#but srsly being heartless is so cool
natalinova · 9 months
what a good day to be a heartless aromantic
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realcube · 3 years
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matchup for @pinkgerm​
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′I am a leo sun, pisces moon, and sag rising. im actually an artist that mainly works with traditional materials rn and graduating art school soon :’) my hobbies are watching anime and reading manhwas and mangas all night. love buying plushies and i love haikyuu <3′
♡ bokuto is a virgo and google says y’all would have a very productive relationship but i’m reading that like ??? hm ??? productive ??? let’s not pretend like you and this virgo man wouldn’t take every opportunity to procrastinate doing anything and everything just so y’all could toy around with squirt guns in the back garden :’) productive my ass
♡ he definitely thinks it’s crazy that you can draw and if you ever ask him for ideas for something to sketch, he’ll probably give you most absurd suggestion lol ‘ok, so hear me out; i had a dream last night so i think you should draw shrek except he’s wearing my jersey and he’s sitting kuroo’s business exam! and the invigilators are all cows!’ 
♡ your biggest fan- if you complain about one of your professors giving you a bad grade on a piece you worked hard on, bokuto will literally start writing a strongly-worded email to your professor as soon as you leave the room pfft
♡ bokuto wouldn’t read mangas on his own accord but like bc you read them, he’ll stay up all night with you just so he can spend more time with you 🥺 but be warned, he’ll point to random words like ‘what does that mean?’ or point out a funny expression a character is making in one of the panels and fkn cackle so if you aren’t ready for that, just put him to bed lol
♡ he’ll watch animes with you too! he gives a running commentary but dw tho- it’s pretty easy to zone him out 
 ♡ omg he loves plushies too 🥺 if he sees one that he likes/thinks you’ll like in a shop window — or god forbid, inside a claw machine — he’ll do everything in his power to get his hands on it
♡ also he personifies them so if you push one of the plushies off the bed while your are trying to sleep, he’ll pick it up and cradle it as if it was a baby, jokingly scolding you for being so heartless that you’d push an innocent owl off a ledge 
♡ he loves haikyuu too..i think??
‘i think my love language is physical affection and gift giving. i love giving gifts to people. doesnt even have to be for a special occasion. i like seeing objects that reminds me of someone and buying it for them bc i think they’d like it or just for shits lol.’
♡ yEs and bokuto does the exact same thing ( •̀ ω •́ )✧
♡ if he goes out grocery shopping without you, except him to come back with 3 bags full of random shit pfft
♡ or at the mall- like he never thought he’d women’s clothing store on his own but here he is, sifting through the clothing racks with a foolishly large grin on his face, in search of a new jumper he thinks you’d like bc once you off-handedly mentioned how you somehow got a hole in your favourite jumper 
♡ and whenever you buy something for him, he gets so soft 🥺
♡ not only with he never stop thanking you but he’ll overuse aforementioned gift 
♡ so if it’s a shirt or any article of clothing, he’ll claim it’s his favourite and wear it all. the. time. like he might not even wash it consistently- that’s how much he wears it. it’ll get to the point where you have to be like ✋ ‘bokuto stay away from me until you wash that damn shirt’
♡ oh and one time you bought him an owl plushie (along with other gifts) when he secured a place on the nationals team and he literally takes it abroad with him now (❤´艸`❤) like when you can’t come with him on his volleyball trips, he takes the plush (bc it’s compact so it fits nicely in his suitcase/carry-on) and his teammates tease him for it (and so do you, kinda) but he keeps doing it. he knows it’s somewhat childish but it just reminds him of how happy you were when you first gave it to him and motivates him to train harder 👍 also, when he sees it, he thinks of you so when he arrives at his hotel room after an eventful day, he sees the owl and remembers to text you and ask you if you’re doing okay 
‘i like being physically affectionate with someone i care about like playing with their hair, caressing/playing with their hands, hands on cheeks squishing their face stuff like that’
♡ bokuto would 100% let you play with his hair >< after a long day, he likes to take a shower, dry off so his hair it’s all fluffy and then lay his head in your laps o you can braid his hair, massage his scalp, whatever you want! also, sometimes he falls asleep while you are playing with his hair so remember to bring hair clips/scrunchies so you can put them into his hair and take pictures >:) you have a whole snapchat story dedicated to sleeping bokuto with cool hair styles-
♡ (bokuto with space buns hjskdfc pls)
♡ it’s like you were ask for bo omfg 🥺 like srsly he’d love that so much!! squish his cheeks and he’ll literally melt in your hands- like your touch just makes him feel so special, so valued and admired in a way that he genuinely can’t describe. he’d honestly rather have your adoration in favour of literally anyone else’s
♡ he’s apprehensive to touch you at first bc he’s scared that he might not know his own strength and hurt you but over time, he gets more comfortable and grip on your gets stronger as he becomes more afraid to lose you 
for @pinkgem​: hi bb! i hope you like it :)) have a lovely day!
