#but usually if something goes wrong it's the first or last sig so I'm not too worried now I've got those handled
lostandfoundpress · 2 years
I do feel like a bit of a one trick pony posting these days... but guess who finally has the print-ready pdfs of both signatures and illustrations...
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acid-hydrangea · 3 years
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There was a boy named Sig, who had many, many questions.
*Note: Sig uses he and they pronouns in this work interchangeably.
Sig awoke to the gentle, blue hues of his room flooding his vision. The quiet morning air tinged with the sounds of birdsong and the beaming of harsh sunlight. It was 5:32 AM. The Fever Bird month had just begun.
They hoisted themself out of bed and opened the window, breathing in the crisp morning air soaking in his surroundings, he’d neglected the rough, coarse sensation on--in--through? his shoulder... He moved to the other end of his room, and upon checking the mirror they discovered that the ‘totally not worrisome’ crimson growths had spread further, practically covering his whole left shoulder, almost touching his neck. The natural ringing in his ears felt louder than usual. He stared for a moment at his reflection, his thoughts clouding his mind like an intense thunderstorm. Eventually, he broke eye contact with his reflection and got dressed for the day. 
He donned his typical shirt with the rest of his usual clothes, he went on his way, considering wearing their turtleneck sweater more often, despite the spring-summer heat.
    Sig’s gaze was transfixed on the clouds moving across the clear sky, like a herd of lazy sheep. Their thoughts drifted in all sorts of directions, but he wasn’t able to attach any words to anything he felt... Not even one, this time. He looked down at his desk, Accord’s voice and the sound of chalk against the blackboard fading into white noise as they scratched one of his left claws upon the desk’s surface. 
...What… was happening to him? Why didn’t anyone ever bother to tell him? He’s not a little kid, he could handle whatever they told him. Did he do something that scared everyone? Ever since he transferred to this class, his arm and eye suddenly changed. People gave him weird stares, and tried to avoid him. When his caretaker Akuma found out, he tried every single spell and magic seal he could, to reverse the process. None of it worked. Every now and then, he tried again, rinse and repeat every so often. Fast-forward to the 'incident' nobody wants to talk about, involving bookworm. Fast-forward again to that blonde witch's potion... Ever since that, no... Even before that, he swore he was--
    His thoughts were disrupted by the sound of the school bell signalling the end to another day.
“... And that wraps up our lessons for the day! Be sure to review your notes, and do your homework, everyone. I will be here for the next hour if you need help.” 
He just sat there, trying to think through his memories, to make sense of it. Most students dispersed, the sound of students’ papers rustling and bags being picked up off the floor slowly replaced the white noise in his head. Klug and Raffina probably left separately, Amitie rushed to Accord’s side for help with the homework, and Lidelle was off to do her observations on the moonsunflower this week. 
Sig remained in his seat, having wordless conversations with his little bug friends, instead. Asking them about their days, as he always did, mostly oblivious to the events of his own. He’d have been last to leave if Amitie and Lidelle weren’t there. He did things at his own pace typically, leaving whenever his bug friend did.
...Today was different, though. Something felt different. A gnawing feeling that used to feel trivial had grown over time. The deformations from his left arm had been spreading constantly, no amount of Akuma’s rites, treatments, or spells slowed it down. It’d been a year since that incident happened, and a few months later, something else... Two incidents, and no answers. All he had were questions that were shunned away with words like “It’s nothing for you to worry about,” or “We’ll take care of it, so don’t ask too many questions.” All he could do was believe them, because they had his best interest in mind, right...?
Akuma never provided actual answers when asked, only empty words of... What felt like false reassurance,“Don’t worry your young head about it”, while chanting mysterious incantations with paper, “We’ll heal you someday”, casting archaic-sounding spells, handing him multiple charms,
“Don’t think about what scares you, only think happy thoughts, kuma.”
Scary? Was something wrong with him in the first place? Something that felt like a part of him, ingrained in him since birth, treated as a curse and a disease once his hand and eye turned that shade of crimson? It got him in trouble so many times, in ways he had no control, something he was forced to be at the center of. Fate was drawing chaos towards him, like a violent vortex. Was he never supposed to think about ‘himself’ ever again? What could he even do about the world revolving so sporadically around him? 
The ladybug flew away, right out the window, to greener pastures.
    Eventually, Amitie left the classroom. She waved goodbye to Sig, seemingly getting the sense that he wasn’t in the mood to walk home together that day. She flashed him a worried smile, and then disappeared out the door. 
He wasn't feeling up to talking to his teacher in the first place, but... The nagging feeling wouldn't go away until he did. Sig stood up from the desk and walked over to Ms. Accord’s desk.
