#but the hand tattoos and the grey sweater plus the way he's casually leaning/holding the smoke
teenwolf-theoriginals · 11 months
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carmy + 2.03
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shiftingdani · 6 years
Enchanted Needles // Danchel
Who: Dani Harper and Rachel Berry ( @alyricalberry )
When: 1/25/2018, afternoon
Where: NYADA, Divine Designs
What: Rachel and Dani stop by Kurt´s old work place to see if 
General Notes: Just Dani and Rachel doing their duties, and it might be a little gay at the end. Because everyone was talking about how pretty Rachel was and Dani couldn´t agree more.
Dani hadn´t really spent any time with Rachel lately. Things had been strange and there had been too many things happening, but she was glad the other woman was alright, physically at least. It was clear that they had to do something about Kurt, so when Rachel had texted her and asked about whether or not she wanted to come along to talk to Kurt´s employer Dani had been quick to agree. She was waiting outside Rachel´s building, hair a light blonde with pink tips, coat pulled tightly around her. It was freezing outside and the sky was hanging above like a grey mass, it fit Dani´s mood just right.
Rachel pulled on a sweater and a large coat. It was cold today, but she was determined to find something, anything, that would help them find Kurt, so she knew she needed to be prepared to endure the cold weather. She could always summon a little bit of fire if she needed, though. She was happy to be going out with Dani. It was nice to have a friend around in this kind of situation. Plus, Dani knew Kurt probably better than anyone on campus, so having her input was incredibly helpful. Rachel tried not to think about the fact that wherever Kurt was, he was probably alone and terrified. She went out to meet Dani and gave her a small smile. "Hey you. How are you doing?" she asked.
Dani wondered if Rachel really cared how she was doing or if it was just the thing you said once you´ve met up with someone. She pushed the thought away and offered the other woman a smile. "I´m as alright as one can be," she then answered diplomatically. "I´m glad you texted me though. I´ve been meaning to go to Kurt´s work place, but I didn´t want to go alone." Truth be told: She could have gone alone, but she´d rather have someone there, someone who knew more about magic than she did and Rachel seemed to be the right person for that. "Shall we?"
Rachel nodded. "I have to. I can't believe I didn't think of it sooner," she said. "Let's go," she said as she let Dani towards Divine Designs. "You knew Kurt before he came here, right? Did he have enemies? Anyone who would want to kidnap him?" she asked, keeping her voice low to not be overheard
Dani shrugged her shoulders as they walked. "We only met a couple of times," She then told Rachel. "And you know Kurt, he´s not someone who holds back with what he has to say or thinks, but I don´t think he had enemies. Not people who could do this to him." Besides, this had been happening to more people on Campus, they had disappeared and now they were declared dead. Dani had a bad feeling about this, something was off and even though she couldn´t put her finger on it, it rubbed her the wrong way.
Rachel nodded. "You're right. This has to be something else entirely. I kust wish we could figure out what it is," she sighed. She opened the door to Divine Designs and followed her in. She looked around for a second and then asked the girl at the register if Remy LeBeau was in. She nodded and disappeared to go get him. "So, do we just ask him if he's heard from Kurt? Or if he knows anything about why he disappeared?"
Dani stepped into the shop. It was so very Kurt like to work here and for a moment she had to stop and force herself to take a deep breath. She missed him. He was her only connection to her old life, the only person who understood what it felt like to just be thrown in here. "Yeah...let´s ask if he´s heard of him. I know people keep saying Kurt has run off, but he´d never just leave a job he likes without formally quitting. So unless he´s done that we know he hasn´t run away,"
Rachel unzipped her coat and nodded. "That's a good point," she said. Just then, Remy LeBeau stepped out and looked at the girls. "Hello! I hear you were looking for me. Are you here for a new wardrobe?" He asked, looking Rachel up and down. Rachel shifted uncomfortably, vut she was mostly used to Kurt's snips about her wardrobe that it didn't even affect her anymore. It did make her miss Kurt though. "Um, no. We're here to ask about one of your employees. Kurt Hummel? We think he's missing and we were wondering if you'd maybe heard from him?" She asked.
Dani the man´s expression darkened at Rachel´s question. "So I´ve heard." He then nodded. Dani had assumed he´d notice that Kurt was gone, but seeing his expression she assumed Kurt hadn´t just quit. Not that she hadn´t known that, but it made everything painfully more real. "Yes. We´ve been wondering if there´s anything you can tell us, really, anything could be helpful." She then added with a nod.
Rachel Remy LeBeau shook his head. "Well, I haven't seen him," he told the girls. "And he hasn't contacted me. He hasn't shown up for a couple of shifts so I just figured he was sick," he told them. "It's too bad, really. He's such a talented designer. He doesn't use magic either, believe it or not," he praised. Rachel nodded. "He is very talented. We're trying to find him. Will you let us know if you hear from him? I can leave you my phone number," Rachel said.
