#but the horror of them showing up in my following tab....unmatched
xmcu-fietro · 2 years
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the x-men splitting in Cuba hit Charles the hardest. He was a shell of himself; he blamed himself for his friends, even Raven his sister, leaving him. He swore off teaching forever, going down the dark, dreary path of selling ball razors. 
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yulnabi · 6 years
Chuvash Saga [IC]
Letter to Grand Duchess Yuliya Kardasheva from Princess Elmira Kardasheva
08.03.2258 [2258 After creation of the Chuvash People’s Republic in Novi Cheboksary]
 Her Most Holy Grand Duchess, Voice of Lady Inanna, Mother and Savior of the Chuvash People, wise leader of the Chuvash People’s Republic.  I plead that you listen to you most humble daughters request, and consider my reasoning for asking you, most wise of rulers, to take the following step.
 For centuries, we have embraced a policy of peace.  It is not just in our nature, but the wish of the most beautiful of goddesses, Lady Inanna, that we do so.  However, we must not let our desire for peace blind us to the horrors that surround us.
 Over the last 260 years, we have been able to leave the confines of our ring world and once again become a space-faring civilization.  Our numbers have grown to unimaginable levels. We have a relatively small, but very congested interstellar empire.  Most importantly, we have avoided the evils of war to achieve this.
 On the technological level, we are the most advanced of the young empires.  Our technological edge has made our rising nation the envy of the galaxy.  
 In the Peskova System, we have finished the construction of a Matrioshka Brain.  That technological marble is capable of hosting six virtual worlds, where up to 200 billion of our citizens can upload their minds into vast and idealized simulated worlds.  The only limit once there, is their imagination!
We have built a massive stellar Industrial Complex in the Ksenia Aleksandrova System.  It alone produces more energy, food, and minerals than many of the interstellar empires.  It is worked entirely by artificial intelligence, and though impressive, it is but a very small part of our massive economy.
 The SSR Galina Rakhimova is a Dzyuba-class Avatar Ship.  If you were to decree it, it could use it’s massive laser sphere to destroy entire planets. It is also equipped with an Arc-en-Ciel Cannon, a machine that seals its target in a pocket dimension and then forces it to undergo a big crunch, erasing any trace that the target ever existed. It is also armed with a massive Arc Cannon, which is a lighting weapon that can penetrate any armor or shield with easy.  
 Our population has worked tirelessly to build 4 ring worlds.  The one in the Polyachihina System stands as our greatest achievement. It is made up of 4 rings that contain 32 habitable segments.  800 billion of our citizens call this single system home.  
 The Nikitchuk System is made up of 3 rings, made up of 18 habitable segments, and housing 450 billion citizens, over 200 billion of whom are Bashkir immigrants and their descendants. Next comes the Evtushenko System, which consists of 2 rings, 10 habitable segments, and houses 250 billion citizens. Finally, we recently finished construction of a 4-segment ring world in the Gerasimov System, but we have yet to settle there.
 Dear Mother, we have an unmatched economy, a population many times larger than the rest of the galaxy combined, technological levels that would allow us to use the entire energy output of the galaxy, and are in a federation with the strongest military power of the young nations—the Khanate of Bashkortostan.
 So why my letter?  I plead you don’t immediately disregard my request when you read it, and actually think over my arguments.
 Mother, I have come to the conclusion that we must invest in creating the largest, most powerful fleet in the galaxy.  Not for conquest, or for imposing our will on other empires.  We must maintain a commitment to peace.  But we cannot ignore threats to us, to decency, to life in the galaxy.
 The Canthari Empire are slaving despots.  The 94 billion Canthari have used their military might to capture and enslave primitive peoples incapable of actually defending themselves.  Currently, more than 4 billion Dabulan and 2 billion Qiramulan are slaves to the Canthari.  These were two civilizations who had just gained the ability to build nuclear weapons, and were taking the first steps to venturing out into space.  Their whole existence changed when their planets were invaded by the Canthari and their people enslaved.  
 An even bigger threat to peace and security of the galaxy are the Qvefoz Horde.  These creatures are a devouring swarm, whose sole reason for existing is to conquer other peoples so they can eat them.  They care little if those they consume as food are sentient or not.  Unlike the Canthari, who enslave their enemies, the Qvefoz eat them.  They have wiped out at least three pre-ftl species, having eaten billions of them.  They control 9 planets and keep expanding.  
 Mother, I understand that war is evil, that it should be a last resource.  However, how can we sit idly by while these two monstrous civilizations run amok in the galaxy?  If we have the capacity and means to stop them, and we chose not to, are we not as evil as they are?  The deaths of their victims are in our hands!  Those whom they have murdered, enslaved, and consumed could have been saved by us, but instead we chose inaction.  Their tragic end rests in our conscience.  I do not know how you can sleep knowing we could have saved them, how we still can save those 6 billion enslaved by the Canthari, yet we chose not to help them.
 I plead not as a politician, but as a daughter.  I love and respect you, dear mother, but how can I maintain such feelings if you chose to remain passive while tragedies are brought upon untold billions?  How can I pray to Lady Inanna, Goddess of Love and Beauty, when we sit in our ivory towers while evil runs amok, spilling the blood of innocents and defenseless?  
 On 07.04.2246, more than two decades ago, our ships encountered a star system very similar to that from where we hail.  Not Novi Cheboksary, but the sun.  The third planet in that system we discovered was a continental world, inhabited by humanoids not unlike us, but at a much lower level of development.  These humanoids numbered around 7 billion and were merely entering an industrial age, where most of their factories ran on coal. Like our original planet, Earth, the humanoids in this planet were divided into many different nations, often at war with each other.  Since it was so similar to our home system, we named that system Sol, and the planet Sol III.  We called the humanoids there humans, as they resemble at an earlier stage of our evolution.
 At the time you ordered the construction of an observation satellite over their world, to keep tabs on them.  We also adopted a policy of intense study of these creatures, often capturing a few specimens to test their biology, brain capacity, and development.  Like us, they were quick learners.  By 2251 they had managed to advance enough to split the atom, giving them the capacity to self-destruct if not closely monitored.  
 These ‘humans’ are a fascinating species.  They are like us more than 300,000 years ago.  It is almost like looking at our past, before we evolved into the Chuvash of today.  There is so much we can learn and I hope we can continue to study them.
 I bring them up because in the grand scheme of things, they are defenseless.  Their system borders the Canthari Empire, and the only thing standing between them and complete destruction is the starbase we built on their system.  If the Canthari were to ever attack, we’d be forced to defend ourselves, but that system is so far out, their entire civilization would be destroyed before we could lend aid.
 Mother, sometimes to maintain peace, it is necessary to show strength.  Sometimes, action must be taken against evil so that it does not dare spread its wings.  If we chose to remain passive, then the blood of the innocents is on our hands.  The Canthari and the Qvefoz have demonstrated they only understand one thing: force.
 As such, I as that you authorize the use of the Avatar planet destroyer ray, so that the galaxy will know what awaits those who threaten sentient life.  I also ask that you expand our fleet into several fleets that can fight on multiple fronts.  We must let those who seek to bring pain and destruction upon others, that they will be repaid in kind if they dare.
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