#but leon is in charge
nhlmcfilthy · 1 year
Could End in Burning Flames or Paradise
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I have no idea about any of the real time events, I'm assuming they both made it to the NHL right away, given their high pick status, and I'm not about to go do research on this friends, I just wanna write some dirty stuff about them being horny for each other, ok? Don't focus too much on the specifics, k?
Warnings: absolute smut (eventually). Rimming, hand jobs, light dom/sub. Not really orgasm denial but definitely asking first. I feel like there’s more to this fic, maybe a second instalment?
Word count: 7K (whoops)
The Leon Draisaitl has a problem. Specifically, Leon Draisaitl has a Connor McDavid problem. Like, he's happy to have Connor on the team - thrilled actually. A generational talent like that playing with him, it's the dream, really. He couldn't be happier than that. He spent the off season watching videos of Connor, he sees how he trains and takes care of his body. The jokes about how he's more robot than hockey player don't phase him, Leon's German, he appreciates a well run machine. He's just....distracted. Now that Connor is here and in the change room and Leon is seeing him close up, his sort of secret, not-really-a-crush-just-an-appreciation-of-his-talent-shut-up-ok THING is a problem. He's had crushes on guys before and it hasn't been a big deal, but there's something about Connor that's just magnetic to him. He can’t stop thinking about him. He FEELS him entering the room. It's like the room is getting smaller and smaller and that it's just them. All the clichés he's heard before. He just doesn't know what to do.
The first time Connor takes off his shirt in the locker room his brain sort of short circuits. He starts thinking about being on the beach with him, and how nice it would be to just like, put sunscreen all over him. Innocent enough, then he's pulling down his shorts a bit (just in case they ride down when he's tanning or playing with a football or something. Everyone knows you have to put sunscreen just under where the clothing line is...) and then Connor is looking at him with a devious look in his eye, saying he can go lower if he wants, and Leon is just...salivating. Like, he can't believe this, and then...then he's right back in the dressing room and Connor McDavid IS talking to him but he's got his base layer on and he's looking at him like he's probably said something an embarrassing amount of time ago and Leon has just been staring and good job, Leon, you should probably say something now. "Hey, Connor, Leon. Sorry, I’m still working on Germany time. So nice to meet you, great to have you on the team" and he salvages the moment, he thinks. Gotta keep it under control Leon.
Most players in the locker room don't care that he's gay, but he doesn't need to make a fool of himself here. Connor is so new here and already has the pressure of the world on him, you're just welcoming him to the team. He also doesn’t know if Connor is gay, and it’s only training camp and you don’t want to be awkward with the new superstar.
So if Leon goes home and he can't sleep that night and he looks up videos of Connor playing and working out and if he gets hard and jerks off (just a little, most of the time he's picturing Sebastian Vettel, anyways, it's just the videos of Connor that get him going) nobody needs to know, right? He tells himself he can keep it in check.
But training camp is grueling, and he's tired, and he's paired with Connor a lot, both young stars, it makes sense. And if he gets exhausted and slips into a fantasy here and there, he can't help it.
Connor is actually really sweet about it. He brings Leon an extra coffee the next morning and he also seems to think that Leon is maybe dehydrated and gets the training staff to give him extra Gatorade. He's even chatted about nutrition and Leon managed to have a totally normal conversation that time. He did not fantasize about feeding Connor chocolate dipped strawberries. Shut up brain, not now!
They have amazing chemistry on the ice, and Leon knows he should be offering to hang out more often, but Connor is actually pretty shy (and has a really strict regime/schedule) and Leon is honestly afraid to ask him anything cause he's pretty sure it'll just come out as something like "hey Connor you wanna come over and watch movie but I'm just going to be watching you and thinking about what your mouth around my cock would look like or my hands on your hips and I fuck you over the edge of this couch" and he can't really say that now, can he? There’s not much downtime anyways and Connor is always getting pulled into media.
Hockey wise, they are seriously tearing it up on the ice. He’s challenging himself to keep up every day and he seems to be the only one who can. He’s bagged at the end of the day, but like, nobody else is close to keeping up with him. He thinks he’ll have a chance to actually play on a line with Connor. He’ll just have to get used to the cellys. Their body running into each other, slamming into the boards, Connor grabbing his helmet and tucking Leon’s head into his shoulder, or throwing his arms around Leon’s waist, its…a lot. Leon is thankful for all the all the equipment he’s wearing and he rushes to the the showers directly after and takes the longest, coldest shower known to man. It’s going to get exhausting.
