#but to her a cyberman needs to be full of holes as soon as possible and she WILL be the one to do it
lazer-screwdriver · 4 months
Liz loathes Cybermen. Most of the time the Doctor’s enemies get a neutral or curious response from her (outside of the context of them trying to destroy the earth and/or universe Right Now), but the Cybermen’s core goals & values of replacing everything organic with uniform technology is so offensive and terrifying to her that she absolutely will kill on sight.
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helloteeceeblog · 4 years
I wrote this pastiche years ago based on the first issue of Grant Morrison’s comic ANNIHILATOR and like, might as well post it?
Fitz Kreiner pulled another cigarette from his pocket. It was in his mouth and lit before he realized he hadn't finished the last one. Or the one before that.
Stars wheel through the spiral of the Milky Way as the camera moves toward the centre, the supermassive black hole at the nexus of space and time.
A blue box spins through the void. Behind it, a grey cylinder, menacing, spikey. They crash together, spikes piercing the blue-painted wood of the first box.
Reimagined from the classic series. It's like a gothic cathedral rebuilt by Jules Verne and H.G. Wells.
THE DOCTOR as portrayed by Sylvester McCoy. His question mark cardigan has been replaced with a more formal suit. His hair is longer, he looks worn and haunted. He runs through the corridors of the TARDIS, pursued by COMMANDER MAXIL. This is a new regeneration, no longer performed by Colin Baker. Maxil's features are obscured beneath the shadows of his helm. He carries a Time Lord gun, a STASER.
MAXIL Doctor! You have been tried and found guilty! This time justice WILL be properly executed in the name of the Time Lords!
DOCTOR Stuff and nonsense! The Time Lords are corrupt and decadent. The Time War has turned them into monsters.
The Doctor stops. They wrestle, and the Doctor gains control of the staser. Coldly, he fires it directly at Maxil's head. Maxil's head jerks back. He grunts in pain and falls backwards into an end table decorated with a vase full of flowers. Blossoms and petals erupt into the air.
DOCTOR I am the Doctor. I am Ka Faraq Gatri. I am the one who stops monsters.
"Are you listening, Fitz?" Fitz's agent, Anji Kapoor, was looking impatient. Better nod.
Fitz nodded.
"You promised me a screenplay. This is fifty pages of act one," said Anji. "I need more than this. If you don't deliver, Fitz, Michael Brookhaven gives the gig to someone else. Someone younger."
"I've almost got it," said Fitz, adding another cigarette to the burning mess. "I just need a little more time."
"It's been two years since your last movie," said Anji. "Five years since The Taint. You're not Hollywood's enfant terrible anymore. Brookhaven wants to turn this Doctor Who pilot into a series. You nail this, you still have a career."
"I'll get it for you," said Fitz, lighting another cig.
"Monday," said Fitz. "I'll have it for you by Monday."
Fitz dropped a cigarette down the sinkhole. It continued to glow as it spiralled down into the darkness, growing smaller and smaller. There was no sign of it hitting bottom.
"Are you sure about this?" asked the realtor. "We can look at other houses in your price range."
"I like this one," said Fitz. He dropped another cigarette into the hole, just in case the laws of physics had changed. "It fits my mood."
"There's a literal sinkhole in the living room," said the realtor, as if this wasn't obvious. "The whole place might collapse at any moment."
"Like I said," said Fitz. "I'm a writer. I'm looking for inspiration."
"Well! That does explain why you'd want to live in a crumbling deathtrap. Writers are eccentric." The realtor nodded sagely. "I write a little myself. Would I know any of your work?"
"Have you seen a film called Interference? Or The Taint?"
"The Taint? With Tom Cruise, right?"
"That's the one," said Fitz.
"That was out a long time ago."
"A long time," said Fitz. "Yeah."
"What's your new film about?"
"It's a reboot of the classic British science fiction series, Doctor Who."
"Never heard of it," said the realtor.
Naked bodies writhed on the floor around the sinkhole. This was a *proper* orgy. Boys, girls. Fitz didn't care. They were there for atmosphere.
"Stop talking to me," Fitz said to one of them. "I'm trying to write."
Darkness. Only the centre of the room is lit. The DOCTOR, as portrayed by Paul McGann, is strapped to a table surrounded by Time Lords in dark, chitinous armor.
INQUISITOR DARKEL Confess, Doctor! Confess your crimes!
