#but that isn't to say usin yer yan diary like a normal diary isnt correct tho!!!
rottingsick · 2 years
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the makin of my yandere diary!!!
I decided to buy a base that I could already be happy with using on its own, both so that I didn't have to do too much work n also I generally just like simple designs. it did pose a little challenge tho since most diary decoration ideas online all started from scratch, not to mention completely off for a dark yandere theme, n also that the fake leather matieral made it very limited to what I could do.
my final choice was simply lace for the cute n paint-blood for the violence!! I rlly hope any yandere who sees this n tries makin their own diary also posts abt it cause I think it could be a cool staple of yancore if it gets there !!
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