After the game Connor is feeling pretty jacked. All the guys are. Preseason game or not, Connor McDavid is on their team and things are looking good. Connor and Leon have been having more normal conversations where Leon can mostly control his fantasies, and then Connor comes over and slings his arm around Leon’s shoulders. He’s so close to Connor’s face and Connor is basically talking into his ear. His breath is hot on Leon’s cheek. Leon sinks into the feeling then freezes. He doesn’t want it to stop, but he also doesn’t know what to do. He’s just got his shorts on and his brain has already gone on overdrive. He’s picturing Connor putting his other arm around him the pushing his body up against Leon’s. Lining up with Leon’s ass, he can feel Connor’s dick hard and grinding into him, maybe nibbling on his ear lobe and oh no, Connor is looking at him again. Leon sort of shrugs Connor off him and he runs to the bathroom and changes quickly. Thankfully this time his body hasn’t quite caught up with his brain but he knows that was kind of an awkward move. Connor is sitting in his stall (which happens to be next to Leon’s) when Leon comes back out, looking a bit dejected. He catches Leon’s eye on the way back and Leon kinda can’t avoid it. “Sorry if I'm too handsy, I’ve been playing with Mitch Marner for the last couple years, I forget not everyone wants some guy all over them. Even I don’t like it really, just got used to it. Marns has no personal boundaries” he laughs and he’s smiling so much and Leon says it’s ok and just kinda nods a lot takes as much clothes as he can without being weird to the showers and when he’s done, Connor is doing media again.
So when Eberle hosts a party at the end of the week Leon is a bit worried. He’s never been so excited, never been so tired, and never been so horny in his life. Everything is just turned up to 11. He promises himself he’s going to take it easy, but he’s still a young guy on the team and he’s being fed drinks by Nuge and Ebs and he’s feeling a bit drunk. After a few drinks though, he actually feels great. He’s not all anxious and stressed. He’s dead tired, yes, but he can sleep it off. He’s not feeling like a tightly wound like a guitar string, ready to snap. He sees Connor across the room and he looks a bit lost. Leon just thinks “I can do this” and goes over to him. When Connor sees him coming he lights up and waves him over, clearing space on the love seat. He’s out on the deck and as far as Leon had seen, he’s had a bunch of short one on one conversations, but nobody’s really stayed in conversation too long. It must be kinda lonely being Connor McDavid, he thinks. Placed on this pedestal, so high above everyone else. No one else in even close to his level, and he’s basically only lived and breathed hockey up till now. Leon feels a bit bad for him and as he strolls across the room, he tries to put every sexy thought about Connor McDavid in a box and close it up. He sits on the couch and Connor moves over, giving Leon plenty of space, but Leon feels brave so he brings a leg up, sitting sideways across the couch, pressing his shin against Connors thigh. “How’s it going Connor” Leon smiles. The two chat for a while and eventually Connor does confide that he thinks people find it hard to talk to him, hard to relate. Leon knows pressure, he’s the highest ever drafted German player. He’s no Connor McDavid, but he’s got the hopes and dreams of Germany on his back and he feels it sometimes. They’re chatting and drinking and relaxing seems to weirdly be the answer. Leon is actually enjoying having a conversation, leaning in, Connor puts his arm up along the back of the couch and Leon doesn’t imagine holding in down and crawling on top of him (or if he does, it's in the back of his mind, easier to ignore). Eventually they’re both a bit loaded and talking about their childhoods and friends and stuff and Leon is leaning more and more into the places where Connor is touching his body, but it’s loose and light and he's mostly able to focus on the conversation and then Connor puts his hand on Leon’s thigh and he’s not even aware of it but Leon’s brain just flips and switch and he can’t stop it and he just looks at Connor and says “I want you to ride me until you beg me to let you cum” and then he freezes. Shit. He knew getting drunk was a bad idea. Connor is staring at him, head cocked sideways like a puppy. He doesn’t look mad, just confused. Leon wonders if he even said it out loud, but he’s pretty sure he did. Connor finally speaks “dude, we’re you just speaking German to me? How drunk are you?” and he laughs, throwing his arm around Leon and messing up his hair. Somehow, amazingly, he didn’t fuck this up. Also, now that he’s said it out loud, he kinda feels more relaxed. It’s like saying it got something out of his system. He wrestles his head from Connor’s grip and fixes his hair. He even reaches over and messes up Connor’s a bit. They spend the rest of the night chatting and if Leon drops a few German curse words in when he feels like Connor is being just a bit too sexy for him, who’s the wiser.
