#but its so funny that the goddamn BEE MOVIE ruined one of my friendships fhrhdhdhsjeejerggdejrj
autisticlee · 3 months
do you ever think about the events that led up to a friendship ending, one that you never got answers for, so you have to try to make your own conclusion? the type of end where someone is basically your best friend and you talk daily, then without warning, they suddenly barely acknowledge your existence or completely ghost you.
sometimes i'm reminded of the friend I had that I had plans to move in with and be roommates. we talked daily and were really close (at least I thought) and we seemed to understand each other and get along very well. then suddenly they they'd only respond to my messages with 1-3 words and never sent a message first, when before that it was novels of response and was daily and what we gave was equal. eventually they stopped interacting with me completely before suddenly blocking me with no explanation.
i spent a long time back then trying to figure out why they were acting like this, what I could have done. the only logical conclusion I came up with is so absurd that it still makes me laugh when I randomly remember it.
once in our group chat they asked if I watched the bee movie and said it was their favorite movie. I had not seen it, and didn't know anything about it besides the human woman lead was the love interest of the bee. I told my friend that's not my sort of thing. that human-bug romance makes me a bit uncomfy. I admit I also did poke a little fun at it because that was my response to that slight discomfort, but it was mostly just little jokes with friends. it was nothing bad like me shitting on the movie nor shaming my friend for liking it. mostly stuff like if they try to kiss the bee is so small wouldnt the woman accidentally inhale it? silly things like that.
but they took it seriously. they started explaining why it's so good beyond that weird romance. but I still said that's cool and all but i'm not super interested in it so don't plan to watch it. but i'm glad they enjoy it, though! and that it has a good message. i'm just not a movie person and don't really like watching them in general.
they left the group chat suddenly after that. can't remember if it was the same day or next day. but obviously it was related to that discission, considering it was our last. because that's when they started being super unresponsive and ghosty.
conclusion: they were secretly a bee furry and I accidentally offended them because I said that kind of romance makes me uncomfy. maybe they wanted to reveal that to me and thought i'd make fun of them for it and felt embarrassed. I wouldn't have but who knows. I sure am laughing at them now though. how can you ruin our seemingly very close and solid friendship out of nowhere over being a secret bee furry, or the very least over the bee movie lmao that's so ridiculous 🤣
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