#but to his credit he did admit it that he knew rukia was out of his league and the easy way was too pretend she never existed and
abri-chan · 9 months
Not having read the manga I thought Rukia's rescue arc took place somewhere in the middle of Bleach as a series, and not at the very beginning, with it being in the middle making it make sense for a more romantic reading of IchiRuki. Now you can read it as romantic regardless, it's up to the reader. Or you can see it as Ichigo being the older brother to two younger sisters and the oldest kid of a single parent household, where older kids (especially if girls) act as a surrogate second parent, taking on the vacant slot left by the other parent (his mom in this case, not surprisingly he looks so much like her)--as usual, in families a role that exists and is left empty must be filled, even if you need to bring in outsiders for that purpose.
On to the main point, it is so funny to me but also such an accurate portrayal of peak teenage behavior, that this group of kids did sneak into the Soul Society (yeah dude, let's do it! we will save our friend. we will bring her back. no one messes with our circle. we'll definitely come back in one piece, trust me!) to save their friend of... at most six months or a semester of school as Shunsui points out and learns from Chad approaching him.
And Shunsui, being the perspective of an adult who has formed frontal lobes (which he actively tries to destroy with alcohol) and can see in retrospective how teens are and how he was as a teen, realizing that "Oh god! you are dumb. (you are dumb because) You are kids. I cannot kill you!'
Only a teen would pull off a wild stunt like that, because adults either care less about their friends or get too caught up in overanalyzing the situation (Ukitake as Rukia's captain), afraid to be involved (Shunsui because while he didn't like the execution, he doesn't want to do unnecessary work and make things worse, less if he uses his connections or cards right for any little thing that happens in the world there will be nothing left to use when things come down to his niece Nanao), or fearing the loss of social status and family shame (Byakuya as Rukia's brother).
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goatbi · 3 years
Last Friday Night
"Could you send Ishida Uryu down to the office please? His father is here to pick him up." Uryu stared blankly at his paper on the desk, feeling his heart stop. Of course they were caught. Why wouldn't they have been caught? Phi knew this was gonna happen. It's not like phi had tried to hide it after all.
Rather than have the teacher say anything to him, Uryu started packing up his bag, taking the chance to glance back at Ichigo as he did. Ichigo met his eyes, then gave one, quick short nod. Good.
With that set, Uryu stood, leaving the classroom, careful to keep his spiritual energy as tamped down as possible. Underneath Ichigo's, it would be hard for Ryuken to note anything, so hopefully it wouldn't be too suspicious. This was, after all, their only chance.
Instead of heading down to the front, of course, Uryu went the other way, as Ichigo left the classroom and headed down to the front himself, taking him and his mass amount of spiritual energy with him. From personal experience, Uryu knew that if someone who was very sensitive to spiritual pressure, like ve and ver father, being next to Ichigo was an almost complete sensory block. Of course, it had to be inconspicuous as possible, so Uryu could get to Urahara's before Ryuken realized, and hide out in the basement for a few days. Thus, Ichigo had been avoiding going down there for an unrelated fight, that he really wasn't at fault for, but was involved in, and thus, needed to talk about. Giving him an into the office without Ryuken being... too suspicious about it.
With that, Uryu snuck out the back doors of the gym and broke into a run. He had to run, of course, seeing as there was no way he was going to use Hirenkyaku this close to Ryuken. It would give them away in a heart beat, and Uryu wasn't going to risk that. Not yet.
Phi couldn't keep up a full speed sprint for longer than a minute, but it got phim far enough away from the school that Ryuken would also have to run to catch up, and, if Uryu's senses were correct, which they usually were, Ichigo was right next to Ryuken at this moment, leaving Uryu safe, for at least the next five minutes. Not enough time to make it all the way to Urahara's, but if he kept up a brisk jog, he could get most of the way there, and then, when Ryuken realized he had been juped, use Hirenkyaku to get the rest of the way there before Ryuken could catch up.
He kept a close eye on Ryuken's spiritual energy, still sitting in the school, irritation and anger floating off of him in waves as he sat there longer, as ve made ver way to the shoten, in hopes that ve would make it there on time.
They were still nearly a mile away when Ryukens spirtual energy suddenly made a move, storming out of the school and moving extrememly quickly in Uryu's directon. Ichigo's cover must have failed, or Uryu's own control slipped, or maybe Ryuken finally just parsed through the dense cloud of ichigo's soul-reaper-quincy-hollow nonsense to find Uryu far gone from the school. Now was a good time to get goign quicker.
Uryu ducked into an alley, gathering reishi under his feet and then slipped past, away from the normal humans in a blink of an eye. They didn't notice, since using this meant he was more spirit than human at the moment, though even he would admit to not knowing quite how it worked.
Ryuken was gaining on him, but Uryu just grinned and poured on the speed. Ryuken was rusty, and Uryu practiced daily, researching and learning in ways Ryuken would have never thought to do.
