#but the speedrun did have it's merits. felt like injecting fandom heroin for a week straight so that was fun
ladyluscinia · 1 year
My November 5th experience was being completely unplugged from basically all social media - I was tracking the election through AP News - and not watching Supernatural live because I had it slated to binge over Christmas break. I was diligently avoiding spoilers. None of my friends were spn fans. No one I knew would have had that episode on.
And yet.
I still heard the barest of whispers. Half caught glimpses of recommended entertainment headlines. Did... Did Destiel go canon in S15??? No. It's just clickbait. They would never. I am not falling for a bunch of shippers overhyping another plausibly deniable bro bonding quote no matter how much soft romantic lighting the crew slipped into it. Yeah, the Destiel queerbaiting, we've all seen it. It's not special anymore.
And then a concentrated blast of ALL those emotions + the next month of reactions + the goddamn finale fucking steamrolled me in early December 😃😃😃
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