DOCTOR I confess! I'm criminally handsome. And brilliant.
INQUISITOR DARKEL Tell us about the girl, Doctor. Tell us about Peri Brown.
DOCTOR That didn't happen! That was a lie! Your lie!
DARKEL It did happen, Doctor. Now you will be imprisoned here with her, as a reminder of what you've done. Forever.
The background darkness is lifted. A coffin-like structure behind the Doctor is revealed. Within it is the frozen body of PERI BROWN, played by Nicola Bryant.
DARKEL She was your companion, Doctor. You killed her. You removed her brain. How do you sleep?
DOCTOR As seldom as possible. I usually wait for a Cyberman or one of you lot to knock me out. But I didn't do this.
DARKEL You did. Confess!
DOCTOR You really think you've caught me? I'm insulted.
DARKEL What do you mean?
DOCTOR The flowers in the TARDIS. You'll find they contain a rare pollen dangerous even to a Time Lord metabolism. I've been immune, of course, since my fourth regeneration, but you lot should find yourselves falling into a coma very soon.
The TIME LORDS begin groaning and falling to your knees.
DOCTOR And I slipped out of my bonds forty minutes ago.
He stands up.
DOCTOR Now that the monsters are dealt with, it's time for my real work. I, the Doctor, vow to reverse the order of creation. And find a cure for death!
Fitz blinked slowly at his scene. The orgy was still going on in a desultory sort of way. He groped for another cigarette, finding only empty packs.
"A cure for death," said Fitz. "I'm a genius."
He banged his head against the screen.
"This is rubbish. Absolute rubbish."
"This is rubbish," said Anji.
"I know," said Fitz.
"You said you'd get me something by Monday."
"This is something," said Fitz.
"This is incoherent at best. How stoned were you when you wrote this?"
"Ran out of cigarettes," said Fitz.
"You look a mess. When was the last time you slept?"
"As seldom as possible."  
"You look like someone punched you in the face for being an asshole," said Anji. "Is your nose bleeding?"
Fitz slowly tumbled from his chair, landing on his face.
"Fitz? Fitz?"
Fitz woke in a hospital bed.
"You don't remember how you got here?" asked the doctor. A doctor. Not the fictional character Fitz was writing about. That would be stupid.
"I don't remember anything," said Fitz. Senselessly, he groped automatically for a cigarette, knowing full well there wouldn't be one in a hospital.
"You have an inoperable brain tumor, Mr Kreiner," said the doctor. A doctor.
"It's Fortune," said Fitz. "Call me Fitz Fortune."
The police pulled him over on the way home.
"Have you been drinking, Mr Kreiner?"
"I have a bloody brain tumor," said Fitz. "Just give me a ticket. Give me all the tickets."
"We'll take care of this, officers," said a new voice. "FBI."
Bright light shone in Fitz's car window. Men in suits and dark glasses. "Does the name 'the Doctor' mean anything to you, Mr Kreiner?"
"I've just been to the doctor," said Fitz. "I have a brain tumor."
"You've been to a doctor. Have you been in contact with an individual answering only to the name 'the Doctor?'"
"Is this a joke? The Doctor is the lead character in my screenplay."
"He's a fugitive. If he tries to make contact with you, let us know. My fiance loved 'Interference," by the way."
Fitz grunted. He'd had enough of this nonsense. He'd had enough of everything.
When he got home, he took a long drink. Whiskey. Still out of cigarettes. Fuck. He found a gun in his desk drawer and raised it to his chin.
"Fitz Kreiner." A stranger's voice. Plummy, amused.  Fitz had never heard it before, except in his head. When he was writing his screenplay.
Fitz opened his eyes. The stranger was wearing a green velvet jacket. A cravat. His hair was long, auburn. His eyes were blue. His face was handsome, aristocratic. Somehow not human.
"You called me, Fitz. So here I am. I'm the Doctor, Fitz. How can we help each other?"
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ours-is-the-fury · 4 years
By The Moons I Honour Thee
10 years ago,
Jules had to move faster.
