#but the :D gf with B) bf dynamic was what made me love them in the first place and sumi's underlying mental illnes in 3rd sem made it better
petorahs · 1 year
when people ship shusumi do they gravitate to the bubbly "kasumi" front during the 1st/2nd semester or do they not count that and portray sumire's character for who she is during the last few hours of the game. do they have both coexisting at the same time but then what's the middle sweet-spot for it? their entire dynamic changes fundamentally as a result of the third semester.
and wouldnt joker feel a bit lied to since the girl he met in the beginning who was so, so nice to him essentially a fake? would this girl still approach him with kindness if she was her true self? how does he want her? is it cruel to miss the "her" when she was parading as a corpse? because after the third semester nothing will ever be the same between them. we as a shusumi society should entertain the idea of their divorce more. in this essay i will
#aishi.docx#uhmmmm...#much to think about#LMAO I LIKE HOW THIS WAS PROMPTED BY. me trying to draw my shusumi week piece HDJDH (i didnt end up making much progress tn!)#shusumi#persona 5#akira kurusu#sumire yoshizawa#kasumi yoshizawa#yall imma be real when i say i ship shusumi i basically think i like her and jokers dynamic better when shes kasumi 😭#which is. wild if a bit fricked up ngl#but the :D gf with B) bf dynamic was what made me love them in the first place and sumi's underlying mental illnes in 3rd sem made it better#but then. i got to thinking deeper about said mental illness and its like. isnt it a bit like being lied to fr...... idk.....#how much were her actions sumire how much were kasumi#and if i wanted :< gf B) bf dynamic well.... i dont really want that. also shutaba is right there-(SIRENS BLARING)#anyway. so peculiar of a dynamic it actually makes me want to explore them more#but i dont rly tend to like low self esteem characters done like her unless it was written differently??#or at least had more breather. those last 5 ranks of sumire were nooot enough.#anyway lastly i must say i am a sumi fan because i love the character concept of#younger sibling taking on dead older sibling's personality out of grief coping mechanism#ITS BEEN DONE BEFORE AND I eat it up each time!!!!! i should make a thread of characters like that ive found but#GOD. sumire really is overshadowed by her older sister even after death like#so sad. i need to explore this more#life of a multishipper.... oughhhh. i wish i had more hands n energy to draw!!
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seelestia · 2 years
i'm holding this au close to my heart that is adorable shsjdjsjdh zhongrin in a nutshell LMAO now i'm wondering what ayalia's (what is your ship name??????) dynamics is. hmmmmmm..... suave bf x hopelessly-in-love gf? lol
where would ayato be in this hp au.... i'm seeing prefect!ayato helping a junior!reader and a romance blossoming from there hehe maybe you're friends with ayaka and he sees you struggling to write your essay in the library, so he comes over to help, and the rest is history? throw in a dash of "kamisato clan is one of the revered noble purebloods in the wizarding world" for the conflict and a dash of nobleman!au into the mix? :D
🎤 *taps mic* *clears throat* yes i feel very accomplished at the great deed that i have done and i would first and foremost thank my husband for his neverending support- /j the theme is super pretty and calming! matches ayato perfectly with his elegance and all <3
ehehe thanks~ and yea i hope so too hskdjsjf my luck with 50/50 are so bad. itto was the only one who's super kind and came home early sobs
omg...... slow dancing with zhongli.... foreheads touching…. his arms on your waist and yours around his neck….. with jazz music in the background...... i....... i am weAK...........
..... does rex incognito count as liyue music? /is bonked/ gosh that is a HARD choice to make. liyue's music is just *chefs kiss* i adore the battle themes (gallant challenge & rapid as wildfires) bc they're so energetic (the guzheng(?) omgggg) and gets you going "!!! time to be badass !!!".... wangshu inn ost has a special place in my heart bc the first time i came to liyue that's the first area that really made me go "oh my god WHAT????".... but i think my favorite of all has to be "liyue" hahah it's just. idk. there's just something about it. i'm not the type to hum along a song but man. i swear you can put almost any of the liyue ost on and i'll automatically hum along!!
oh oh and i found this orchestral mix of zhongli and raiden's theme and it's soooo gooooooood!!!
