#but this is a fictional teenager FINALLY lashing out some shit is bound to go wrong)
grapejuicegay · 2 years
There’s a lot of stuff in this show that is obvious in hindsight through context clues which starts to make sense after we get the added context.
One major one would be Akk and Ayan’s first conversation in the teachers’ bathroom. The tension there makes a lot more sense when you know that Akk knows Ayan just saw him set off the car.
But we also have a lot of context that a lot of characters don’t have. Here are a few examples:
Thua doesn’t know that Wat has been watching Kan look at him for a while now. Thua didn’t see the look of devastation of Kan’s face when he was talking to Ayan.
Wat was the only one who noticed Akk was trying to side with Waree in the class to try and settle things. Most people do still think Akk is just a suck up
Almost nobody has seen Namo be shady
To date nobody knows why Kan was late to class because he got in a fight
Nobody knows Wat is making a short film 
Kan knows about Akk and Ayan but Wat and Akk don’t know about Kan and Thua
Wat doesn’t know about Akk and Ayan - not really
Nobody outside Chadok’s office knows that Dika is dead 
Thua took over the curse from Akk very quicky - there wasn’t a lot of downtime between those two events. Even for people looking into who is behind it, it’s the same person. That’s why even though Akk almost set the school on fire it seems like escalation because he didn’t, and the banner was more drastic and public than throwing paint on the posters.
And in that same vein, Thua never knew that Akk was being brainwashed, or that he had decided to stop the curse, or that he had changed his position and beliefs. For the most part, if anyone knew that outside of Ayan or Wat or Kan, it was The World Remembers because Akk quietly apologised to them the last time he took their things - it was the most he could do.
Thua had no way of knowing. From his perspective, it was all still going.
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