#but until my brain stops bluescreening after more intense lore drops i will rely on all of you. i am not the brains of the dnd party.
sparring-spirals · 2 years
I need an episode of them just talking to each other and getting on the same page about everything that has happened. I feel like they all have pieces of information, but not the whole thing. The last 6 episodes have been so lore heavy with little to no time to talk about it, so I hope they take the time to actually talk about all that has happened starting with laudna (and delilah)
i'd be so down for that (i am always down for that tbh). ill also take some really good talk scenes interspersed with some Fun Exciting Battle. Those are my favorite kinds of eps (in part because I have a hellbrain that can only handle so much lore and analysis and Meaningful Conversation at one time before it rebels and bluescreens).
i think they're on wagons leading into the next ep, right? Amped for some good 1-1 convos, and fingers crossed for a fun sleepover where they run through things and maybe commiserate and maybe give out hugs to members who have been Going Through It recently. (Half the party, essentially).
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