#but it would also feel weird to tag art of him in mtmte-verse with like the name of A Guy. OH WELL i'll figure it out
bandtrees · 1 year
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my buddy @flux-yggdrasil‘s rp - memento mori LIVE - is hands down the most hyped i’ve been about an rp in a long time - the worldbuilding is SO fun and these characters are humanized in ways so unique to these kids of rps and also the themes of it just hit close and i’m very fond. it’s been taking up real estate in my brain ever since it was pitched and i’ve been having so much fun with it
And i also made a little freak. as you can tell.
ALSO ALSO i rediscovered the brush i like to blend stuff with. so look out
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spockandawe · 4 years
K, N, Z! (Very late)
fasfd i appreciate the ask, because it reminded me that I had to actually respond to these things XD 
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?
Hmmm. This... is tricky. On principle, I’m not going to say Zuko, even though it’s divine. I’m having a bit of a hard time with this one, because a lot of my favorite arcs don’t have many big dramatic Moments where you see them making progress, which is something Zuko definitely had, and which then makes him a really solid example of a development arc :P
Let me see. It’s a small book fandom, so I don’t know how many people are familiar with it, but I’ve REALLY had Moon from the books of the raksura on my mind lately. It got pulled extra hard to the forefront of my mind when I saw this tor article about the series (and why it’s a nice read especially in terms of present events). But it is absolutely AMAZING to me when I look at Moon in the earliest parts of the series, and how defensive and untrusting and insecure he is, how unsafe he always feels, and see how far he comes by the end of the series. In a lot of ways, this development arc is more about processing trauma rather than a villain-to-hero-esque change, which is what I tend to gravitate towards, but it’s just... so lovely. I can go on and ON about this series if anyone is curious, but any character who goes from bitterly, unhappily resigned to loneliness to being one of the well-loved centers of a close-knit community, who ADORE him even though he’s not what he would have been if he grew up normally.... Perfection
Apart from that, lessee. Cyclonus is ALWAYS and forever a favorite. He’s so angry and hurting at the beginning of mtmte, and watching him soften and open up is exquisite. Even though Starscream’s arc.... did not end in a way I appreciate, I definitely appreciate how far he brought himself, and the potential for how much further he could have gone. Everything about Jon and Martin in the magnus archives delights me. I do also love Seivarden from the Imperial Radch books, and how she really, really struggles to be less of an asshole, but she works so HARD and makes so much progress. Oh, and you know what, additional shout outs to Sir Francis Varney and Grisaille in the Dr. Greta Helsing books, because I’m also a sucker for characters who go from unhappy, resigned loneliness to gradually feeling like they deserve the happiness they’ve found, and that they want to KEEP it.
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice)
HMMMM. I’m always a sucker for fics that are the long side of short and explore kink from an emotional angle. I don’t write nearly as much of it as I used to, so I really ought to be stepping up my game too, but I love the way you can use that to dig deep into a character’s heart and open them up in a really vulnerable way. What else. I’m spoiled by homestuck, but I don’t see NEARLY enough crackshipping these days. Transformers is pretty good, if you dig for the gems, but it’s not the same as writing, like, feferi/meenah/karkat and realizing that eyyy, I’m not the first person to break in that relationship tag. And in general? More meta. I love me some meta. It can be hit or miss, because I’m more likely to get annoyed by meta than I am by fic or art, but I just LOVE being able to dig down into the concept of [a story] and pull analysis out. I’ll do it myself, given a tiny bit of encouragement, but that’s not the same
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go! (Prompts optional but encouraged.)
Oh god. Uhhhh, to build off the last one, I guess, PITCH ROMANCE. I know I’ve yelled about this before, but it’s been a while! I will NEVER stop advocating for aemula endurae as a transformers concept, now that we’ve got pale and flush romance in at least one canon, but I honestly want this in every fandom I’ve ever touched. It’s a little more embarrassing to yell about the potential of miscellaneous crackships in smaller book fandoms as opposed to something Old and Weird like transformers, but ummm... like, Moon and River have amazing potential, but their relationship is so ADVERSARIAL for ages and they both still dislike each other, but in a background sort of way, and meanwhile River is tackling a half-Fell progenitor to protect Moon, or Moon is barely able to stay upright but is still trying to guard a badly-injured River, and they both think the other is an idiot but still respect each other and uhhhhhh what if they kissed? A lot???
I love love love a good enemies to lovers or rivals to lovers story. But that’s not quite the same as what a pitch romance involves. Like, I’m deeply invested in Loki/Steve Rogers, and if you stick to canon at all, that pretty much has to be enemies to lovers. But in the main fic I follow for them, like, they adore each other to pieces and just got married and are INTENSELY sweet on each other. Or, I’ve been considering going back to my starbladejack verse soon (i want to, badly, my prose engine is just broken), and Windblade and Starscream are romantically involved... and spend lots of time in heated arguments and yanking each other’s pigtails. But if an external threat shows up, they’re going to present a united front. Two parties exasperatedly thinking ‘you’re terrible, you’re the WORST, why do i like being around you so, so much’. It’s a delicate thing to balance compared to a standard flushed romantic paradigm, but there are so many foe yay ships out there where bringing people around to solidly being on the same non-adversarial side strips the spice away from what the ship was originally, and I just think there’s a lot of interesting potential in preserving some parts of that initial oppositional spark inside a stable, caring (pigtail-pulling) relationship.
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