#but since there's a bazillion levels above it it doesnt really help
tumblunni · 7 years
....I miss puppetmon. I was suddenly reminded of puppetmon and I miss puppetmon. Why hasnt puppetmon even cameo’d in the videogames or anything? I think he’s in dawna nd dusk but thats the only one i havent played... I cant believe how much I forgot him! He was the first tearjerker sympathetic villain, he was the ONLY villain in the whole of season 1 that had any sort of reason to be evil, any sort of development, any sort of sympathy AT ALL... The most we even had was like... Etemon is fun even if he’s still evil for no reason. And Pumpkinmon and Gotsumon and Wizardmon were all sympathetic but they werent really villains, just people in a kind of neutral state who were sacrificed to prove how bad the villains are. Same for Gatomon except for her it was like domestic abuse and brainwashing instead of dying... I mean you cant even categorize her as a villain, she was just an unwitting pawn of a villain who was this creepy father figure/abusive boyfriend figure at the same time... BUT SERIOUSLY PUPPETMON He hurts the most because he was the ONLY SYMPATHETIC VILLAIN, the ONLY DEVELOPED VILLAIN, and he’s the one who gets most depressingly cruelly unforgivingly killed off. And mocked. And just... poor puppetmon. In any later season I’d like to think they would have given him a redemption arc, or at least a heroic sacrifice! But then again zero two did the same depressing thing with poor mummymon and arukenimon :(
this CONCEPT IS SO SADDDDDDD it was really affecting cos when he first appears you THINK he’s just another pure evil villain like everybody else, and then its actually a twist that makes you reconsider everything you saw of him before I mean I dont even think he’s evil AT ALL, he’s this really unique case of just like... a completely innocent creature, in a bad way. He’s like an abused child who goes on to mimic what they were taught? But in his case it seems more like he’s just been alone forever and either never learned what good and evil is, or went mad from the isolation and lost his grip on it He genuinely DOESNT KNOW that he’s evil! He doesnt know what he’s doing is bad! He doesnt know why everyone hates him, and he’s constantly crying about it, and his entire motive for doing these evil things is that he naively thinks itll somehow fix his problems. He’s innocent but he’s also DANGEROUS, because his innocence has been corrupted and like.. because he IS innocent, he doesnt realize it. Its simultaneously the most terrifying and depressing part of the whole show, where TK is trapped in puppetmon’s freaky murder mansion full of deadly toys. And puppetmon reveals he LEGITIMATELY DOESNT KNOW WHY THESE ARE BAD. He LEGITIMATELY WANTS A FRIEND. But he doesnt UNDERSTAND love, even as he desperately wants it. He just tries to scare people into obeying him and pretending to be his friends, he tries to force them on penalty of death and doesnt seem to understand what death actually is, or that people are different to toys. And he goes from holding a goddamn gun to TK’s head, into being super shy and crying cos TK is making fun of him. And then I genuinely feel sad when TK manages to trick him and escape, even though I know its good that our hero is safe. I mean... Puppetmon SO EASILY believed TK’s lie that he’d be his friend, and he was so excited, and he spent all that work making a wooden friend to prove he totally has other friends, and then the LOOK ON HIS POOR SWEET ANGEL FACE as he runs back into the room holding the doll, SO HAPPY that he can show it to TK, and sees he just tricked him and ran away :(
And just... GOD. He just DIES. And he dies really depressingly, we’re shown the light draining from his eyes... Its like he could have been redeemed but nobody tried. I cant blame TK for not seeing the signs and taking the opportunity, since he IS just a lil kid after all. So I just blame the writers for not finding some way to make it happen :P Seriously I just... WONDER SO MUCH. About what could have happened if he had a chance! And about how he became this way to begin with! I mean like... is he a baby digimon who was abandoned and alone and trapped somewhere, and digivolved more and more powerful while never mentally progressing? Is he someone who was traumatized by some sort of horrific event? Maybe even by the dark masters, who then recruited this mind-shattered victim into their ranks? is he just a normal person who for one reason or another was abandoned and hated and mistreated by everyone he met, never having a single friend and never even understanding friendship. not because of any big evil reason but just because the world is cruel and some people do just get horrible treatment through no fault of their own. And become twisted into horrible people too, who just perpetuate the cycle... BUT SERIOUSLY GOD DEAR CHRIST he was just a CHILD he’s either a child or a weird digimon metaphor for mentally ill people who cant fully function in the adult world. or, as a trope, ‘the manchild’, which is usually used as more of a comedic thing, but this just shows how sad it is. As someone who kinda does classify as ‘a manchild’, I can jsut really relate to it. And I mean.. I got better. I may never be normal, but there were times I was unable to understand stuff and eventually I was able to learn. It took me longer than other people and I had a lot of failures, but with support and therapy I’m able to cope with stuff I never thought I’d be able to! So it hurts a lot to see this particular sort of character be the one who doesnt get a chance at redemption. I mean he doesnt even NEED ‘redemption’, he ISNT EVIL! He’s just a child who’s unwell! A really scary genuinely dangerous horror movie villain equivelant who has phenomenal cosmic powers with which to enact his own delusions, yeah, but its not like its impossible to help him. And I mean, because he;s super strong it would have been even better if he got switched over to the good guy side! And it could have established piedmon’s threat a bit more if they needed the help of a former dark master to fight him, and got to see just how outclassed puppetmon is by his old boss. Maybe could die in a similar way to wizardmon, even? I’m not against puppetmon being killed off, i just feel it was a waste that it happened in the way it did... Or gahhh can we just have a good and innocent puppetmon appear in a later season and have a happy life containing no untimely demise? Can you at least throw me that bone?
Poor puppetmon
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