#but im still thinking about how the camero is a metaphor for gansey's heart and soul
shayberri789 · 1 year
Thinking about how the Camero is a true representation of gansey on the inside. A new but old car/soul, fancy but with so many things broken and wrong with it but it works (mostly) anyway, and it's adored anyway
Thinking about how both Ronan and Adam stole the Camero for selfish but justified reasons, the same way they take Gansey's support love and trust for granted, and how they break his trust in doing so and yet Gansey loves and forgives them anyway, because they try to make it up to him (eventually)
Thinking about how the only person Gansey willingly let drive his car is the same person who wants to take care of Gansey the same way he cares for everyone else, and accepts his faults and flaws (how blue is pissed off by his shield, his president cellphone mask, but loves him more when she can see him being pitiful, unperfect, broken, and real, just like the camero)
I am once again thinking about Richard Campbell Gansey III
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