Ryuken never even got close to him when Uryu slid into the Shoten, to Urahara's waiting arms, and into the basement, which cut all spiritual energy in and out. Ryuken's presence disappeared from his senses, and Uryu grinned to himself, settling his back against a rock to wait.
Urahara wandered down almost an hour later, having finally gotten Ryuken off his tail somehow, though Uryu didn't quite know how. Ryuken was a beast when he had his mind set on something, but still. Urahara settled into a spot across from Uryu, who simply looked up at him, smiling faintly.
"Now, I don't mind hiding you out here for some time, to escape him, at all, ever, but I would like to know what exactly you did to get him so angry with you?"
Uryu grinned, leaning back against the rock behind him. "So... recently, as you know as you were there, I finally.... came clean, about some of the things Ryuken did and was like when I was younger... And Ichigo had come up with a bit of a plan of revenge, I guess."
It was Ichigo's idea, because only Ichigo's ideas were this stupid. However, when it came to Ryuken....
"How many people are we inviting?" Uryu muttered, and Ichigo just grinned.
"I told Rangiku to spread the word that we were going out in the world of the living. So we'll see."
Uryu sighed, thinking of the three cards he had tucked into his pocket, then wondered just how many people he would end up getting drinks for. Well. It's not like it was his money anyways.
Tokyo was a large city, one that could accommodate the six hearts group, most of the lieutenants, and a good few of the captains of the Gotei 13, and even some of the random other officers. Uryu was far more surprised to see Kenpachi wandering around followed by Ikkaku and Yumichika than phi probably should have been.
Fake IDs weren't... too hard to get. Really, it was more Rukia's fun little memory machine than anything else, considering a good amount of them had put their real birth years on their human world IDs and well... when almost everyone there was over a hundred years old, there was some confusion.
Either way, they settled rather quickly into a routine. Uryu would open a tab, they would stay for an hour or two as the various shinigami would drink double their body weight, then Uryu would hand over one of Ryuken's cards and they would move on.
They night got blurrier as it went on, and people dropped like flies, only to be replaced by soon-to-be-drunk shinigmi that seemed to come from the walls at this point.
Uryu wasn't exactly sure what population of the seireitei he got drunk that night, but in the end, he had maxed two of Ryuken's cards, and had lost the third, which was the unfortunate end to the night, leaving the remaining stragglers-some who had somehow been drinking through every single bar-to stumblr back to Urahara's, and Ichigo to pay for a hotel for anyone who didn't think they coul dmake it all the way back to Karakura.
"So that's why I got so many drunk shinigami wandering into my shop." Urahara smiled behind his fan, and Uryu just shrugged, grinning towards him.
"So... weekend in Tokyo, getting him into mass amounts of credit card debt, and drinking underage with a mass amount of shinigami.... he's gonna be pissed off."
Urahara hums a laugh, standing as he did. "Take as much time as you need, Ishida-kun. I'll ward him off as long as you need."
Uryu nods, looking back to his book settled in front of him. "Tell Ichigo where I am when he shows up."
Urahara waves as he disappears back up the ladder, leaving Uryu back down in the basement.
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photorose11 · 4 years
An Unbreakable Bond Ch. 10
FINALLY, here is Chapter ten. I know I have been so slow posting new chapters lately. My life has been... *lays head on desk* it’s been overwhelming. lol I’m going to start typing out Chapter 11 today because that is a long chapter too and I AM SO EXCITED to post chapter 11. omg. Here’s a hint: Expect HitsugayaXKarin. Yessssss, i love it. This chapter is different. The talk between Orihime and Rukia was interesting to write, frankly because I had no idea what I was doing. xD 
The Chapter is titled after a song called “Start of Time” by Gabrielle Aplin. One of my favorites, lyrics are perfect, her voice is stunning and ugh it is just so good. Anyway, enjoy!
Disclaimer: I don’t own.Bleach. *holds up gallon of Bleach* Other then for this.
Chapter 10. Start of Time. 
 Before Rukia has realized it, several days have passed and she now has eight days left before her vacation time is over and she must return back to Soul Society. She tries not to become sad at the thought of having to return soon, and focuses her mind towards happier thoughts.
Brushing her hair in the bathroom after getting dressed, she remembers the last few days; feeling a smile tug at her lips. Her and Ichigo had spent every second together. The day after being reunited with his sisters, they had all went to the beach. Her smile turns into a full blown grin, remembering how she played volleyball with the Kurosaki family on the beach sand. Her, Karin and Yuzu had built sandcastles while Ichigo stretched out on a beach towel laying in the sun while Isshin swam.
 She gave a small laugh remembering how at some point Ichigo had managed to sneak up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist before running into the water with her. She had screamed in surprise and ended up hitting him over the head before he dropped her into the water. But she had gotten her revenge when she knocked his feet out from under him and he landed on his butt in the water. His family had watched the scene unfold and laughed at Ichigo's landing.