"Good afternoon, Sig. Do you need any help with what we learned today?"
"Something... else."
“Oh? What is it, is something troubling you?”
He... Didn't know how to ask, what to ask...? He was prepared to just be told nothing, anyways, but... They really wanted to know. They were feeling... Confusion, anger? Fear, sadness... Any mental script they had in mind was gone. He didn’t realize just how intense his fear of the unknown was.
"I.... Is there something wrong with me? Am I... going to become something bad... Do you know what's... Happening to me ...?"
They didn't realize how scared their expression was, like a deer in headlights.
"Sig...? Dear, are you alright? Did something happen?"
He was trying not to cry when he ended up thinking about everything he was told not to, gripping his arms tightly. Sometimes, it felt harder to breathe, or think... Was it just him, or something else? His vision grew blurry from held-back tears...
Sitting in a chair Ms. Accord pulled up, he didn't have it in him to look her in the eye. Everything was silent for some time...
"I'm... scared. You, Akuma, everyone... You all know things about me..."
He tried to make eye contact with her, if barely, only able to meet eyes with her puppet.
"Why don't you want me to know? Do I need to be fixed...? Is something bad going to happen with me...? To people around me? I've always... been like this... So I don't know. Everyone acts like it's forbidden stuff..." 
Digging his fingers into his arm, he was shaking...
"I don't want to live like this. Knowing nothing about myself... It's so scary. No one likes scary people. No one wants to be around someone who hurts people. It makes me feel like I'm going to ruin everything, someday..."
"... I told you, you all shouldn't keep secrets from him, nya. Lookit what it did to the poor kid...", Popoi whispered to her. What could she say? The cat was right...
"Sig... I'm sorry, I truly am. It was never my intention to cause you such anxiety... Please, try to look at me..."
"I... can't..." 
"Please know, then... You're not in any danger, and your friends aren't, either. No one's going to get hurt just because you're here... You said you've always been like this, right?"
Sig nodded, wiping his eyes on his sleeve.
"You've always been a prized pupil and friend to many, Sig... That won't change just because of your arm or eye... Those make you who you are, and you're a wonderful person."
"... Thanks... teacher..."
Taking some deep breaths, he sighed... He still had more questions. Many more.
"... I want to know... Something else..."
"You have my word that I'll answer to the best of my abilities, from now on."
Having wiped his tears away, putting faith in her words, 
"... What made me like this? Does it have something to do with what happened a year ago...? I know... you know something... You were helping... him... Lemres."
Silence permeated through the room.
"Akuma informed me, when you enrolled, that your sudden changes were nothing to worry about. As far as my knowledge goes, there's nothing abnormal about your condition that would warrant any worry. As for the incident..."
"... Teacher?" 
"I promise I'm being honest, my knowledge of what happened... Is very little. I only know what it is that Lemres told me about those 3... objects."
"Which... is...?"
" Those... The items, they are connected to a certain item of ill omens... I do not know anything more. He kept such details to himself..."
... Did she think he forgot about the bookworm's book? He wasn't clueless, he knew there was something weird about it. Bookworm always makes the effort to tuck it away specifically when he approaches. He almost seemed to prioritize making sure he never even so much as touched it. He got annoyed when others did, and downright terrified when he did. He wasn't fooling anyone, Sig simply didn't pay the thought any mind until now.
Having almost-fully regained his composure, he stood up, 
"Teacher... If that really is all you know... I'm going to find out more, by myself.", making himself clear, he was finally able to project his voice a bit louder.
"... I'm  sorry, that truly is the extent of my knowledge, but... Sometime soon, I could invite him over, and he could tell you what he knows...?"
... It was reassuring to see she actually parted with details. All it took was... Crying. Stressful. He just wanted to get out. He especially wanted nothing to do with that candy weirdo.
"I...don’t want that. See you next week, teach."
With that, he left. 
Tomorrow, it would be time to visit the bookworm Klug, instead.
Ms. Accord, too, had her own plans for the weekend.
End Notes: surprise surprise i’m gonna be uploading fics up here from now on. this fic’s been in the works for awhile and it still is- but i’m really excited to show everyone it! if it’s possible, i’d like to affix art to every single chapter going forward. thank you for reading, and feel free to let me know what you think via. replies or asks. reblogs and likes are especially helpful for getting the word out! catch me on my main blog at @marxsoul, or my twitter at @marxsoui, and see you when the next chapter’s out~
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random-blfan · 3 years
Alsar 65: I'm Holding my Stomach
"Then, is this design okay?" (It’s a bit more like “Can you do this design?” )
"Oh, leave it to me! I'd like to change some things, so please drop by sometime."
