#but now im overwhelemed on which to choose to hang up and how to display them nicely
quiveringdeer · 5 months
I really don't want to go back to work. technically probs shoulda worked yesterday but like no one else is going in this wk pretty sure- and I technically have annual leave I can burn sooo I think I just might
#i rarelh go on vacations so not like i'll use up all my leave#and im kinda bummed this furlough wasnt as rejuvinating as i was expecting it to be#i have my big internship i run every summer coming up#but even tho i love it im feeling a littlw trapped now that more kids are applying and#having to turn some away#like i dont even wanna recruit this year from more than the most local school cause i#already have like 7 kids to reach out to from last year and lots of prospects that signed up for more info at the last career fair#and i can only hire like 8 :/#im just feeling soooo overwhleemed by every single thing lately#the options of things at work#plus all the shit going on in the world tied to huge systemic issues that it really feels#no amount of protesting will fix cause those in power are too situated in that power#and then all the lil outlets i wanna try and gain joy from seem too much#like i went through old photos to put in frames and hang up#but now im overwhelemed on which to choose to hang up and how to display them nicely#and ive wanted to hang some shelves in my craft room but the brackets arent aligning with the spacing of the studs#and i gwt overwhelmed in the steps of looking upwhich anchors i need for the wall cause its not drywall but something else#and i dunno how to tell how thick it is and then how to putin the anchor right#and i dont wanna take out the brackets and rescrew them at a bettwr distancecause that feels overwhelming too uuuuugh#nat rants#things for therapy#and i also feel crappy kind of complaining when others dont even have jobs and uuuuuuuugh#i just it's too much
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