#but they couldn’t get divorced immediately bc of financial instability
daydadahlias · 11 months
Does the pandemic exist in MiM? Like, when Ashton had thought Trina was pregnant, was COVID-19 going around?
yes! they would be quarantining and, because of isolation, they were able to finally talk about their plans without outside pressure, so they started discussing their divorce and Trina started talking online to the woman that is currently her girlfriend
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commaclear · 2 years
So…. Quackity is going through a midlife crisis while in his late twenties. Good for him. Get it homeslice. Living his best (worst) life.
Shit has hit the fan, flung out and covered the walls, but that’s okay bc it’s stopped right? We can safely wipe the shit off the walls. NO ACTUALLY. NO WE FUCKING CANT. If any of you fruits believe it’s only gonna get better oh you are so wrong.
There is a pattern going on here. The pattern of when Quackity is going through it, he doesn’t talk about it so instead he copes by cutting ties with the people who want to be there for him. Quackity feels like the type of guy to ghost his therapist instead of slowly spacing out appointments excluding the fact you’d have to tie that fucker up to get him to go in the first place. When Quackity first left Wilbur it was bc he was going through a crisis. And in his opinion it was worse for Wilbur bc Wilbur had barely been getting by and relying so heavily on Q for any form of worth or motivation. So if Quackity couldn’t even give that full on love back he felt like the only option left was to leave bc Wil would get over it eventually, right?
Now it’s the same shit with Karl and Sap. He feels like he can’t handle that marriage anymore. He can’t help them bc he can’t even help himself and he isn’t sure of his feelings. Quackity’s runs on impulsivity and wanting the immediate result and the only way to get an immediate result in this situation is to go full on 100% marriage ending.
Whenever I’ve been stuck in the gray space of romance, I instantly go to I must leave this bc it can’t work if I’m questioning it and I feel like Quackity thinks that too. If he can’t give them his all then they can’t have any.
So what happens when mid divorce, Quackity feels like he’s dragging Wilbur down and he decides maybe this isn’t good for Wilbur anymore? Is he just gonna suppress it for a month or two before dumping it at the wrong time? Is he gonna find an old connection and accidentally get too invested? Is he gonna throw himself into his work until he is back to living in hotels and his boyfriend becomes a weekend long panic attack that’s dreaded?
The difference now is that Wilbur is willing to do whatever it takes. 19 year old Wilbur didn’t have the financial means or emotional instability to go to hell and back to salvage a tattered and torn relationship. This Wilbur does. This Wilbur has the money to decide to travel with Quackity and surprise him with little gifts when he’s down and take him out to a nice meal. This Wilbur has been through so many break ups that he knows how to beg and pull the strings so that his partner won’t leave bc Wilbur can’t handle it if someone else, Q of all people, leave again.
I think the line “some of the best liars only want the truth” goes along with things like manipulation. Wilbur was manipulated so much that he manipulates the others around him in self defense. He doesn’t want to, he in fact feels very bad about it. But he is a very co dependant person.
I also feel like they are going to fight. A lot. There going to be a lot of nights where Wilbur is crying tears while throwing the closest object as close to Q’s head as he can because he’s been staying out awfully late. There’s going to be a lot of Quackity packing a bag to stay at a friends house bc Wilbur kept pushing his limits on helping Quackity with feelings. There’s going to be a lot of “maybe we shouldn’t have”s thrown at each other after a stupid disagreement.
Especially in a relationship built of adultery.
They both actively have cheated on people and they themselves cheated on Quackity’s exes together. For all Wilbur knows, Quackity got tired of his nagging and is fucking his ex husbands while staying late at work. For all Quackity knows, Wilbur could upset and trying to have sex with another one of his coworkers.
They won’t break up tho. Bc they had to sacrifice so much to get there. They are both codependent. They are like those teenagers who FaceTime their partners all day even if they aren’t talking. They have been through so much in this process that it doesn’t even matter anymore.
Anyways. I’m very sleepy now so goodnight. This is definitely unorganized as shit bc I haven’t analyzed anything since Ch 20 I think.
-the bitch that never shuts up. (The Quackity analysis anon. YOOOO IM BACK)
so basically you're saying they've set themselves up for pain here no matter what with this relationship
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