#but this is low key one of my fav arcs and i feel like im in the only one in the world who feels like that
heliianth · 4 months
very frequent to see hate for the king john portion of unOrdinary which makes me sad bc not only is blykes solo vigilante arc EXTREMELY interesting and arlos conflict with his aunt sets up there which also gets really interesting later, but its like…. were seeing john in his purest “fight or flight” state. guy is having the worlds most violent and prolonged mental break, everything he does is some desperate grab for control so he can feel safe again. its both very revealing of his violent demeanor in new bostin being a direct result of the might makes right culture he grew up in but also what happened in readjustment just baking self-hatred into that panicked-animal-biting-whatever-moves mentality
i get that most of the hate is cuz its 36 episodes give or take and it mustve sucked waiting a whole week in between each of those (sometimes longer) only to see john keep degrading, but……. even disregarding the other arcs with other characters happening at the time, its important? its important to see him like that? i dunno. so much discussion abt it makes little to no effort at analysis beyond “john is the villain now” and even that is extremely surface level, and leads to people assuming things about the author which reek of the fact that people were reading johns mental breakdown as a cathartic revenge fantasy :(
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courtesanofdeath · 2 years
who are your favorite top ten black clover characters & ships (platonic or romantic) ?? talk about them!
omg anon ilysm for this question. i hope you enjoyed this ten-paged essay i wrote just for you 🥰
ps: contains spoilers if you're not caught up with the manga!
fav characters
asta: number one best boy who deserves all the happiness in the world. literal sunshine. he just makes me so very happy every time i see him 😭
yami: yeah he's strong, inspirational and a dilf but my fav thing about yami is how he's just so chill and unbothered and he's a mess just like the rest of his squad, and even though he's a powerful captain, we still see that he still has moments where he gets defeated or cornered and gets help from others, and we get to see him become even more stronger. he's also just very funny af, the way he lovingly bullies his family 🥰
nacht: one of the best written characters in the series! im a sucker for edgy characters with long hair, so he was kind of an instant fav for me. i loved him even more when we got to know about his past with yami and morgen, and how he became the person he is now. also very sick character designs with his devil union forms! im looking forward to see how him being with the black bulls will affect him!
noelle: also one of the best written characters not only in black clover but shonen in general. im still fairly new to anime so i haven't met a lot of heroines yet, but out of all the ones i have seen, noelle is probably the best written. we get to see her overcome her weaknesses and continue to grow with every fight. she doesn't get pushed aside as a minor support; she gets plenty of moments to shine and contributes to the main battles. she's not someone who gets one very cool moment and then forgotten about. every time she gets a new spell im just like !!!!! yes !!!! best girl !!!!
mereoleona: this woman has ignited something within me when she showed up and im just in love with her. super bad ass, headstrong and unbothered. she's obv one of the most powerful characters, maybe even more than yami (debatable tho), yet she prefers to do what she wants and i just love that for her. my queen my beloved.
yuno: another best boy !!! i've always liked yuno because he's just the best rival ever. in the beginning we thought he's the typical bully rival, but we learned that he's actually so supportive of asta (literally asta's biggest fan) even in the beginning. my love for yuno grew during the spade raid arc bc we get to see how much he grew stronger, but also how he really feels about all the titles and power he was given. also im really excited about seeing more of his star magic because i love anything space related hehe it's gonna be so pretty animated
julius: i loved julius because he was such a precious nerd about magic. his excitement about everything was just so cute. then, chapter 331 happened. my brain almost exploded. lucius zogratis !!! is he evil for real ??? or is he possessed ??? either way, one can't help but look back at his entire character and relationship with everyone and wonder if it was all an act. he's still cute tho. but like, regardless, his character had always been very interesting, even more now with the plot twist! im really excited for the manga to come back from hiatus and find out more about about him because that shit is craaaaazy.