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tumblunni · 5 years
Probably the only main reason i havent made another one since i was a kid is cos i never really wanted to be a keyblade master. Even as a kid i always hated "they are just all magically born evil because darkness energy" as a trope. Whenever an evil guy had minions who were all "mindless and evill" and you were supposed to mow them down in droves because of it, i always felt like they seemed LESS evil, yknow? Like youre canonically stating that theyre NOT evil! Theyre dangerous, yeah, but you just said that they dont have complex cognitive thought or ability to choose their own actions. Theyrr just being USED for evil, by the guy whos the real evil! Theyre like guard dogs who were abused into dangerness and if they cant be rehibilitated then its sad, yknow? Poor heartless!! And seriously how can they make them have such cute designs and not expect us to see them that way!!
So yeah i hate that canonically the heartless are all evil and canonically everyone good has to destroy the heartless, like its the entire damn point of a keyblade so i couldnt even touch one without being forced to slay the cutebabs! And KHDDD was great with the long awaited addition of CUTE BABS GOOD GUY MONSTERS YOU CAN HUG, although they were a whole new species of monster and its still canon that heartless are all evil and the equally as annoying canon that all good/remotely sentient Nobodies look like regular humans instead of the cute patoots they once was. THE CUTE PATOOT THAT NEVER WAS!!!! Srsly the low level Dusk is my fave design in the whole series its such a good squiggle boye
If i was gonna make a normal khsona itd have to be either specifically a Dream Eater trainer keyblade weilder whose entire story is about pet raising and none of the fightng evil, or an Organization member because theyre the only sympathetic monsters even if they dont look monstery anymore. Even though obviously rationally my self insert in anything would always be a good guy cos i am a very soft boyo who is too much of a wimp to do the slightest evil. But alas all the best characters are evil and the monsters look so cute aaaa!!
SO OKAY my ULTIMATE self indulgent khsona would be ME AM ANSEM NOW
Me as a heartless researcher who hugs all the heartless and becomes a heartless and then we heartlessly heartfully hug! Cos seriously it is a true fact that i would be a good guy but also if someone came up to me and was like "hey its totally possible to BECOME one of the cute monsters" id be like "oh noooo dammit i guess im evil now" *shrugs in heartless* But i wouldnt really do anything evil i'd just run like.. Old friends senior heartless sanctuary. Just make a big nice house for all my monsters and bake them cakes everyday. I WOULD LEARN TO COOK FOR THEM!!!! So if that makes me evil then i guess i am evil, dammit!! "Oh nooo we dont wanna get our souls stolen and turn into really fabulous cute designs with amazing supernatural powers" well you are WRONG okay. Just my most self indulgent everything idea is just *points at the evilest beastie* im gonna lovv and cherish that! *takes a running leap into a ballpit of Darkballs* SERIOUSLY DARKBALLS ARE SOME OF THE CUTEST AND ALL THEIR ANIMATIONS ARE SO CUTE WHY IS EVERY HEARTLESS SO CUTE AND SO ANIMATED WHY ARE THEY THE MOST DIDNEY THING IN DIDNEY WHY DID THE NEW GAME ADD A HEARTLESS WHOSE JUST A BIG PUDDING WITH A FACE HOW AM I MEANT TO NOT LOVE THAT hhhh
So yeah khsona bunni is some librarian mothafucker who does Deep Darkness Research but is also the nice goofy good guy sort of mad scientist, like the nutty professor or something. I'd probably be the comic relief on some team of actual villains, thats the only way id really be any threat to anyone. But i'd also totally be The Mom Friend and itd be like u guys are having some serious battle and then i call up Mr Big Villain mid battle like HEY YO COME JOIN KARAOKE WITH ME AND THE HEARTLESS and then hes like "damn man can we have a rain check on the whole end of the world thing?"