She set her hair brush down before looking at herself in the mirror. She looked as happy as she felt. She exited the bathroom, her thoughts going back to the last two days. The day after the beach, Ichigo had taken her to a new arcade that had opened up a year prior. He showed her how to play all the games, and was once again shocked to find she was realy good at arcade games too. Afterwards, they had went to dinner, and then ended their day on the roof top looking at the stairs.
Making her way down stairs, she turned on the kitchen light and went to make a pot of coffee. Ichigo had shown her yesterday how to do so. She was the first one up, deciding not to wake Ichigo. His nightmares had gotten better since a few nights prior when he had had the nightmare about Ginjo, but she knew he still needed all the sleep he could get.
Waiting for the coffee to brew, she stood in front of the kitchen sink, looking out the window to see it starting to become daylight out. She was excited for today, they would be meeting back up with their friends again. She really hoped she would get a chance to talk to Orihime alone.
While deep in thought she did not notice Ichigo walk into the kitchen and stand behind her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders before kissing her neck. She smiled before turning her head to look over at him. Her and Ichigo had become even closer since that night they had opened up to one another. They were already so close since they had been reunited, she didn't think it could be possible for them to become even more connected then they already were.
"You're up early, even for you." he teased softly, laying his chin on her shoulder.
"I could say the same for you."
He could hear the smile in her voice before she turned around to face him, laying her forehead against his chest as her arms wrapped around his waist.
"You must be excited to see our friends, again, hmm?" his voice was still teasing, but she didn't mind. She lifted her head up to look at him.
"You know me all to well." she stated before leaning up to give him a short kiss.
"Damn right." he whispered before cupping her face and bringing her lips back to his. Rukia was still not used to how he made her feel. She understood now what the girls in his High School had meant when they said the phrase "butterflies in your stomach". She felt them every time he touched her. She reluctantly pulled away, smirking at his comment before walking past him to get to the coffee pot.
"You never did tell me what we are doing today."
She stated as she poured her coffee and went to make his. She arched an eyebrow as he deliberately ignored her, he had a smirk on his face as she made his coffee.
"You're not going to tell me, are you?" She asked him, trying not to smile. He knew that she hated surprises; but why did he have to be so cute about it?
"Nope." he said proudly, as he gently grabbed his coffee cup from her hands before ruffling her hair with his other hand. She batted his hand away playfully, before grabbing her cup and sitting at the kitchen table beside him.
"Give me a hint at least."
Ichigo tried not to look at her, knowing with that tone of voice she was giving him the puppy dog look which she was way to good at. But he couldn't help but gaze at her, silently cursing himself as he did. He scowled, before a grin broke out on his face, her facial expression just to comical and adorable not to find joy in.
Damn Midget.
"Fine. You're going to need to wear shorts or jeans instead of a sun dress today."
Rukia pouted at that. She liked her sun dresses. Plus that didn't really give her much of a clue to what their destination would be.
"That is a terrible hint, Berry."
She said before taking a sip of her coffee. She pondered over it while Ichigo finished his coffee before getting up to start making breakfast. He opened the fridge and pulled out the cartoon of eggs, all the while hoping Rukia would enjoy later today with their friends.
After their breakfast they watched a little TV before deciding to get up and get ready for the day. Rukia listened to Ichigo's hint and wore a pair of black jean shorts along with a purple tank top that had the cute Chappy symbol that rested over her heart. Once ready, she exited the bathroom and went downstairs to see Ichigo waiting by the front door in a pair of blue jeans and a black shirt that had the "Nice Vibes" logo in white bold lettering. She took in his appearance, noticing once again how much older he has gotten since they first met when he was fifteen.
"Ready?" he asked her, while putting on his shoes. She nodded her head, slipping on her converse before walking out the door behind him. Wherever they were heading, had to be by train. Rukia had forgotten how packed the trains usually were. She held onto Ichigo's hand as they rode to their destination, standing up since all the seats were taken. She looked out the window to see the city passing them by. She pondered where they could be going, knowing Ichigo she was sure wherever they were going would be fun.
Once they reached their destination, they got off the train and walked a few blocks; Ichigo's hand still holding on to hers. Eventually, they made it to a building where Rukia noticed a sign at the top that said "Rock Gym."
"What is a Rock Gym?" she asked him, confusion evident in her voice. He remained silent, unable to keep the grin off his face. She looked over at him and scowled, she hated when he ignored her questions. Rude.
They entered the building and Rukia noticed their friends not to far away. She waved over to Orihime who was holding Uryuu's hand. Orihime waved back enthusiasticly before skipping over to her two friends; Uryuu practically being dragged behind her. Chad followed behind them, an amused expression on his face.
The two girls hugged before Orihime started jumping up and down in excitement.