finral: i love this boy with my entire heart and soul. yeah he doesn't stand out as one of the most powerful characters, but that's why i love him so much. he's just so soft and gentle and so loving and wholesome no matter how he's treated. he isn't really much of a fighter, but he supports his friends and family in his own ways. he's strong in his own ways. his backstory with his family really hit home for me personally, so i can't help but connect with him and root for him. i just want him to be happy 😭
vanessa: also low key in love with her. hot and powerful??? yes please. her backstory with the witch queen was so so good! but mostly i just love her energy and her dynamic with the black bulls. she really is everyone's big sister. her presence in general is just so comforting ??? idk how to explain it but i love vanessa so very much and i hope she'll have more moments to shine again soon!
zora: also one of the best written characters in the series! first of all, great character design. love the sharp teeth and crop top. second of all, great backstory. it was def painful but it was just so so good. with zora (and zara), we get to see a side of the magic knights that not many people in the clover kingdom acknowledge. we also get to see more characters like asta and magna, those with very little to no magic, but also different in his own ways. his magic is super cool too! but like yeah. he's just so very cool and so funny !!
now the ships !!! i don't really focus much on ships but here's some of my fav pairings!
yami and charlotte: they're cute. i like the little compliments he gives her (in his own way), and charlotte getting flustered is always amusing. we don't know if yami genuinely has romantic feelings for her, but they'd be cute! so i hope we get to see how they develop as the manga comes to an end!
gauche and grey: also very cute, especially because of that one episode where gauche was telling grey that she's fine the way she is ???? pls. it's clear that grey sees gauche as someone important to her, and a motivation for her to get stronger and push herself, and gauche is one of the few people that truly knows her, so i like them very much.
asta and noelle: im kinda on the fence about them being romantic. like they'd def be cute together for sure, but my son hasn't really shown interests in anyone aside from sister lily. even then, that's really just a school boy crush lmao. i feel like asta hasn't really thought about being in a romantic relationship because he's so focused on being a magic knight. but i do love that noelle is now upfront about her feelings. i do love them platonically though!!! they've been growing and getting stronger together since day one!!!! they motivate each other and support each other in however way they can, and it's just so wholesome!
luck and magna: i just love these two together, doesn't matter if it's romantic or platonic. just seeing them together makes me so happy omg doesn't matter if they're bullying each other or fighting together. i just love them !!! i hope we get to see them fight side by side again soon!
finral and vanessa: i personally like them platonically but don't mind those who ship them romantically. just like with luck and magna, i just love them together!!! they're my fav duo !!!! they just seem so fun and comforting to be around. i would love to be friends with them omg
yami and nacht: the black bulls parents !!!! with them, it's 60% romantic and 40% platonic kinda ship. their past, with the two of them just running around the clover kingdom and being troublesome, is just so precious. they relate to each other and understand each other a lot, + they got that thing with morgen 😭 so they def have a lot of history. on the other hand, i feel like nacht may be emotionally unavailable because of everything that happened to him, so he may not want to be in any romantic relationship atm, but regardless, i just love nacht and yami's dynamic! that team up against lucifero was soooo good and im really excited to see more of them soon!
asta and yuno: just like with magna and luck, i don't mind the ship whether if it's romantic or platonic. i just love them together! they are rivals but also besties !!! and that's all that matters! but also as i said with astelle, asta and yuno are both too focused on other things to really think about romantic relationships, so im not sure about it. but overall, this duo is just *chef's kiss* every time they interact, it's always so cute and amusing. and the team up fights aahhhh !! i wonder if we'll ever get to see them fight each other. that would be interesting.
charlotte and mereoleona: ok so you know the hot spring scene ???? and charlotte and mereo were drinking together ????? that's some good fuckin food. that's like the only interaction they got but idc they would be so hot and powerful as a couple omg. if charlotte gets tired of yami, mereo is right there waiting for her.
