#but i'm coughing my lungs out and i really desperately need to get some syrup
icharchivist · 1 year
i caught a cold i think, and yesterday it was mostly bearable but now i’m feeling so sick and i would kill for some proper medicine and yet all i’m thinking about is this
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i failed him. where can i summon him for the hands to catch to bring me medicine though. Banri please answer my texts. 
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halcyonnhood · 6 years
Crash Into Me //Luke Hemmings // (Ch. One)
pls leave me feedback, i’m desperate lolz
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Chapter One
“Amelia, rounds are in eight minutes”
Amelia Callahan isn’t too pleased to find herself sleeping in an on-call room for the fourth night in a row. No one mentioned that part of “the grind” would include never going home and everlasting exhaustion. She just wants to sleep in her own bed and to eat something other than dreary cafeteria food. Shes only further annoyed by Benjamin Cox poking her cheek until she blinks lazily at him.
“C'mon, you gotta get dressed” Benjamin tells the sleepy girl.
“I’m already in scrubs” Amelia swats his hand away.
“Clean scrubs?”
“I said I’m in scrubs” She sends him a quick, pointed glare.
Apparently showing up to rounds first still wont win you brownie points from Stephan Barnes. The interns are buzzing with excitement, it’s finally time to change rotations and Amelia is ready for the change. She is tired of Cardiology and its horrid residents. All of the residents were too focused on making her life hell rather than teaching her anything useful. Nowdays she just swerves anyone from cardio.
“Callahan, Cox and Watson you’re in the Emergency Department.” Dr.Barnes nods at them over his clipboard.
“You'v-” Emily begins to argue, but is quickly cut off.
“No whining unless you want a months worth of doing nothing but notes and discharges” Dr.Barnes sighs. “Sanders, you’re in Pediatrics.”
Amelia wants to do nothing but scream and rant about the rotations. She has worked her ass off trying to get the service she wanted, but Molly Sanders gets Pediatrics instead? Unfair and biased. While Amelia sleeps, eats, and breathes the hospital, Molly probably sucked off the attending to get her preferred service. It makes her want to rip her own hair out, if sucking a forty year olds dick is what it takes to get favoritism, shes tempted. Instead, she just huffs towards Emily and Benjamin and tries to remember that at least she has class and sophistication. Sophistication with day old scrubs and messy hair, but it still counts.
“What are you waiting for? Find your residents!” Dr. Barnes shoos the interns away.
Amelia and Emily are unhappy about the Emergency Room service, but Benjamin is absolutely ecstatic, he LOVES emergency medicine. So, while hes practically jumping out of his scrubs in excitement, the two girls take the long way to the nurses station. By the time they reach their destination, the resident is waiting patiently. She decides that he looks kind enough, maybe they’ll get off easy with him and after shes done she can nap. One could only have such high hopes.
“I get THREE of you!? What a good surprise!” The resident grins. “I’m Dr. Ryan Thompson”
“Emily Watson, Amelia Callahan, and Ben Cox.” Emily gestures to all of them.
“Nice to meet you! So, listen, usually I’d start you on papers and scut work…But we’re really backed up, so I’ve sorted some easy cases for you. Page me if needed” Dr. Thompson hands them the folders before rushing away.
“Fucking jackpot” Emily grins at her two best friends. “First ER day and we get our own cases!?”
“We’ve been blessed” Benjamin laughs loudly and agrees.
Amelias first case was an old woman with COPD, it was a simple in and out after listening to her wheezy, rattling lungs. All she needed was some albuterol and a heavy dose of steroids and then the nurses discharged her. The second case was just as routine, a child with strep. So she orders the screaming child some antibotic syrup and cough syrup then sent them on their way. So far, she was bored out of her mind. That is until Thompson drops by the nurses stations and plops another folder on her stack. She glances over the admission and nurses notes and it immediately peaks her interest. A twenty two year old with what appears to be a Traumatic Brain Injury with a persistent headache. It’s her own jackpot, something that isn’t dull and usual.