"It's good to see you both! I'm so excited, I've wanted to go Rock Climbing for awhile now!" She stated gleefully. Rukia furrowed her eyebrows, still not understanding what this 'Rock Gym' was.
"What is rock climbing?" She asked, looking over to Ichigo and expecting an answer this time. He looked down at her, a deadpan expression on his face.
"It's when you climb rocks, Rukia."
Hearing his answer, she rolled her eyes and scowled again before stomping on his foot. Hard. He gave a yelp, before giving her a heated glare. Orihime couldn't help but laugh as Uryuu snorted and Chad broke out in a grin.
"That's for being a smartass, you fool!"
"Yeah, I guess I deserved that." he muttered, looking at his girlfriend who had her arms now folded and expecting an explanation to what she had asked.
"Okay, so the people here will get us hooked up to wires and a harness, and then we climb. That's pretty much it."
Rukia nodded, becoming excited now that she knew what they would be doing. She would make sure to win against Ichigo. Orihime clapped excitedly, bouncing from foot to foot.
"I won't take the credit for this idea. Uryuu knew Orihime has been wanting to do this for months now and brought the idea up yesterday."
The group of friends watched as Orihime wrapped her arms around her boyfriends neck, thanking him repeatedly as the Quincy turned bright red; refusing to look at any of his friends. They all knew he was not a PDA kind of person, so this was rather amusing to witness.
Once Orihime settled down, they were led to their rock gym, as Orihime and Uryuu were getting set up to go first; since it was two at a time. Ichigo, Rukia and Chad watched as the couple began to climb up the rock wall.
"I'm going to beat you to the top, you know."
Ichigo turned his gaze to his girlfriend, who was smiling teasingly at him. He knew she loved competition, they definitely had that in common.
"Oh, really now?"
"You know it."
The pair watched as Orihime and Uryuu began their way back down to the ground. This would be fun.
"You're so on, Midget."
Rukia had to admit, this was fun. The first time up, she had won. Ichigo pouted on the way back down. They watched as Chad and Uryuu got set up and climbed next.
"You got lucky, midget."
She snorted, deciding to be silent rather then rub her victory in. He had been almost as fast as her. Apparently over two years of no battling Hollows or enemies, did not take away any of his physical strength. It made her happy to know.
Once Uryuu and Chad had come back down, Orihime and Rukia climbed together. The Shinigami noticed Orihime was also rather fast. She wondered if she had kept training after the war with Aizen.
She suddenly heard laughter from below them and looked down to see Ichigo holding his sides laughing at something... but what, she did not know. Weird. Orihime heard and looked down as well.
"What do you think they're talking about?" Orihime asked curiously.
"Fool, you better not be laughing at me! I will end you!" She shouted down, as he went silent and smiled up at her. Their eye contact made her heart race, which only increased when he broke eye contact with her; trailing his eyes down. The two girls watched as Uryuu then leaned over towards him and said something that made Ichigo's face turn red as he tried to not look at Rukia. Her face grew flushed, realizing what was making him blush.
"I can feel you looking at my ass, Ichigo!"
He face grew bright red at her words, probably very thankful at this point in time that there weren't many people around to hear his Shinigami girlfriend. But that did not stop their friends from laughing at Rukia's comment and Ichigo's obvious embarrassment.
Once the two girls climbed back down, Rukia and Ichigo got set back up. He was still slightly red from her comment, and she couldn't help but smirk over at him before starting to climb. He followed her, before they reached the very top she stopped and he stopped beside her.
"Ichigo, would it hurt if someone fell from this height while attached to these wires?"
He gave her an odd look, wondering what she was exactly thinking. She had a blank expression on her face, and was looking at him with obvious curiosity in her eyes.
"No, the wire would stop you before you hit the ground; and with the harness the quick stop shouldn't hurt. Why do yo-"
He was abruptly cut off when Rukia stuck her foot out and kicked his feet out from under him. He gave a loud yelp as he went down, she watched as the wire caught him a few feet before he were to hit the padding below. He was panting hard as he looked up, giving her an icy glare. Their friends watched on in amusement, Orihime giggling behind her hand.
"What the hell was that for, Midget?!"
Rukia gave him a huge grin before deciding to kick her feet off the rock wall so she could fall back down beside him, her stop looking completely graceful compared to his.
'How the hell did she do that and make it look so easy?!'
She unbuckled her harness, landing on her feet as she walked the few steps needed to be beside Ichigo who was still giving her an irritated look.
"Just felt right." she stated cheerfully before giving him a soft kiss on the lips. His bush returned as he looked away from her while he unbuckled his harness.
"You're lucky you're cute, Kuchiki." he muttered under his breath. She pinched his cheek before turning and walking towards Orihime.
"Orihime and I are going to take a break and get something to drink, you boys have fun!"
"I need girl talk." Rukia said while smiling at her orange haired friend, and with that they headed towards the refreshment counter.