The carpenter who was introduced by Ally-san seems to be a designer too, and when he told us what he wanted, he took notes and asked questions such as "What do you want to do here?" And "How many children's rooms do you want?" In regard to the arrangement of the rooms.
Thanks to that, I had lunch on the way, but today the rough floor plan was decided and we were also able to finish the draft up to the last detail.
"Then please!"
"Thank you"
"We’ll be back in a couple of days." 
The carpenter sent us off and we left the store.
Now Fer-san is holding my left hand and Chris-san and Sig-san walk behind us while talking.
I’ve been thinking, when did it become a rule to always hold hands with at least one person?
They normally hold my hand and I don’t say anything and there’s no opportunity to refuse, well it's not like I hate it so it’s fine but…
"I didn't expect that it would take this long. It's already evening, so let's go home,okay?"
"Yes, but are children’s rooms that necessary ...?"
As I walked home, I looked up and listened to Fer-san, who said with a smiling face.
Children's rooms, 5 rooms ...
Me bearing that many children! ?? Is what I thought, though I was told that wasn’t a problem.
In the first place, it feels strange to talk about children even though we really haven’t talked about it in depth...
"Well, even if you don't give birth to that many,a storeroom would be useful, right? If you give birth to five children, we’ll be able to raise them, so don't worry?"
"Hmm ... that's right ... and the servant's room ..."
I was told it would be a good idea for there to be an extra room, and it was incorporated into the floor plan.
"Ren-chan isn't going to quit being an adventurer, right? Then you have to have a room for the person who will take care of the kids while you're away? It's essential for an adventurer with all your companions, so even if it’s small it’s necessary "
"Well, I understand that but ... I didn’t grow up in that kind of environment, so it feels strange ..."
I’ve been through a lot to become an adventurer, so I want to continue after getting married, I was told that if I couldn’t look after my child then there should be a room for a babysitter. I feel torn.
When I heard that, I thought I should quit being an adventurer for a while, but as a support magician who can support three people, I should be able to reduce the risk of injury and death by doing subjugations together, so I want to continue. So I agreed to make a servant room.
Malik would think! I don't feel like saying that …( I really didn’t get this one not even when my friend explained to me, but Ren is worried about Malik’s opinion on the matter it seems)
"Oh, I will move to that house two days after tomorrow, but I have some furniture, so I wonder if I can leave it as it is? I still don't know if it will fit the new house even if I buy some."
"Ah, but why not just renew the bed in the master bedroom? I think the bed there is too small for us and Ren-kun."
"When you say that, it's certainly impossible for four people. Okay, let’s go to the furniture store tomorrow?"
"It should be as big as possible, right?"
When the three of them talk, it becomes a conversation above me and it is difficult to get into it, so I usually just listen to it.
If there is no particular problem, I won’t try to interrupt them
Besides, they talk to me properly, and even now, Fer-san's is still holding my hand, so I don't feel like I'm out of the group, and it's fun to see the three of them having fun.
"Oh, I can see Malik's house. Today I have to give Ren-kun back to Malik."
"Is Malik already at home?"
"Well ... today his shift should end by evening, so I think it's about time for him to come back."
Yeah, I’m sure.
I have a table with his shifts because the shift changes every month, but I can't confirm it because I keep it at home.
"Let's say hello. He let you stay yesterday ..."
"Really? You think it wasn’t a problem letting cute Ren stay with you?" 
"Fugu !?"
"Wow !? Malik-san!? Sig-san is falling! Please let go!"
I think it happened while Sig-san said that, pointing at the house, from behind, a hand extended to Sig-san's solid neck and wrapped around it as if squeezing.
I didn't notice him, but it seems that Malik-san is strangling Sig-san with all his might.
I ask him to let go immediately! 
"Oh, I can't help it if it’s Ren's request. Fine."
"Goho ... haha ​​... Mari ... ku-san ..."
"Sig-san, are you okay !? Doesn’t your neck hurt? If it hurts should I use 「Heal」? "
Malik-san relaxed his grip and released Sig-san with a look that as if he couldn't help it.
I hurriedly approached Sig-san who was coughing violently while kneeling in place.He shook his head so it seems there’s no pain.
"It's okay. I wouldn't be as careless as to hurt him .... Anyway, you guys come in, also there’s something I need to say to Chris, okay?" 
Malik-san, who is quietly angry and looks unpleasantly sullen, says to the three of them, but why does he want to talk to Chris-san?
But ... before that ...!
"Malik-san? Please apologize to Sig-san? It may have been bad to stay without permission, but it's terrible to go for his vulnerable neck from behind, understand?" 