When Amelia rounds the corner to room 20a, she hears nothing but shouting and crashing from within the room. She knocks on the door once and with no response, she cracks the door open to find four boys shouting at each other. On the floor lays one of the side tables and one of the boys. The first one to notice her standing there is a tall, tan boy who just watches her with wide eyes and an “oh, shit” expression. When the other boys notice, the boy on the ground just starts laughing a high pitched giggle and turns back towards the tan boy.
“God damn it, Calum. I told you the nurses would notice” The boy huffs in between giggles.
“Sorry about the mess, I’ll clean it up!” The boy, now named Calum says quickly.
“I don’t care about the mess” Amelia sighs narrowing her eyes at the giggly boy. “But I’m not a nurse”
The boy turns slightly, face twisting in surprise as he glances at her tag. “Oh, man. I’m sorry”
“It’s cool, I get it a lot.” Amelia just shrugs. “Dr. Amelia Callahan.”
“Ashton” The boy greets. “Also, Calum, Michael, and sick boy Luke”
“Nice to know he brought support…Very loud support.” She just shakes her head. “So, Luke update me on what happened.”
“We were playing soccor and Calum accidently kicked me in the head when I tripped..Which caused me to hit my head off the pavement.”
Amelia focuses on the boy sitting crosslegged on the hospital bed, his honey brown curls falling into his face and his face blushed a soft pink as he explains the accident. His blue eyes dart from her and then to Calum, she can see that he’s nervous. She can also see the dark blue and purple mark forming across his pale forehead.
“Can I ask you a few things while I check you out?” Amelia questions.
“Uh, yeah.” Luke shrugs.
“When did this happen?” She asks while she flashes her penlight into both of his eyes. She finds one pupil is dilated while the other is not.
“About two hours ago, I’ve had a headache since” Luke squints at the bright light.
“Any other symptoms?” She observes the contusion up close, purple and blue spreading around the sight of impact. “Confusion, dizziness, nausea?”
“I’m nauseous and dizzy, but I thought that was from the headache” Luke mumbles quietly realizing it wasn't the headache at all.
“So, I believe you have a grade two concussion, which earns you some nice CT scans and a couple hours chilling here with me.” Amelia smiles at the blonde boy. “You have a contusion and anisocoria, which is the main indicator of a concussion. I’ll get you some pain meds and something for the nausea. You’ll feel brand new!”
When Amelia exits the room to go make the notes and place Luke’s orders, she isn’t expecting Benjamin waiting for her by the door. The babyfaced, brunette boy is trying to peak through the door when she notices HER charts tucked in his hands. She can feel her face blushing with anger at the sight, but he just grins at her innocently.
“What do ya need, Ben?” Amelia questions. She tries to steady her tone and not lose her temper.
“Trade me cases.” Benjamin says bluntly. His smile is devilish and mischievous.
“Uh” She shakes her head. “No”
“Why not?”
“It’s my case, Ben. You have your own” She snatches the folder back away from him.
“But it’s Luke Hemmings” Benjamin whines loudly.
“And? Stop reading my chart.” She glares at him.
"I didn't read the chart" He bats his eyelashes in an attempt to distract her.
"Then you wouldn't know his name!"
“He’s in a band, Amyyyy” Benjamin pouts at her “I wanna meet him”
“Don’t exploit my patients, Ben. I’ll report your ass”
“No you won’t” He challenges.
“Stay out of my charts and leave Luke alone” Amelia ushers him away from the room. “I’ll kick your ass myself”
To say shes confused is an understatement. Benjamin, one of her dearest friends is fangirling over a patient. A patient that is supposedly in a band and she has no clue what band it is, has she heard of them? Will other people find out? Will she actually have to kick Bens ass to keep his fangirl ways at bay? So many questions and potential issues pop up within a matter of ten minutes. Apparently Amelia has a lot to catch up on while Luke is getting his scans done.
Tags: I'm just gonna tag @beysenpai cause I told them about this idea first ages ago.
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