#but it's good to make thatstuff anyway
tatck · 6 months
soooo what is the vagabond au what is like the concept of it how do things work
It's my fun little doll house where i can do what ever i want :) 1st chapter here It originally started as the question "what if instead of luffy it was sonic in the first episode of one piece", because i was thinking about how the theme of freedom is handled with their characters. That concept evolved into a comic and a world with a little history, which would include inspirations from treasure planet and the sonic boom lore & world. I like how mysterious sonic booms world was.
As to why it is called sonic the vagabond hedgehog? no deep reason. Sonic is a vagabond and i needed a title. He might eventually be called that but not sure yet.
The actual machimations of the world will be shown slowly, but there are a lot of sonic concepts too, like rings, loopdeloops and checkpoints too. Some things will just be background props.
The issue i'm working on right now will show off a little more of what the world is like and how things work, but mostly how eggman effects it. And I want to show off the sonic concepts, like warp rings, special zones and chaos emerald stuff in the knuckles issue if i get to that.
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