Dani held back a sigh at the man´s words. She knew it had been unlikely that he´d known anything about Kurt´s whereabouts, but she had still hoped to get anything useful out of him. "We will. He´s told me just how much he likes working here," Dani commented, offering the man a smile. She felt her stomach drop as she bit her lip then, glancing over at Rachel. "You don´t have a different way to contact him, do you?" She then tried. "I just know that he would often ignore calls from us, but he´d never miss a day of work."
Dani Remy looked at both the girls, nodding. "I highly doubt I´d be the first person he´d contact, but I might just be able to help you," He nodded, seeming t think some things over in his head. "I once gifted him a set of sewing needles. He was polite about them, though he didn´t like the fact that they were enchanted. They´s automatically point towards their owner." He smiled at the memory, his face brightening all of a sudden. "You know...I could make you another pair, if you have Kurt´s DNA, that is."
Rachel 's eyebrows shot up when Remy said he could make some sort of tracking needle that would point them to Kurt. "Oh my gosh, really?" she said. She looked to Dani. "I don't really have anything of his. Do you?" she asked.
Dani could feel her heart missing a beat at the new found information. The man had told them about it so casually, but for them it could have been the one piece of information that would help in finding Kurt. "No...but I know Marley took a hairbrush, we should text her!" Dani pulled out her phone. "How about I text her and you go and get it? That way we´ll be quicker!"
Rachel nodded at Dani's suggestion. "Yes, that sounds perfect," she said. "Thank you so much, Professor LeBeau. I'll be right back with something with Kurt's DNA on it. We really appreciate it," she said before taking off to Marley's dorm.
Rachel returned about twenty minutes later, Kurt's hairbrush clutched tightly in her hand. "Will this do?" she asked Remy.
Dani nodded as she watched Rachel take off. She could feel her skin tingling slightly, as if they were finally getting closer to where they needed to be to save Kurt. The man nodded as he went to go back about his business while Dani went to check out the store. Everything here seemed to remind her of Kurt and while she felt a tug on her stomach at that, she knew they were doing the right thing. When she saw Rachel approaching them through the window she went back to Mr. LeBeau. "She´s back!" Dani called and the man moved back out front, nodding as he took the brush from Rachel. "Yes, very good." He then muttered. "Just give me a minute." And with that he was gone. Dani turned back to Rachel, her lips curving into a smile. "This is it. I can feel it!" she told her. Dani took a deep breath as she leaned against the counter. "So...how have you been? We haven´t really talked,"
Rachel allowed herself a giddy grin when Remy went back to do his thing. She grinned at Dani. "Let's hope so, anyways. I do have a good feeling about it, though," she said. She leaned against the counter and bit her lip at Dani's question. She wasn't sure how to answer. She didn't really want to talk to anyone about the Asterismos thing going on. It was too complicated, and she didn't even know what to make of it. She just smiled. "I've been alright. Mostly just worried about Kurt," she said. "How about you? I like your hair today, by the way. It's really nice."
Dani offered Rachel a smile. "I´ve been...pretty awful." She then answered honestly. It probably wasn´t what Rachel wanted to hear, but if she had learned one thing with Kurt going missing it was that life was too short to bottle it all up. "But...it´s been getting better. Hey, you know what? I´ve got a familiar now." She had already taken off her coat, but now she peeled up her shirt to reveal the tattoo on her ribs. At Rachel´s compliment she smiled again. "Thank you. I usually like to put a touch of color in it. Brightens those awfully dark days."
Rachel reached over to squeeze Dani's arm. "I do understand that," she said. She smiled when she saw the tattoo on Dani's ribs. "Dani! No way! Congratulations! Have you named them yet?" she asked. "I can't wait to get my familiar. I'm sad it's taken me so long. I wonder what it'll be..."
Dani glanced down at where Rachel was squeezing her arm and she smiled. It felt good to open up to her, even if it was just a little bit. "Well he´s a sassy orange cat, so I´ve naturally named him Fiyero," She replied with a laugh. "I´m sure you´ll get something really cool. And graceful. Marley said hers in a bird, which I find really fitting." It only took another moment for Mr. LeBeau to return with two sewing needles, which he had placed in a small box. "Here you go, girls." He nodded. "Normally I´d have to charge you for these," He then added, "But since this is to find Kurt I´ll make an exception."
Rachel gave a bright smile when Dani told her her familiar's name. "Fiyero! I love that! Wicked is one of my favourite shows!" she said "Poppy is so cute. I'd be lucky to get a lovely familiar like Marley's," she told her. She took the box from Professor LeBeau and ran a hand over it. "Thank you. We really appreciate this. Kurt will be back with us in no time, I know it."