It was fine because Sig-san has training, but an ordinary person would have been strangled in the blink of an eye,  why did he strangle him anyway!
When I got angry with that in mind, my pout turned into a troubled expression, and I was scratching my head. ( My friend told me that while the “scratching my head” here can literally just be that it’s also used when someone is embarrassed or suffering) 
"If you don't apologize, I won't make lunch for a while!"
"What!? ... I'm sorry."
"No…" (This no is more like “it’s fine...”) 
This is the only way I can express my anger, so when I declared that, Malik-san made a terribly surprised face and immediately apologized.  I reach my hand out to Sig-san who is crouching to help him stand up. (しゃがみ込む = to squat; to crouch down completely  generally with face looking through knees)
It seems he really said  "I look forward to Ren’s bento everyday" before.
"Hmm ... I'm home for now let’s go in ..."
Malik goes into the house while sighing so those three follow suit.
"Well, sit down"
As we enter the living room, we are asked to sit on the rug, so we do so obediently.
"Malik-san, yesterday I suddenly stayed somewhere else, I’m sorry ... were you angry because of that ...?"
"Ah ... well, Ren is an adult too? So it 's fine. The problem is Chris. If you want to contact me, please contact me directly.Because I wasn’t there at that time I was ridiculed as I had to rely on Hugo to pass the message !? " 
He isn’t angry because of the overnight stay?
Eh, Chris-san, didn’t you contact him directly! ??
Thinking so, I look at Chris-san who is sitting next to me looking at Malik-san as if nothing happened. 
"Eh ~? Malik wasn't there, but if you got home, wouldn't you be surprised if Ren wasn't there, I thought you would worry, so I asked them to pass on the message ~? Are you angry? "
It doesn't sound like Chris-san's way of speaking ...
Well, if he  wasn't there at that time, it can’t be helped but ... What does he mean by ridicule?
"... Ku. That's right. You're not in the wrong. The problem is Hugo."
"I don't care about perfection ...?  ...? He didn’t deserve to be strangled ..." 
It seems that Malik-san admitted that Chris wasn't in the wrong,  dropping his shoulders.
And poor Sig-san (愁傷様です=しゅうしょう = shuushou, my friend explained to me that this expression is used to when someone dies or the situation is just to pitiful)
"Hmm ... I can make tea. Malik-san hasn't eaten yet, right? I'll make something, so you three eat too and then please go home."
"Oh, yes"
Apparently that was all, so I decided to make dinner after brewing tea.
There should be various ingredients in the refrigerator, so I wonder if I should look inside and decide on the menu.
"Yes. Today is a simple grated pork rice bowl, miso soup, and salad."
"" "Itadakimasu" ""
Everyone seemed to like what I made and ate quickly.
The grated pork bowl is made by dropping daikon radish on top of boiled and sliced meat then adding seasonings such as soy sauce and lemon juice. It's a solid but refreshing taste, so it's perfect for hot summers. When I was in Japan, I used to make it in the summer.
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"As expected, Ren's food is delicious .... Oh, that's right. You guys, do you intend to not take quests for a while? "
"It's really delicious, isn't it? I intend to accept something once I've moved to my temporary residence ..." 
Malik-san, who was eating ravenously, says as he remembered.
The three of them said we’d look for a house and wouldn’t take quests for a week.
I wonder… if there’s something good to accept.
However, since I became B rank, it is one rank up and down.
In other words, it seems that you can only receive quests from A rank to C rank,I can't take the F rank Lulu leaf collection quest anymore. 
"That’s good then, some quests arrived that only you can take, 3 solo quests and one for a party, If you can, why don't you take them? "
"We still have a month before we go to the royal capital .... I'll decide after returning to the guild and checking the contents of the quest. Can Ren do the party quest too?" 
"Ah, yes"
Sig-san  answers, mhh but a party quest...
What is it like?
Are solo quests impossible for me
I’ll have to go to the guild and take a look tomorrow...
The three returned to the guild after getting permission to stay when Malik-san isn’t at night.
TN: Poor Sig...
Ahh It's here \( ̄▽ ̄)/ I actually finished translating  yesterday at like 5 AM (Because who needs sleep… ) but I was waiting for my friend to reply to my messages and it’s hard because of the time difference.  
The previous translator liked to put food pictures whenever Ren cooked and as a foodie and someone who loves cooking, I really liked that so I decided to do it too!
I hope you liked it, I really like translating and it is fun also I learn so many new things. 
Take care and if you see typos, grammar errors or whatever feel free to tell me, I want to do my best but English isn’t my first language and I’m still learning japanese. 
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