're the only detective/liar ship that matters, really.
celestia being a selfish manipulative liar that cares about no one but herself also is fine, although the shit she did do was unjustifiable (lying about the sexual assault thing for money is very fucked up id admit but i can't really hate her. sometimes we need female characters that are huge unrepetant pieces of shit, don't we..?) regardless of what she did, i found the ship interesting back then. (and i still do! even though its for siller reasons.), because of how it clicked to me at first, and how kirigiri is very distrustful and cold and aloof and often doesnt trust others and has very strained relationships with like. naegi for example, and makes paranoia-driven desicions and throws people like him under the bus for example and whatnot, and her having backstory of her being forced to be a detective because of her grandfather after her mother's death, really, and having issues with her dad and hating him as well cause of what he did. and plus! celestia pretending to be someone she's not, along with her selfish and silly dream of wanting to be a queen in a castle to her vampire butler servants is so funny. she didn't even have to sugarcoat what she wants. its nothing more than merely a childish selfish dream, but it's still something she holds in anyways. could be the fact due to the fact that she wishes that she was just as cool as her dream self is, and portrays herself as this evil, selfish tyrant who would backstab others just for one thing she selfishly desires, compared to her real self taeko, who's more quiet, reserves to herself and is sitting alone while her classmates are around and about. i feel like, they're both the kind of secretive and cagey gals?
now, for the less pretentious answer that you're probably looking for it, i shipped it so much cause i loved their designs so much and their colour palettes. their colour palettes look so so tasty. lilac lavender colours contrasted with lilac purple colours shifting to a deep dark purple with orange, contrasted with the simple dull victorian goth black with candy red eyes. its so good. i lov their hairstyles as well. they look soo pretty!! together! i shipped them cause i just wanted 2 see 2 pretty girls kiss together and i really loved their character designs and thought they were so cool back then. so! 8/10 crackship! they're so fun to draw and write about! i could write all of the scenarios for them i could muster about. been a while. i should draw and create edits about them soon. i really do miss them.
kirizono - ohhh. them. they're a good pairing, not healthy, its very toxic yuri coded, especially with sayaka being a manipulative individual who's very strategic and bases her whole identity on self destruction from an industry that's very competitive, hence her being less of a good person as she grows up as she gives herself away to an industry that eats her from the inside like a parasite. what i do like about the ship is that it's based on two, two people who are cagey for the most opposite reasons, and contrast one another. kirigiri is distrustful for reasons, like parental issues and has some secrets to hold, while sayaka is secretive due to her idol persona, maintained by her idol industry. sayaka is an hollow shell of the person she used to be, as the once lonely child who watched idols on the tv and got her ethics and morals from them, while being young an aspiring died out as she probably learned the horrors of the industry, and did so many horrible shit to keep her existence alive. also not to mention the fact that she's VERY OBSESSIVE AND FIXATIVE on the idea of keeping an strong ideal on her bandmates altogether. i mean.
do you know why she tried to kill leon and frame makoto for murder and stab him in the back for it? do you know why sayaka tried to break makoto's trust for it? it's because she bases and centers her whole life unhealthily, and MANIPULATIVELY to the fucking stage. she cannot trace her entire existence to nothing other than a stage, she has to devote her ENTIRE life to dancing dancing dancing and making an entire career out of it, she has to keep the entire song in her head going. because of the horrors she was exposed towards against HER own will. that's why she was desensitised to the horrors. thats why she has to get up on the stage to make music again. she has to make music again for the others even if it's very twisted. she has to hurt and harm and ruin others lives to make an impact.
she's not a very good person. deep down, she may be a bad person, who's refusing to help herself get better and direct her love for song in a way that doesn't trace back to the industrial capitalist machine that's numbing her slowly inside. she might be as well tearing herself to shreds and setting herself to fire as she continues this fight. maybe she's just as not good of a person as she presents herself out to be. maybe she's a misunderstood mentally ill person who had a horrible life and was not offered help when she desperately needed it the most when she was suffering. ohh my god. kirizono drives me nuts. maybe in another life, kyoko and sayaka could heal and sayaka could be a better person in another life if she was treated right, and probably raised better? her raising is just unhealthy. idk. they make me feel sick.