Dani smiled, glad that someone had recognized her Wicked reference. She hadn't doubted that Rachel would though. “I love it too. Maybe we could go see it some time?” She suggested, watching as Rachel took the box. Dani felt a twinge of excitement, they were definitely on the right track! “Alright, come on,” she turned to the Professor, thanking him, before slipping her coat back on and offering her arm to Rachel.
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jawblade-a-blog · 7 years
REALLY  LONG  CHARACTER  SURVEY.   RULES.  repost ,   don’t  reblog  !    tag  10  ! good  luck  !   TAGGED.  by myself   TAGGING.  all y’all lovely people GIMME YOUR IN DEPTH CHARACTER HEADCANONS
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FULL  NAME :   Takashi Shirogane ( 白銀隆 ) NICKNAME :   Shiro AGE :  25 BIRTHDAY :   October 21st ETHNIC  GROUP :  Japanese NATIONALITY :   Japanese-American LANGUAGE / S : English, Japanese, bits of Altean and Galran SEXUAL  ORIENTATION :  asexual ROMANTIC  ORIENTATION :  aromantic RELATIONSHIP  STATUS :   single HOME  TOWN / AREA :  Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture, Honshu, Japan CURRENT  HOME :   Castle of Lions PROFESSION :  Black Paladin, leader of Team Voltron
HAIR: deep black and cut short, the sides and back of his head shaved into an undercut. one long patch is left at the front, a forelock that hangs down over his forehead, reaching down just shy of his eyes. while this forelock used to be the same black as the rest of his hair, it’s now white, the colour lost under the severe stress he faced in Galra captivity. EYES :   a dark grey in colour, sometimes looking from a distance to be a deep brown or black. long eyelashes. FACE :  strong, sharp jawline, high cheekbones, long and straight nose, thick eyebrows. LIPS :   average, perhaps leaning on the thin side – often quite dry or cracked. COMPLEXION :  pale, but in a sickly, unnaturally caused kind of way, caused by complete lack of sunlight and possibly other events from his time in captivity. eyes often have dark circles beneath them. BLEMISHES :   none SCARS :  most notably, the lateral scar running across his nose, gained in a gladiator battle. the rest of his body is littered with scars, of all different varieties. large, jagged gashes, thin but deep lines, claw marks, sword slices, burns – just about anything you can think of. the placings are all very random, all clearly gained from battle, some overlapping. none of it is a pretty nor attractive sight, one of the many reasons he always has so much of his body covered. as well, there is a great deal of scarring on the bicep of his right arm, where skin meets the metal of his prosthetic. TATTOOS :  none HEIGHT :   6′2″ WEIGHT :   182 lbs. BUILD :   muscular and fit. chest and arms particularly toned, though his legs aren’t lacking in muscle mass. FEATURES :   Galran cybernetic prosthetic arm. ALLERGIES :   none, as far as he’s aware. USUAL  HAIR  STYLE :  kind of just how he wakes up. the only hair he really has that can be styled is his forelock, which is generally left alone. USUAL  FACE  LOOK :   clean-shaven. USUAL  CLOTHING :   not a lot of clothing variety in the middle of space. outside of his armour and his usual outfit though, he’d stick to long sleeves. lots of sweaters or shirts with long sleeves. his style always used to be very casual and comfortable.
FEAR / S :   loss of those he cares for. isolation. captivity. the possibility that he might not be a good person, that he’s every bit a monster that the Galra are with everything he’s done and is capable of doing. loss of control. panic attacks. flashbacks. ASPIRATION / S :   defeat Zarkon and free those who have been under his control or enslaved by him. keep the other paladins as innocent as he can/they should be at their ages. keep the other paladins alive and get them all home safely. find and save matt and commander holt. work with keith to develop and show him his capabilities. POSITIVE  TRAITS :   loyal | supportive | patient | reliable | practical | observant | compassionate NEGATIVE  TRAITS :   represses feelings | paranoid | pessimistic | solemn | on occasion can let emotion direct him to reckless action | self-sacrificing MBTI :   DEFENDER ( ISFJ-A ) ZODIAC :   libra TEMPEREMENT :   melancholic SOUL  TYPE / S :    leader, helper, caregiver ANIMALS :   sable VICE  HABIT / S :    jaw clenching, finger tapping, biting the inside of his lip/cheek FAITH :  none GHOSTS ? :   doesn’t believe AFTERLIFE ? :   doesn’t believe REINCARNATION ? :   doesn’t believe ALIENS ? :   i mean. he wishes they weren’t real sometimes. POLITICAL  ALIGNMENT :  vol…tron?? whatever being against zarkon is. EDUCATION  LEVEL :    high. graduated the Galaxy Garrison at the top of his class.
