#but the only zen I'm experiencing is being zend to the floor if I'm not careful
spoonyglitteraunt · 1 year
Real question, do any of you get tired from going in the shower? Not like oh I had a long day this is just one thing too many today, tired. But I am moderately ok going in, but the second I get out, bam gone are all the spoons.
See I live with people who think taking a shower is refreshing. May in fact boost their energy levels. For me however it’s instant loss of all energy for the day. No matter if I just got out of bed or not.
I don’t know what exactly does it either. Is it the movement, the stretching? It could be I suppose, although you’d expect a more gradual decline. Or if it is my body’s usual way of just going all soufflé as soon as we are done, you’d expect it to hit when you go sit down. But nope. The second I step out of the shower it’s like, I need to sit down or I’m going to be lying down in 0.2 seconds flat.
I’ve considered it might have something to down with the temperature shift, but idk. What I do know is that it’s exhausting and annoying. And I’d like to know if it’s just me.
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