#but theres still that aspect of whimsy.....
lokh · 9 months
rogue of time would also be an interesting typing.....
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aemiron-main · 1 year
Every time im forced to see something from rings of power it take 10 years off my life. How do you have a massive amazon budget and yet also absolutely atrocious hairstyling choices & a gil galad fit that look like it’s from party city. all of the promo posters etc all look boring as fuck too.
do not lump me in with racist rightwingers who are mad about the diversity in the show, i love the diversity aspect, it’s somehing i want in more tolkien adaptations (i feel like a lot of ppl forget that sam’s skin was described as being tan/darker) but lets be honest the show is a dumpster fire & the disappointment of the century for me <<///33 theres some visual cgi landscape stuff that looks rlly nice but in generally it just looks and FEELS extremely corporate and hollow and soulless. Where is the whimsy. Where is the charm.WHERE IS IT!!!! Its like game of thrones fucked a marvel movie over here!!! In the worst possible way!!!
Like HOW do you have such great source material, so much funding, basically a GUARANTEED audience because it’s tolkien, and yet still manage to make an absolutely soulless wet cardboard box of a show????? It looks like shit it feels like shit and its so disheartening to know that it could have been AMAZING
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bigbadwolf-16 · 3 years
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OKAY since this is ghost appreciation day i thought id talk about my guardians ghosts since theyre all extremely good and baby, starting with my absolute most darlingest baby girl
serenity, or little red hides-in-wolf’s-hood. she’s wolf-16′s ghost and very femme, very giggly, just kind of has that rambunctious and sassy girl next door personality. her voice is kind of tomboyish and scratchy, like a chronic vocal fry, and it shows a lot when she gets excited or upset. i guess kinda sorta like samantha from the movie her. she’s very sweet and has been the one thing keeping wolf on track and away from going rogue and just kind of abandoning being a guardian when he feels like he cant handle it anymore. even though he takes that duty seriously, it doesnt show until something’s really put the heat on him, and hes already a little wayward and easily distracted by dangerous adventures. she helps him focus, being pretty single-minded herself, and she always knows how to cheer him up when he gets into one of his cynical moods or the pressure of being a system-famous god-killer is a little too much.
(she also somehow manages to keep his mouth under control even though shes the last one to scold somebody for it)
she’s been by his side through six resets, and she has the protocol down to such a science they hardly skipped a beat on the last two, tho the 16th was especially difficult for them both since it immediately followed the lunar incident. her second shell was destroyed by wolf and it scared the hell out of everyone, of course. she doesn’t hold it against him, tho, and if anything its made her More Aware of when he starts showing signs of a potential reset. he’s kind of messy in all aspects, but especially wrt mental health bc he just does not know how self-care works. he has to go gO GO GO all the time and she’s the one who always knows when its time to slow down and just rest, so in many ways she’s kind of the perfect foil.
wolf has a hard time making friends, but he definitely considers serenity his best friend and he’d never say it out loud but she’s kind of his platonic soulmate. shes the one person he doesn’t (and can’t) really keep secrets from, and there’s definitely been a few times in the past she’s used her intimate knowledge for evil; she tried to set him up with cayde a few times, and she is definitely not shy about outing his little crushes on the people he meets which is embarrassing for wolf but a lot of fun for her. things got very interesting with lord shaxx after she told him about some of the raunchy things wolf has said about him.
fun facts: in all the time theyve been together, shes never actually gotten a red shell. wolf just came up with the bit because little red riding hood and the big bad wolf. shes very picky about them and they arent city-side often enough to really shop around. that being said, wolf does have a few shells stowed on his ship for her to go between at her whimsy and her favorites tend to be the wisteria orbit and stardevil. wolf keeps them for her to change “outfits” as she pleases but also because he’s worried, lowkey, about breaking her shell again somehow.
she really likes music and cant sit still when its playing. she and wolf will both bop around when theres a good jam going, and when hes having a tough time or nightmares, she likes to nestle into his hood or on his chest and sing for him. sometimes he sings with her.
when they were hunting uldren and his goons, serenity stuck by wolf completely and supported his revenge plot. it didnt really occur to her until later just how messy things were going to get, and seeing her guardian go all blood-thirsty out of grief made her more vigilant, especially once stasis came into play. exos and spoilers. if u kno u kno.
she keeps in touch with meeko and ekko, amelia-9 and atticus’s ghosts, and shes still friends with them even though meeko is a bit harder to keep a conversation with. she gets updates on their guardians so that she knows what to tell wolf if he prompts her for it, but she’s stopped trying to get the gang back together. talking to amelia and atticus kind of bums her out.
ive probably forgotten some lore, but if u wanna know more about her feel free to ask anything!
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