It was only a matter of time before he would be detected. The lack of security cameras was a plus however; he had done harder jobs than this before. Even so, infiltrating a Sycorax ship was not his idea of fun, and he wanted to get this job done as soon as possible. Jules peered around the corner and spied two walking towards him. They were armed only with swords and seemingly engrossed in conversation. Jules fitted a silencer module to his Alpha Meson blaster and strode around the corner. The Sycorax’s masks gave no emotion but the tilt of the head was one of surprise, right before two silent red laser bolts burned holes between their eyes. Jules moved swiftly past the smoking corpses and toward the far door, which according to his holomap was the entrance to the prison cells. The door slid open with a press of the big red button and revealed the mass of slaved being transported. The guards turned towards the opened door but were gunned down by more precise laser bolts before they could draw their swords. Looking out over the sea of prisoners he could see numerous different species: Humans, Raxacoricofallapatorians, the bug-like Uvodni and even an Ice Warrior.
              “Computer, you listening?” Jules asked.
“Always Captain. What do you require?”
              He crouched down, searching the Sycorax bodies for keys. “There are over two hundred prisoners here and we can’t transport that many.”
“I will send out an alert to the Church. Perhaps they can send a cruiser to assist.” Her flat voice was hardly reassuring.
              “Knock yourself out, I’ll do what I can here.”
“Knock myself out…do you mean I should shut down Capt-”
              “No, Computer! It’s a figure of speech.” Jules sighed, and began unlocking the cells.
“Okay Captain…I shall send that alert now.” The far door opened and two Sycorax marched in. They drew their swords, but too late, as they fell under a mass of shouting bodies. The ex-prisoners were spilling out into all the corridors and hallways of the ship. Jules noticed an Ice Warrior still sat at the back of the cell and ran over to her.
              “Come on, we need to get moving before they get the riot under control,” he said to the Ice Warrior. “What’s your name?”
“Rakara…” she said after a few moments pause. “It’ssss too hot in here. And my cooling ssssystem wassss damaged when they captured me.”
              “Hold on one sec.” Jules rummaged around in his coat pockets. After a minute he pulled out a sonic probe, “This should fix the circuitry.” The probe was about fifteen centimetres long with a forked end and the tips of the forks glowed green when activated. Jules had traded it for an old love letter the last time he was at the Rings of Akhaten’s market, although he had to admit it wasn’t his love letter, but one he’d liberated for just that sort of eventuality. The only thing Jules really cared about was his ship and his sword. Two things he could not part with.
              “Is that better?” Jules asked, pocketing the probe.
“Muchssss, thank you.” She stood up, a little unsteady, “What isss your name?”
              “I’m Jules, now please take my hand.”
“Whhhy, I can walk fine.”
              Jules laughed, “It’s not about walking. We need to teleport off this ship onto mine and I’ve only got one relay. So please…” he held out his hand, “trust me.” Rakara stared at him through the deep red lenses on her mask, before reaching out and taking his hand.
              The familiar metallic tang filled his mouth and they were back on the Selene. Rakara was looking around, her head tilted to the right. She’d probably have a confused expression if he could see her face.
              “How…how are we following the Ssssycorax sssship? It’s at warp.” she enquired eventually.
“This ship has a powerful tractor beam, but in this instance, I’m using it as a tow rope, keeping us anchored to the ship. It jumped to warp and we followed.”  She nodded and sat down, looking out the window into the blue streaks of the warp field.
              “Why me?” she queried, “why ressscue me?”
“Because I was asked to. Your mother reported you missing and the Empress usually gets her way. But I won’t take you back if you don’t want me to.” He sighed and sat in the pilot seat, “While I was tracking you down, I realised you wanted to get away. You joined this life of excitement and adventure to escape from the boredom of court life and being the daughter of the Empress. Not that the life of a royal Ice Warrior could be entirely boring. I imagine you’ve seen battle before.”
              Rakara’s head dipped a little. “Not exactly. My mother hassss made usss a pacifissstic race. We no longer ssseek bloodshed, we no longer write poemssss of war.” She made a noise which Jules took to be a sigh. “All I wass able to do assss a Shsurr was sssing and entertain.” She took off her mask, revealing her beetle-like crimson eyes and dreadlocks draped over her shoulders.
“Then I won’t take you back.” Jules said after a moment pause. “You don’t want that life and I can give you a way out that doesn’t involve Sycorax slavers.”  
              “But if you do not return me to my mother, will sssshe not be angry?”
“I imagine so…would she send her own soldiers after us?”
              A nod. “Mossst likely. Do you fancy ssspending the ressst of your life looking over your ssshoulder?”