"How have things been with Ichigo?"
Rukia sipped her soda before looking over at her friend, and muled over her words. The first word that come to Rukia's mind was 'Perfection' But even that didn't seem like a good enough word to use for their new relationship.
"Perfect. Beyond perfect."
Orihime watched intently as Rukia answered her as she looked down at the table with a growing smile on her face. Orihime couldn't help but smile too, reaching a hand over to her friend to squeeze her hand that was resting on the table.
"I knew you would come back, Rukia."
The Shinigami lifted her head up to look back at her friend. Somehow through everything, Orihime had always kept so much faith in Rukia. The more she thought about it, the more it made her emotional. Rukia squeezed her friends hand back before speaking.
"I hate that he had to lose his powers to defeat Aizen. He shouldn't have had to lose such a huge part of himself." Rukia trailed off, turning her gaze to watch Ichigo in the distance.
"After we said goodbye.. not a day went by that I did not think about how to return his powers back. I just wanted him to be happy."
Silence overcame the two girls as they both remembered the day Rukia and Ichigo said goodbye. Orihime took a sip of her drink, watching Rukia's face turn somber.
"Rukia, you made him happy; more then his powers did. It's true, he's always wanted to protect his loved ones. When he met you, you gave him the power to do that. And he began smiling again, like he did when he was just a boy. But half of that was because of the bond you two share. You never saw the way he looked at you back then, Rukia. It was like -"
Rukia watched in amusement as Orihime lifted her hands up in a dramatic motion, fingers spread apart and waved them in a half circular motion. Rukia couldn't hold back the small laugh that escaped her.
"- the sun had finally come back out!"
Orihime beamed at her while Rukia thought over her friends words. How had she never noticed it back then? Her and Ichigo had been so close. They may have bickered a lot but he had been her best friend since the night they met, even if she did not realize it at first. Had she been in denial about him possibly having feelings for her? Had she been in denial about her own feelings for him? She remembered how her heart almost broke in two as she watched him black out and hit the ground after defeating Aizen.
"I was so lonely before I met him. I didn't believe I needed friends or anything outside of being a Shinigami and doing my duty." Rukia places her elbows on the table, putting her chin in her hands, as her gaze goes to ichigo again and she can't hold back her smile.
"But then I met him... and over time it all just started making sense." She continues to smile as she watches him climb the rock wall beside Uryuu. Orihime turns her head to watch the two men climb as well; an they both laugh as Uryuu kicks his right foot out, kicking Ichigo's feet out from under him. They heard Ichigo yelp (which sounded more like a girlish scream) on the way back down.
The girls burst into laughter, and laugh even harder when Ichigo gives the Quincy a middle finger who gives him the middle finger back in return. Once calmed down, the girls settle back in their seats in comfortable silence. Until Rukia remembers what she wanted to ask Orihime..
"Orihime, I want to ask you something.. but I don't want to make you uncomfortable or anything.. I.. I know you used to have feelings for Ichigo and this is an awkward topic-"
Orihime gave her friend an odd expression, before shaking her head, laying a hand on her friends arm, silently urging her friend to let her speak.
"Rukia, it's true I did have feelings for Ichigo. I thought I loved him. But then I realized I loved the idea of him.. I loved that there was someone out there that cared enough to protect me. I was younger back then and confused."
Rukia listened to Orihime explain, a shocked expression on her face. Rukia had really thought Orihime had been in love with Ichigo at some point in time.
"After the war with Aizen.. it did hurt to see he was hurting. I tried to be there for him, so did the others. But after he had said goodbye to you, I knew I did not love him. I realized I wasn't sad knowing he didn't love me. I was sad that a good friend was hurting. And then when Uryuu and I started hanging out, everything just.."
Orihime leaned her head in her hands, staring off into the distance with a dreamy expression on her face.
"Everything just fell into place. He was always there for me. He went out of his way for me, constantly. Those nights he started coming over when I was having night terrors, he was such a gentleman and would sleep on the floor in my room. If I happened to fall asleep on the sofa he would carry me to bed and tuck me in; and I knew what was happening between us. It's just right."
Rukia watched her friend talk about her relationship and it warmed her heart to know Orihime was so happy. she deserved it more then anyone else she knew. "OH! I'm sorry, this wasn't supposed to be me gushing over Uryuu!" Orihime blinked a few times, looking embarrassed as a blush settled upon her cheeks.
"Don't be sorry, Orihime. You're happy, and I love hearing about it." She said sincerely, smiling at her friend. Orihime smiled back before lifting her drink up.
"So, what did you want to ask me?"
Orihime sipped her drink as she waited for her friend to reply. She was not about to expect the question Rukia was going to ask her.
"Have you and Uryuu been.. intimate?"
Orihime's eyes went wide as she spit out her drink, slapping a hand over her mouth so she didn't hit Rukia in the face. Rukia slightly jumped, not expecting that. Maybe she should have waited to ask...