Like lol another self indulgent oc thing would be "power to be friends with all the fave villains and they are my friend and we hug". Like an all star teamup of just specifically all bunni's fave KH and didney villains and then also they never fight anyone and we just enjoy slice of life friendship antics. Like Kuja and Ursula would be so cool!! Cos theyre both similar personality yet Kuja had experience manipulating a more loser-y lady who looked a lot like ursula so i can expect he'd underestimate her and try his queen brahne plan again and maybe get outsmarted? And maybe theyd be locked in an eternal battle of two masterminds trying to manipulate each other and along the way they somehow end up accidentally forming a mentor student or mom and son relationship? Like ursula is the better version of garland and she helps kuja heal from his childhood trauma and also in the process maybe he helps her heal from whatever ambiguous backstory event led to her being ostracized from her royal family and such. THEY WOULDNT BE BAD IF THEY HAD HUGS OK let me believe this!! And also of course theyre both the big gay/trans coded dramatic fashion person from their respective stories, so srsly there could be so much awesomeness from the combination of The Two Most Stylish Of Two Worlds! Also i wonder how Kuja would even work in a khified version? Like maybe terra still exists as a separate world in kh world rules and it has a plan to destroy and take over gaia in the same way as the original ff9. Or maybe take some of kuja's other plot points and go from there? Like with how he disguised himself as a treno noble and how he eas created by garland to be an "angel of death", maybe in this world he's a shapeshifter Nobody assassin who infiltrates different worlds and corrupts important people to help garland destroy them? But since he's a very complex experiment and complex = humanoid in this universe, it could be an excuse for him becoming sentient over time and having a plot similar to repliku wanting to be a real human. And i dunno maybe zidane is his "brother" because he's the heartless made from the same original dead guy, who was discarded as a failed experiment? Like it could be interesting to see both of them as villains on the same side, and actually have a close relationship as loving brothers. And theres even already a monkey type heartless! And i dunno maybe the plot of garland creating the genomes infiltrator heartless and then kuja going on to create black mages still black mages? Like he still makes Vivi cos seriously its SO WEIRD that the heartless are based on black mages and then of all things they decided that Vivi would be the ONLY ff9 character allowed to appear in the whole kh series and itd just be in the role of "normal human kid". But they didnt even change his design!! He still looks like a heartless!! Why does nobody question why fredbob mcnormalson doesnt have a face!! So itd make much more sense if he was still a heartless and he's just a good one who wants to be a real boy BUT COS THE WORLD SAYS ALL HEARTLESS ARE EVIL I CANT HAVE THAT. Theyre all evil and only extra evil people get to be humanoid types! Boooo! So kuja doing Special Experiment Science could explain there being at least one special heartless thats not evil. And i dunno, kuja sends vivi out on his first test mission to infiltrate and destroy twilight town but whoops instead he becomes everyone's favourite baby brother! Like he's about to devour some dude's soul and then seifer and co come in and yell at the victim like DUDE ARE U BULLYING THIS POOR TINY CHILD and they drag off this poor very confused heartless in a hug and now he's Lost Forever I Guess. Kuja: damn he tasted icecream i'll never get him back!
Look ok i really like Villains Who Are Not Bad and i will constantly make Villains Who Are Not Bad and nothing will ever be better than Villains Who Are Not Bad
My khsona is Good Heartless who hugs Good Heartless in a team of Good Heartless and also brings in other cameo characters to become Good Heartless ok yes the end hell yea hugs n such
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the-main-characterr · 3 years
realised i forgot to watch tharntype,
will do rn.
kinda feel like i also grew out of that but eh we’ll see
types aggressive being still annoys me
y u always >:(
if i dated someone for 7 years and they still didn’t marry me, i’d be insecure ASF
i like 2gether more than tharntype
it’s prettier
you could’ve done ur alarm urself bitch
why are you talking so slow?
why are u judging em tho just watch the show
i think everyone that knows me a lil bit knows why i like 2gether more
7 years are actually a lot-
i kinda want one but i also don’t like what
i said it before and i’ll say it again: types aggressive behaviour annoys me
not tryna b judgemental but if u stick to type for 7 years u have all my respect
watching this hurts in my soul
that p’cir and phu r cool
love the sound effects
love the time i lived in when i watched the first season
if i’m so judgemental already, i also don’t like their kitchen
it’s so boring wth
wow- now i feel bad.