The next day the have a late practice and of course they get bag skated because everyone knows they’re hungover. Leon is bone tired. He passed out as soon as he got home last night but doesn’t feel like he slept a bit. Connor looks sort of the same. His hair is all messed up but he honestly looks amazing. He has morning sex hair and it’s not fair and Leon tells him so. Still half asleep and also exhausted, he defaults to German again, and then remembers his realization from last night. He looks away from Connor and continues to mumble to himself “you look like you just woke up after being fucked so hard you forgot your name. I want to fuck you in your stall, you riding me while holding on to the hooks, screaming my name.” He tries to make it sound boring and monotone, and he’s fairly successful, but his breath does catch at the end. Connor just rolls his eyes at him like “typical Leon” so this is a thing now. Leon is thrilled. Finally it feels like he can function. This is brilliant. Him and Connor go out for dinner after practice and he has a great time keeping up the conversation, but also mentioning in German about how he’d love to be jacking Connor off underneath the table right now.
Leon’s tendency to mumble in German or strait up forget he’s speaking German in the locker room is well known after a couple months, so when Connor comes in and says good morning Leon just nods and then Taylor looks over and rolls his eyes “they already have a sick connection on the ice, now they’re speaking German. There’s no hope for any of us to catch up” and Leon hadn’t realized that Connor had said good morning in German. He does a double take at Connor and the Canadian’s face just lights up. “I’ve, uh, been looking up some German words” and he looks so shy and bashful and Leon absolutely wants to wipe that look from his memory but also save it forever. Leon composes himself and shoves Connor a bit and jokes “you’re gonna learn how to say ‘pass the puck’ so that I just get you more assists” and Connor smiles and yes, that was the right hockey chirp in that moment. Leon regroups later at home, thinking about what this means. Most curse words he’s using are slang and not the kind that the internet will provide without digging, and it’s not like Connor has all this free time, but still, he should be careful. The next time he mumbles something in German he keeps an eye on Connor and he can see him trying but comes up blank and then it barely looks like he’s paying attention at all after a while so he stops worrying so much.
He’s gotten better at hanging out with Connor, but it’s definitely followed by some furious jerking off when he gets home. He has to do something about it, otherwise he goes back to being grumpy Leon but he’s got this balance worked out. He’s stopped feeling bad about jerking off to his friend’s body because he’s sure there’s a whole bunch of gay dudes all over the world who are into hockey and into Connor doing it too, so why should he feel bad? Just cause he knows him and is friends with him, does that make it weird? He can’t think about it too much. It’s more of just a release and it’s working.
One day after a series of losses on a road trip they’re all piling into the locker room dropping off their stuff. Connor and Leon are sitting side by side in their lockers. They sat together on the plane and Connor fell asleep on Leon and drooled a little on his arm. Leon’s just thinking about how much he’d love to see Connor drooling from sucking his cock and Connor looked all ashamed when he woke up and he’s all soft and sleepy now, dozing off again half on Leon and so he just mumbled “God Connor, you look so fucking sexy I just want to take you into the therapy room, bend you over the massage table and eat your ass until you’re begging for my dick. Then I want to fuck you until until I fill you up with my cum” and Connor suddenly sits up, eyes wild and looks at Leon, looks at the therapy room, then looks at Leon again. Shit. Leon looks around then looks at Connor when he’s satisfied no one is paying attention to them “how much of that did you understand” Connor also glances around surreptitiously and looks sheepish and is blushing quite a lot. “Well , I know you mentioned the therapy room, and uh, I think you said something about” he pauses and drops his voice in to a whisper and it also drops about an octave and gets all gravelly “about fucking me and my ass and uh, um, uh eating it?” He looks at Leon then quickly looks away. His face is so red and he’s got his arm across his chest, like he’s protecting himself and he’s rubbing at his neck. “Jesus fucking Christ McDavid, are you good at everything” Leon says and Connor laughs, but stops and just looks at Leon. He’s waiting for confirmation. He’s put himself out on a limb here, and Leon is fucking it up again. “Um, yes, I did say that to you.” Connor swallows hard. Leon can see his Adams apple move and his own breath hitches. He doesn’t want to hope, but it feels like this could happen? That all the filthy fantasies that he’s told Connor about in a language that apparently he just learned over the last couple months could come to fruition. He can’t back down now. He doesn’t want to. But he has to make sure Connor can back down if he wants. He musters up all the confidence he has (which is a lot, he’s a professional athlete, but also he’s just a guy who has had a huge crush for a long time and is really laying it on the line here) and leans in to Connor and whispers in his ear “what’s the play, McDavid, you in or out?” He leans back and smirks a bit. Connor looks a bit like he’s going to back out, and then a smirk breaks out of the corner of his mouth “fuck yeah, let’s do this.” Leon can’t breathe for a second. He thinks about asking Connor to pinch him, but that’s too cheesy and he is also very aware of how real this is by how very uncomfortable his pants have become. He stands up as coolly as possible and looks around. Luckily most of the vets have shuffled off and he thinks he can command this room. “All right everyone out, McJesus here needs to do some special workouts in the therapy room and he doesn’t want to get embarrassed by the whiny noises he makes. He sounds like a fucking porno.” The guys look around and laugh and totally buy it. Leon and Connor have been spending a bunch of time together and also an unwritten rule of the team is whatever McDavid wants, he gets. Connor looks incredulous and Leon even thinks he catches a glimpse of him adjusting himself in his shorts. Leon quickly runs though his head of all the things that he wants to do to Connor, but there’s just too many and then everyone is gone and it’s just the two of them and Connor is looking at him expectantly. “We, uh, we doing this Drai?” Leon strides by him and turns his head back once he’s walked by “fuck yeah we are” and walks in the room and holds the door open.