nozel and dorothy: doesn't matter if they're romantic or platonic but i really like the idea of dorothy just annoying tf outta nozel for shits and giggles and the two of them being low key kind of close. i love relationships where one is like, no energy, and the other has chaotic energy (when dorothy is awake ofc). i just think they'd be so funny together.
probably forgot some characters but wheeeew. im so sorry this was long and making you read a lot! thank you so much for the ask! 💕
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I'm starting another love interest Tally, this one for the Umbrella Academy. Unlike the It tally, I don't really have any solid ideas for the characters but I DO have a pretty fucking big one for the reader. So, please let me know out of these character you would like to see as your love interest [BESIDES BEN, DONT WORRY THAT'S COMING]. If you have a preference and would like to vote, drop by my inbox [anonymously or otherwise, i don't mind either!], DM me, or comment here BUT remember, I can't respond to comments but I will see them, thanks and ily guys!
The Umbrella Academy x Reader [slight au] LI options:
Luther: ngl, I'm not crazy about him. I doubt he's gonna win cause I know he ain't usually a fan fav. Personally, I didn't really see a problem with him [until episode 8&9] in season one, I mean beside that whole weird allison subplot. Like the moon stuff, I didn't really notice it until people pointed it out then he got REALLY annoying the whole season. Season 2 luther I liked. Either way, I could easily mellow out his character if yall REALLY want him (lol kinda hope you don't 🤭)
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Diego: my sweetie sweet sweetheart. I love this adorable mommas boy, he just wants love and affection and to be accepted and with what I have planned for the reader's plot [which is a definite thing] these two could honestly work SO well together, and be the affection starved babies together and shower each other with love 💘 [EDIT: HE WON! Ideas and plots are being further developed as of the 10th of September 2020]
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Allison: I'm not gonna lie, yall I'm torn. Allison Hargreeves owns ALL my fucking uwus, she stole my fucking heart and I have a crush ngl. BUT I also LOVE her and Ray and the work they do and I sob so hard in season 2 for her and Ray and everyone and UGH I could NEVER TAKE THAT ARC AWAY FROM HER. I have an idea for reader and allison season 2 wise, her and ray would still be together lets just say
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Klaus: [I know he dates guys, and I would be able to fit in Dave but I'm pretty sure he's pan either way!] Honestly, I'm a little scared about this one. I haven't wrote a BUNCH of scenes with klaus yet, but the few I have i have not been super proud of. I don't think I write his character very well, and Idk if thats just me or because its new but I'm scared to jump into a whole series with him, especially as a LI but ill do it for you babies if that's what you really want. Can't promise it will be good, but I'm trying lol
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Five: honestly I'm scared about this one too. With the Ben fic, I haven't quite gotten to him yet so I don't know how i wrote him yet but I have some hope. Also, the age thing low key bothers me but he is a fan favorite and he does have some of the most screen time which would be convenient, his plot mixed with the readers plot would be VERY interesting indeed, and he does make me laugh so ehh its really up to you guys. Again, not sure how I feel??
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Ben? Im already working on a ben fic as some of you might know, but then I was in the shower and my brain was like "heheh he heh, I know you haven't even published the first chapter of your ben fic and have 3 unfinished series, and 2 independent WIP but here's a REALLY cool idea for yet ANOTHER umbrella academy rewrite. Also no you can't have any writing inspiration for any of them" again, I suppose he's doable and already this would be considered an au so it wouldn't be much of a leap to A] ressurect ben, but that worries me cause the end of season 2 and I'd have to rely on hope I could catch whatever s3 threw or B] work in a way reader could see Ben which would be kinda hard but not impossible given my plot [edit: probably won't do him honestly. Not for this one. I want to try different characters for this one. Again, unless you REALLY want him, but again, I'm already making one with him so nows your chance to vote to see someone else]
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Vanya: gorgeous baby angel, would be VERY interesting as a love interest and quite convient too. Plus she's adorable. Out of all of them, I have the most ideas for her
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And finally...