Rukia quickly grabbed some napkins, handing them to Orihime who quickly wiped her face and the table. She then leaned over the table to Rukia, motioning for her to lean in also.
"Do you mean as intimate as it can get?" Her friend whispers in her ear. Rukia pulls back, stiffling her laugh. She could only nod in response, while feeling her face flush. This was such an awkward topic for her. She watched her friend lean back into her seat, as her face turned red.
"We have. The first time was a few months ago actually."
She spaced out for a moment before shaking her head and bringing herself back to reality. She looked over to Rukia who's face was bright red, looking down at the table. Had they..
Rukia bolted up, quickly leaning over the table to put a hand over her friends mouth while shaking her head no. Orihime mumbles some incoherent words behind her friends hand before Rukia slowly takes her hand away and sits back down. She sighed, not knowing where to begin with this.
"The night I came back.. and after we had confessed to one another and talked about everything.. we probably could have if we let it get to that point. But I think we both know we may not exactly be ready for that. I don't want to rush it.. but I remember how we've been apart for over two years. I never thought we would get this chance. I still have to return to Soul Society soon, I still have to do my duty. But I want to share everything with him.."
Rukia trailed off, her hands folded in her lap; trying not to dig her nails into her skin. The topic made her anxious and confused. Their bond was strong and unbreakable, and she knew he knew that too. She wondered if it would even be rushing it if it were to happen.
"I think you both will know when the right time will be. I was scared at first too. Uryuu was my first. I wasn't scared of it happening, just scared that I wouldn't know when would be the right time for it to happen. Then it happened, and afterwards I wondered why I even worried to begin with."
Orihime grinned at her friend who was deep in thought thinking over her words. Maybe it would be best to just let things happen and not worry about it. Rukia gave her friend a grateful smile.
"Thank you, Orihime."
The two friends sat in comfortable silence while they finished their drinks, once done they got up and headed back to the group.
Rukia could barely keep her eyes open. Rock climbing had been fun, but tiring. She enjoyed being able to lay down and not do anything. She had spent over two years helping Ukitake run their division and training; she forgot what relaxation felt like. After doing something along the lines of a physical work out for the first time in days, her body was tired and she was excited to curl up in Ichigo's bed and sleep.
They had come home afterwards, and ate dinner with his family. They had watched some TV with his family after dinner until she started falling asleep. Ichigo had gently woken her up, choosing to throw her over his shoulder and carry her up the stairs. She yelled at him in annoyance before she gave up and waited for him to set her on the bed. Afterwards, she changed as he got ready for bed in the bathroom.
Once he was done and re entered his bedroom, Rukia was under the blankets laying on her side; facing him. She had her eyes closed, waiting for him to get into bed next to her. She felt the bed shift and him slide into bed under the blankets next to her. When she opened her violet eyes, she saw him laying on his side facing her; his brown eyes looking back at her.
"Thank you for today."
"Stop thanking me for things, it's weird."
She scoffed at his comment; lifting her hand up to smack him on the arm but he caught her small wrist in his hand.
"Heh, too slow."
"I will push you off this bed again."
"I'll take you down with me."
She couldn't help but laugh at his witty retort. She had missed this, all of it. She did not know what she did in her life to deserve him, only knew that she couldn't imagine ever having to say goodbye to him again. The thought of it hurt her to the point of tears.
"What's wrong, Rukia?"
She blinked then, noticing he had let go of her wrist and was giving her a very concerned look. Her eyes stung, and she took a shaky sigh, trying to keep her emotions at bay.
"I'm still not used to this." She whispered, softly laying a hand on his arm. She met his gaze and watched as his eyes grew soft.
"I'm not used to someone loving me like this."
Her walls came down again but it did not frighten her. She knew he understood. The look on his face said it all.  He lifted his arm to gently take her hand in his, holding it between them. He leaned down, kissing a fingertip before looking back up at her. Her breath caught in her throat, heart racing. Would she ever get used to the way he looked at her?
"Does it scare you?" he asked her in a small voice, a voice Ichigo rarely used. He settled their joined hands closer to him, his lips staying on the back of her hand. He waited patiently for her reply, as she gained the courage to say what was on her mind.
"No. I'm only scared of losing you again."
She did not expect to see the smile that overcame his face, as he let go of her hand to reach and stroke her cheek. The was room silent as he brought himself closer to her, so close she could feel his breath mingle with hers as he gave her that same look from the night she returned.
"Rukia, you never lost me to begin with."
Before she could reply back, his lips were on hers. She let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding, and kissed him back. His arms went around her as he deepens their kiss before pulling away to bury his face in her neck. She felt his breath on her neck before he kissed her shoulder, his arms tightening around her waist.
"Where do we go from here, Ichigo?"