the way tharn puts his phone in his front pocket is everything but *judgemental comment here* i can’t think of any bad things rn
i’m so scared of both of them like they’re always like >:(
you can’t just force someone into marriage-
no but like why would a stranger want to know if you have a relationship or not i mean you’re not going to random people and say hi we’re married
i mean i would do that but i’m the main character-
if someone “could stay mad at me” id be fucked-
yall are so sensitive just touch the bread
that phegun and p’cir are cute ngl
no like literally yall are so dramatic
i liked fiat but wth
doc is cute
just because you’re not married doesn’t mean you’re sharing him-
type improved tbh
awh they cute-
the music———————— jail
lucky me being zen-meryem rn
perfect representation on how personality can destroy everything
until this day, i still don’t know what a lines ID is supposed to be
this was too cute i’m ded
rip me
i love the sound effects yfrvjjvgjmkb
love their style
fiat u can’t just-
come for a taken man that’s the most disgusting thing possible
like even if he wasnt happy with tharn or in a toxic relationship it’s not ur stupid job to manipulate and steal wth
leo u have all my respect
wouldnt mind being ur bestie
stfu fiat u r a toxic attention seeking bitch that is nothing more but unethical
selfish brat
this is cute-
ngl the fact it’s been 7 years n they stilsbxbwjbdwbbx
ok leo i understand why u took it back but i still respect u for even doing it
phugun is too possessive
of p’cir idk the names but one of them
the not cute one
idk why yall hate on no so much he funny af
oh i see
phugun is the cute one
let the man live wth
seo is literally it dnxjdbjdbsbf
what did actually happen to the guy that’s been a bitch and possessed over tharn
lol i actually feel bad for type. it’s the first time i see him EMOTIONAL and damn-
must hurt.
omg istg i also wonder why he doesn’t quit
this is too much I CANT
Imma suffocate on the cutegsbsbdbbd ah i’m dying
hmph ig im just to tough to cry😤
heart attack-
doc, ily
this picture-in-picture thingy is so cool
i remember a time type didn’t want to admit he missed him
the hdhxb ishdiuebchw immaculate
fiat i’m scared of u
“every time i really want someone, i never get them” FELT. FELT FELT FELT difference is that my dumbass don’t want them when they want me🥲 it’s ok. time knows what it’s doing
fiat u r heartless
imagine having a healthy relationship with ur mother in law
yall be having literal bodyguards
ok i wasn’t sure about it but by the amount that guy said cheers i couldn’t be more convinced that this man is evil
the fact that he didn’t tuck his shirt is the whole evidence
you heard him don’t leave him
if you don’t move ur ass rn i’ll come to thailand myself n kick ur ass
too invested-
JANUARY 22?/!/£:!.!3):£WHAT
i cant-
okay cool i waited a few weeks imma continue wasching now
oh i remember. i was yelling at that basketball kid
omg leo thanks u saved my life thank u ily
you don’t have to be on top of him just to question him-
be scared stupid bitch
types just simply sleeping somewhere completely left alone👁👄👁
i wish i had someone that kept his promise under every circumstance
ppl that promise me things b like i NeVeR sAiD tHaT hUhH
yall just so addicted to each other like chill
if i’d marry someone, i’d feel so old
like hi i’m MARRIED
stop with the i miss u it’s so emotional
tharn you look so done with ur life lmfao
fiat you’re so annoying istg
cant u just ply basketball and leave these ppl alone like piss off
why yall crushing on type crush on me
fiat go study or sumn srsly
ah doorbell.
phu you’re so funny
WHAT- wth fiat please stop you’re ridiculous
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For seven years, i’ve never had eyes for anyone but him. damn- imagine-
my hearts b shattering ITS NOT HIS FAULT
well okay there’s a lot of evidence against
i mean i see tharns point but
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for personal reasons i will be passing away
the audacity of this bitch is giving me ANGER
imagine buying wedding rings just to come home n hear “we should take a break”
fuck anger i’ll cry
why even want fiat💀
phu you’re so cute like THE CHARACTER
thanya you’re such a queen i can’t explain
this scene is so funny they all b sitting there like 👀👀👀👀👀
you disgust me.
ok first off phu gun your style is so cool like that white shirt- FABULOUS 10/54
n second off, my dumbass felt like WHO IS THAT MAN HITTING ON FIAT I KNOW HIM
silly me it’s cir-
handsome man ngl
don’t tell me he died
oh god he didn’t die-
you guys are so sensitive can’t get hurt at all
“cant even make an instant noodle” that’s why we admire u lmao
ok chill u just spilled it
you look so cute when u pissed at urself shxbsbc
ah thanya u r so cool
“lack of communication can even break apart the most loving relationship” SAY IT LOUDER FOR THE PPL IN GHE BACK
this series is fulfilled now
i could listen to these two forever
i cant with leo and fiat fcstvhjfftc
don’t act like the shy bitch now u stoopid
this is hard to watch ew
khom being a philosopher of love fxtvjbj
he didn’t just leave his i miss u
yall tryna get drunk with my heart
im gon suffocate
stop i didn’t start this show to murder myself
pls calm ur face u look so aggressive
i wonder how many times tharn talked to sleeping type in those 7 years
u r basically talking to a wall
oh just to be someone to know what ordained is
those blue thingys r so cool
thanks this is everything i needed
doc champ, how long shall i wait
he’s not bald-
did they even cut his eyebrows-
oh monk.