I'm so fucking sorry I can't stop coming up with ideas, I wish I wish I WISH I could just make a story and stick to it but, I've just never been like that I'm sorry.
💕💕💕 - Yurtle
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honeyboyfelix · 5 years
Ok so im just gonna be spouting what i notice in the mv here
-there are 2 moons? One full and one half [time stamp: 0:17]
-low voice low voice LOW VOICE SEUNGMIN
-i love the dance
-Chans hair is crimped....hello 80's chan
-minho confirmed has a licence
-woojin is so fucking beautiful and his v o i c e bro...bro
-jinnie is being a bitch to my boy felix let him be
-bro the seungjin fight.....fucks me u p like my mind stopped processing after that i remember non of the rest of my first watch (im writting this on my second so i can pause and not die)
-someone steps on a map???? A cute lil crayon map during the seungjin fight...another casualty of war
-also that poor camera (it did not escape me that its a ref to i am you....i see you skz i see you)
-bin steps between them like WhAT THE FUCK???? ARE YOU DOING
-also because im me.....felix and changbin split verse.....fav
-hmmmmmm this yellow overlay means sonething.....when it goes over a scene it feels like it should be inportant but im too stupid to figure it out
-i think it scene changes? Or something
-a city? In the distance?????? Is that a new city? Im assuming its a new city? Maybe its 'the new world' from the bus ticket?
-A lot of the outfits remind me of i am you era
- bruh...jeongin comforting jinnie....im cry
-oh shit my mind didnt register the split screen the first time....
-on the top one(in the bus) theyre all asleep (hopefully asleep 😬 idk that bus dricer looked sketch)
-ooooo lightning!!!
-and we runnin i guess
-wait why ate they running....what is the purpose where are you running to? Or from? They look angry...
-also gives my d9 vibes with the lights and camera angles
-hyunjins ao pretty
-but why is he sleeping in and overpass with creepy music box music overlayed on top
-is he ok?
-was this all in his head?
- skz looking at sleeping jinnie: u-uwu
-and the key.....
-actually i was watching cronosoraus and that key might look like one thats in that mv aswell....will need to check later
-anyway keys are confusing i get theyre important this arc (by the arc name) but for what is the question...
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jujyfru1t · 6 years
hello my name is *yells about Furuba*
I dunno what I’m doing but I have Feelings so let me rant about them, by me.
Some of y'all may not know that Fruits Basket is my favorite series on the planet– well you do now. That comes with a caveat of favorite manga, not favorite anime (that honor goes to either Noragami or Chihayafuru, with Madoka Magica as an honorable mention). I do also love the anime dearly! But comparing them is like apples and oranges, horses of different colors, etc etc, not least because the anime was made before the manga was barely halfway through. futile hope springs eternal for a full remake. So most of my feels rant will be manga-centric although the general feels apply to the anime, and uh there may be spoilers idk it’s been out for a long time???
The first volume came out in the US five days after my *deep breath* 15th birthday. I got it for the next year’s bday present from my big sis, aaaand that was when the gates of otaku/manga hell swallowed me up (I was somehow unaware that Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh were also Japanese pop culture, go figure.) I have no memory of how I found the anime– my anime-bittorrent-whateverthefuck knowledge was nonexistent but I don’t think it was airing live. I got the box set for some Christmas but that would’ve been after I was a massive fan so *shrug*
Anyway I watched the dub first and holy hell if I wasn’t planning to marry Yuki Sohma before then I definitely was after that, thanks Eric Vale. (I still have huge love for the dub cast fight me). Yun-chan was my first 2D crush and tbqh I’m still in love with him. Also I stg he’s the whole reason why pretty boys are a Big Thing of mine. And wait omg Shigure’s first appearance?! Like, that’s probably why dudes with glasses are also My Thing wow I just blew my own mind but moving on
Fun fact I couldn’t choose between Kyoru or Yukiru bc they were both cute (present me@young me: u will realize eventually grasshopper) but I was 100% cool with Kyoru happening because of course then I could be with Yuki. Cue me dabbling in a few paragraphs of self-insert fic.