FATHER :    doesn’t really remember or know much about him MOTHER :    deceased. SIBLINGS :   Keith Kogane, adopted brother EXTENDED  FAMILY :   n/a. NAME  MEANING / S :    隆 ( takashi ), meaning “noble, prosperous”;  白銀 ( shirogane ), meaning “silver” HISTORICAL  CONNECTION ? :   n/a.
BOOK :  a brief history of time by stephen hawking MOVIE :   n/a – he needs to pick a new one because all his old favourites are sci-fi and those are a lot less fun after you’ve lived it. 5  SONGS :  n/a ( forgive me, i’ve not settled on his favourite music yet ) DEITY :   n/a HOLIDAY :   new years MONTH :   september SEASON :   autumn PLACE :    his home – the one where he grew up and lived with his mom after moving from japan when he was very young. the home where he watched Keith grow up. WEATHER :   cool, but not cold. sunny, but with clouds in the sky and the chance of rain. SOUND :   wind blowing past leaves in the trees SCENT / S :    rain, freshly dried laundry, mom’s tonkatsu TASTE / S :    subtle flavours, most things fruity FEEL / S :   anything that isn’t metal. soft, anything that screams ‘comfort’ ANIMAL / S :    wolves NUMBER :  11 – his favourite time is 11:11 COLORS :   he’s been rethinking these, since a lot of his favourites now remind him of not so pleasant things these days.
TALENTS :  leadership, knowing the right thing to say in most circumstances, combat – particularly hand to hand, picking up on and memorizing patterns, improvising, observation – particularly of people and their behaviours, ticks, etc. BAD  AT :  handling his own emotions, seeing his own value TURN  ONS :   n/a TURN  OFFS :   n/a HOBBIES :    exercising, sparring, reading, distracting himself from his thoughts and anxieties, avoiding sleep, spending time with those he cares about, cuddling TROPES :   Broken Ace, Awesome by Analysis, Team Dad, I Am a Monster, 100% Adoration Rating, Not So Above it All QUOTES :     “ If you get too worried about what could go wrong, you might miss a chance to do something great. ” “ Patience yields focus. ”
Q1 :   if  you  could  write  your  character  your  way  in  their  own  movie ,   what  would  it  be  called ,  what  style  would  it  be  filmed  in ,  and  what  would  it  be  about ?           A1 :   uhhh i mean, since he’s a very main character, i get quite a bit of what i want from canon ngl. buuuut i’d love some full backstory of his life prior to kerberos, plus everything that happened while the galra had him prisoner. Q2 :   what  would  their  soundtrack / score  sound  like ?           A2 :   oh god, idk. music with deep, heavy lyrics, but ultimately with optimistic messages? Q3 :   why  did  you  start  writing  this  character ?           A3 :    okay so i’m a big red vs. blue fan, and i was seeing all kinds of people talking on tumblr about how shiro is so much like wash, who happens to be my favourite character and my biggest, oldest muse. finally caved and watch voltron, and… shiro ticks like, all of my boxes for a favourite character + character i can relate to on some levels. he’s complex, he’s broken, he struggles a lot internally but holds it together and helps others, he’s team dad, he’s self-sacrificing… i could go on, i really could. Q4 :   what  first  attracted  you  to  this  character ?           A4 :   oh. uhm. see the answer above. i heard he was v much like wash except more chill and much less jaded, and also who could escape hearing him referred to as ‘space dad’. i’m weak for space/team dads. Q5 :   describe  the  biggest  thing  you  dislike  about  your  muse.           A5 :   holy shit nothing. i love him and his strengths and his flaws. Q6 :   what  do  you  have  in  common  with  your  muse ?           A6 :   mm… we both believe more in others than ourselves, both v supportive of those we care about… there may be more??? but those stick out to me the most. Q7 :   how  does  your  muse  feel  about  you ?           A7 :   “Please stop playing on my fears” basically Q8 :   what  characters  does  your  muse  have  interesting  interactions  with ?         A8 :    everyone??? i love getting to explore the older brother/dad dynamic he has with the rest of the paladins, and how it differs between the four. also love the dynamic between enemies, particularly those who put him on edge, or worse. Q9 :   what  gives  you  inspiration  to  write  your  muse ?         A9 :    honestly i tend to wake up with inspiration bc he’s become my strongest muse, right up there with wash, buuuuut rewatching canon, having intense discussions about canon or AUs, and doing character analysis all give me an extra boost of inspiration, for sure. Q10 :   how  long  did  this  take  you  to  complete ?           A10 :    like half the fucking day, holy shit. granted, my focus is shit and it’s not the only thing i’ve been doing. multitasking.
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