Leon walks inside once Connor is in the room and locks the door cause you just can’t be too careful. He looks at Connor and breathes deeply. His voice steady and a tad bit lower than he expected when he instructs Connor to take off his clothes. Leon doesn’t move to help him. He doesn’t move to kiss him or touch his face. Just makes Connor strip in front of him. He can hear a slight noise form in Connor’s throat, almost like a moan he holds back, and Leon smirks. Connor looks up once he’s just in his boxers “umm, did you want me to take everything off or…” he looks at Leon, unsure. “Yes, hotshot. You want me to eat that ass or not?” Connor almost trips getting out of his boxers. “You gonna answer me, kid?” Leon asks even though Connor is only two years younger than him. He is a rookie after all. “Uh, yes, yes very much I’d like you to. You know. Do that” Connor says, almost running out of breath at the end, and then he manages to get some dignity back and looks Leon dead in the eye with glint of danger and says “you want me to call you sir or something?” Leon seriously considers it, and thinks about what he really wants, but he doesn’t want to push it just yet, so he just looks back and says “Leon will do for now. Now turn around and put your hands on the table” he says, in the same measured, monotone voice. Connor obliges. Leon wants to say to hell with the formalities, but he also needs to know what he’s getting into. “Have you ever done this before, Connor?” Connor sort of shifts like he’s going to turn around, then decides to just talk to the massage table. “No. I’ve never been with a guy and I’ve never” his voice gets breathy “I’ve never had my ass eaten either.” Leon smiles. “And you’re ok with me cumming inside of you? We’ve both been tested, but I want to make sure” Leon spreads a hand against Connor’s back and feels him jump a bit, but then arch into his hand “oh god yes Leon.” He sounds like a kids from a 50’s sitcom (oh golly gee, yes Leon), but it also gets Leon kinda hot. “Ok Connor. You let me know if I do anything you don’t like” Connor pushes his ass shamelessly up in the air towards Leon “I don’t know if that’s possible” and Leon has to swallow hard.
Leon takes a hand and smooths it down the arc of Connor’s ass, trailing his thumb along the inside. He feels Connor gasp and then hold his breath for a bit. Leon takes his other hand off Connor’s back and pulls open his ass cheeks. Leon takes deep breath, leans in and just breathes out into the puckering hole in front of him. Connor’s whole body reacts. He sees Connor’s leg muscles tense, his back arch, he’s pretty sure he throws his head back like a fucking porn star. God this is going to be good. “How are we doing so far?” Leon asks and Connor stutters as he answers “g-g-good Leon. Fuck, so good.” Leon chuckles and breathes out little short breaths into Connor’s ass cheeks. He plants small kisses on Connor's ass, hovering over the hole, but not quite going there. Connor is whining and trying to back into him and Leon warns him by firmly pushing him back into the table "stay fucking still." Connor sounds like a fucking child when he says "but you're driving me crazy" Leon backs up a bit "oh, you want me to stop?" Leon feels Connor's whole body react to that "please no god, sorry Leon, I'll behave" Leon thinks about it for a second and then pulls a hand off Connor's ass, winds up, and slaps it. Connor groans and Leon smiles "you fucking better"
Leon puts both hands on Connor's ass again and spreads his cheeks. He flattens his tongue, licking all around the hole smoothly across the skin. After Connor relaxes into it, he starts pressing in. Connor pressing back into it, puffing out air as an involuntary response. No noise, just breath. Leon fucks him slowly but firmly with his tongue. It's been such a long time since Leon has done this, and it's really one of his favourite things to do, but he knows it a lot the first time, and he really wants to get to the main event here. He slows down and lets go of Connor's ass. He thought Connor would wine again, but he's just leaning into the table breathing hard. "You like that, Connor?" Leon says, stroking up his back. "That is" Connor says between breaths "the best fucking thing to happen to me, ever" Connor manages to get out. "And I was drafted number one in the NHL" he adds, slyly, getting a chuckle from Leon.