uh lemme cut this it’s becoming a novel
Random things (this whole thing is random wtf):
I was blessed enough to get my hands on the entire Tokyopop run, plus the fanbooks!!! before they shut down. I’ve been warring with myself for ages over whether to start collecting the Yen Press specials but. my resolve is weakening. I also have all of Takaya-sensei’s other stuff yeet (Phantom Dreams, Those with Wings, Songs to Make You Smile) except for Twinkle Stars which I’m def gonna get and OBVIOUSLY THE INSTANT FURUBA ANOTHER COMES OUT IM GRAB meanwhile if I remember to check out the scans
been a while since I reread it(it’ll be my third one~) but off the top of my head some favorite arcs etc are: obviously the major one at the end of vol 6. The Red Cap. Hatori and Kana (RIP ME) The Summerhouse (Jason the bear jfc). Akito’s reveal. Kyoko and Katsuya’s entire thing obviously (EXTRA RIP ME I’m crying just thinking about it). “The plum on your back” scenes. Kyo and Kyoko. THAT FIRST NEW YEAR’S WHEN YUKI AND KYO RACE BACK TO THE MAIN HOUSE BECAUSEtheir girlfriend MY DAUGHTER IS SAD AND LONELY AND THEY MAKE WISHES ON THE ROOF heck me upppp– also literally all roof scenes (karate kid Tohrutm) BUT THAT ONE HHGBNCCSV!!! Also my fav episode along with the AU-ish final 2.
Furuba fandom is my biggest fleet of ships by far which is hilarious bc I have a lot of fandoms and a lot of ships and you can see them bc i’m a derp but since nobody looks at that and nobody will read this (?) I’ma talk about them here. I DO WANT I WANT YO
but seriously I support
literally all the canon ships except HanaxShishou, pardon me Takaya-sensei but why. Wtaf.
a metric fuckton of non-canon ships bc of COURSE I DO
my low-key ships include
MomijixKagura. pairing the spares if you will XD
RinxTohru. yes I have bi Tohru headcanons mmkay
Future!Kisa/Tohru (blame this fic)
YukixHana. all symmetrical-like (but wow i forgot i highkey shipped it for a while until…)
GurexAaya. like, come on. Also poly Mabudachi Trio
MomijixTohru. they’re super hecking cute ok, edging into high-key
my high-key ships include
HanaxUo. ok this??? is a big OTP, and 99% why I’m hella salty over HanaxShishou (at least KurenoxUo had an actual subplot!!). They are Tohru’s adoptive moms and I will forever protec (and yet. HanaxTohru and girls OT3 are also Good Ships but tbh super low-key) also I MADE SOMEONE SHIP IT
YukixTohru. see the start of this post way up there somewhere
KyoxYuki. my first rivalshiptm
HaruxYuki. “He was my first love” one cannot simply– have a character say this and not expect fans to ship. Also bi Haru is canon. lotta bi folks up in here imo
But my flagship, my OTP to end all OTPs and my polyship to end all polyships in any fandom is the SS Yukyoru. KyoxTohruxYuki.
I’ve had polyship predilections for 6-7 years now, though it’s more recent I’ve started polyshipping every love triangle i encounter bc I‘m so done with them… there wasn’t really any lightning-bolt moment when I realized I shipped them much more together rather than apart. but like, I ship all three permutations so at some point my brain went HERE’S AN IDEA which tbh is how a lot of my polyships happen, i mainly have OT3s (if I ship 2 outta 3 there’s a good chance ima poly it)
but anyway! there’s absolutely no way to convey how much I adore this ship and IT’S A HUGE EMPTY YACHT I NEED CREW MEMBERS PLZ
I am building it up one fic at a time and if you’ve made it this far and have any interest at all plz read my shit and general Furuba screaming is appreciated as well of course!!! (also look at the most beautiful piece of fanart ever)
More fic! have my mixed bag of bookmarks (Sure For The Axis is my absolute fav, 2nd is Little Prayer) u can also find my Yukyoru stuff on AO3 ehehe~ and oh look HanaxUo!