8.5 out of 10 i love them so much but only on sayaka's part. she makes this pairing so much interesting. sorry. the fucked up mishmash phoenix wright and jeff the killer combo of a girl x just some girl who’s very stoic and purple drives me nuts it’s crazy.
kaeangie- SO CUTE OUTSIDE OF CANON!!! angie was portrayed in a very racist, orientalist manner unfortunately by kodaka, and her portrayal of an indigenous polynesian woman was very horrid. never again. if you like completely separate it from the very racist, orientalist portrayal of her character and her indigenity and her faith as a whole, it's so much more refreshing and better as a pairing for real. i love this ship because of how fun and colourful it really is, and angie trying her very best to like maintain a cheerful environment within the killing game (as she herself is very stressed and paranoid to an extent i bet.) they would have a really good dynamic! i like the idea of angie having insomnia and crying to kaede about a very valid and reasonable concern she has (for example, her being scared that her friends might die, her having a nightmare again, etc.) and kaede coming to comfort her. its very good. also angie telling kaede about her culture and her indigenous heritage that's implied (but not in a good way due to the game's portrayal of it.) such a good ship omg. 10/10. i luv it so much.
soniakane- soniakane is so so good also. its way much better than soniaki. nanami is not even a good character. sorry. she could be better. sorry if this opinion about her makes you feel bad but i cannot get myself behind to like soniaki at all. although i really do like soniakane for example. such an interesting concept for yuri because of the dynamic of a person who lived in poverty presumably trying her very best to live 4 herself..in this fucked up loveless environment, vs princess who came from another country has to learn the perspective of a what akane has to go through, and definitely sympathising with her as she's definitely a nice person even if i dont care about sonia's character that much. such a good pairing. need to rehash my very foggy memory of the sdr2 plot, since the last time i fixated on sdr2 was at 13 years old? in 2018? i don't know. need to revisit it again.
tysm for asking, and i was very indesicive im so sorry if you were expecting an much interesting answer, it's my first ask being recieved like this. have a nice day, ill see you soon! (-:
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lbwings · 6 years
Is 10 Years Too Late?
When is it too late to tell someone what they mean to you? 
A story of waiting to hear what the doctors have to say after the superheroes try their best to save the day, no matter the cost.
Toshinori Yagi was waiting at the hospital that All Might brought Iron Maiden to less than thirty minutes ago. He managed to convince the attending nurses that he was waiting for information concerning the female hero for official reasons. She believed him or they just let a screaming man sit in the waiting area to calm down. Toshinori tried to walk around but his mind was still racing fast enough to drown out the sound of the television playing in the background. He tried sitting down and taking a breath. When his fingers brushed together his mind could not stop the triggered thought, all the blood and even shavings of what shined like silver covered them. “Come on,” he said to himself as slapped the side of his head.
None of what happened was Toshinori’s or even Grizel’s fault despite the fact that she would probably blame herself for it; just as he was blaming himself for hurting her in the fight. Iron Maiden crushed several villains in a televised fight. The arrogant bastards thought they would defeat her easily but Toshinori had faith that the hero he watched developed so much over the last ten years would handle the situation; or at least call for back up if she needed it, after all that was how they met in the first place. He was not expecting them to have so many in their force or be prepared for her quirk so well. Even though she surprised him with some new techniques she developed since they last fought side by side she was taken by another group after defending the police that came to help her. That group was the problem. They poisoned and brainwashed Iron Maiden into being their shield. Her hero name was Iron Maiden but Silver Shield; the den mother that guards children’s future was a nickname All Might accidentally gave her in one interview. The woman he had enjoyed watching with children for years was twisted into fighting him.
The fight hurt All Might in ways he did not image when he actually had to fight his long term friend. All Might managed to free her from the brainwashing but she slipped away from his grip and reminded him that she too was a hero. Iron Maiden was the one who destroyed the villain’s weapon, unfortunately she was becoming a legend as she was buried under the rubble from the explosion. All Might and Edge Shot finished the villain as he dug himself out first and than they searched for Iron Maiden only to dig what felt like small building of the rubble out to find her lifeless body covered in blood, burns, and cuts as she was tangled in her own metal hair.