didn’t they shoot these scenes during rona-
those r some fire makeup skillz
officially ripped my heart into pieces
that was definitely not a kiss kiss
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tumblunni · 5 years
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Shadow Globs!
What on earth are Shadow Globs?
They've appeared in various games but were only named in 358/2 Days where they were a mission objective one or two times. It seems they're just a catchall name covering any "destroy this generic badly textured button blob thing to stop the infinately spawning enemies", which is kind of a standard action rpg thing so yeah. But really when you think about it, how do they fit into the kingdom hearts universe?
The manga tried to explain them a lil bit by saying they're "collections of dark energy that hasnt taken form", somehow theyre summoned just by grudges and greed and stuff. It show captain hook turning his own treasure chests into heartless by accident cos of just how much darkness he has, and the queen of hearts creating so many shadow globs that her whole castle is sculpted from them and it falls apart when they "hatch". Also seriously they "hatch"?? I guess this is how you get the some heartless who were never human? Cos that was always confusing how some of them arent human, and also how sometimes a human can turn into a heartless witout being killed by a heartless, just dying normally while being really evil, or sometimes apparantky turning heartless while still alive and then for gaston his heartless split off from him and he still existed separately and just WHY ARE THE RULES NOT CONSISTANT LOL! Especially with how emblem heartless are all meant to originate from xehanort's experiments yet several heartless have appeared who are classified as emblem not pureblood despite not being made by xehanort or made by one of the xehanort-made heartless infecting someone else LIKE WHY DO SOME OF THEM JUST POOF UP EMBLEMIZED WHEN HE NEVER TOUCHED THEM
Kay thats enough rambling about Confusion lets get to Headcanons That Might Make Sense Of One Slightly Small Thing
Shadow globs!! Are heartless babs!! This is my thinking now! If we widen the origin of heartless a little more vague then itd avoid a lot of the questions, honestly if theyd introduced them as "they come from negative emotions" first BEFORE "they come from being killed by one of them" then it would have been a lot less confusing. Its just confusing to retcon their origins to be less specific in the sequel, lol!
So yeh my thought is that some heartless werent originally a dead person, they can be summoned from any place where too many dark feelings gather. Those places would have a shadow glob appear, and its like a baby heartless egg. Lots of enemies swarm around them because they instinctively want to protect and nurture the new shadowlings, and of course the glob sunmons new enemies because it hatches thos babs. But they just happen to be very globby eggs like a frog, i guess. Srsly its actually a real chapter in the manga that the queen of hearts did goddamn masonry with shadow globs squished into brick shape, and then her castle went all wibble wobble jelly cos she was being so evil that it made the babbies grow up too strong and healthyful. Luxord had to battle her to save her cos she refused to believe her cool new aesthetique castle was dangerous, and then she ended up getting a crush on him after he swooped in and rescued her princess style and gave her a new castle made of cards. IT WAS WEIRDLY CUTE!!! Petition to give luxord cute shippings with every other card themed villain ever. (I love the person who did fic of him x dr facilier!)
ANYWAY i felt sad for the shadow bebby tho.
Also i headcanon that the Possessor enemy is the shadow bebbys! Cos in the main series you only fight it in various artificially power enhanced forms- it possessing armoured doors and a combo form of a hundred of them into a boss. But in khux you do get to fight them individually and theyre actually the only enemy weaker than Shadows! So maybe that means theyre "less evolved" so to speak, and Shadows are only the weakest form of HUMANOID heartless? Thatd explain why their design is more complex than Darkballs and Operas and etc yet theyre less powerful. Shadows are essentially just an alternate appearance of Possessors that retains a few stray traits of the creature they used to be when they were alive. Also darkballs are totally the "default form" of non-human heartless, they make SO MUCH sense as an evolution of possessors consideribg everythin about their design and all. And lots of other pureblood heartless look like either a design that evolved from a Shadow or a Darkball, and we even have the canonical case of Dark Thorn which looks just like a darkball with chains and great hair until it hits its second form. Also it possesses stuff! We dont see other darkballs doing that but that seems to be a pretty canon evidence that posessors are a weaker version of the same thing!