Jules smirked. “Do you?”
              It was then that he witnessed a smile from her – likely her first true one in a long time. “Sssounds like fun, I will join you. Ssso where ssshall we go firsssst?”
“Woman Wept is nice this time of year...” Jules offered
              Rakara walked over to the controls, “We sssshould probably disssconect the tractor beam.”
Smart. “That switch there.” Jules pointed to a switch above the windows, Rakara smiled again and flicked it.
The Selene dropped out of warp with nothing to latch onto anymore, did a one-hundred-and-eighty-degree flip and leaped straight into a slipstream tunnel…
 Present day…
The Selene dodged and dived through the laser fire, chased by two Cyberfighters. The Chula Warship skimmed the surface of a Sontaran command ship, flying up through the claw-like arrangement at the top of the ship. The Selene pulled a one-hundred-and-eighty-degree flip and opened fire with its triple cannons, shredding the Cyberfighters.
              “Computer, how isss Julessss’ condition?” Rakara questioned, swinging the Selene round the back of a Sontaran ship, out of the line of fire.
“His condition seems stable; analysis shows he suffered from a severe panic attack.”
              “A panic attack? What causssed it?” Rakara hurried over to her bunk in the cockpit where Jules was lying, muttering and shaking. “Could it be the Cybermen? Ssssome sssort of reawakened memory?”
              The cool, formless voice replied, “It is possible. He may still have a connection to the hive mind. If so, being in this close proximity could have reactivated it. Recommendation: vacate the area immediately.” The Computer shut off. Rakara got back into the pilot seat and flicked the switches to begin the Slipstream engine spooling up sequence.
 Meanwhile in Jules subconscious…  
              This was a memory, it had to be, Jules thought to himself. He wasn’t back here, he couldn’t be. The shiny silver interior of the spaceship was spotted with blood as the Cybermen rushed to upgrade people captured mid-battle. Jules was trapped in a line of people waiting to be converted. The ship was one big factory for conversion; it would loiter at the edge of a battle and latch onto the damaged ships with a tractor beam before teleporting everyone onto the Cybership to await conversion.
If this is a memory, can’t I just break out?
              “Jules!” he froze, the monotone, lifeless voice of the cyberman stopped him mid thought. “You must re-join the Legions! We do not give up what was ours. Join us. Join us. Join us…”
 Back in reality…
Jules awoke on the floor of the Selene in the midde of Rakara throwing the ship into all manner of evasive manoeuvres.
              “What is going on, Shsurr?” Jules shouted to be heard over the sound of the engines at full throttle.
“Cyberfighterssss!” She hissed back. “I think they decided we were a better target than the Sontaranssss.”
              Great. “Computer!” Jules yelled.
“Yes Captain?”
              “Remind me to install rear-facing weapons.” Jules walked as best he could over to the cockpit. Out of the window was pure destruction - the wrecked hulks of star ships littered the battlefield and the few remaining ships were trading shots through the thick wreckage. “Rakara, fly past the front of the nearest Sontaran ship. Try and get its flank guns to take out our pest problem.” Rakara nodded and weaved the Selene through the debris field, towards the remaining Sontaran ship. Jules jumped down to the cargo hold, ran over to the cloaking device and began his attempt to fix the system.
The Selene sped through the floating remnants of ship, scattered armour plating and dead crewmembers, all the while dodging the Cyberfighters’ laser bolts. Rakara threw the ship into a dive to port down through the remains of a Cyber Carrier’s hangar bay. The Cyberfighters tried following but one lost control, slamming into a wall and exploding, taking a second with it. The final fighter stuck to the Selene like tar until it followed the Chula warship past the Sontaran ship and a stray laser bolt cut it in two. With a hum, the cloaking device came to life and the Selene faded from view.
              “Rakara, take us above the battlefield.” Jules commanded, ascending back up to the Cockpit.
“Of coursssse. Are we cloaked?”
              “From all sensors and visual receptors, yes. Now let’s see who wins thi-”
“Captain!” The computer’s electronic voice cut over him. “There is a new ship leaving FTL.”
Between the remains of the Sontaran and Cyber fleets a ship emerged from a blinding streak of light. The ship opened fire in both directions and the two fleets exploded.
              “That can’t be.” Jules gasped, turning white.
“What issss it?” asked Rakara, confused.
              “It’s the SS Pentallian…”
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