#but obviously i ignored it bc i have a passion for pirating nearly every comic i read
roseworth · 1 year
do you like to buy physical comics? are there any you’re proud that you’ve gotten a hold of or any you really want to get?
sometimes!! i have very few single issues of comics, im pretty sure the only ones i have are rose's first appearance and two titans 99 issues that rose is in lol
but i have a few paperbacks that i rly like, i enjoy going to comic shops n just looking around hehe and i usually try to buy something every time i go bc i like supporting local businesses and also. might as well give dc a little bit of money since i pirate 99% of what i read.
i once got a copy of batgirl 2009 volume 2 for $5 bc one of the comic shops near me has a $5 shelf and the first time i ever went i looked at the shelf and batgirl was there <3 <3 <3 <3 literally my single greatest find bc i LOVE that book and i always like to see steph batgirl issues when im shopping so finding the whole paperback was so exciting <3
some other favs i have are archers quest, under the red hood, and archers quest volume 2 <3 i like having physical copies of my favs so whenever i find a copy something i like i usually end up buying it hfdjfdsaksjfd
i dont really go out of my way to buy anything though so if i dont find it at a comic store i wont like buy it online or anything, i think that the only one ive considered buying online is ravager fresh hell bc thats like THE rose book to me and i want to have a physical copy </3 i prob wont order it for myself but i will always dream about finding it somewhere in the wild
anyways there are a few more paperbacks i have but the ones i listed are my favs <33 i also have some that i bought with every intention of reading then. i forgor. so now the long halloween haunts me. i swear ill get to it someday i feel bad bc its like a quintessential batman story and i STILL havent read it but. someday.
as far as single issues go i never buy them weekly fhdkjfhasdkf oops. i had every intention of buying green arrow #1 a few weeks ago but it was sold out at every store near me by the time i went to get it </3 but i will continue to go to store intending to buy it to boost sales. and i swear on my life i will be buying at least 1 copy (probably more honestly) of ravager night terrors to make SURE it sells well and i encourage all of you to do the same
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