“I don’t have any lube, so we’re just going to have to improvise” Leon says, then leans forward again and reaches around to grab Connor’s dick. Connor chokes a high pitched moan out and Leon strokes him for a second, then thumbs over the tip, collecting precum on his thumb and then lets go. Connor whines and Leon assures him “the next bit is going to be even better than that, don’t worry” Leon says before he sticks his fingers in his mouth. He sucks on them a bit, while rubbing the thumb covered in precum over Connor’s hole with the other hand. He removes his fingers from his mouth and between Connor's fluids, the wetness from Leon's mouth, and Leon's fingers, he's able to work two fingers into Connor pretty easily. Connor eagerly takes them, once again, trying to back into them and Leon has to use one hand to hold down the younger boy's hips. "Leon, fuck, Leon that's so good. Shit. Pleasedontstop" Leon is slowly working his fingers in and out the tight hole, starting to think about himself here. He has been achingly hard in his pants for too long now. He's been able to ignore it up until now, solely focused on Connor's enjoyment, and having a good time himself, but his dick is begging to be paid attention to.
Connor feels more relaxed and after a few more thrusts with his fingers. Leon says "I think you're ready, Connor" pulling his fingers out. Once again, Connor just takes the time to catch his breath and doesn't complain. Leon takes off his shirt, pants, and boxers and gets a hand on himself. He sighs a sigh of relief, finally getting to touch himself. Slowly stroking he checks in with Connor again "how are you doing, Connor?" Connor is resting on the massage table, using it to support all his weight. "Please, Leon. Please" Leon squeezes his dick and moans with pleasure "please what, Connor?" Connor whimpers "Please fuck me. I need you. I need to feel your dick inside me now" Leon's knees buckle a bit. He's not sure he's going to be able to last very long, but likely neither will Connor. "Alright Connor, fuck, I'm gonna fuck you now" and Connor pulls himself back up on his elbows and Leon lines up with Connor's hole and he slowly presses in.
Connor has been sufficiently prepped, but Leon still takes care and moves in slowly. Connor starts backing up into Leon, but once Leon has started pressing in, he stops and cries out a bit. "Hey, Connor, take your time, slow down. You doing ok?" Leon asks, Connor gulps "yeah, it's just. A lot" Leon steadies himself. Letting Connor adjust to the feeling. "You let me know when you're ready for me to move again Connor" Leon says and Connor nods. Leon strokes up and down Connor's back, and finally Connor relaxes a bit more "ok, I'm good" and Leon starts moving in again slowly. It's excruciating, but also exciting. Knowing Connor is going to grow and stretch around him, and he has to close his eyes and hold back a couple of times cause he's getting pretty close himself. He’s never fucked somebody he cared about this much, and he's never been anyone's first time. He hooks up at bars and online, but this is totally foreign and kind of intense. Leon's proud to be Connor's first time. He wants it to be perfect. Connor is just so eager and feels so good around him. He's got a rhythm going now, each time pushing in a bit further and when he finally bottoms out, both him and Connor groan in unison. "God Connor, you're so tight, you feel so fucking good" Leon moans. Connor just rests his head against the massage table and hums in approval. He's starting to move with the rhythm, backing into Leon and Leon is beginning to feel overwhelmed.