Her question was a whisper, afraid to even ask. He knew she didn't want to leave his side again.
She knew he had a life here and she couldn't take that away from him. He slowly pulled away from her, their eyes meeting.
"I don't know. But I do know you're stuck with me. I'm not going anywhere." She figured he would say something along those lines. She reached her hand out to lay over the front of his shirt, feeling his heart race under her fingertips.
"I know we haven't discussed about possibly telling Soul Society, or if we even should. Because we don't know what could happen."
His gaze returned back to her violet eyes as she spoke. He knew this was a topic they needed to talk about. He gave a small sigh, slightly squeezing her waist where his hand rested.
"You know I'll kick anyone's ass who tries to break us apart. Remember the last time they took you away from me?" She snorted, poking a finger into his chest as he smirked beside her.
"I distinctly remember you destroying half of the Seireite, so yes." her voice sounded witty, a coy smile on her face.
"You are a war hero, after all."
Rukia pondered over that. Would it really be that bad if they found out she was in a relationship with the man that defeated Aizen and saved worlds? The man who was willing to give up his life to save everyone else?
"I'm also a Shiba. Aren't they a noble clan?"
She looked up at him then, seeing the thoughtful expression on his face. Her eyes widened with the realization. How could she forget about that important fact? He had noble blood in him. Technically, if he lived in Soul Society with her, their relationship couldn't be frowned upon considering she was also part of a noble clan, even if it was through adoption. She was still a Kuchiki, therefor still a Noble.
He watched as Rukia's eyes widened after he brought up the fact that he is a Shiba. He raised an eyebrow once she moved to sit up beside him. She was still deep in thought.
'He is still living, they may not accept the relationship until he passes on. Which hopefully will not be for many more decades..'
It hurt her heart to think that, but she knew she did not want to take this life away from him. Then again she knew that was not her decision to make, that choice would always be his. But in the end, he would be with her by her side. That was more then enough for her.
"Rukia, what is it?" he sat up next to her, leaning his head down to look at her lost in thought. He watched as she grinned as she met his gaze.
"I do not know if they would still accept our relationship with you still alive, even though you are a Shiba. But I am part of a Noble clan too. They could not completely be against our relationship once you have passed on to Soul Society. That's a long way off.. but it's a start."
With that said she reached for his hand, intertwining their fingers together before leaning into him. He couldn't help but smile. He knew she did not know yet if they should tell Soul Society. But if for some reason they had to, it would be okay. 
Nothing or no one was tearing them apart again.
Ichigo couldn't wipe the smile off his face as he leaned back into the bed, bringing Rukia with him. She laid her head on his chest, arm wrapped around him as he reached up to stroke her hair, feeling content and at peace. He closed his eyes, before leaning down to kiss the top of her head as he closed his eyes. The smile was still present on his face as he spoke to her, before drifting off to sleep.
"It's a start."
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recurring-polynya · 4 years
oooooo, Renji drabbles! you’ve mentioned before how you suspect that Renji and Shuuhei were a thing once upon a time... is it possible you can write a drabble where they’re on a date together? They’re only two of the hottest guys in the realm
Abarai Renji was on a date.
He’d been on a few dates in his life, disastrous occasions when Momo had stuffed him in a yukata and sent him out with some fresh-scrubbed, extremely nice girl she had dredged up somewhere. The girls would talk and talk and steal glances at his tattoos and guilt would well up in his chest until he wanted to vomit and at the end, they would kiss him on the cheek and he would make it a point to never see them again.
Today, he was wearing yesterday’s uniform and wandering around a flea market in a weird, eclectic Seireitei neighborhood that he’d never been to before, watching Hisagi Shuuhei root through a bin of Living World automotive parts. His boyfriend, Hisagi Shuuhei.
Renji had slept with Shuuhei enough times that he no longer kept count. Shuuhei cooked him dinner at least twice a week and Renji would bring over beers or sake. They usually sat next to each other at the bar, and he’d throw his arm around Shuuhei’s shoulders and Shuuhei would put a hand on his knee and it was very comfortable like that. Renji had started keeping a toothbrush at Shuuhei’s place, and then decided that he didn’t like sharing Shuuhei’s hair gel, and now probably three quarters of the shit Shuuhei’s bathroom was actually his. People would constantly call his phone asking for Shuuhei, because Shuuhei’s phone was perpetually out of battery, not that Renji’s was ever at more than a single digit’s worth of charge.
So last week, when Shuuhei asked him if he wanted to be boyfriends and Renji said “no” and then Shuuhei asked him which part of this he wanted to stop doing, he said “none of it” and then he was forced to concede that maybe he did want to be boyfriends and now they were on a date.
It wasn’t so bad.
The weather was nice, and Renji was eating a taiyaki at 10am, which was, in his opinion, the very acme of gratuitous self-indulgence. Shuuhei had bought it for him because he said “he looked extra cute in the morning” and also, he’d found some money in his pocket that he forgot he had.