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darlingthebaka · 7 years
Fandom Favorite
Rules: Choose any three favourite fandoms(in random order) and answer the questions. Then tag some friends.
Tagged by both @artistefish​ and @danaty-consolation​
Thank you both for tagging me! Now let’s begin cause hooo boy!
My favs: Urusei Yatsura, Ranma 1/2, Rinne
The first character I loved:-
1. LUM! She was crazy at first, yeah, but that’s what I liked about her! Plus her shenanigans with Ataru and Shinobu in the beginning were just too funny. But omggg when her personality changed I was like YES! She’s so pure and cute, but she still can act like her old self sometimes, which is fine by me OHO.
2.RANMA SAOTOME. LIKE??? WHEN HE WALKED IN THE ROOM I JUST KNEW HE WAS GONNA BE MY FAVE.  He is just a pure cinnamon roll. Ok sometimes he can be a jerk, but I love him ok? I felt so bad for him when Akane cancelled their friendship in the first chapter/episode after she found out about his curse. Like HOW DARE??? Also, I like how awkward and shy he can get despite being this great martial artist! He’s so cute like ahhhhh! Honestly, I just love his heart of gold and his willingness to help anyone in need. ALSO CAT RANMA IS A CUTIE!!!
3. RINNE! There was just something about this mysterious red-haired boy that made me like him the most in the first chapter/episode of the series. I know! HE’S SO CHILL!!! Yeah, unlike his predecessors, Rinne is so damn chill in the beginning. Plus he respects Sakura the moment he meets her like asdfghjkl!
The characters I never expected to love so much:-
1. ATARU MOROBOSHI- *cRACKS KNUCKLES* I hated this goof ball so much in the beginning, but after episode 44, HO-HO- HOLY SHIT NEW FAVE. I mean Ataru was growing on me after the famous Christmas eve episode and the Imo-chan episode, but episode 44 just changed my entire perspective of him! It showed me a side to him that was compassionate and can very well be hurt. Not gonna lie, the first time I watched that episode I was crying with Ataru when he was on the ground crying cause omg???? NO DON’T YOU CRY! You’re supposed to be the COMEDIC RELIEFFFF.  Before I knew it I was calling him my son lol. Anyone who has followed me for at least a year can tell that I love this idiot so much.
2. AKANE! She honestly frustrated me so much in the beginning. How dare you cancel a friendship with Ranma because he’s not a girl asdfg-. But after a couple of episodes/chapters I began to warm up to her. Especially once she got over her “I hate men” complex. She’s so sweet and kind, but will beat the crap out of anyone who messes with her!  My bad ass martial arts girl!
3. SABATO- Frick. HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO YOUR SON!?  Yeah, he’s an ass, but HOLY HELL HE’S HILARIOUS! I couldn’t help but love him. Everytime he returns I get so happy...and then I feel bad cause that means Rinne is about to suffer ;w;
The character I relate to the most:-
1. Hmmmmmm. Ataru? IM NOT A PERVERT THO! I have the worse luck sometimes, plus I take things for granted just like him. I also relate to the fact that I’m really lonely when I’m not around the people I love. Although in Ataru’s case it’s just one person.(Lum e.e) On the plus side, I can be funny and have sarcastic humor. I am also low-key intelligent. The only thing I wish I had in common was not die if I was struck by lightning. Ataru you lucky bastard.