The news was looping the image of All Might cradling Iron Maiden in his arm with his face buried against her. She looked dead. Everyone thought that she was. The press would probably use that image for the rest of the night. It was only because of that quiet moment that All Might was able to hear a faint heartbeat. The waiting room had the news continually playing in the background but his mind was looping another image in his mind, the smile she gave before defeating the last villain. The smile she gave him for setting her free. He had seen so many of her smiles, he dug as deep as he could while enjoying every new discovery along the way and memorized which one meant, but this one was new and different. A look she never showed him before even after all these years. Toshinori’s hands covered his eyes, “She was saying goodbye.”
 “So, you are still here,” a familiar voice broke Toshinori’s thought process.
Toshinori lifted his head to see his old friend from the police force, “Hey Tsukauchi. What are you doing here?”
“He was nice enough to escort me. After all we are Ms. Siller’s friends too; as well as her emergency contacts when things happen,” Principle Nezu began as he climbed the chair next to Toshinori. He turned around in place before sitting down. His paw patted Toshinori’s leg, “Also we hoped to know how you were doing. So how are you doing since the incident?”
 “This wasn’t exactly the way I thought we would finally get to met up again,” Toshinori almost sighed out the entire thought.
 “That’s right you two haven’t seen each in a while have you?” Tsukauchi asked as he took the other seat next to Toshinori. Now Toshinori was sandwich between his friends.
 “She has been living here for a long while now. Though with how long you two had been working together and the way she defended you after the surgeries I was sure you two would stay together for a long time,” Principle Nezu almost cheered. It was clear in his tone that he thought the world of two of his students spending so much time together.
 “Yeah. That was special,” Toshinori recalled as a grin came on his face. After his injury she was one of the few people who came to visit him. Many times he would cross paths with the few other people who knew his secret but the times that meant the most was when she would stop his sidekick from yelling his nonsense and demands. Everyone was expecting him to do what they said or fall into line with a plan. She was the only one who asked him what he wanted to do and tried to support him with ideas how to do it. She had been something special for years before that but those months of surgeries and recovery came to redefine what special meant.
 Grizel was special but Toshinori still pushed her away; just as he pushed so many others away. Unlike the others he had been watching her activities on the news for over the last year. The news did not cover that she had moved to the city. It explained why she was around for when he was passing through. They got to wave at each other a little while back but the press distracted him. “I didn’t know she was living here now,” Toshinori said.
 “She has been living there for over a year now because of an incident in her home town.” Principle Nezu interjected.
  “Why did you two stop talking?” Tsukauchi asked. The press loved having a field day with All Might hanging around with a female hero. The press adored it since the two of them had been seen around together in so many different locations for assignment and relaxation for years. They were only caught together enough to make people wonder but neither of them ever confirmed anything.
             Toshinori sighed as he recalled the day that he still regretted. Today’s actions only added to idiocy of it. “I had gotten mad one day after another surgery and ran off into a fight. She came after me and I said something I shouldn’t have. It was really stupid. I knew it the moment it came out of my mouth,” Toshinori said while dodging what he actually said. He never wanted to say those words every again. “While we were able still able to finish that fight I knew I crossed a line. The villain even knew,” he acknowledged. “She gave me some space for a while and for some reason she tried to messaging me again. We had been working on actually talking but it was just getting harder to seeing each other for longer than a moment outside of a fight,” slipped out of Toshinori’s mouth quickly. His tone was finally picking up though. A smile smirk was starting to appear on his lip. “She never forced anything. That was one thing that always felt different about her. She never hounded, ordered, or belittled anyone’s hopes and goals in anyway. She is so warm and encouraging even when she had every right not to be. It was just how she had always been since I met her,” Toshinori almost bragged.
 Grizel had such a teasing smile that would egg Toshinori on better than words. They played and banter together as though they had known each other since childhood. He was doing a lot of it to get her to smile and build the confidence he saw in an able hero. Little did he realize that she figured him out too. How tired and draining the job was on him even before his injury. It only took her a couple meetings to know he needed a place to rest his head. She offered a shoulder when the rest of the world thought he was ok. She knew his goal was hard, so she let him rest and kept encouraging him be him. Every moment with her started to feel like a moment he could breathe. He even trusted her with his secret when he was healthy and was greeted with overwhelming affection. Afterward she always had a soft smile. “I wonder if she ever smiled at someone else like that?” Toshinori wondered mostly to himself.