Also just posessors and darkballs are two of my alltime favourites so i want an excuse to draw them as a cute fambly. And the shadow glob = egg headcanon has so much more fambly potential!! It means that heartless could actually reproduce without killing, so hypothetically non evil heartless are slightly more plausable. Look i know the whole premise is that theyre pure evil creatures but theyre so damn cute!! Also imagine some evil villain creating a shadow glob through their evilness and being all "oh no im a parent" and then cute scenes of goofyness with them trying to look after their mischievious new darkball bebs~ Or even could be heartwrenching, like what if mother gothel was being an abusive mom to all her heartless minions too, and her sacrificing them in battle could be a truly evil moment?
Look i just really like the darkballs okay theyre just really round and softd and DESERVE MORE
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tumblunni · 6 years
Hey what if they had final fantasy thremed worlds in KH3, instead of just putting the FF characters in the disney worlds? What's your favourite area from an FF game that you'd like to see? Would you prefer worlds themed after certain towns or countries like how the disney worlds are so self contained? Or more of just straight up the entire game world exactly as it was in the game?
Personally i think the idea of notable location into world could be more interesting cos it gives room to reinterpret stuff as if it was an entire world. Like what if Midgar was an entire world and we got to see a setting where shinra had already won and made everything all smog and technology? And now they're trying to essentially do the same as jenova and find the gates to other worlds to drain them of their mako too...
Oh, and Qu's Marsh! I just really liked the goofy Qu species in FF9 and i mean we only see three of them and a few almost empty ramshackle shacks in some marshes and one cave. It'd be interesting to imagine what a whole bustling city of these guys could be like if they had a bigger population and more dominant society. I imagine it'd be like some sort of wild cooking anime! Like the world was full of super death monsters even before the Heartless came, and all the Qu live their own personal valhalla of eternal battle and cuisine! Some hapless villain tries to invade here and is faced with a horde of weird cute frog people cooking the goddamn heartless into soup and Blue Magic-ing all their attacks back at them! So maybe it could be a fun gold saucer esque minigame world because its the only place that already has it covered and doesnt need your help. Also the keyblade you get here just HAS to be one of Quina's ridiculous mythril sporks from the original game!
Oh speaking of which I'd probably put Quina on a different world? I'm imagining them as one of the minor goofy cute npc friends in one of the starting towns, like leon and yuffie in traverse, tidus selphie and wakka on destiny islands, seifer's gang in twilight, etc. I'm thinking of putting Quina in the made up fishing village world i'm using for my Demyx backstory headcanons. They're just a random shop owner and kindly aunt/uncle figure to all the main characters. Nobody ever questions why this one character is clearly not human, like how nobody ever questions donald and goofy, lol. So yeah, itd be like a future older version of Quina after they conpleted their quest to become the ultimate chef! To match out with all the ff characters who got de-aged for some reason. (Tho i mean Quina is already almost a hundred years old according to the ultimania, its just supposed to be young adventurer age by the species's standards.)
Oh! And also i was thinking maybe this fishing village could actually be a KH version of Balamb from ff8? Just cos i realized my backstory Demyx and the head of the orphanage is kinda turning out like Zell and his mom. I might just straight up make her Ma Dincht: Cool Disney Version! Or make her Matron Edea from the ff8 orphanage, cos it'd be nice to have a happy version of her that never got possessed by any time travelling villains. Tho this backstory involves Demyx's entire town dying including Demyx, so yeah...
Other idea: call it Horizon Town to match all the towns being time/sun related except traverse. And also to reference fisherman's horizon from ff8. Ff8 had quite a few nice seaside villages, actually!
Also if Vivi is off in Twilight Town being a normal human and Quina is off in somewhere else being an npc, maybe the rest of the ff9 cast could be all scattered too, just like the ff8 and ff7 ones? Maybe Amarant could cameo in the Tangled world as another bandit on a wanted poster. And Freya could be a knight in the three musketeers world. Maybe Steiner could be a knight in disney castle instead, cos srsly the man already looks the most cartoony out of the cast. And Eiko could be in tarzan since she was raised by moogles after all! And we could even have disney's robin hood except zidane is robin and garnet is maid marian. I mean ff9 had loads of furry characters anyway, lol!
Today is an Ideas Day and now i'm wide awake again. Dammit!
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