“Oi, Renji, do you know what a spark plug actually looks like?” Shuuhei shouted from neck deep in his bucket of parts. It occurred to Renji that Shuuhei usually called him Abarai in public, but maybe first names were part of this new regime they were now operating under.
“I do not,” Renji admitted. “Maybe we could try to find one on the motorbike and take it out and bring it with us next time. You have that book with the diagrams, so we can probably figure out where to find it.”
“Ah, you’re so smart!” Shuuhei exclaimed and Renji blushed because no one ever said that to him, maybe not in his entire afterlife.
The Guilt curled in Renji’s stomach, slow and throbbing, but it wasn’t choking, consuming, like it used to be. He had always thought the Guilt was for Rukia-- that he was betraying her, cheating on her, somehow. But he didn’t owe Rukia anything, to be honest, any more than she owed him. She was living a fantastic life somewhere, probably having pitted cherries placed directly in her mouth while someone else painted her fingernails. She sure wasn’t waiting around for him to show up and shout his undying devotion to her. In fact, he could practically imagine the horrified face she would make at him if she found out he’d been pining over her.
No, the Guilt was for the other girls, Momo’s pretty, doe-eyed friends that he was never, ever going to fall in love with, no matter how much they flipped their hair at him. His heart was burnt down to a cinder-- a black, dusty thing, too hot to touch, and in danger of falling to ash if someone were to try. You could only love for so hard, for so long without getting anything back. Then, you started burning yourself up instead, from the inside out.
That had been a long time ago, though. Even if he still missed Rukia like hell, there were other good parts of life these days. His fights with Ikkaku were getting pretty even these days. He even got to spar with the Kenpachi once in a while, which was both exciting and flattering and then, two minutes later, deeply, deeply painful. He liked being Sixth Seat, not just because it paid well, but because he liked working with the unseated guys, liked teaching them how to be real swordsmen, not just loud goons. After years of Yumichika making him rub flowery smelling stuff on his face and in his hair, there was a pretty good looking guy staring back at him when he looked in the mirror. A guy who felt good about looking good, a guy who now knew how to pick out his own flowery smelling face goops.
“I think,” he had explained to Shuuhei, the only person to whom he had ever explained the burnt-up cinder heart theory, “that there might be a little chunk of it, like the size of my thumb, that’s not all the way toasted, just maybe really tough and chewy, like beef jerky.”
And Shuuhei had looked him in the eyes, real soft-like, and said, “Pal, your tiny little dried up beef jerky heart probably has more love in it than most people have in their entire body. You have been up front with me, which I respect a lot, and I’m willing to take my chances anyway.”
Shuuhei currently was surveying the street like an explorer deciding which path he wanted to take through a jungle. “You wanna go see the leatherwork stall? They had some sweet wrist cuffs last time, really gorgeous tooling.”
“Why do you always want to look at stuff that you can’t afford?” Renji groused. He’d been trying to start saving again, since he got his raise, something he hadn’t done since he was at the Fifth. He couldn’t decide which it was that was making him more grouchy-- having to put limits on his expenses, or how little was actually piling up in the bank account he’d opened. He wasn’t even sure what he was saving for. It just seemed like money was something a functional adult should have. He wasn’t exactly sure he would classify himself as a functional adult, but it was something to aspire to.
Shuuhei stretched, and rested his hands on the back of his head. “Sometimes it’s fun to just browse,” he shrugged. “You’re so practical, Renji, you should let your imagination out a little, once in a while.”
Renji’s face must have done something stupid, because Shuuhei quickly followed up with, “Things don’t always have to pan out to be worth dreaming of. C’mon, I know you’re dead jealous of those flashy goggles Iba’s been wearing lately.”
Renji wrinkled his nose because he was. Iba’s new shades were cool as fuck and expensive as fuck, too. Iba had offered to let him try them on, and Renji had said no because he was almost positive he would look better in them than Iba and he didn’t want to have to go around thinking about that all the time.
“We can go to the used book place instead,” Shuuhei offered. Shuuhei was really good at hopping off subjects that Renji was sensitive about. He’d probably been doing it for a while, but Renji had just gotten around to noticing. “It’s all shitty, falling-apart paperbacks, but they’re pretty cheap, plus I have a bunch of credit, because I trade mine in when I’m done with ‘em.”
“Ah, that sounds nice,” Renji, who had a great love for shitty, falling-apart paperbacks, replied. “But let’s swing by the leather place, too.” He crumpled up the paper from his taiyaki and threw it in a high arc into a nearby wastecan. Then wiped his hand on his hakama, and held out his hand, flexing his fingers obnoxiously. “I bet I would look good in wrist cuffs.”
Shuuhei grinned and immediately lowered his hands from his head so he could grab Renji’s. “You would look so good in wrist cuffs.”
And off they went, together.
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