speaking of al haitham.... i just met him in game and i-uh-i might be simping. hard. i mean. gosh. 😳🫣🙈❤️💗 his eyes….. his voice..... and those….. muscles….. *lays on floor and kicks feet giddily*
the new dendro elemental reactions are so fun!! i tried to switch up some artifacts for zhongli yesterday to bump up his crit + geo dmg, and i tried him as dps along with lumine, xingqiu, and shinobu to do the combat quests of the current event. possible second team mayhaps hehe and when al haitham is released i can replace lumine with him-
i mean he could just rotate it so it goes over his feet & head and that should be good?? zhongli cmon be creative-
invitation to a marriage 🤣 random brainrot when it comes to marriage scenario: imagine ayato in fully decked suits or traditional japanese kimono extending his hand towards you, smile so gentle and his eyes a little (juuuust a little) glassy because of how overjoyed he is to finally be able to marry you <3
t-rex machine bad. gotcha. imma avoid at all cost : )
i can imagine you seeing that coming in and be like "who are you and who hurt you" lol skdjlsdjlsjf i just saw that omg that's adorable wahhhhh i'm so so glad you had fun with that request!!! NO BUT THAT'S THE CHARM SEE they're always so composed and seems unshakeable..... so to see them suffer bc of you? shows how important you are to them <3 cut their last thread of sanity and make them b r e a k hehe <3
ps. ☆ starlight anon, dear, i am watching and waiting :D
THERE'S SM AYATO BRAINROTS IN THIS ASK, OML. rin jie, i think you're trying to assassinate me... so i'm just going to 🕳️🚶 real quick. (/lh)
but you are not wrong !! ayalia is defined by the suave bf x hopelessly-in-love gf + simp who doesn't hide their love x popular and cool who has a soft spot, maybe??? >:)
AND PREFECT!AYATO. how dare you chip in that bit of pureblood nobleman!ayato in this au, i will scream. (/pos)
but he'd totally lean over your shoulder with a smile as you scribble away at your notes in the library — to see what you're working on and partially to see the way you wince so adorably in surprise. killing two birds with one stone is a form of fun a man like ayato can't refute. he'd speak to you with such composed cadence, knowing that each word he says would entice you to fall deeper and deeper for him. but ayato can't say that he doesn't expect it to backfire on him... after all, you're just the cutest little thing, how can he not fall for you in return? ha, perhaps, this would count as killing two birds with one stone too; except he's one of the birds yet also the one throwing the stone, and he doesn't mind.
(if prefect!ayato ever does that to me, i'd dig my own grave by accidentally headbutting him like an idiot from shock LMAODOAO — okay, so maybe, ayalia is also cool and popular who does charming tricks x flustered clumsy simp who accidentally ruins said tricks /j)
is it finally time for us to become the sorting hat for genshin characters??? 🔍 hm, what do you think ayato's and your main trio's hogwarts house would be??? 👀 speaking of, i previously assigned heizou as a slytherin but after some more thought, i think he'd be a gryffindor instead! free spirit, courage, chivalry, some recklessness which sounds a lot like our detective here.
as for ayato, i actually keep getting hufflepuff vibes from him, vv surprisingly??? he may be cunning and a bit of a rascal, but i don't think he is the type to desire getting ahead thru questionable means nor are his ambitions exceptionally grand like a slytherin's; ayato seems to lean more towards being a fair and responsible leader to me, which just screams hufflepuff. gryffindor is out of the question because he lacks recklessness and that free spirit <//3 i'm vv curious abt what you'd think! which house would you assign him, rin jie??? >:)
OFC, IT'D BE REX INCOGNITO, OFC IT WOULD. and to be completely honest??? vv valid. why does the beatdrop go so hard like why am i suddenly floating to celestia (/j) AND OML, THE ORCHESTRAL VER FT. RAIDEN'S THEME, HELLO??? TYSM FOR SHARING <3 atp, i am ascending beyond celestia and i do not complain. orchestral versions are another level of beauty, i sweaaaar 😭
the alhaitham wave is dawning on you... it seems he has reserved a spot in your future pull list! manifesting for us both >:) his voice is super duper calming, helppppp. and i find his character interesting too because he's so serious and frigid like loosening up is a whole crime for him or smth, but we still love him either way! (/j) i hope you're having fun with the bloom and superblooms reactions !! AND THE DPS ZHONGLI !! HOW IS THE OLD MAN FARING !! sorry, xiao, we gotta try smth new so, you are now permitted to get some rest fjkskdke <//3
WEDDING DAY WITH AYATODKORWO. the corners of his eyes dampen a little because he has called you his multiple times before, but why does today feel so different? ah, he sounds a little sappy there; ayato assures you that it's because your beauty just astounds him and that is not a lie. but the existence of today is a confirmation the commissioner never knows he would've needed; that you are his and he is yours. how trivial of him to tear up over something he already knows, especially in front of a crowd... but perhaps, he'll grant himself this brief moment of silliness just for today.
if i open up requests again in the future, idk what sort of pain i should be expecting from you. (/j) NOOOO, as someone who falls for the composed ones, that is my curse. but what do you have to say about yourself, rin jie??? last time i checked, zhongli, kazuha, and xiao are all people with quite the composure, hMMM?? 🤨 why do i have to suffer alone (/j) but those three already had their broken in kiss me with your eyes closed as per your request, you angst consumer. <//3
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rpandthangs · 4 years
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So, I have no chill, too much muse and too much time on my hands. (really, I’m suppose to write some schoolwork but pff) Down below, heuheu, there’s plenty of different relationships/plots I’d like for Ronan but I’m also super open to different ones and more, so if any of these interest you or you just in general want to plot hmu. ❤
trigger warning;toxic relationships and infadility
the childhood friend ↽
+ best friend, born 1993, open gender, open fc.