2. RYOGA- I have A HORRIBLE SENSE OF DIRECTION! And also I can get lonely too as stated before.
3. Rinne- I’m poor and whenever I get money it just goes away so quickly so VERY RELATABLE CHARACTER.
A character I liked at first but not so much anymore:-
1. NO ONE lol
2. Shampoo- Cause at first she reminded me of Lum then it got to the point where I just found her kind of annoying??? I like her more in the anime tho.
3. Everyone in Rinne makes me laugh so once again no one.
A character I did not like at first but they have grown on you (By a lot)
1. Mendou- RICH KID WHO THINKS HE’S BETTER THAN EVERYONE is actually just rich Ataru. I hated him because he was just soooo annoying. He also tried to kill Ataru in the beginning. I didn’t like Ataru during Mendou’s introduction, BUT YOU CAN’T KILL HIM MENDOU! I began to like Mendou more  because throughout the series you can actually see that he starts to care more about the people around him, INCLUDING ATARU fite meeee. He still can be a douche sometimes ofc.
2. Ouo No one...surprisingly.
3. Sakura- Ok so when I first got into Rinne I was one of the fans who hated how seemingly unemotional she was. Plus I low-key hated the fact that she wasn’t like her predecessors. But once I had gotten over that and the anime had kicked off she started growing on me. ESPECIALLY since now that I can hear her speak, I can see that she’s more chill than unemotional. Also her personality adds to the comedy of Rinne!
Three OTPS!:
1. Do I even- ok... ATARU X LUM! THE GROWTH BETWEEN THESE TWO STILL ASTOUNDS ME 5.YEARS. LATER AFTER COMPLETING THIS SERIES! Honestly, their relationship still has me shook to this day.  Like I could watch an early Ataru X Lum episode and then a latter one and it’s so obvious how much they have grown. Their relationship went from dysfunctional to a pure domestic relationship. Like I just get so happy cause in the latter half of the series Ataru and Lum can just chill together and be at ease with each other. Until Asshole Moroboshi flirts e.e That aside, I also like how when they have an argument you can actually see the hurt it causes them both. Especially Ataru since like before he met Lum I’m 99% sure he was a lonely kid. Sure he had Shinobu, but like she didn’t live with him. And if I had a mom who told me she wished I wasn’t born CONSTANTLY I’d be hella depressed. OK OK I’m done. OTP FOR LYFE! 
Shinobu/Inaba- THEY ARE SO CUTE TOGETHER! I’m low-key pissed that the flower arc from the manga didn’t get animated tho...It was so important ;w;
And finally in an au where Lum doesn’t exist or come to earth or something.... Ataru x Mendou ouo’’ Don’t kill me. Not gonna lie...artists on pixiv made me ship this...PLUS EPISODE 131 WAS HELLA GAY FITE ME. And then they were other moments in the series that made me think they’d be a good couple lol.
2. WITHOUT WORDS! YOUR HAND IN MINE’S ENOUGH!! ;W;!! RanmaXAkane! Ahhhhh! These two are my babies! They have honestly been through so much together! Their relationship is hella better in the manga though. I cried during some arcs like holy shit.
Don’t kill me pt2...
Ranma x Ryoga: So that fishing rod arc aha AHAHAHAHA. Plus the fan art on tumblr made me ship them even harder lol. 
3. Ghost hunters I MEAN RINSAKU! Honestly, my heart just flutters whenever Rinne acts all lovey dovey around Sakura. She honestly brings out the best in him. Rumiko....you better give them a happy ending like their predecessors e.e
Matsugo x Rinne: PLEASE, THEY ARE SO CUTE??? When I watched Matsugo’s introductory episode I was just making inhuman noises THE ENTIRE TIME. If Rinne hadn’t met Sakura these two would be hitting it off right after the reunion tbfh. I honestly wish there was more content for this ship???
Sabato x Money: :^) 
THANKS FOR TAGGING MEH. ouo’’ sorry if I got too excited with some of these. 
Tagging: @hibikiryouga @lamupika @sobtektor @milkychew @tomobiki
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