#but like jeeves could be there
noramsblog · 2 years
What if by the end where the parents come rushing worried about their children's safety damian is just standing there ... :'l
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cjjferk · 23 days
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What if Jeeves had worked as a page boy at a private boys' school in his youth?
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scoobit9 · 4 months
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Huge fucking Jooster dump you know the drill
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hugh-lauries-bald-spot · 11 months
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What’s your favorite way for J&W fic writers to handle the question of what Jeeves and Bertie call each other after they get together
[a] They use first names and terms of endearment when they’re in private
[b] Jeeves still calls Bertie “sir” but now it functions as a term of endearment
[c] Jeeves still calls Bertie “sir” but now it’s horny
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you know how Mary Poppins, like Gandalf, just kind of shows up and changes people's lives whether they're up for it or not
it's just that Gandalf is trying to change the world and Mary Poppins is trying to sort out one family at a time
and you know how in the books Jane and Michael keep running into people who are from, like, various fantasylands or characters from books, who know Mary Poppins and evidently had their own adventures with her taking care of them and miss her
well if Mary Poppins had been Boromir and Faramir's nanny things wouldn't have got so fucked up in Gondor I am just saying
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huanglaoshu · 11 months
Scene after Bertie gets blackmailed and is dressing for dinner:
"Yes, sir. The trousers perhaps a quarter of an inch higher, sir. One aims at the carelessly graceful break over the instep. It is a matter of the nicest adjustment." "Like that?" "Admirable, sir." I sighed. "There are moments, Jeeves, when one asks oneself 'Do trousers matter?'" "The mood will pass, sir."
"...She will not like this, Jeeves, and I don't mind telling you that the more I contemplate the coming chat, the colder the feet become." "If I might suggest, sir -- it is, of course, merely a palliative -- but it has often been found in times of despondency that the assumption of formal evening dress has a stimulating effect on the morale." "You think I ought to put on a white tie? Spode told me black." "I consider that the emergency justifies the departure, sir." "Perhaps you're right." And, of course, he was. In these delicate matters of psychology he never errs. I got into the full soup and fish, and was immediately conscious of a marked improvement. The feet became warmer, a sparkle returned to the lack-lustre eyes, and the soul seemed to expand as if someone had got to work on it with a bicycle pump. And I was surveying the effect in the mirror, kneading the tie with gentle fingers and running over in my mind a few things which I proposed to say to Aunt Dahlia if she started getting tough, when the door opened and Gussie came in.
"You aren't coming down to dinner like that, are you? What are you wearing a white tie for?" "Jeeves recommended it, to keep up the spirits." "Well, you're going to feel a perfect ass. Old Bassett dines in a velvet smoking-jacket with soup stains across the front. Better change." There was a good deal in what he said. One does not like to look conspicuous. At the risk of lowering the morale, I turned to doff the tails.
-- The Code of the Woosters, chapter 5
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noandnooneelse · 3 months
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i'm not complaining, i'm just mentioning it
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there must be something that plum is trying to tell us with the story about mabel and biffy. i don't know what it is but there's just something there.
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aceredshirt13 · 11 months
listen I know there are already a small number of Jeeves-Black Butler crossovers out there but I need one where they just are forced to interact with each other long-term. Jeeves and Sebastian get along instantly. Bertie and Ciel absolutely hate each other. Sebastian is convinced Jeeves is a fellow demon for at least 24 hours
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antiqua-lugar · 6 months
oh god the narrator calls Sceleritas "your gentleman's gentlegoblin" which feels like a Jeeves & Wooster reference since Jeeves is often referred to as "a gentleman's gentleman"
It might just be a throwaway reference
the Jeeves & Wooster series is about a kind but light head aristocrat with absolutely zero ambitions (Bertie Wooster) who keeps getting into troubles and his super smart genius valet (Reginald Jeeves) has to continuously get him out of it
a huge theme of the books is that Bertie has absolutely zero ambitions in life, he just wants to have fun and chill and be with Jeeves forever (yes, really) and his family is constantly either demanding favours from him or demanding he makes something of himself and/or gets married to be a proper aristocrat
which I think it's the entire opposite of what is happening here? like Sceleritas very much wants Durge to stay in their family's clutches?
Which is also interesting because the books often emphasize that Jeeves is NOT a butler but a valet
Something something a valet serves the man but a butler serves the house/family something something oh my god the themes
FUN FACT: Jeeves while being very proper is also a... questionable character in the books who initially manipulates Bertie for profit until he grows genuinely fond of him and also decides to be with him forever (YES, REALLY) but stil remains. questionable. in the sense that he drugs a guy and assaults a policeman immediately and with zero remorse to get Bertie out of the soup.
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v-thinks-on · 1 year
A Series of Rummy Circs. by Reginald Jeeves
The Bally Beginning
The Newt Nursery
The Anxious Aunt
The Earnful Employment (if that’s the word I mean)
The Old School
The Ersatz Eustace
The Tough Crowd
The Calamitous Clinic
The Ravenous Racecourse
The Downhill Dalliance
The Yearnful Yacht (which here means “containing an excess of Madeline Bassett”)
The Second-to-last Soup
The Toodle-pip
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isfjmel-phleg · 1 year
. . .
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scoobit9 · 4 months
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A bit of fry and laurie or what have you
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hugh-lauries-bald-spot · 11 months
bertie was just so small and blue eyed and smiley and hopeless that he bagged himself a man with a fat ass who can cook & clean
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szappan · 1 year
having very amusing and elaborate daydreams all about bertie wooster getting his t shot
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