Everything he's held back for the last couple months, every single fantasy he's had, it barely lives up to the real thing. He's fucking Connor McDavid and there is nothing better in the world. Connor is starting to moan and whine and move erratically and Leon leans over and asks "do you want to touch yourself Connor" and the younger man gasps and pushes up and reaches down to his cock. He turns around to look at Leon to make sure and Leon just nods. Connor wraps his hand around his dick and loses his footing a bit. His knees buckle and Leon grabs tightly onto his hips to steady him. Connor is stroking himself sloppily, moaning nonsense, but Leon makes out his name so he asks 'what do you want Connor?" Connor's speech is almost slurred when he replies "Leon, can I?" Leon closes his eyes and steadies himself knowing that his own release won't be much longer after Connor's. "Can you what, Connor?" He asks coolly. Connor works hard to keep his composure "can I cum Leon" he says. Leon bucks a little harder into Connor, and elicits a shout, but Leon calmly says "yes Connor, you can cum" and he feels Connor begin to stroke faster and everything gets tighter around his dick and Connor is moving so much and Leon is trying to steady him. Connor starts babbling and there's a series of "oh, oh fuck, oh fuck Leon. Shit, fuck, I think I'm gonna. I'm gonna cum, fuck" and then a tortured moan comes out and he's clenching all around Leon's dick and Leon is barely holding on here. Hearing Connor's reaction, hearing him say his name, knowing that it's Leon that made Connor feel this way, feeling him clench so tightly, Leon's starting to come undone. He grips tighter to Connor's hips, knowing that he's going to leave a bruise, and starts to feel his release coming. "Connor, you've been so fucking good, I'm gonna fill you up now. Fuck, Connor, you feel So Fucking Good” he say, punctuating each thrust. Connor is still stroking himself and Leon thinks he must be pretty raw at this point, but he keeps going and Leon finally releases with a groan. His knuckles are tight where they are gripping Connor’s hips and he is definitely going to leave bruises, but he thinks that Connor might enjoy having these little memories of tonight. He’s certainly going to enjoy seeing them later in the locker room and well, that’s something to file for next time. He releases his grip and takes Connor’s hand in his and slows him down until he’s let go of his dick completely. He still seems pretty dazed, the side of his face laying against the massage table. Leon is still inside Connor, and he leans over to whisper in Connor’s ear causing Connor to whimper as Leon’s still hard dick pushes deeper inside. Leon shudders as well. “You did so good, Connor” Leon croons into his ear. “So good for me. Did you have a good time?” Connor makes a noise somewhere between a grunt and a moan and tries to nod his head. Leon lets go of Connor and brings his hand up to stroke his face. “I’m gonna pull out now, and do you know what’s going to happen?” Connor tries to shake his head but just ends up looking at Leon questioningly. “I’m going to pull out and all my cum is going to leak out of your asshole where I filled you up.” Connor melts a little bit and Leon steadies him. “You made me cum so much, there’s going to be a lot.” Leon keeps stroking Connor’s face, making his way to his neck and keeping firm pressure on the back of Connor’s neck and upper back. “It’s going to drip down and feel so nice, and do you know what I like to do with it?” Leon asks, slowly stroking down Connor’s back “I like to clean it all up with my tongue” and Connor is sinking again. “Do you think you’d like that, or do you want to stop for tonight?” Leon says as he takes Connor’s hips again, trying to avoid the spots that are blossoming into bruises. “I…” Connor stutters “I want it. Fuck, Leon, I want it so bad, please Leon”
Leon wishes he had a his phone so he could record this as a voice note. It’s like the best porn, hearing Connor say that. Leon steadies himself and slowly pulls out of Connor, who whimpers a bit, but manages to stay still. Leon’s cock is followed by a trail of cum, slowly leaking out. Leon grabs a cloth and wipes himself off, and then puts both hands on Connor’s ass cheeks again. It’s like a bookend of rim jobs, and Leon thinks about how lucky Connor is to have him do this. Not in a cocky way, just the fact that someone has taken care during his first time.
Leon directs his attention back to Connor and sees that the cum has made its way down as far as his right knee. Leon starts there, licking up the inside of Connor’s thigh and under the swell of his ass, gathering it in to the hole and then licking it all up with his tongue and swallowing. Connor’s legs are shaking and he is lying on the massage table and using it to support most of his weight. His face is turned into the mattress and his eyes are pressed closed. His mouth is open, just a little bit. Leon continues licking around and cleaning up all the cum. He loves following the lines of liquid and getting every last bit. He appreciates a clean surface. When he’s done he presses kissing on the insides of Connor’s cheeks and squeezes the swell of his ass.
Connor is fully hard again and Leon runs a hand up and down his back “do you think you can cum again, Connor?” Connor hesitates “I’m not sure. I want to, but it’s so…so much” “I know baby” Leon strokes Connor’s back slowly and Connor basically mewls at the nickname. “Do you like it when I call you baby?” Leon asks, already knowing the answer. “Yes” Connor whispers, turning his face back into the massage table. “Don’t be ashamed, baby. I’d love to call you that” Leon says, knowing what he wants to ask, but not knowing if he should. It’s like, the ultimate fantasy, and this has already shattered his wildest fucking dreams, he doesn’t want to ruin in. Fuck it, though. He wants it, and he’s going to ask for it. “Connor, I’d really like it very much if you called me daddy, do you think you could do that?” Connor swallows heavily “yes daddy” he says breathlessly, and fuck. Leon thinks his brain is going to explode and his dick is also very interested in this now. “Thank you baby, you’re so good to daddy. Do you want me to finish you off? We can do it together” and Connor looks back and Leon and nods. “I’m going to need you to stand up, baby” Leon says, stepping back from the massage table. Connor closes his eyes and takes a second “yes daddy” Connor says and Leon smiles.
