#but josh and eddie best friendism is so dear to my heart
neverevan · 7 months
Fuck It Friday 🧇
I was tagged by the ever so lovely @daffi-990 (go check out her new fic!) @giddyupbuck and @fortheloveofbuddie
I've been posting nothing but Christmas stuff lately (because that's all I've been writing lmao) so I thought I'd go for something different this time, if nothing else to motivate myself to get back to it after the holidays.
“So, are you just gonna wait for them to break up?” Josh asked over the brim of his cocktail glass.
“Yeah, I think so.” Eddie sighed in defeat.
Josh looked at him for a moment, clearly trying to gauge just how carefully he should phrase the question they were both thinking about.
“And what if they won’t?”
“Then,” Eddie tried and failed to swallow down his discomfort, “I missed my shot.”
“He’d still be happy, right? That’s good enough for me.”
“Is it?”
“Yes.” He found that the answer hurt more than a bullet through his shoulder, but he meant it, he really did.
If Buck was happy with Jason, well then… Eddie will feel shit about it and it will hurt a thousand times more every time he has to see them together but Buck would be happy and that’s gotta be worth something — everything. Buck deserved to have a good relationship for once, even if Eddie couldn’t be the one to give it to him.
“And hey, if it doesn’t work out, I hear the underboss at Metro Dispatch is single.” He wiggled his eyebrows as he took another swig of his beer.
This time Josh was the one who kicked him under the table.
“We both know you couldn’t handle me, Diaz.” He played along easily and they both snickered around the rims of their drinks.
Eddie never thought he would be this grateful for Josh Russo, but here they were.
✨no pressure tagging: @malewifediaz @spagheddiediaz @jeeyuns @ladydorian05 @disasterbuckdiaz @steadfastsaturnsrings @eowon @heartshapedvows @nmcggg @rainbow-nerdss @jamespearce9-1-1 @watchyourbuck @eddiebabygirldiaz @theotherbuckley @thewolvesof1998 @jesuisici33
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