These two grew up together and known each other when they still were in their mother’s bellies, Q’s family has always worked for the Lynah’s and their fathers became close in the aspect of work and friendship. Therefor their families were often together but it was pretty clear that the Lynah was superior, almost a master – servant kind of vibe around them and that’s how it has always been. Q’s is probably the only one who actually understands how Ronan thinks, knows where all that anger and evil is and absolutely hates Magnus Lynah beyond anything.
Q’s always been there, always taking Ronan side even if he doesn’t deserve it, they were each other first kiss, he was the one who took Q’s virginity because they had made a promise that they should wait until both of them were ready (Ronan said he was a virgin too to make Q happy but he wasn’t), Q is probably the only one who might be able to tell Ronan what to do and not to do, Q keeps Ronan sane while Ronan make Q insane. Ronan is Q’s biggest fan and biggest bully; he knows damn well that Q has always loved him beyond friendship and abuses that very clearly without admitting that he knows. Q’s the person he treats the best and the worst and with every relationship Ronan has a hand in is pretty toxic.
When Ronan got sent to Silver Creek it wasn’t even a question if Q would move to; Q had too because Ronan can’t live without his best friend and what Ronan wants he gets. The future of Q and what Q works with/studies and anything like that is completely open, Q’s might even get tired of his shit finally and tell him to fuck right off. Who knows, and I’m just using Q to refer to the best friend to make it easier to write. All this can of course be tweaked and changed a bit, I’m always up for discussing all them plot and dynamics.
the best friend ↽
Open age, open gender, open fc.
This is completely open and can even be someone he met two years ago when he moved to Silver Creek? They just happened to connect on a level that is not very common when it comes to Ronan, they’re probably has a less complicated relationship than he and Q but still very close. Talks about everything, always got each other back even if they totally do not agree with each other, does a lot of stupid shit together etc. This is super open to be honest so I’m all for discussion more possibilities and depths in this best friend situation. Just because this person also is his best friend doesn’t mean he/she likes Q, maybe they fucking hate each other or loves each other – who knows.
friendships; Of course, he as other kind of more simple friendships such as friends he mostly just parties with or might just take a coffee with each other if they meet out on town. (he most likely has people he’s frenemies with or just people who he can’t stand and who can’t stand him)
current girlfriend ↽
pixie de souza, 25, bruna marquezine, jo
Totally open, they most likely just met a few weeks ago or at least decided to start dating as gf/bf a few weeks ago. Super open so come at me with all them ideas, I’m always up for plotting and the drama. Just a reminder that he will cheat, lie and be a proper asshole from time to time – at least he will buy you pretty and expensive shit.
on/off girlfriend for two years ↽
melanie applebaum, 24, victoria pedretti, chloe
They met when he just arrived to Silver Creek, probably the typical good girl – everyone’s sweetheart, everyone knows her, her father is probably the freaking preacher. Everything that just shouldn’t have anything with Ronan to do, so obviously her friends and family hates him and tells her constantly that he’s not good enough etc. Which is very… true but she also absolutely fucking loves him? And don’t want to be the one that gives up on him, but he’s also horrible so she tries to break up with him but then they always somehow end up back together… and Ronan will probably realize that he actually cares for her when it’s too late. Also, maybe a future pregnancy that may or may not force Ronan into an absolute mental breakdown and maybe become a good person… maybe. This is also pretty open to be honest, I’m always up for other ideas etc. but I like the dynamic of good girl/bad guy. Nothing is set in stone though.
ex-girlfriends ↽
Open ages, open faces.
Ronan has definitely managed to go through a few relationships during his two years in Silver Creek, they’re probably pretty short and intense. They most likely broke up with him because he’s a cheating asshole and he got tired of lying about it so there wasn’t much more to save, doesn’t have to be serious at all or maybe it was serious as well? Super open, there’s plenty of fun plots and dram to throw in here some come at me.
friends with benefits/hook-ups ↽
Open ages, open genders, open faces.
This is what Ronan prefers so I’m guessing he has plenty of people in his mobile that he or they just text him when they’re… feeling lonely. That doesn’t care if he’s in a relationship and people that do, again – there’s plenty of dramatic scenarios we could come up with in this category as well. Though, when it comes to hook-ups with males, they’re a few and in secret – which also could be a fun and dramatic relationship. Gay panic in secret with his ultimate enemy? Or someones brother? Plenty of scandalous things can be plotted so come at me.
jazmin estrada, 26, selena gomez, skye literally just uses him for sex when she needs to get her mind off things, smh love that.
aspen kaine, 22, troye sivan, elin friends with aspen's horrible boyfriend and oops, hooked up. kinda hate each other, kinda not, they both got dirt on each other that they don't want to be known... it's complicated
In general Ronan is the “bad guy” so do you need someone to be the bad guy or be the one who does something shitty to your char – he’s here to be that one. Would love a plot where he gets together with someone just for a bet, to get a picture of the person naked or worse – who knows. SO MANY THINGS I WANT, anyhow, I obviously have no chill and I have too much time on my hands.
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