Connor pushes himself up and stands up facing Leon, who then steps towards Connor and cups his face. Leon looks at Connor and realizes that they haven’t kissed yet. A weird omission, but I guess it kinda started all hot and heavy, and that’s the way Leon likes it, but this feels more like a sweet moment. Leon leans in and presses his lips against Connor’s. Connor presses in hard and starts opening his mouth. Licking into Leon’s, full of desire. Leon pushes his tongue into Connor’s mouth, chasing the other boy’s tongue. He wonders if Connor can taste Leon’s cum, and his own ass. Leon is aching with how perfect this has been. How Connor has fulfilled every fantasy. He reaches down and grabs his and Connor’s cocks together in one hand and starts jerking them, hard. They’re both still slicked up with cum and they’re both raw and on the just the other side of uncomfortable. Connor is whining and sucking on Leon’s tongue and Leon pulls his tongue out of Connor’s mouth and bites on his lip, sucking hard afterwards. He makes his way to suck on Connor’s ear lobe while they both take some breaths. “You like this, baby?” Connor is breathing hot against Leon’s shoulder, leaning on him to hold himself up. “Yes daddy, you’re so good to me, daddy, I’m gonna cum again for you” and Leon smiles and takes a quick nip on Leon’s neck before sucking a large mark. “I just want to let everyone know you’re mine, baby” Leon said and Connor nuzzles his face into Leon’s neck, mumbling. Leon isn’t gonna last much longer, and he’s pretty sure if he told Connor to cum now, he’d be ready to go. “Do you want to cum again for me, baby?” Leon whispers on Connor’s ear “yes daddy, so badly” Connor mouths onto Leon’s neck. “Ask nicely” Leon says. “Please daddy, can I cum now?” Connor asks. Leon’s starting to feel his own orgasm coming from the friction of his hand and Connor is bucking into it causing frictions on their dicks. Leon whispers “cum for me baby” in Connor’s ear and nibbles on his ear lobe as he feels Connor start to shake and fall apart. “I’m…I’m…im cumming for you daddy, oh god, oh fuuuuuck” Connor cries as he falls into Leon, and Leon struggles to hold them both up.
He leans Connor against the massage table after a few seconds and finishes jerking himself off, looking at the tired and spent Connor McDavid and replaying his favourite parts from tonight in his brain. He has a lot of material for later. He cums loud and hard and Connor just stares at him, looking dazed, but very satisfied. He wipes up again and walks up to Connor, bent over the massage table again. “Why don’t you lie down for a bit, it’s ok, I’ve got you, I’ll take care of you” Leon says, helping Connor onto the table. He finds a towel and he cleans Connor up. He finds his boxers and puts them on and grabs two more towels. “I’ll be right back, you just relax, I’ll take care of you baby” Leon says as he unlocks the room. Connor lies in the dark, collecting his thoughts and coming back to his body and soon enough Leon returns with two warm, wet towels. He puts one on Connor’s forehead, and uses the other to clean himself and Connor up, uttering soothing sounds, telling Connor how good he was. “So good for me, I hope you had a good time.” Connor grabs Leon’s arm and looks him in the eye “fuck, that was, I didn’t even know it could feel that good. Shit Leon. I mean, daddy” and he blushes. Leon looks down at Connor lovingly “you can call me Leon again. We’ll save daddy for in the moment stuff. You don’t want to slip up in the locker room” and Connor nods, squeezing Leon’s arm. “I don’t think I can move, can you carry me home?” and Leon cracks up at that. The idea that he fucked superstar Connor McDavid so good that he can’t move and needs to be carried, that’s something he’s going to hold onto until the grave. “You’re good, big guy” Leon says tapping Connor’s side “let’s get you home” he said collecting Connor’s clothes. They think about showering again, but it’s already late and they are super tired. Leon watches Connor get dressed, proud when he winces over a bruise, or walks a bit delicately from getting fucked, and he swells with pride. “Wanna stay at my place tonight? We can stop by yours on the way and get anything you might need for the morning?” Connor nods and smiles. Leon grabs another towel and a spray bottle and cleans up the rest of their mess. He takes all their used towels and throws them in a laundry basket. Leon sees Connor just standing there and comes up behind him, kissing the back of his neck, sliding his hands up Connor’s shirt in the front and running them over his chest. Connor hums. He turns around to face Leon and puts his hands on the small of Leon’s back. Leon steps into Connor and places a hand on the back or Connor’s neck. He brings their bodies together and when their dicks meet, even fully clothed, Connor hisses inwardly. Leon smiles and said “so good, baby” and kisses Connor’s lips. Connor smiles and after a quick kiss says “learning German was really worth it” and Leon doubles over laughing. He can’t breathe. He’s starting to feel the day and the last hour catching up to him. “Let’s go home, Connor” Leon guides him out of the room and into the locker room as they gather their stuff. “So” Connor looks at Leon while he’s throwing some gear in his bag and asks “is this just a one time thing, or…” and Leon smiles “you think that short of shit happens all the time, rookie?” Connor blushes “you know what I mean” and Leon sits next to him and leans in “I don’t plan on letting you get away any time soon. That was the best sex I’ve had in my life and guess what? It’s only going to get better” he plants a kiss on Connor’s cheek and squeezes his hand. “Now let’s get going, some of us didn’t get to lie down!” Connor rolls his eyes at Leon, but he’s still looking at him like he’s the best thing he’s ever seen. And he probably is. And they’re going to play hockey together for a time. And also sometimes, they’re going to fuck. And Connor wouldn’t want anything else.