 “She did try to date other people,” Principal Nezu chimed in. The Principal guessed at his former student’s meaning but held a high success rate. The other two men’s heads turned toward the principal. The principal found out because she gave full disclosure on her situation when she came to partial work for him. “She explained that while she tried to date one publicly and the other was a secret. In full disclosure she told me about it and her situation when she came to work here. But she always tried her best to discredit being All Might’s ‘special friend’ it never quite worked out. Even after saying her inspiration was someone with a Golden Heart. I never asked her what that was,” Principal Nezu wondered.
 Toshinori snouted, “It’s me.” That was the first positive sound the other men heard from Toshinori today. A warm streak came to his across his face with his smile. He started running a hand through his hair. “Well it’s not exactly me but kinda of me,” Toshinori rambled off very quickly. He released a small breath. “All right. She told me story after one of the grade school children she played with asked her if I had a golden heart. She told me the story afterward while we got something to eat together,” Toshinori took a moment to enjoy the memory of them walking down the street as he released a deep breathe and grinned. “The story goes in the land of metal many were judge on the qualities they could see; how shiny their metal was, how pure and clean they were, or their cut and polish. These were the only qualities most knew about so they never questioned and always judged. But as time went along the metals grew, got bold and tried different things. Some stretched and other chipped away at the surface marks trying to change what they were. Most found that they were exactly what they were on the outside and few found something much uglier inside. But one metal did not see any of that. It went everywhere seeing the best in everyone and helping them find it themselves. That metal touched every life it came across making each happier than the last. But in doing so it was chipped and shaved away giving every bit to enrich another. Till one day all of the kind metal that was left was its heart of gold. Another metal came, picked up the golden heart carrying it and its story forward to make sure every metal knew that a heart of gold will always shine true,” Toshinori finished with a smile that gave his friends some relief.
Toshinori looked at his hand with a smile for a moment. It drifted up to his shirt and grabbed right over his heart. “I remember that day. After she told me that story she actually took my hand, turned me toward her as if she beginning to dance with me or something. But than she put her other hand on my chest, I remember she was so warm and tender as she caressed me and pledged with so much fire in her eyes; ‘I’ll be your silver shield and keep that golden heart safe.’ It took me back. She actually started playing with me afterwards,” Toshinori almost snorted as his cheeks began to warm up again. His mind was enjoying recalling the sensation as his hand bunched up his shirt. A smile came to the corner of his mouth, “Or at least she seem to enjoy being around me after that. She began touching my hands, pushing on my arms slightly to tease, rolling and jumping on me during fights while having my back.” His hand tightened on his shirt as something caught in his throat. “She even played with my hair. And rubbed my cheeks after,” Toshinori drifted off as he recalled more. The way she helped clean his face after the day of playing mud games, her warmth next to him like a candle as she dried his hair the night he came over soaking wet, the way she would lay her hands on top of his when he is All Might and place them on her because she felt so much smaller that it was only way to hug them back. How much her scent filled him the night she let him fall asleep on her lap.
 The feeling of Grizel’s actual hand and contact was so warm. She finally trusted herself and him enough to use her hands and let All Might past the metal hair that wrapped her tight. She was becoming someone he looked for. She was not just another growing hero anymore, a shy woman, or a coworker that he could trust; she became a constant sense of warmth around him. Some of the greatest joys was when he was able to slip into town quietly enough to surprise Grizel when she with the young children. Watching her play with each child and encourage them with their quirks as well as goal always made his chest feel warm. Than the children would spot All Might and both of them got to play with children for a while together. ‘We got to be together,’ Toshinori thought to himself.
 The slam of the doors shattered Toshinori’s thought as the doctor finally came out. The group had been talking for a lot longer than anyone realized. Toshinori always had a habit of making stories in long epic tales; while this time was quieter his mind sure raced as though it was one.
 Principle Nezu stood up and Tsukauchi caught the doctor’s attention first. “How is she doing sir?” Tsukauchi asked.
 “Who are you waiting for?” the doctor asked.
 “Grizel Siller, Iron Maiden,” Tsukauchi answered.
 “I’m not allowed to tell anyone but the family. What’s your relationship to the patient?” the doctor asked as he handed a clipboard to a nurse.
 Principal Nezu walked over Toshinori’s lap and into the seat Tsukauchi was sitting in before so he could now be closer to the doctor. “I am Nezu, the principal of U.A. and she is one of my staff members. I am her emergency contact as well because she has no family in the city. This is her police relation officer and her life partner,” Principal Nezu said ending pointing at Toshinori. Hearing the Principal’s description caused Toshinori to cough and blush. “We would be telling him everything anyway so you might as well tell us all at once,” Principal Nezu added quickly.