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Arthur keeping tabs on Merlin day 1 so they can “accidentally” run into each other at the market
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doortotomorrow · 1 year
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LEON + ASHLEY - Island escape
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kenmageddon · 13 days
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Everybody knows that I’m a good girl, officer~
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deusluxuria · 5 months
buccellati: so what's the correct way to dance to goth music
abbacchio: socially awkward in the club shuffling your feet back and forth... bonus points if you have a glass of absinthe in one hand and never make eye contact with anyone the entire night
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sobashahzadi · 1 year
can u guess my fav colour🤔
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these are un ironically some of my favourite characters
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beyondkion-blog · 6 days
Sherry Birkin, by all accounts, should not be okay
In the span of 24 hours, at the age of 12, as a (assumedly by canon portrayals) rather sheltered child, Sherry Birkin experienced:
A real life zombie apocalypse, probably catching sight of friends and neighbors turning while she was home alone, most likely with the news on, watching her home town be destroyed by a virus
Being hunted and stalked by a monster that was still very obviously her own father
Getting kidnapped by a serial killer and known rapist who had the body of his latest victim on full display while he prepared to taxidermy it
Being captured and “implanted” with an embryo by said monster version of her father (though this is generally seen to be a process that happens through the mouth it is still very much Not Okay regardless)
Finding her mom and being immediately disregarded as a nuisance and a lost cause left to die in a literal heap of garbage
And seeing her mom die in front of her
And all of this before watching her home town be destroyed in a missile strike, getting (possibly forcibly) separated from the only people left to care for her, being relentlessly tested and experimented on by the government, and finding out that her new guardian was actually *another* evil psycho villain set on destroying the world
Sherry Birkin deserves all the therapy, jesus christ
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indilaras · 1 month
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Missing my kids uh I mean my characters hours. Leon got the biggest overhaul from since I last posted about him. Flags for no reason other than I wanted something simple for coloring-without-colorpicking practice.
Image description in the alt text!
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cockneydio · 2 years
anyone who has a difficult time fathoming Abbacchio's irrational hatred for the 16 year old turd who would turn out to be his cause of death has clearly never worked retail before
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popculturerobots · 1 year
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Leon vs. Mustard
Pokémon: Twilight Wings
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vitospaghetta · 4 months
Like. You're welcome to sit here and cope out of your fucking mind to make Leon out to be a sad orphaned introvert who would never flirt with someone already in an established relationship all you want but that still doesn't make a single thing in that statement to be true.
And for so many people to pass it off as fact and regurgitate the same idealized bullshit over and over and over and over until it becomes universal fanon makes it clear that nobody's actually interested in the real Leon.
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resizura · 4 months
i push back against ppl who say that ada BETRAYED leon (because her goal was the same from the start, all she did was lie about who was actually GETTING the gvirus if we go by re2make) because i dont think there was enough interactions to get their relationship to the point of him trusting her enough. like he even says he didnt trust her (despite him at least believing her up until the point of the altercation) but like… idk, there has to be a deep level of trust for there to be a betrayal imo
like they were borderline strangers and sure he “trusted” her but it was because he saw her as an authority figure, not necessarily a close bond (despite what the game wants you to think). like you dont get betrayed by strangers because you dont have that expectation of trust and loyalty (im sure there are instances where this happens but you know what im getting at). she did manipulate him and lie to him, but i think a betrayal is too far to say
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schadentekkers · 1 year
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newpotatomash · 1 year
I have to remind myself sometimes that letting the fictional old man be a cum guzzling whore is an option that's legal to pick, and I think?? Maybe the world ain't so bad.
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re4make · 5 months
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leon nendo......
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janamensch · 1 year
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