 The doctor sighed. “I’m sorry but it is not hopeful. The next 72 hour will be critical. I do suggest that you call her family,” the doctor began.
 “Sir, what is happening to her?” Principal Nezu asked. He had the softest tone voice out of everyone present. Though, he never doubted that his small adorable stature did help coax some people into talking with him.
 “She as lost a lot of blood. Even with All Might getting her here that quickly she seems to still have had some internal injuries from that fight and the previous ones. I doubt anybody treated her wounds in-between battles,” the doctor suggested. Principal Nezu caught Toshinori tighten his fingers for a moment. “While that is a huge problem itself we are having a different problem,” The doctor continued. Everyone turned back to him. “It is a lot of trouble getting into her body to stop any bleeding or fix anything because her metal. The hairs that were on her body have melted to her skin and we can’t get a scanner to go through it correctly or remove enough of it without causing further damage to her. While we have been able to stop a lot bleeding and fix some damage we aren’t sure how much is there; or if she’ll last long enough for us to find it. I’m sorry,” the doctor finished explaining.
 The room felt silent. Even if the television, passer bys, or clocks were making noise no one in that trio heard it. Finally Tsukauchi broke the stalemate asking about seeing her. It was understandable that they were nervous about letting anyone in the room since she had just come out of such a long surgery but if this was only time anyone had a chance no one there wanted to miss it.  
 Principle Nezu waved to Toshinori, “Go on now. She still needs you.”
 Toshinori gave a half hearted smile before he followed the doctor past the massive double doors. The doors were impressive especially consider that Toshinori himself was over seven feet tall but every thing afterward seem to excel at making him feel small. The sterile white walls and plain curtains seem to wash away extra feelings he might be having. The bustling emergency room and recovery areas’ noise was a mixed blessing because the instant they stepped into the intensive care hallway every noise stopped. The silence let the noises that did occur echo in his mind. The doctor walked Toshinori up to door. “The room is set up for her extra weight but please be careful,” the doctor said. Toshinori nodded. “I’m sorry but I can only give you a few minutes,” the doctor added as he opened the door.
 Toshinori walked in. A sharp beep greeted him. The click of the door caused his hand to shoot up to his heart. He released a deep sigh, “Geez.” The room was dark, maybe not so much but it felt darker than the hallway. It was empty except for the bed that held Grizel and a few machines around it. That felt a drop in the bucket and a mile away. The beeping continued. A slow dripping sounded seem to join in as well as a very shallow wheeze. ‘Is this what it was like when you looked at me?’ Toshinori thought to himself as he recalled the time he was in the hospital bed.
 He took a few steps closer to the bed. Grizel’s long silver toned hair was pooled at the other end of the bed. This end revealed her toes as her feet were wrapped in bandages. Tubes and wires came out of every possible spot along her legs and arms between the bandages. Spots that were burned or speckled in metal were wrapped now. The blanket only covered her core as all other spots were needed. Each tube was taped in place. The wires slipped under the sheet which barely moved with a shallow breath. He came up next to the bed as he continued his inspection. The last of the blood and fluids seem to taped directly into her neck, the spot she always wore something. A brace, support, or beautiful choker would always cover her neck. Her luscious lips were tainted blue, her eyes were closed with stains of blue circling them, and a wrap covering her forehead. Toshinori’s mouth tried to say something but only a noise came out. He covered his mouth as he closed his eyes for a moment. His head tried to bury itself in his shoulders. He released his eyes and mouth from their grips to feel something moist on his cheeks. His hand moved down to her hand. She was always smaller than him; it made her so adorable to hold. But the heat and warmth she always gave him was gone.  
 Toshinori’s legs gave out. He collapsed forward. His other arm landed on the pillow just above Grizel’s head. Her hair had already made a great divide in the pillow. His head came close to her face. His thumb rubbed her hairline as his nose touched the tip of her nose. “You promised,” Toshinori’s voice cracked. His nose squished as he pushed his face as close to her forehead as possible, his eyes equally pressing shut, and his nose taking in as much of her scent as was available. His fingers tightened around her hand as a few more words slipped out, “You said you’d keep my heart safe.”
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